Why do people claim the military "risks their lives" to "protect our freedoms"?

I'd like to see a 2 year mandatory duty so this kind of stupidity wouldn't be floating around.
In other words you like to see the Draft activated. So would I.

If the Draft were still active you may rest assured Bush could not have gotten away with invading Iraq.
I would not send draftees to war, that's where I would draw the line. But fyi most congresscritters voted for Iraq so it wasn't just Bush's war.
FYI - There are no "fair and equal rights". Everyone does not receive the same rights, justice, nor freedoms. Pay close attention to what goes on in this country and you'll quickly see the injustices, lost rights, and freedom taken away. Do you call placing innocent citizens in our jails and prison freedom? Do you call different levels of punishment that depends on your wealth, connections, and the number of lawyers one can hire, justice? Do you call the absence of privacy "the right to privacy" as guaranteed by the Constitution? What don't you see taking place on a daily basis in this country? Don't you follow the news and read the many stories concerning lost freedom, lost rights, and the shameful injustices in out corrupt judicial system? FYI - Bringing important issues before the public is in no way whining. It is our duty as citizens to keep each other informed. Had you rather everyone remain silent and living in a comfy bubble where the truth is never spoken or discussed? Also, electing representatives, given the choices, is hardly going to make a difference. Do you know what a professional politician is? Do you know what they do? Do you know that once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people?
If I felt that way I would leave the country. I'll bet you sleep under your bed.
Well, for one thing you can ask that question without being afraid someone is going to come to your house tonight and take you away.
There's absolutely no guarantee of that. And, that has absolutely nothing to do with freedom. Someone could very well kidnap me today, tonight, tomorrow, or in the future. Also, I could be arrested and thrown into jail today for absolutely no reason. I could be accused of something that I didn't do, and spend the rest of my life in prison. I could be traveling, stopped, and asked for papers to prove I'm a citizen. I could be detained at an airport based on my looks alone. We have many citizens in our jails and prisons that are as innocent as you and I are. We don't have the freedom to communicate without our communications being monitored. We don't have the freedom to fly the American flag in certain communities. So, again, exactly what freedoms do we have in America?

And yet here you are, posting without any concern that would happen. It always amazes me how spoiled people are.
It's all by chance and luck. Some are fortunate and lucky, and others aren't.

Right. You are so used to freedom you don't even realize it is there. I guess that is what happens when something is just handed to you. You never learn to value it.
Well, it's not "there", and I'm not use to anything close to it. Also, nothing has been handed to me. I've paid my dues, for many years. Oh, I value freedom, and fully understand what it is and what it means. The difference is, that I see and face reality instead of living in a fairy tale world, and accustom to how I'd like for it to be, as opposed to how it actually is. What dues have you paid?

I think you have no clue what it means, or you wouldn't think you don't have it. You apparently think it means you get to live your life without any kind of annoyance or possibility of unfairness. How horrible for you to exist under that sort of oppression. When the police take you and your family into the woods, shoot you in the back of the head and bury you in a mass grave, then you have cause for complaint. Right now, its just childish whining. Have fun with it. You live somewhere you can do that with no fear of being killed.
FYI - There are no "fair and equal rights". Everyone does not receive the same rights, justice, nor freedoms. Pay close attention to what goes on in this country and you'll quickly see the injustices, lost rights, and freedom taken away. Do you call placing innocent citizens in our jails and prison freedom? Do you call different levels of punishment that depends on your wealth, connections, and the number of lawyers one can hire, justice? Do you call the absence of privacy "the right to privacy" as guaranteed by the Constitution? What don't you see taking place on a daily basis in this country? Don't you follow the news and read the many stories concerning lost freedom, lost rights, and the shameful injustices in out corrupt judicial system? FYI - Bringing important issues before the public is in no way whining. It is our duty as citizens to keep each other informed. Had you rather everyone remain silent and living in a comfy bubble where the truth is never spoken or discussed? Also, electing representatives, given the choices, is hardly going to make a difference. Do you know what a professional politician is? Do you know what they do? Do you know that once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people?
If I felt that way I would leave the country. I'll bet you sleep under your bed.
Why leave the country? Where would be a good place to go? I was born and raised here. I have kids and grandkids here. I have a home and live comfortably. Actually, I sleep very well at night, and sometimes take a nap during the day. FYI - It's not so much that it's the way I feel, as it is facing reality and understanding what goes on in this country, and in the world. I'm not blind to what's going on, how we got to this point, and the reality of daily headlines and the actual situation on Main Street America. I am not afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", as many are. I am well aware of the injustices, the violation of rights and freedom, and the present course we're on. I have been following this for many years now, and have lived long enough to see it as well as experience it. I'm 67 years young, and have not had my head buried in the sand. I'm not afraid to face reality, and call it like it is.

Our government has taken a lot from us, and has twisted the Constitution to conform to their ideals and to their benefit. We are very much controlled and under their mercy. The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except themselves. I fully realize that the truth is a hard pill to swallow, but no one can deny or dispute the events that have taken place, and the present actions that adversely affect each and every citizen of this once great nation. The daily headlines remind us constantly of the governments power and authority, and their total lack of regard for rights, freedom, and liberties. The breaking point basically came as a result on 9-11-2001. At that point until now, every right, freedom, and liberty, became a target, all in the name of national security. All of this is very difficult for the average person to see and understand. It's something that only hits home with those that have been caught-up in the injustices, and those like myself that have followed this steady progression for many years. But, it's there for all to see if one follows events, and digs beneath the surface to understand the cause. We are not a free and independent nation, nor are we a free and independent citizenry.
There's absolutely no guarantee of that. And, that has absolutely nothing to do with freedom. Someone could very well kidnap me today, tonight, tomorrow, or in the future. Also, I could be arrested and thrown into jail today for absolutely no reason. I could be accused of something that I didn't do, and spend the rest of my life in prison. I could be traveling, stopped, and asked for papers to prove I'm a citizen. I could be detained at an airport based on my looks alone. We have many citizens in our jails and prisons that are as innocent as you and I are. We don't have the freedom to communicate without our communications being monitored. We don't have the freedom to fly the American flag in certain communities. So, again, exactly what freedoms do we have in America?

And yet here you are, posting without any concern that would happen. It always amazes me how spoiled people are.
It's all by chance and luck. Some are fortunate and lucky, and others aren't.

Right. You are so used to freedom you don't even realize it is there. I guess that is what happens when something is just handed to you. You never learn to value it.
Well, it's not "there", and I'm not use to anything close to it. Also, nothing has been handed to me. I've paid my dues, for many years. Oh, I value freedom, and fully understand what it is and what it means. The difference is, that I see and face reality instead of living in a fairy tale world, and accustom to how I'd like for it to be, as opposed to how it actually is. What dues have you paid?

I think you have no clue what it means, or you wouldn't think you don't have it. You apparently think it means you get to live your life without any kind of annoyance or possibility of unfairness. How horrible for you to exist under that sort of oppression. When the police take you and your family into the woods, shoot you in the back of the head and bury you in a mass grave, then you have cause for complaint. Right now, its just childish whining. Have fun with it. You live somewhere you can do that with no fear of being killed.
FYI - Police shoot and kill unarmed innocent people all the time. They brutalize people, and abuse their power and authority. They knock doors down and enter homes with no cause, and only in possession of a No-knock warrant. They detain innocent citizens, put them in hand cuffs, and put the in jail all the time. It's really come to the forefront in recent months, but has been going on for a long time. We now live in an age where cell phones are everywhere, and citizens are able to capture the actual events live and distribute them on the internet and allow various news media to air them on national TV. We have citizens detained at airports for no other reason than they look something like a person on some list. No, I'm not use to freedom. I do the same as most people, and that is watch what I do, where I go, and try not to have any contact with law enforcement. I understand the only difference between myself and those detained and brutalized, is the fact that I've been lucky and have managed to avoid situations where there might be a chance that things could go wrong. I've never ever had anything handed to me, never. I have paid my dues. You don't even know me, nor anything about me, yet you talk as though you've known me all of my life. Basically, you're like so many that can't discuss and debate issues without personal attacks and trying to turn the conversation on the person instead of keeping the conversation on the subject matter.
Because the majority of Americans have become indoctrinated into worshipping us as "heroes". They've been mind-raped with propaganda and have a delusional sense of patriotism.

Because WORSHIPPING an OCCUPY WALL STREET HIPPIE with his pants down around his ankles SHITTING ON A COP CAR is SO MUCH BETTER.

Go fuck yourself with a chain saw you ignorant, shit talking pile of dog crap.
you realize it's not an "either/or" proposition, right?
." I am not afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", as many are."

What you are blind to is the fact that the military and the government are two very different things. The military is intended to be strictly apolitical. It wasn't the military that was responsible for any of the negative changes you've been bitching about. Put the blame where it belongs.
I'd like to see a 2 year mandatory duty so this kind of stupidity wouldn't be floating around.
In other words you like to see the Draft activated. So would I.

If the Draft were still active you may rest assured Bush could not have gotten away with invading Iraq.
I would not send draftees to war, that's where I would draw the line. But fyi most congresscritters voted for Iraq so it wasn't just Bush's war.
The Congress dumped that decision into Bush's lap, they gave Bush the decision for war if he, Bush, thought it necessary.
Why do people claim the military "risks their lives" to "protect our freedoms"?

cause the hookers that hang around military posts have diseases...
Bombing the towel headed jihadists is the only way to protect America from the antichrists army of the nation of islam
Bombing the towel headed jihadists is the only way to protect America from the antichrists army of the nation of islam

And people say Christianity is not a religion of love. How could it not be, with such compassionate members as this?
Nice, ignore eye for an eye.
The twin towers fell, so should their mud huts and straw teepees

Yep, and since you were told to ignore "an eye for any eye", you should too.

Not sure how you connect the towers falling with refusal to fight in Vietnam, but I am not surprised.
And yet here you are, posting without any concern that would happen. It always amazes me how spoiled people are.
It's all by chance and luck. Some are fortunate and lucky, and others aren't.

Right. You are so used to freedom you don't even realize it is there. I guess that is what happens when something is just handed to you. You never learn to value it.
Well, it's not "there", and I'm not use to anything close to it. Also, nothing has been handed to me. I've paid my dues, for many years. Oh, I value freedom, and fully understand what it is and what it means. The difference is, that I see and face reality instead of living in a fairy tale world, and accustom to how I'd like for it to be, as opposed to how it actually is. What dues have you paid?

I think you have no clue what it means, or you wouldn't think you don't have it. You apparently think it means you get to live your life without any kind of annoyance or possibility of unfairness. How horrible for you to exist under that sort of oppression. When the police take you and your family into the woods, shoot you in the back of the head and bury you in a mass grave, then you have cause for complaint. Right now, its just childish whining. Have fun with it. You live somewhere you can do that with no fear of being killed.
FYI - Police shoot and kill unarmed innocent people all the time. They brutalize people, and abuse their power and authority. They knock doors down and enter homes with no cause, and only in possession of a No-knock warrant. They detain innocent citizens, put them in hand cuffs, and put the in jail all the time. It's really come to the forefront in recent months, but has been going on for a long time. We now live in an age where cell phones are everywhere, and citizens are able to capture the actual events live and distribute them on the internet and allow various news media to air them on national TV. We have citizens detained at airports for no other reason than they look something like a person on some list. No, I'm not use to freedom. I do the same as most people, and that is watch what I do, where I go, and try not to have any contact with law enforcement. I understand the only difference between myself and those detained and brutalized, is the fact that I've been lucky and have managed to avoid situations where there might be a chance that things could go wrong. I've never ever had anything handed to me, never. I have paid my dues. You don't even know me, nor anything about me, yet you talk as though you've known me all of my life. Basically, you're like so many that can't discuss and debate issues without personal attacks and trying to turn the conversation on the person instead of keeping the conversation on the subject matter.

I don't care whether or not you have "paid your dues" and you most definitely have had something handed to you, you just don't recognize it. Of course police arrest innocent people and shoot unarmed people. They are human beings and human beings make mistakes. You see that as taking away your freedom, but it is just what happens in an imperfect world. That is a huge difference from a pogrom.

But I will ask you - name me one freedom you had before you don't have now. Or one you think we had before we don't have now.

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