Why do people hate Liberals?

Loincloth, So that's why were so fucked up...
We're fucked up, because the right has done nothing to help this country for the last 7 years.

You've done a lot of things to the country, but nothing for it.



I wish I had lavishes, LOL.

You have a lavish time for the first two days after the welfare check comes each month...

Welfare sends "checks"?

Thanks for the update... who knew.

[MENTION=18444]Wolf[/MENTION]sister: ask and ye shall receive...


You guys have to use the whole name [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION]-wolf gets a lot of my mentions. :lol:

And thanks, now I'm hungry for lunch.

I know nothing about welfare checks or anything about how that system works but it is so cute to see when people think that's some sort of insult.

Being poor or struggling and needing assistance sure is something to make fun of in this country. Those people all suck, lets denigrate them. :woohoo:
Here ya go Pogo, another article for you to bitch about!
After all that is what you libtards do is whine, whine, whine, like little bitches. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer

John Hawkins | Apr 20, 2013

"It is not enough for the insecure left to deem a position wrong; if it’s merely wrong, it needs to be argued about, and it can’t survive that. It must instead be morally abhorrent, so that the zealot reacts to the toxin of questioning much like a jogger coming across a decomposing body on the side of the road — it must be internalized that the correct response to such a horror is to retch, and faint, and call the authorities post-haste.

This is how the leftist faith protects itself from the infection of doubt. (Meanwhile, of course, patting itself on the back for being so open-minded…)" -- Ace of Spades HQ

"If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and self-righteous, shouldn’t their arguments be easy to deconstruct? Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument. So why can’t the argument itself be dismembered rather than the speaker’s personal style or hidden motives? Why the evasions?" -- Ann Coulter

Liberalism doesn't convince with logic. It can't, because the policies liberals advocate don't work. So instead, liberals have to use emotion-based ploys and attack the motives of people they disagree with while attempting to keep conservative arguments from being heard at all. Why? Because they have no good answers to questions like these.

1) A few days ago, we were hearing that the Boston Marathon bombers COULD BE conservative, which proved that the Right is evil. Now, when we know that the terrorists are Muslims, how can the same liberals be saying that it means nothing?

2) If you believe we have a "right" to things like health care, food, shelter and a good education, then doesn't that also mean you believe we also have a right to force other people to unwillingly provide those things at gunpoint?

3) How can you simultaneously want a big government that will make decisions that have an enormous impact on the lives of every American while also saying that the character and morals of our politicians don't matter?

4) What exactly is the "fair share" of someone's income that he’s earned that he should be able to keep?

5) Why is it that time and time again, revenue paid to the treasury has GONE UP after we've cut taxes?

6) Are you pro-choice or pro-abortion? If it's pro-choice, do you feel people should be able to choose to have an assault weapon, what kind of light bulb they use in their house or whether they'd like to put their Social Security funds into a private retirement account?

7) If corporations are so awful, greedy and bad for the country, then shouldn't we be celebrating when they decide to close their plants here and move overseas?

8) How can liberal economists like Paul Krugman be right when they claim that our economy isn't doing well because we aren't spending enough money when we're already running massive, unsustainable deficits and spending is going up every year?

9) If Republicans don’t care about the poor, why do studies consistently show that they give more to charity than Democrats do?

10) Give us a ballpark estimate: If something doesn't change dramatically, how long do you think it will be until we have an economic crash in this country similar to the one we're seeing in Greece or Cyprus?

11) Since we "all agree" with the idea that our level of deficit spending is "unsustainable," what would be wrong with permanently freezing federal spending at the current level until we balance the budget by increasing revenue, cutting spending or some combination thereof?

12) If we change God's definition of marriage to make gay marriage legal, then what's the logical argument against polygamy or even adult siblings supposed to be?

13) In a world where people can easily change states and can, with a bit more difficulty, permanently move to other roughly comparable parts of the globe, do you really think it's feasible over the long haul to have a tax system where 86% of the income taxes are paid by the top 25% of the income earners?

14) If you win a lawsuit that's filed against you, why should you have to pay huge legal bills when you did nothing wrong while the person who filed the suit pays no penalty for wrongly accusing you?

15) How can you oppose putting murderers to death and be fine with killing innocent children via abortion?

16) A minimum wage raises salaries for some workers at the cost of putting other workers out of jobs entirely. What's the acceptable ratio for that? For every 10 people who get a higher salary, how many are you willing to see lose their jobs?

17) The earth has been warming and cooling for thousands of years with temperature drops and increases that are much larger than the ones we've seen over the last century. Since we can't adequately explain or model those changes, what makes us think we can say with any sort of confidence that global warming is being caused by man?

18) We live in a world where people have more choices than ever before in music, entertainment, careers, news sources and what to do with their time. Shouldn't government mirror that trend by moving towards federalism and states’ rights instead of centralizing more and more power in Washington, DC?

19) If people in the middle class aren't willing to pay enough in taxes to cover the government services that they use because they don't think it's worth the money, shouldn't we prune back government to a level people do feel comfortable paying for in taxes?

20) If firms can get by with paying women 72 cents on the dollar for the same quality of work as men, then why don't we see any firms with all female labor forces using those lower costs to dominate the marketplace?

20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer - John Hawkins - Page full

I'm surprised at myself ---- I actually read this whole laundry list. Even though you're still two behind on your homework.

So John Hawkins --who is apparently an armchair blogger without educational background*-- compiles a list of twenty "points" (in quotes because some of them are just vague specious ideas). Out of these 20, exactly one, count 'em, 1 -- has anything to do with Liberalism. If you can tell me which one it is we'll move on.

*To quote from your own post: "Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument." And indeed he did, a whole list of them.

Thank you for proving the article "20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer" correct. After all, you are a liberal and you couldn't even answer a single question, not surprising. Instead, you made excuses, something you libtards enjoy doing.

Here ya go Pogo, another article for you to bitch about!
After all that is what you libtards do is whine, whine, whine, like little bitches. :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer

John Hawkins | Apr 20, 2013

"It is not enough for the insecure left to deem a position wrong; if it’s merely wrong, it needs to be argued about, and it can’t survive that. It must instead be morally abhorrent, so that the zealot reacts to the toxin of questioning much like a jogger coming across a decomposing body on the side of the road — it must be internalized that the correct response to such a horror is to retch, and faint, and call the authorities post-haste.

This is how the leftist faith protects itself from the infection of doubt. (Meanwhile, of course, patting itself on the back for being so open-minded…)" -- Ace of Spades HQ

"If it were true that conservatives were racist, sexist, homophobic, fascist, stupid, inflexible, angry, and self-righteous, shouldn’t their arguments be easy to deconstruct? Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument. So why can’t the argument itself be dismembered rather than the speaker’s personal style or hidden motives? Why the evasions?" -- Ann Coulter

Liberalism doesn't convince with logic. It can't, because the policies liberals advocate don't work. So instead, liberals have to use emotion-based ploys and attack the motives of people they disagree with while attempting to keep conservative arguments from being heard at all. Why? Because they have no good answers to questions like these.

1) A few days ago, we were hearing that the Boston Marathon bombers COULD BE conservative, which proved that the Right is evil. Now, when we know that the terrorists are Muslims, how can the same liberals be saying that it means nothing?

2) If you believe we have a "right" to things like health care, food, shelter and a good education, then doesn't that also mean you believe we also have a right to force other people to unwillingly provide those things at gunpoint?

3) How can you simultaneously want a big government that will make decisions that have an enormous impact on the lives of every American while also saying that the character and morals of our politicians don't matter?

4) What exactly is the "fair share" of someone's income that he’s earned that he should be able to keep?

5) Why is it that time and time again, revenue paid to the treasury has GONE UP after we've cut taxes?

6) Are you pro-choice or pro-abortion? If it's pro-choice, do you feel people should be able to choose to have an assault weapon, what kind of light bulb they use in their house or whether they'd like to put their Social Security funds into a private retirement account?

7) If corporations are so awful, greedy and bad for the country, then shouldn't we be celebrating when they decide to close their plants here and move overseas?

8) How can liberal economists like Paul Krugman be right when they claim that our economy isn't doing well because we aren't spending enough money when we're already running massive, unsustainable deficits and spending is going up every year?

9) If Republicans don’t care about the poor, why do studies consistently show that they give more to charity than Democrats do?

10) Give us a ballpark estimate: If something doesn't change dramatically, how long do you think it will be until we have an economic crash in this country similar to the one we're seeing in Greece or Cyprus?

11) Since we "all agree" with the idea that our level of deficit spending is "unsustainable," what would be wrong with permanently freezing federal spending at the current level until we balance the budget by increasing revenue, cutting spending or some combination thereof?

12) If we change God's definition of marriage to make gay marriage legal, then what's the logical argument against polygamy or even adult siblings supposed to be?

13) In a world where people can easily change states and can, with a bit more difficulty, permanently move to other roughly comparable parts of the globe, do you really think it's feasible over the long haul to have a tax system where 86% of the income taxes are paid by the top 25% of the income earners?

14) If you win a lawsuit that's filed against you, why should you have to pay huge legal bills when you did nothing wrong while the person who filed the suit pays no penalty for wrongly accusing you?

15) How can you oppose putting murderers to death and be fine with killing innocent children via abortion?

16) A minimum wage raises salaries for some workers at the cost of putting other workers out of jobs entirely. What's the acceptable ratio for that? For every 10 people who get a higher salary, how many are you willing to see lose their jobs?

17) The earth has been warming and cooling for thousands of years with temperature drops and increases that are much larger than the ones we've seen over the last century. Since we can't adequately explain or model those changes, what makes us think we can say with any sort of confidence that global warming is being caused by man?

18) We live in a world where people have more choices than ever before in music, entertainment, careers, news sources and what to do with their time. Shouldn't government mirror that trend by moving towards federalism and states’ rights instead of centralizing more and more power in Washington, DC?

19) If people in the middle class aren't willing to pay enough in taxes to cover the government services that they use because they don't think it's worth the money, shouldn't we prune back government to a level people do feel comfortable paying for in taxes?

20) If firms can get by with paying women 72 cents on the dollar for the same quality of work as men, then why don't we see any firms with all female labor forces using those lower costs to dominate the marketplace?

20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer - John Hawkins - Page full

I'm surprised at myself ---- I actually read this whole laundry list. Even though you're still two behind on your homework.

So John Hawkins --who is apparently an armchair blogger without educational background*-- compiles a list of twenty "points" (in quotes because some of them are just vague specious ideas). Out of these 20, exactly one, count 'em, 1 -- has anything to do with Liberalism. If you can tell me which one it is we'll move on.

*To quote from your own post: "Someone who is making a point out of anger, ideology, inflexibility, or resentment would presumably construct a flimsy argument." And indeed he did, a whole list of them.

Thank you for proving the article "20 Questions Liberals Can't Answer" correct. After all, you are a liberal and you couldn't even answer a single question, not surprising. Instead, you made excuses, something you libtards enjoy doing.


Actually I answered them all. I just haven't published it. I've been waiting on you.

Once more, out of those twenty, ONE has anything to do with Liberalism. Which one is it?

I strongly suspect you have no clue in the world.
Now Mathew, you really think that the economic theories that resulted in the First Great Republican Depression were not destructive? And that the deconstruction of the regulations that were put into place because of that Depression, leading up to October, 2008, and a very near brush with the Second Great Republican Depression, were not destuctive?

I think the jury is still out on who gets the "credit" for the economic calamity of 08.

And that I need to point this out to you, assuming you are a fair and earnest poster, (a "plain dealer" if you will allow me a bit of American heritage lingo), a man of character who values the truth and integrity in others and who just happens to be a Liberal is typical of Liberals.

You are politically aware and yet I had to inform you that George W. Bush and/or members of his administration warned about the dangers of Fannie And Freddy's lax lending practices from early in his administration until near the end as the crisis began to hit.

In fact...

"Bushco" made more than thirty warnings about the possibility of an economic crises if policies and practices weren't changed!!

And you know what the leading Liberals in Congress said in response to these warnings?

Watch this...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMnSp4qEXNM]Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown - YouTube[/ame]

What were those warning signs? Who raised them? And who disputed them?

So, tell me again, after having watched that video, 'who was responsible for the meltdown?'

That's one thing that irks me about libs. That even a great guy like you didn't know this and you have been making important decisions based on this faulty info for many years now. Decisions based on myths and propaganda and lies.

And the folks responsible for keeping you in the dark about all of this, and God knows what else, have profited by their deception and you if you are a typical Liberal will just refuse to see it.

And I get the impression it isn't always a conscious choice not to believe the truth and then change course. I sometimes believe that some Libs are mentally, physically, biologically or psychologically incapable of controlling themselves...of making themselves do what is right after they have made their emotion based decisions.

So instead they double down on defending these jerks and con men who have used them like two bit ho's..

And, again, if you respond to my post by defending them once again, you'll have a perfect example of why I can't stand Liberals.


Now what?

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Mojo: methiinks you're conflating Liberals and "Democrats". The latter is a party, the former a philosophy.
As far as warnings, dunno about yours but I do know the Clintons warned the Bush Admin about al Qaeda, so.... it's all very convenient to declare that "when my guy was in office your Congress fucked things up" and at the same time declare "when your guy was in office he fucked things up while my Congress tried to fix it". That double-standard argument is always a wash.
Still waiting, Jokeroo. I've got the whole thing laid out, all 20... and you can't answer one?

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Mojo: methiinks you're conflating Liberals and "Democrats". The latter is a party, the former a philosophy.
As far as warnings, dunno about yours but I do know the Clintons warned the Bush Admin about al Qaeda, so.... it's all very convenient to declare that "when my guy was in office your Congress fucked things up" and at the same time declare "when your guy was in office he fucked things up while my Congress tried to fix it". That double-standard argument is always a wash.
Still waiting, Jokeroo. I've got the whole thing laid out, all 20... and you can't answer one?


Sorry, Floyd. (Loved Floyd the Barber!) But you just demonstrated one more typically Liberal tendency.

Tit 4 Tat.

When you do it to me I'll find some way to try to do the same to you so as to engineer the "wash" you so aptly described.

Generally speaking, this immature tendency is identifiably Liberal. Another group which uses this technique quite often are Muslim posters masquerading as WASPs or young, Western, low info citizens.

And you cain't help yourselves. You are just wired with a greater helping of feminine wiring at birth. Thiis makes you more impulsive, less rational.

And that's one reason Conservatives so often act in terms of black and white, cut and dried certainty.

It's because We have thought about things rationally, generally speaking, before you can come up with your emotion based response to whatever might be at issue. And we'll have a better response because it would have been THOUGHT through, rationally instead of being felt through, emotionally.

So, we know your ideas are too often stupid. And yet you believe you get to have as much say on a matter as anyone else.

Why do you believe thiis is how things should be?

Because everyone is entitled to their own opinion! a typical Lib might say.

And yes, you are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts!

Yet, that's the way Libs believe and it is aggravating as heck to know you know and know they don't know and yet they refuse to defer to your knowledge.

Especially when something REALLY important or time sensitive is at stake.

Because no matter the crisis, no matter the issue at stake, no matter how important it is, you can count on a silly Liberal getting all butthurt over some perceived (and often imaginary) slight just when the time calls for smart, well informed, decisive action and there they'll be intentionally slowing things down or even bringing things to a halt until their asses are sufficiently slathered.

I could go on, but suffice to say, I have little use for Libs doing the heavy lifting in our government.

We are STILL trying to undo the unintended consequences of LBJ's Great Society in 1967 or so.

I'll rant again later.
Mojo: methiinks you're conflating Liberals and "Democrats". The latter is a party, the former a philosophy.
As far as warnings, dunno about yours but I do know the Clintons warned the Bush Admin about al Qaeda, so.... it's all very convenient to declare that "when my guy was in office your Congress fucked things up" and at the same time declare "when your guy was in office he fucked things up while my Congress tried to fix it". That double-standard argument is always a wash.
Still waiting, Jokeroo. I've got the whole thing laid out, all 20... and you can't answer one?


Sorry, Floyd. (Loved Floyd the Barber!) But you just demonstrated one more typically Liberal tendency.

Tit 4 Tat.

When you do it to me I'll find some way to try to do the same to you so as to engineer the "wash" you so aptly described.

Generally speaking, this immature tendency is identifiably Liberal. Another group which uses this technique quite often are Muslim posters masquerading as WASPs or young, Western, low info citizens.

And you cain't help yourselves. You are just wired with a greater helping of feminine wiring at birth. Thiis makes you more impulsive, less rational.

And that's one reason Conservatives so often act in terms of black and white, cut and dried certainty.

It's because We have thought about things rationally, generally speaking, before you can come up with your emotion based response to whatever might be at issue. And we'll have a better response because it would have been THOUGHT through, rationally instead of being felt through, emotionally.

So, we know your ideas are too often stupid. And yet you believe you get to have as much say on a matter as anyone else.

Why do you believe thiis is how things should be?

Because everyone is entitled to their own opinion! a typical Lib might say.

And yes, you are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts!

Yet, that's the way Libs believe and it is aggravating as heck to know you know and know they don't know and yet they refuse to defer to your knowledge.

Especially when something REALLY important or time sensitive is at stake.

Because no matter the crisis, no matter the issue at stake, no matter how important it is, you can count on a silly Liberal getting all butthurt over some perceived (and often imaginary) slight just when the time calls for smart, well informed, decisive action and there they'll be intentionally slowing things down or even bringing things to a halt until their asses are sufficiently slathered.

I could go on, but suffice to say, I have little use for Libs doing the heavy lifting in our government.

We are STILL trying to undo the unintended consequences of LBJ's Great Society in 1967 or so.

I'll rant again later.

Ah, so you're one of these cretins who can't see past his own prefab labels. That's why the entire post sailed over your head.
Fuck that onanism shit. This is a message board. That means dialogue.
Too bad, so sad. Off you go to Ignoreland then. Have fun with your mirror.
Mojo: methiinks you're conflating Liberals and "Democrats". The latter is a party, the former a philosophy.
As far as warnings, dunno about yours but I do know the Clintons warned the Bush Admin about al Qaeda, so.... it's all very convenient to declare that "when my guy was in office your Congress fucked things up" and at the same time declare "when your guy was in office he fucked things up while my Congress tried to fix it". That double-standard argument is always a wash.
Still waiting, Jokeroo. I've got the whole thing laid out, all 20... and you can't answer one?


Sorry, Floyd. (Loved Floyd the Barber!) But you just demonstrated one more typically Liberal tendency.

Tit 4 Tat.

When you do it to me I'll find some way to try to do the same to you so as to engineer the "wash" you so aptly described.

Generally speaking, this immature tendency is identifiably Liberal. Another group which uses this technique quite often are Muslim posters masquerading as WASPs or young, Western, low info citizens.

And you cain't help yourselves. You are just wired with a greater helping of feminine wiring at birth. Thiis makes you more impulsive, less rational.

And that's one reason Conservatives so often act in terms of black and white, cut and dried certainty.

It's because We have thought about things rationally, generally speaking, before you can come up with your emotion based response to whatever might be at issue. And we'll have a better response because it would have been THOUGHT through, rationally instead of being felt through, emotionally.

So, we know your ideas are too often stupid. And yet you believe you get to have as much say on a matter as anyone else.

Why do you believe thiis is how things should be?

Because everyone is entitled to their own opinion! a typical Lib might say.

And yes, you are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts!

Yet, that's the way Libs believe and it is aggravating as heck to know you know and know they don't know and yet they refuse to defer to your knowledge.

Especially when something REALLY important or time sensitive is at stake.

Because no matter the crisis, no matter the issue at stake, no matter how important it is, you can count on a silly Liberal getting all butthurt over some perceived (and often imaginary) slight just when the time calls for smart, well informed, decisive action and there they'll be intentionally slowing things down or even bringing things to a halt until their asses are sufficiently slathered.

I could go on, but suffice to say, I have little use for Libs doing the heavy lifting in our government.

We are STILL trying to undo the unintended consequences of LBJ's Great Society in 1967 or so.

I'll rant again later.

Ah, so you're one of these cretins who can't see past his own prefab labels. That's why the entire post sailed over your head.
Fuck that onanism shit. This is a message board. That means dialogue.
Too bad, so sad. Off you go to Ignoreland then. Have fun with your mirror.

Let's all join in and say, "How typically Liberal!"

Sorry, Floyd. (Loved Floyd the Barber!) But you just demonstrated one more typically Liberal tendency.

Tit 4 Tat.

When you do it to me I'll find some way to try to do the same to you so as to engineer the "wash" you so aptly described.

Generally speaking, this immature tendency is identifiably Liberal. Another group which uses this technique quite often are Muslim posters masquerading as WASPs or young, Western, low info citizens.

And you cain't help yourselves. You are just wired with a greater helping of feminine wiring at birth. Thiis makes you more impulsive, less rational.

And that's one reason Conservatives so often act in terms of black and white, cut and dried certainty.

It's because We have thought about things rationally, generally speaking, before you can come up with your emotion based response to whatever might be at issue. And we'll have a better response because it would have been THOUGHT through, rationally instead of being felt through, emotionally.

So, we know your ideas are too often stupid. And yet you believe you get to have as much say on a matter as anyone else.

Why do you believe thiis is how things should be?

Because everyone is entitled to their own opinion! a typical Lib might say.

And yes, you are entitled to your own opinions but you are not entitled to your own facts!

Yet, that's the way Libs believe and it is aggravating as heck to know you know and know they don't know and yet they refuse to defer to your knowledge.

Especially when something REALLY important or time sensitive is at stake.

Because no matter the crisis, no matter the issue at stake, no matter how important it is, you can count on a silly Liberal getting all butthurt over some perceived (and often imaginary) slight just when the time calls for smart, well informed, decisive action and there they'll be intentionally slowing things down or even bringing things to a halt until their asses are sufficiently slathered.

I could go on, but suffice to say, I have little use for Libs doing the heavy lifting in our government.

We are STILL trying to undo the unintended consequences of LBJ's Great Society in 1967 or so.

I'll rant again later.

Ah, so you're one of these cretins who can't see past his own prefab labels. That's why the entire post sailed over your head.
Fuck that onanism shit. This is a message board. That means dialogue.
Too bad, so sad. Off you go to Ignoreland then. Have fun with your mirror.

Let's all join in and say, "How typically Liberal!"


Let's not and call it what it really is. You being a partisan hack. You can't think for yourself. You think you know what you are talking about but really don't have a clue. And you wouldn't know facts if they were right in front of your face because to you only one perspective has any relevance.

One sided people who label everyone else falsely and then pretend they won some sort of victory when the person doesn't want to deal with you, are boring as hell.

Think outside the box for once or just go talk to folks who think like you, there are plenty of them here. And some of them debate with an open mind. Yours is already closed. Closed and locked and buried in the desert somewhere where only people like Rush Limbaugh have the key.

Good luck going through life like that.
Ah, so you're one of these cretins who can't see past his own prefab labels. That's why the entire post sailed over your head.
Fuck that onanism shit. This is a message board. That means dialogue.
Too bad, so sad. Off you go to Ignoreland then. Have fun with your mirror.

Let's all join in and say, "How typically Liberal!"


Let's not and call it what it really is. You being a partisan hack. You can't think for yourself. You think you know what you are talking about but really don't have a clue. And you wouldn't know facts if they were right in front of your face because to you only one perspective has any relevance.

One sided people who label everyone else falsely and then pretend they won some sort of victory when the person doesn't want to deal with you, are boring as hell.

Think outside the box for once or just go talk to folks who think like you, there are plenty of them here. And some of them debate with an open mind. Yours is already closed. Closed and locked and buried in the desert somewhere where only people like Rush Limbaugh have the key.

Good luck going through life like that.

Sometimes it doesn't take long at all to peg these bozos. They'll out themselves, as here.
Which is a good thing in a way because idiots like this are what drag threads down in an endless and mindless echo of "yammer yammer libtard yammer yammer" that succeeds only in generating a cacophony of rhetorical pink noise.
I hate Liberals because they like me.

Until they know me.

Some of my best of friends suddenly discover that I don't THINK as they do. I don't SUBSCRIBE to their ideologies. And I don't CONFORM to their agenda.

Bye-bye little bird-brained fuckers.
Let's all join in and say, "How typically Liberal!"


Let's not and call it what it really is. You being a partisan hack. You can't think for yourself. You think you know what you are talking about but really don't have a clue. And you wouldn't know facts if they were right in front of your face because to you only one perspective has any relevance.

One sided people who label everyone else falsely and then pretend they won some sort of victory when the person doesn't want to deal with you, are boring as hell.

Think outside the box for once or just go talk to folks who think like you, there are plenty of them here. And some of them debate with an open mind. Yours is already closed. Closed and locked and buried in the desert somewhere where only people like Rush Limbaugh have the key.

Good luck going through life like that.

Sometimes it doesn't take long at all to peg these bozos. They'll out themselves, as here.
Which is a good thing in a way because idiots like this are what drag threads down in an endless and mindless echo of "yammer yammer libtard yammer yammer" that succeeds only in generating a cacophony of rhetorical pink noise.

Hey, Floyd!

You came back!

Ah, so you're one of these cretins who can't see past his own prefab labels. That's why the entire post sailed over your head.
Fuck that onanism shit. This is a message board. That means dialogue.
Too bad, so sad. Off you go to Ignoreland then. Have fun with your mirror.

Let's all join in and say, "How typically Liberal!"


Let's not and call it what it really is. You being a partisan hack. You can't think for yourself. You think you know what you are talking about but really don't have a clue. And you wouldn't know facts if they were right in front of your face because to you only one perspective has any relevance.

One sided people who label everyone else falsely and then pretend they won some sort of victory when the person doesn't want to deal with you, are boring as hell.

Think outside the box for once or just go talk to folks who think like you, there are plenty of them here. And some of them debate with an open mind. Yours is already closed. Closed and locked and buried in the desert somewhere where only people like Rush Limbaugh have the key.

Good luck going through life like that.

Thank you. I need all the luck I can get!

I hate Liberals because they like me.

Until they know me.

Some of my best of friends suddenly discover that I don't THINK as they do. I don't SUBSCRIBE to their ideologies. And I don't CONFORM to their agenda.

Bye-bye little bird-brained fuckers.

I feel the same way about anyone that bases whether or not they like a person based only on their political beliefs. You miss out on getting to know some decent people. I can't think of the exact article right now but I read somewhere during the 2012 election that this lady getting married uninvited a good friend of hers from the wedding and wouldn't speak to her anymore when she found out who she was voting for. C'mon now folks. Politics is only so important. You can't just surround yourself with like minded people.

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