Why do people hate Liberals?

Any liberal worth his salt will explain to you that keeping the rifraf in school or fat and dumb on the couch is better than them coming to your house and shooting you for your stuff.
Well, well -- it's rare for small-minded, selfish enemies of their country to show that much intelligence and realism !!

Little as it is.

Congratulations, Tex !!

Any liberal worth his salt will explain to you that keeping the rifraf in school or fat and dumb on the couch is better than them coming to your house and shooting you for your stuff.
Well, well -- it's rare for small-minded, selfish enemies of their country to show that much intelligence and realism !!

Little as it is.

Congratulations, Tex !!


That's the thing with liberal arguments, they are brutally easy to make. Even a simple cow poke like me can spout out every single one of the liberal arguments and make em seem like they have some sort of redeeming value. Hell I could probably go into politics in a democrat district and win hands down. Where's my pedestal!! Course, I don't believe the liberal arguments for a second, but why should that stop me from leading masses off the cliff for my own gain?
Any liberal worth his salt will explain to you that keeping the rifraf in school or fat and dumb on the couch is better than them coming to your house and shooting you for your stuff.
Well, well -- it's rare for small-minded, selfish enemies of their country to show that much intelligence and realism !!

Little as it is.

Congratulations, Tex !!


That's the thing with liberal arguments, they are brutally easy to make. Even a simple cow poke like me can spout out every single one of the liberal arguments and make em seem like they have some sort of redeeming value. Hell I could probably go into politics in a democrat district and win hands down. Where's my pedestal!! Course, I don't believe the liberal arguments for a second, but why should that stop me from leading masses off the cliff for my own gain?

That's the thing with people like you on messageboards-universally disliked by both sides. Quite an accomplishment.
Well, well -- it's rare for small-minded, selfish enemies of their country to show that much intelligence and realism !!

Little as it is.

Congratulations, Tex !!


That's the thing with liberal arguments, they are brutally easy to make. Even a simple cow poke like me can spout out every single one of the liberal arguments and make em seem like they have some sort of redeeming value. Hell I could probably go into politics in a democrat district and win hands down. Where's my pedestal!! Course, I don't believe the liberal arguments for a second, but why should that stop me from leading masses off the cliff for my own gain?

That's the thing with people like you on messageboards-universally disliked by both sides. Quite an accomplishment.

Thanks. I take great pride in being a stalwart for constitutional conservatism. I fully expect the collection of authoritarians of both parties to attack with prejudice. ROFL.... What a dipshit. Negging me for helping a fellow conservative by playing the part of liberal for argument sake. WOW [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] you need to get over yourself.
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That's the thing with liberal arguments, they are brutally easy to make. Even a simple cow poke like me can spout out every single one of the liberal arguments and make em seem like they have some sort of redeeming value. Hell I could probably go into politics in a democrat district and win hands down. Where's my pedestal!! Course, I don't believe the liberal arguments for a second, but why should that stop me from leading masses off the cliff for my own gain?

That's the thing with people like you on messageboards-universally disliked by both sides. Quite an accomplishment.

Thanks. I take great pride in being a stalwart for constitutional conservatism. I fully expect the collection of authoritarians of both parties to attack with prejudice. ROFL.... What a dipshit. Negging me for helping a fellow conservative by playing the part of liberal for argument sake. WOW [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] you need to get over yourself.

You'll live.
Any liberal worth his salt will explain to you that keeping the rifraf in school or fat and dumb on the couch is better than them coming to your house and shooting you for your stuff.
Well, well -- it's rare for small-minded, selfish enemies of their country to show that much intelligence and realism !!

Little as it is.

Congratulations, Tex !!


That's the thing with liberal arguments, they are brutally easy to make. Even a simple cow poke like me can spout out every single one of the liberal arguments and make em seem like they have some sort of redeeming value. Hell I could probably go into politics in a democrat district and win hands down. Where's my pedestal!! Course, I don't believe the liberal arguments for a second, but why should that stop me from leading masses off the cliff for my own gain?

All you are revealing is you, not liberals. The only calibration each of us have is ourselves. You don't believe the liberal arguments for a second because in your mind if you can't care about other people, then no one else really can. To believe otherwise would cause self examination and growth, something conservatives are incapable of.

Have you ever heard of a bleeding heart Republican?
Paul Craig Roberts - the father of Reaganomics
Actually, once I caught on to what RKM was doing, it was rather clever. And yeah, a few here do mean well, but it doesn't hurt to lighten up a little bit either sometimes. But it does take skill to get ALL sides on your case, RKM. :)

In a former existance on another board a long time ago, the board owner and administrator, himself a really bright liberal, one of the rare ones who COULD hold his own in an argument without ever saying a disparaging word to or about anybody, started a thread with a challenge. Everybody had to step out of their own ideology and argue the side of the opposition.

Of course those who do or have done formal debate are comfortable in such a role, but for most it was really difficult. He served as thread judge and participated in the discussion, but had the job of pointing to those who stepped out of character and argued their own point of view instead of the opposition. Those who simply were unable to grasp the concept were requested to stop posting in the thread and yield to those making the effort.

It was a fascinating exercise, and I was impressed that we had about eight or ten members who could do it really well. But it was interesting, in this limited and quite unscientific experiment, that, except for the administrator, those who got it were ALL conservatives. The liberals just couldn't quite get the hang of it. And a number of the conservatives couldn't either.

I suspect RKM would have done very well, however.
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Most of his Liberal arguments were lame at best. He should of made an intelligent point on the Liberal side of things to be truly clever. And yes, that would be an interesting experiment to try. I'll bet it would be difficult for people on both sides to step outside their shell and argue the other side intelligently.
Most of his Liberal arguments were lame at best. He should of made an intelligent point on the Liberal side of things to be truly clever. And yes, that would be an interesting experiment to try. I'll bet it would be difficult for people on both sides to step outside their shell and argue the other side intelligently.
Both sides? I'm a constitutional conservative. I don't side with either of the two decidedly authoritarian parties. I'm make arguments for a living. It's more fun when it's not easy.
I consider it more interesting and challenging when someone is an intelligent debater. You didn't really make the Liberal case and you were doing it to poke fun at the Liberal side of things. Of course, I will give you credit for fooling a few folks.
People hate liberals -among other things- because they don't have a sense of humour whatsoever when it comes at making fun of them..... just look at what happened with the rodeo clown.

OMG a clown with an Obama face!!!!! Look out !!!!!the end is near!!!!!:eek::cuckoo:
I consider it more interesting and challenging when someone is an intelligent debater. You didn't really make the Liberal case and you were doing it to poke fun at the Liberal side of things. Of course, I will give you credit for fooling a few folks.

Yeah I was not "trying" to make the case or trying to fool anyone. That latter was a surprise gift.
Most of his Liberal arguments were lame at best. He should of made an intelligent point on the Liberal side of things to be truly clever.

But that would be unrealistic and tip the reader off that the point was not made by a leftist.

And yes, that would be an interesting experiment to try. I'll bet it would be difficult for people on both sides to step outside their shell and argue the other side intelligently.

One side is based on a rational and intelligent analysis of events and factors, and the other side is the left.
You opinion of Liberals is duly noted. I frankly get bored with all the Liberal bashing. If you Conservatives just want to sit and talk amongst yourselves and pat each other on the back, by all means have fun. Right-wing circle jerks are boring just as left-wing ones are.
You opinion of Liberals is duly noted. I frankly get bored with all the Liberal bashing. If you Conservatives just want to sit and talk amongst yourselves and pat each other on the back, by all means have fun. Right-wing circle jerks are boring just as left-wing ones are.

In all due respect Wolfsister, I love you dearly, but the thread was started by a dedicated left wing liberal and the title is "Why do people hate liberals?" Many if not most posting on the thread have been addressing the thread topic. Don't blame us. Blame Saigon. :)

And I think to the credit of us conservatives, not all but most have refused to focus on 'hating liberals' and reject that concept as we don't hate people who happen to be liberals. But we do hate the negative consequences of liberalism. It is an honest and could be productive topic for a message board, most especially for those who do blame liberalism for many ills of society that we have today.

Liberals can be lovable and great folks.
Liberalism not so much.
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You opinion of Liberals is duly noted. I frankly get bored with all the Liberal bashing. If you Conservatives just want to sit and talk amongst yourselves and pat each other on the back, by all means have fun. Right-wing circle jerks are boring just as left-wing ones are.

In all due respect Wolfsister, I love you dearly, but the thread was started by a dedicated left wing liberal and the title is "Why do people hate liberals?" Many if not most posting on the thread have been addressing the thread topic. Don't blame us. Blame Saigon. :)

And I think to the credit of us conservatives, not all but most have refused to focus on 'hating liberals' and reject that concept as we don't hate people who happen to be liberals. But we do hate the negative consequences of liberalism. It is an honest and could be productive topic for a message board, most especially for those who do blame liberalism for many ills of society that we have today.

Liberals can be lovable and great folks.
Liberalism not so much.

Love you too and I appreciate you are trying to have an intelligent conversation and I know Saigon was the first to use the word hate.

To keep it short and sweet I don't think either a Liberal or a Conservative way of dealing with the issues this country faces is worthy of hate. There is merit to both approaches and some serious problems with both as well.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time for a lot of examples with great detail at the moment but I'm more than willing to discuss it in greater detail at a later time.

Have a great day!!
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You opinion of Liberals is duly noted. I frankly get bored with all the Liberal bashing. If you Conservatives just want to sit and talk amongst yourselves and pat each other on the back, by all means have fun. Right-wing circle jerks are boring just as left-wing ones are.

My opinion is of leftists.

I am a liberal.

Obama sure the fuck ain't...

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