Why Do People Claim the Afghan Military Wouldn't Fight?


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
I saw a statistic recently that the Afghan military lost 66,000 people killed in fighting the Taliban. This is some 12 times the total number of Americans killed in Afghanistan (counting contractors).

so how can people (on both sides) get away with claiming that the "Afghans wouldn't fight"?
I saw a statistic recently that the Afghan military lost 66,000 people killed in fighting the Taliban. This is some 12 times the total number of Americans killed in Afghanistan (counting contractors).

so how can people (on both sides) get away with claiming that the "Afghans wouldn't fight"?
They immediately surrendered without a fight, so thats why they say that.
They immediately surrendered without a fight, so thats why they say that.
U.S. forces left Bagram Airbase in the middle of the night. That was just idiotic decision that helped destroy morale.

Remember when Congress cut off the fuel, ammo and air support to the South Vietnamese? You think the Afghans haven't about that?

Yeah, Quid Pro Joe really fucked this up.
They immediately surrendered without a fight, so thats why they say that.
No they didn't, we did! They lost the air-cover they had been trained to fight under and then saw that the US was literally running from the country, it was Biden and his feckless generals who capitulated, the heroic Afghani's swiftly collapsed. Further, and this is key, Biden, and deviant democratic fascist party had ordered the US embassy to fly the rainbow flag, and had introduced masters level courses at the Kabul university in things the culture uniformly despised, and rightly saw as a great evil, attacking masculinity, and natural biological law, this is why it fell so swiftly, by time Biden was running away, 90% of that country was unified with taliban against the great satan.

And you know what, America, under democratic fascist totalitarian rule, is the great satan!
Joe removed all surveillance tech and air support he took our eyes off the field of battle leaving the Afghan fighters defenseless and blind and no one can explain why....Why go that far?....
The objective was to engineer a defeat so 1) Joe Xiden could say "I told you so" and 2) so he could blame Bush and Trump.
I saw a statistic recently that the Afghan military lost 66,000 people killed in fighting the Taliban. This is some 12 times the total number of Americans killed in Afghanistan (counting contractors).

so how can people (on both sides) get away with claiming that the "Afghans wouldn't fight"?
Fight ? Maybe
Fight well ? Apparently not
I saw a statistic recently that the Afghan military lost 66,000 people killed in fighting the Taliban. This is some 12 times the total number of Americans killed in Afghanistan (counting contractors).

so how can people (on both sides) get away with claiming that the "Afghans wouldn't fight"?

They were fighting to receive a paycheck from the American taxpayer.

When America said they were pulling out, it was the end of the loaf of that bread.

Does anyone with a half a brain cell really believe that they were going to keep fighting without a paycheck knowing fully well the only reason they were fighting in the first place was for a paycheck?
U.S. forces left Bagram Airbase in the middle of the night. That was just idiotic decision that helped destroy morale.

Remember when Congress cut off the fuel, ammo and air support to the South Vietnamese? You think the Afghans haven't about that?

Yeah, Quid Pro Joe really fucked this up.
biDen supported denying the South Viets getting what they needed to not be destroyed. However, he was only ONE Dem senator at the time. Afghanistan is his "hold my beer" moment. He WANTS America's enemies to WIN!!!

I saw a statistic recently that the Afghan military lost 66,000 people killed in fighting the Taliban. This is some 12 times the total number of Americans killed in Afghanistan (counting contractors).

so how can people (on both sides) get away with claiming that the "Afghans wouldn't fight"?

I tried to find that information, but couldn't. My guess is that number reflects the total number killed or missing in the last 20 years.

Reports out of Afghanistan are saying that Afghan Security Forces are surrendering or deserting in large numbers since the US military pulled out and left them with no air support or intel. It was reported that they were getting paid by us, but when we left they stopped getting paid, and little or no supplies and ammo either.
They were fighting to receive a paycheck from the American taxpayer.

When America said they were pulling out, it was the end of the loaf of that bread.

Does anyone with a half a brain cell really believe that they were going to keep fighting without a paycheck knowing fully well the only reason they were fighting in the first place was for a paycheck?
They routinely were not paid by Afghani government, if we didn't pay them they would not have survived as a force, you have to pay soldiers and cover their medical issues, you cannot provide much of an army if you do not, taliban accomplishes this by flooding America and Europe of grade-A heroin. the billions earmarked for military aid in reality went to the ruling elites, and I am certain a great chunk of that money fled country with fleeing figurehead president!
They routinely were not paid by Afghani government, if we didn't pay them they would not have survived as a force, you have to pay soldiers and cover their medical issues, you cannot provide much of an army if you do not, taliban accomplishes this by flooding America and Europe of grade-A heroin.

Hey, man, I was just answering the question.

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