Why do people claim the military "risks their lives" to "protect our freedoms"?

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences.

That would make people blush if their ideology did not prevent it.
Hopefully you are all aware that there were more than likely multiple reasons why the president, as well as congress, agreed to go to war.
None of them a defence to waging aggressive war in the form of illegal invasion and occupation.
A September 2004 New York Times op-ed by the former head of Saddam’s nuclear research program supported this, as well. He wrote:

“[T]he West never understood the delusional nature of Saddam Hussein’s mind . . . he lived in a fantasy world . . . . giving lunatic orders . . . he kept the country’s Atomic Energy Commission alive . . . Saddam fooled . . . the world . . . . [O]ur nuclear program could have been reinstituted at the snap of Saddam Hussein’s fingers.”

Of note too is a January 2004 revelation by Syrian journalist defector Nizar Nayuf. He reported there were three locations in Syria where Iraqi WMDs had been transported prior to the 2003 invasion and were being stored. He also revealed some of these sites were being built with North Korean cooperation. This explained why three years later Israel attacked a nuclear facility being built in Syria by Pyongyang — and Syria’s subsequent failure to criticize Israel for fear of drawing further international attention to what Damascus had been doing.

Five years after Joe Wilson’s op-ed claimed no yellowcake was sold to Iraq — the ease with which Saddam could have snapped his fingers and reinstituted his nuclear program became apparent. In July 2008, in an operation kept secret at the time, 37 military air cargo flights shipped more than 500 metric tons of yellowcake — found in Iraq — out of the country for further transport and remediation to Canada.
You are a useful idiot. Everyone knew Iraq had some yellow cake. It was under IAEA seal.
I have never met one active, reserve or retired Military request or want "your thanks" what we deserve is your respect.
You said: I have never met one active, reserve or retired Military request or want "your thanks" what we deserve is your respect.

What adult grovels for "thanks"? You are right about that. Screw "thanks".

As far as respect, right wingers can show their respect by keeping the contract. Not trying to slash veterans benefits every time we turn around.

republicans we can t afford veterans benefits - Google Search
You are a useful idiot. Everyone knew Iraq had some yellow cake. It was under IAEA seal.
Prove it. And you better be talking weapons grade and not some fucking hospital X-ray shit.
About that 500 tons of yellow cake...


The IAEA placed a seal on the nuclear materials in November of 1992. From then until the fall of Saddam, the agency attempted to make sure that Iraq did not use the yellow cake to reconstitute its nuclear program, something the IAEA acknowledged could be done if the Iraqis were able to rebuild its centrifuges and gain access to additional fissile material.
Prove it. And you better be talking weapons grade and not some fucking hospital X-ray shit.
What do you think yellow cake is?
And hops are used for beer. But it takes a lot more than hops to make beer.

This is the problem. Republicans and right wingers don't know science. They don't want to know science. They learn a word and then use it for political reasons without actually knowing anything of value. A nuclear weapon isn't like a birthday cake. You can't get what you imagine are the ingredients and then throw together a bomb like McGiver throwing together a computer from hair pins and aerosol spay. That's a fantasy. Iran has been trying to build one for decades and hasn't. And Saddam was under sanctions, it was a defeated country. They had neither the scientists, the technology nor the material to build a nuclear weapon. Bush and the GOP was playing on the fear and ignorance of the right wing to push their disastrous agenda. Glass is sand. But there are a lot of steps between sand and it becoming glass. The same with yellowcake that is so weak it wouldn't even make a good dirty bomb. It's about time you guys understand and admit that you were played. Even Bush admits it.

If you want to know how a nuclear weapon works, look it up:

How Nuclear Bombs Work - HowStuffWorks

From that you can get an idea of the complexity and the cost of building such a device. Then you have to transport it.

And remember, as we know in this country, the religious don't do well with science. And Iran is, if anything, religious.
You're the one rambling about weapons grade yellow cake, not me.
Horseshit. How may years have you been peddling that yarn? Democrats and Republicans were on the Intel oversight committees. And what lies? WMD were found, the lefties are the liars. If what you think is true there would have been hearings on it and possible treason charges. The libs hated Bush with a passion and apparently there are still a few holdovers with Bush Derangement Syndrome.
If you truly believe that you should be able to tell us specifically what types of WMD were found and why Hussein or any of his generals didn't use them against the military force that incisively invaded and essentially destroyed their nation?

Do you suppose they didn't use them because they didn't want to make us mad? Or do you suppose they didn't use them because they didn't exist?
The WMD was in the news fairly recently, I heard about it years ago. If you don't know about it then you didn't care to, that's the only reason possible. They didn't use them because we outfitted our troops with gas masks, an odd thing to do for a big lie (that every liberal that voted for the invasion was in on, even though they disliked Bush). Also, as I recall, the Iraq Army was sort of in a reverse mode trying to get the hell out of Dodge and lobbing gas canisters at planes and tanks does little good.
About that 500 tons of yellow cake...


The IAEA placed a seal on the nuclear materials in November of 1992. From then until the fall of Saddam, the agency attempted to make sure that Iraq did not use the yellow cake to reconstitute its nuclear program, something the IAEA acknowledged could be done if the Iraqis were able to rebuild its centrifuges and gain access to additional fissile material.
U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News

updated 7/5/2008 6:57:12 PM ET
  • The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

    The removal of 550 metric tons of "yellowcake" — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or smugglers crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions.
In which case, according to your logic, you are less free than before Vietnam, seeing you lost there.

You are mistaken. We accomplished the missions we were given. Congress wimped out.

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