Why do people claim the military "risks their lives" to "protect our freedoms"?

Our freedom is not impacted by the majority of our overseas military actions. It is more of a projection of power than preservation of our basic freedoms
The vast majority of military members go their entire careers without seeing combat. The rise of drone warfare means an increasing number of those who do are still risking not much more than a tax payer bought robot. None of our recent wars actually had anything to do with defending the United States or its citizens' freedom. Afghanistan was supposedly about finding bin Ladin. Iraq was about kicking Saddam out of power to find his non-existent chemical weapons and a few billion tons worth of oil for Bush's butt buddies. The newest Iraq war will be to try to fix the problem of the massive army of genocidal conservative crazies our most recent fuck up there created.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to thank our troops for the sacrifice of six years they could have spent going to college to go out and risk occasional inconvenience for our national oiligarchs' bank accounts?
Clearly, your brainwashing won't allow you to think for yourself, but I'll just address the subject line as the rest of your post is nothing more than lies.

Regardless of whether or not a military member sees combat or performs in some kind of war theater, they stand head and shoulders above your cowardice by simply signing up.

You seem to think that once they sign up, that if they are called to go to war, they simply get to say, "no thanks" and can walk away. The commitment is real, the service is real, and the danger is present at all times.

Simply say thank you to them when you see them and then be on you merry.
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What a bunch of total ingrates! I suppose nobody in this country lost any of their freedoms on 9/11 or in any of the other terror attacks since. I suppose the goat fuckers are really just kiddin around when they cut off people's heads. You haven't seen any dead bodies littering the sidewalks and streets of your neighborhood lately so you let yourselves become convinced that war is something from Hollywood or TV drama that exists to provide you entertainment.
You apparently have gotten tired of, or bored with, The War on Terror but miss the fact that terror's not done with it's war on you. And you obviously don't understand that it's much much better to fight on your enemies' territory than on your own.
For the most part you sound like a bunch of spoiled snot-nosed children incapable of understanding the sacrifices made daily to keep you secure in your ivory towers. I certainly expect more from adult Americans!
Sorry not sorry. I'm not going to treat you like a hero just because of your choice of employment or suck your cock because you sacrificed a few years of your life doing paperwork and dealing with the occasional minor inconvenience. The "War on Terror" is a fascist sham and you know it. Besides, the military didn't protect us on 9/11. The US military poses a greater threat to me than the Taliban freedom fighters living in caves halfway across the world. The US government is more likely to kill me than the latest CIA cock up ISIS. I'm just going to keep my eye on the real dangers and let the cons mindlessly worship military personnel for their inability to get a good job.
You would piss yourself if real danger ever showed up at your door.
About half a million American Servicemen lost their lives protecting the freedom of the greatest Nation in the world during the bloody 20th century. You can count on low information (mostly) lefties to be ignorant of that fact.
Our freedom is not impacted by the majority of our overseas military actions. It is more of a projection of power than preservation of our basic freedoms

History shows otherwise. We live in a small world that gets smaller by the day. You think that if we had refused to fight overseas in WWII it wouldn't have impacted our basic freedoms? Do you speak German? Japanese? Your inability to understand something doesn't change reality.
About half a million American Servicemen lost their lives protecting the freedom of the greatest Nation in the world during the bloody 20th century. You can count on low information (mostly) lefties to be ignorant of that fact.

There is little doubt they died for their countries interests. But did it save anyone's freedom?
What would it take for someone to take away Americas freedom? An invasion of the continental US and abolition of our Government and constitutional freedoms. When was the last time someone invaded our country? 200 years ago?
Our freedom is not impacted by the majority of our overseas military actions. It is more of a projection of power than preservation of our basic freedoms

History shows otherwise. We live in a small world that gets smaller by the day. You think that if we had refused to fight overseas in WWII it wouldn't have impacted our basic freedoms? Do you speak German? Japanese? Your inability to understand something doesn't change reality.
Neither Germany or Japan had the capability of invading continental US. Germany was incapable of invading England while Japan could not take Hawaii
What would it take for someone to take away Americas freedom? An invasion of the continental US and abolition of our Government and constitutional freedoms.

I would worry most about this coming from within. :D Citizens and people in government wanting to infringe upon any one of our rights is an attack on our freedom, IMO.
What would it take for someone to take away Americas freedom? An invasion of the continental US and abolition of our Government and constitutional freedoms.

I would worry most about this coming from within. :D Citizens and people in government wanting to infringe upon any one of our rights is an attack on our freedom, IMO.
You are correct

The US cannot be invaded from the outside. Any loss of our freedom will come from within
We lost more freedom from our reaction to 9-11 than we did from Pearl Harbor
You are correct

The US cannot be invaded from the outside. Any loss of our freedom will come from within
We lost more freedom from our reaction to 9-11 than we did from Pearl Harbor

I agree with him also but you are missing the point. The point is that an invasion is not required for Americans to lose their freedoms and it's silly for you to keep insisting otherwise. Did the Americans in the WTC not lose their freedoms along with their lives? How many other Americans and American allies have lost their freedoms along with their lives in recent years. How many have lost their freedom by being drafted into the military and becoming government property?
Japan did if fact invade numerous US possessions during WWII. I suspect the Americans killed in the Bataan Death March weren't happy about losing their freedoms. And it doesn't take much insight to understand that the Nazis would have gotten around to us once they had cleared some of what they already had on their plate. Embassy grounds are considered the soil of the country maintaining that embassy. Can you think of a few times our embassies have been attacked and/or invaded? I new you could.
And did you miss the thousands-many armed-flooding across our southern borders? We are currently being invaded and losing our freedoms and you continue to bleet that it cannot happen.
You are correct

The US cannot be invaded from the outside. Any loss of our freedom will come from within
We lost more freedom from our reaction to 9-11 than we did from Pearl Harbor

I agree with him also but you are missing the point. The point is that an invasion is not required for Americans to lose their freedoms and it's silly for you to keep insisting otherwise. Did the Americans in the WTC not lose their freedoms along with their lives? How many other Americans and American allies have lost their freedoms along with their lives in recent years. How many have lost their freedom by being drafted into the military and becoming government property?
Japan did if fact invade numerous US possessions during WWII. I suspect the Americans killed in the Bataan Death March weren't happy about losing their freedoms. And it doesn't take much insight to understand that the Nazis would have gotten around to us once they had cleared some of what they already had on their plate. Embassy grounds are considered the soil of the country maintaining that embassy. Can you think of a few times our embassies have been attacked and/or invaded? I new you could.
And did you miss the thousands-many armed-flooding across our southern borders? We are currently being invaded and losing our freedoms and you continue to bleet that it cannot happen.
There is no doubt that America has interests around the globe. But the majority of our military actions did not preserve our freedoms at home. Vietnam did not make us more free, neither did Korea. Iraq did not make us free
We were attacked on 9-11 and our military had no role in defending us. Our subsequent losses in freedom came from within
You are correct

The US cannot be invaded from the outside. Any loss of our freedom will come from within
We lost more freedom from our reaction to 9-11 than we did from Pearl Harbor

I agree with him also but you are missing the point. The point is that an invasion is not required for Americans to lose their freedoms and it's silly for you to keep insisting otherwise. Did the Americans in the WTC not lose their freedoms along with their lives? How many other Americans and American allies have lost their freedoms along with their lives in recent years. How many have lost their freedom by being drafted into the military and becoming government property?
Japan did if fact invade numerous US possessions during WWII. I suspect the Americans killed in the Bataan Death March weren't happy about losing their freedoms. And it doesn't take much insight to understand that the Nazis would have gotten around to us once they had cleared some of what they already had on their plate. Embassy grounds are considered the soil of the country maintaining that embassy. Can you think of a few times our embassies have been attacked and/or invaded? I new you could.
And did you miss the thousands-many armed-flooding across our southern borders? We are currently being invaded and losing our freedoms and you continue to bleet that it cannot happen.
There is no doubt that America has interests around the globe. But the majority of our military actions did not preserve our freedoms at home. Vietnam did not make us more free, neither did Korea. Iraq did not make us free
We were attacked on 9-11 and our military had no role in defending us. Our subsequent losses in freedom came from within

It's much more complicated than that though. We have allies to consider. We have the "global economy" to consider.
You are correct

The US cannot be invaded from the outside. Any loss of our freedom will come from within
We lost more freedom from our reaction to 9-11 than we did from Pearl Harbor

I agree with him also but you are missing the point. The point is that an invasion is not required for Americans to lose their freedoms and it's silly for you to keep insisting otherwise. Did the Americans in the WTC not lose their freedoms along with their lives? How many other Americans and American allies have lost their freedoms along with their lives in recent years. How many have lost their freedom by being drafted into the military and becoming government property?
Japan did if fact invade numerous US possessions during WWII. I suspect the Americans killed in the Bataan Death March weren't happy about losing their freedoms. And it doesn't take much insight to understand that the Nazis would have gotten around to us once they had cleared some of what they already had on their plate. Embassy grounds are considered the soil of the country maintaining that embassy. Can you think of a few times our embassies have been attacked and/or invaded? I new you could.
And did you miss the thousands-many armed-flooding across our southern borders? We are currently being invaded and losing our freedoms and you continue to bleet that it cannot happen.
There is no doubt that America has interests around the globe. But the majority of our military actions did not preserve our freedoms at home. Vietnam did not make us more free, neither did Korea. Iraq did not make us free
We were attacked on 9-11 and our military had no role in defending us. Our subsequent losses in freedom came from within

It's much more complicated than that though. We have allies to consider. We have the "global economy" to consider.
Of course we do....we, as a nation, have global interests

Doesn't mean our "freedom" is jeopardized every time our global interests are jeopardized
There is no doubt that America has interests around the globe. But the majority of our military actions did not preserve our freedoms at home. Vietnam did not make us more free, neither did Korea. Iraq did not make us free
We were attacked on 9-11 and our military had no role in defending us. Our subsequent losses in freedom came from within

S. Vietnam and Korea were allies and allies help preserve our freedoms here at home. Vietnam and Korea were both part of the Cold War which most certainly effected our freedoms here at home. The jihadists are determined to kill or convert us either of which most certainly effects our freedoms.
The military exists to prevent or defend attacks. On 9/11 it failed and that failure certainly effected the freedoms of Americans here at home. It is not the job of the military to make us more free-that job belongs to civilians-it is there to defend the freedoms we already have. The ones we have were indeed purchased, and have been maintained, by the blood of our fighting men and women.
If you are unable to understand feel free to ask questions. Maybe you should save your comments for something you know something about. There's bound to be something.
There is no doubt that America has interests around the globe. But the majority of our military actions did not preserve our freedoms at home. Vietnam did not make us more free, neither did Korea. Iraq did not make us free
We were attacked on 9-11 and our military had no role in defending us. Our subsequent losses in freedom came from within

S. Vietnam and Korea were allies and allies help preserve our freedoms here at home. Vietnam and Korea were both part of the Cold War which most certainly effected our freedoms here at home. The jihadists are determined to kill or convert us either of which most certainly effects our freedoms.
The military exists to prevent or defend attacks. On 9/11 it failed and that failure certainly effected the freedoms of Americans here at home. It is not the job of the military to make us more free-that job belongs to civilians-it is there to defend the freedoms we already have. The ones we have were indeed purchased, and have been maintained, by the blood of our fighting men and women.
If you are unable to understand feel free to ask questions. Maybe you should save your comments for something you know something about. There's bound to be something.
No question we had international interests in those actions.....none of them remotely impacted the freedom of the American people

The term "freedom" is used as a catch all to justify sending American soldiers to far away lands
Not only is your ignorance stunning you are apparently determined to remain stupid.
Not only is your ignorance stunning you are apparently determined to remain stupid.

Explain the dynamics of the steps another country would have to go through to strip us of our freedom

Then we can discuss who is stupid
Everyone who enlists into military service implicitly agrees to serve in combat. You go where you are told to go and do what you are told to do. It is possible to enlist for an MOS (or branch of the service) that makes you extremely unlikely to see combat, but there are no guarantees. I saw many personnel clerks, supply clerks, and cooks doing guard duty overnight in Vietnam, where the dangers were analogous to what combat soldiers saw.

The U.S. is not just a country like Latvia that can focus all of its "defense" energies on fighting territorial threats on its own borders. We are a global force for peace and security, and have signed numerous treaties that oblige us to protect and defend the people of scores of nations if and when they are threatened by outside governments. Thus, our military people and assets can be called upon to defend the people of any number of countries from threats, both internal and external, as required by these treaties and constitutionally by our Congress and/or President. And YOU, PERSONALLY are responsible for these military obligations and undertakings because YOU, PERSONALLY either voted for the political office-holders, or you are obliged by law to live by their decisions under our democratic republican principles of governance.

Anyone signing up for military service is presumed to be aware of these realities.

Like it or not, EVERY U.S. legal resident is subject to conscription into the military service. The Federal Government has elected to staff our armed forces with volunteers, but this is merely a temporary policy choice that could be reversed on a moment's notice through action by Congress and the President. If the number of volunteers is ever insufficient to accomplish the missions we have undertaken, or if we are invaded by overwhelming military forces, you can be certain that the military draft will be re-instituted, and you can also rest assured that such an action is entirely legal and Constitutional. YOU could be obliged to serve, against your will, or be incarcerated for not doing so.

So it is not completely fatuous to understand that because there are enough people who voluntarily enter military service, YOU, PERSONALLY, are off the hook for that service. Otherwise, you, personally, would be subject to the military draft. And this applies whether you are male, female, "Black," Hispanic, or homo-fucking-sexual.

So it is entirely appropriate for you to thank soldiers and sailors whom you encounter for their service, you pathetic ingrate.

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