Why do people hate Liberals?

If I had been talking about the parties, I would have said Democrats/Republicans.
I'm talking about parties, not made up "ideologies".

Foxy and I were talking about ideologies, liberal ideology and conservative ideology. Liberalism and conservatism are belief systems or ideologies. That is what we were talking about. I wasn't talking about the parties.
OK. I see it differently, that's all. I'd rather discuss the merits of this or that policy than concretize other people into "ideologies".

Some people vote strictly along party or ideological lines. For instance, some liberals would never even consider voting for a candidate who was anti abortion or anti gay marriage even if they agree with some of the candidate's other views.
Yes, I know that's the way that you want to parse the discussion. Me, I'm tired of relating to categories I'd rather connect with other people who want to discuss polices on their merit.

Bi-partisanship makes the country stronger. When the parties find common ground and vote the people's interest, I like it.

Uh, yeah. That is what I was saying. I said I don't buy into either of the main ideologies that currently infest our government and politicians.
If I had been talking about the parties, I would have said Democrats/Republicans.
I'm talking about parties, not made up "ideologies".

Foxy and I were talking about ideologies, liberal ideology and conservative ideology. Liberalism and conservatism are belief systems or ideologies. That is what we were talking about. I wasn't talking about the parties.
OK. I see it differently, that's all. I'd rather discuss the merits of this or that policy than concretize other people into "ideologies".

Some people vote strictly along party or ideological lines. For instance, some liberals would never even consider voting for a candidate who was anti abortion or anti gay marriage even if they agree with some of the candidate's other views.
Yes, I know that's the way that you want to parse the discussion. Me, I'm tired of relating to categories I'd rather connect with other people who want to discuss polices on their merit.

Bi-partisanship makes the country stronger. When the parties find common ground and vote the people's interest, I like it.

I am pro choice, anti death penalty, anti immigration and pro second amendment. Can you tell me some candidates who share my views?
I'm talking about parties, not made up "ideologies".

Foxy and I were talking about ideologies, liberal ideology and conservative ideology. Liberalism and conservatism are belief systems or ideologies. That is what we were talking about. I wasn't talking about the parties.
OK. I see it differently, that's all. I'd rather discuss the merits of this or that policy than concretize other people into "ideologies".

Some people vote strictly along party or ideological lines. For instance, some liberals would never even consider voting for a candidate who was anti abortion or anti gay marriage even if they agree with some of the candidate's other views.
Yes, I know that's the way that you want to parse the discussion. Me, I'm tired of relating to categories I'd rather connect with other people who want to discuss polices on their merit.

Bi-partisanship makes the country stronger. When the parties find common ground and vote the people's interest, I like it.

Okay, try this. Can you tell me of any democrat candidates who are running on a conservative ideology? What about any republican candidates who espouse liberal views?
Once again, I don't relate to the idea of "liberalism" or "conservatism". If you had seen the first Democratic debate there was a range of Democrats, from Bernie Sanders to Jim Webb. Webb could cross party lines quite easily
Foxy and I were talking about ideologies, liberal ideology and conservative ideology. Liberalism and conservatism are belief systems or ideologies. That is what we were talking about. I wasn't talking about the parties.
OK. I see it differently, that's all. I'd rather discuss the merits of this or that policy than concretize other people into "ideologies".

Some people vote strictly along party or ideological lines. For instance, some liberals would never even consider voting for a candidate who was anti abortion or anti gay marriage even if they agree with some of the candidate's other views.
Yes, I know that's the way that you want to parse the discussion. Me, I'm tired of relating to categories I'd rather connect with other people who want to discuss polices on their merit.

Bi-partisanship makes the country stronger. When the parties find common ground and vote the people's interest, I like it.

Okay, try this. Can you tell me of any democrat candidates who are running on a conservative ideology? What about any republican candidates who espouse liberal views?
Once again, I don't relate to the idea of "liberalism" or "conservatism". If you had seen the first Democratic debate there was a range of Democrats, from Bernie Sanders to Jim Webb. Webb could cross party lines quite easily

And what is his platform? Where does he stand on the social issues? What views would you consider more conservative?
Foxy and I were talking about ideologies, liberal ideology and conservative ideology. Liberalism and conservatism are belief systems or ideologies. That is what we were talking about. I wasn't talking about the parties.
OK. I see it differently, that's all. I'd rather discuss the merits of this or that policy than concretize other people into "ideologies".

Some people vote strictly along party or ideological lines. For instance, some liberals would never even consider voting for a candidate who was anti abortion or anti gay marriage even if they agree with some of the candidate's other views.
Yes, I know that's the way that you want to parse the discussion. Me, I'm tired of relating to categories I'd rather connect with other people who want to discuss polices on their merit.

Bi-partisanship makes the country stronger. When the parties find common ground and vote the people's interest, I like it.

Okay, try this. Can you tell me of any democrat candidates who are running on a conservative ideology? What about any republican candidates who espouse liberal views?
Once again, I don't relate to the idea of "liberalism" or "conservatism". If you had seen the first Democratic debate there was a range of Democrats, from Bernie Sanders to Jim Webb. Webb could cross party lines quite easily

Well, I'm sorry and I don't know what you are arguing about. These ideologies are well known and many, many people who vote do in fact vote based upon these ideological viewpoints.

Liberalism and conservatism are two political and socioeconomic policies is all.

He is an interesting candidate, but he is not the DNC "sweetheart" now is he? :D Who is the DNC sweetheart? The one who follows along with the main political ideology of the democrat party, which is liberalism. That would be Hilary Clinton.

The same goes for the republicans. They don't want to throw their support behind a pro choice candidate. They want one who is going to follow them. The two party system that has been monopolizing our political system for years now is what is going to do us in.

Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I don't agree with you. After watching the last Democratic debate, I felt as though I would have proudly voted for any of them, even though there were differences.

Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

That is irrelevant to me.

Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

As a citizen and a taxpayer, I say no more.

Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

That is irrelevant to me.
It's not irrelevant to me. Study the history of immigraton law.
Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

That is irrelevant to me.
It's not irrelevant to me. Study the history of immigraton law.

Quote the part of the constitution where it states America has to accept any refugees or immigrants.
Interesting candidate. I only disagree with him on immigration. I think we should make it much more difficult to become a US citizen.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

That is irrelevant to me.
It's not irrelevant to me. Study the history of immigraton law.

I can give you a multitude of reasons why we should not accept immigrants. I would like a list from you as to why we should. I like to measure the pros and cons.
I'd like you to consider how you'd have felt if your relatives were deliberately barred from entering the US.

This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

That is irrelevant to me.
It's not irrelevant to me. Study the history of immigraton law.

I can give you a multitude of reasons why we should not accept immigrants. I would like a list from you as to why we should. I like to measure the pros and cons.
Today, we don't have to agree on which president is most responsible for the tide of humanity crashing onto Europe's shores. Maybe you blame George W. Bush for starting a war that brought chaos to Iraq, which spilled into Syria. Maybe you fault Barack Obama for pulling out of Iraq and declining to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We don't have to agree on which president broke the region. But one or both of them had a hand in the destruction. So we can't very well pretend we have no obligation to the hordes driven from their homes. This is the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, a humanitarian emergency of the highest order, and the U.S. isn't doing enough to ameliorate it.
This Is Why America Should Take More Syrian Refugees

We caused the problem, we have a responsibility to the people affected by it.
This is not an emotional issue. It is a logistical issue. We don't have enough resources to care for everyone. Already, our system is becoming unbalanced with approximately 35% of US citizens collecting some form of social service supports.
I merely asked you to consider how you would have felt if it were YOUR relatives.

Consider how Canada treated the Syrian refugees.

That is irrelevant to me.
It's not irrelevant to me. Study the history of immigraton law.

I can give you a multitude of reasons why we should not accept immigrants. I would like a list from you as to why we should. I like to measure the pros and cons.
Today, we don't have to agree on which president is most responsible for the tide of humanity crashing onto Europe's shores. Maybe you blame George W. Bush for starting a war that brought chaos to Iraq, which spilled into Syria. Maybe you fault Barack Obama for pulling out of Iraq and declining to take out Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

We don't have to agree on which president broke the region. But one or both of them had a hand in the destruction. So we can't very well pretend we have no obligation to the hordes driven from their homes. This is the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, a humanitarian emergency of the highest order, and the U.S. isn't doing enough to ameliorate it.
This Is Why America Should Take More Syrian Refugees

We caused the problem, we have a responsibility to the people affected by it.

I don't care who you want to blame. I haven't done anything to any of these people, and I feel NO obligations to them whatsoever. I notice that you avoided giving me the list of pros. Until you can give me a list of pros that outweigh the cons, then I will stick to my original position on this topic.

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