Why do people think every con just watches Fox and listens to Limbaugh?


Active Member
Dec 27, 2014
The conservative media is actually as large and varied as it is vapid and totalitarian. There's NewsMax, The Blaze, Glen Beck, Voice of America, American Thinker... Honestly Fox is just the tip of the iceberg of crazy here.
The conservative media is actually as large and varied as it is vapid and totalitarian. There's NewsMax, The Blaze, Glen Beck, Voice of America, American Thinker... Honestly Fox is just the tip of the iceberg of crazy here.

You forgot InfoWars..

The Conservatives NEED a smart media. Their media today is streamlining them for their own profits. I know a Right Winger that is mad today because he invested everything in the Ebola cure and POOF, the fear driven scare is gone.

Conservative is a tricky subject though. Fear of change is ignorance yet a financial Conservative is brilliant.

I've been stating this for a very long time. The Right Wing needs a more informed news source.

But I gave up when I realized and understood the people who operate the Right Wing do not want an educated party. How else could they get away with everything they do while blaming others.
They are all crazy. All the media liberal and everybody you mentioned has their own agenda. It could be money based, ratings based, politically motivated bottom line - Everybody has an agenda. I don't listen to any of them.
They are all crazy. All the media liberal and everybody you mentioned has their own agenda. It could be money based, ratings based, politically motivated bottom line - Everybody has an agenda. I don't listen to any of them.

I disagree.

I believe in listening to everyone and using collective information to decipher out the bad information. Yet if you use this process and repeat information from other sources, you will be labeled as a bias (other).

Everyone certainly has an agenda. But America is based on what is best for America. $ is good for America, but not what is best in some situations. And Right Wing media today is ONLY Profit Driven.
cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.

cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.


ABC, NBC, and CBS were all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election. Some say Government is Controlling Media. The educated know the Media sometimes Controls Government.
I've been searching for a smart Right Wing media for a very long time. It's simply not out there, probably for a reason. They cut education for a reason. Everyone has heard the posts they make. No information, 100% troll tactics.

It's EXTREMELY hard not to profile all Right Wingers as the bone heads we see in National Forums.
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cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.


ABC, NBC, and CBS were all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election. Some say Government is Controlling Media. The educated know the Media sometimes Controls Government.

when cnn is reading media matters talking points, verbatim, you can tell that the media and our government that is supported by the big 3 and cnn are all run by corporate globalist.

Squawking about fox, a cable network, conservative radio, that many can't get and some internet sites, vs the same plus the big 3 networks is a lark
cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.


ABC, NBC, and CBS were all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election. Some say Government is Controlling Media. The educated know the Media sometimes Controls Government.

when cnn is reading media matters talking points, verbatim, you can tell that the media and our government that is supported by the big 3 and cnn are all run by corporate globalist.

Squawking about fox, a cable network, conservative radio, that many can't get and some internet sites, vs the same plus the big 3 networks is a lark

When you see Fox News selling GOLD in every commercial, you can tell they want Ron or Rand Paul to win and then everyone who invested will be the wealthiest Americans.

The Corporations control the politicians, not the other way around. This concept is 1.0 in politics 2015
cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.


ABC, NBC, and CBS were all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election. Some say Government is Controlling Media. The educated know the Media sometimes Controls Government.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, as usual. Show me your source for the claim that ABC, NBC, and CBS were "all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election." Look back in your butt where you pulled this post from. Maybe it's in there.
cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.


ABC, NBC, and CBS were all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election. Some say Government is Controlling Media. The educated know the Media sometimes Controls Government.

when cnn is reading media matters talking points, verbatim, you can tell that the media and our government that is supported by the big 3 and cnn are all run by corporate globalist.

Squawking about fox, a cable network, conservative radio, that many can't get and some internet sites, vs the same plus the big 3 networks is a lark

When you see Fox News selling GOLD in every commercial, you can tell they want Ron or Rand Paul to win and then everyone who invested will be the wealthiest Americans.

The Corporations control the politicians, not the other way around. This concept is 1.0 in politics 2015
every corp should own a pol or 10.

It's how you keep the competition from coming up
I know every BIAS media sells a save haven. But the truth is bias media is the problem. Just watch the movie "Politico"

Or the movies "Anchorman" that directly make fun of Fox News and the Koch brothers.
They are all crazy. All the media liberal and everybody you mentioned has their own agenda. It could be money based, ratings based, politically motivated bottom line - Everybody has an agenda. I don't listen to any of them.

I disagree.

I believe in listening to everyone and using collective information to decipher out the bad information. Yet if you use this process and repeat information from other sources, you will be labeled as a bias (other).

Everyone certainly has an agenda. But America is based on what is best for America. $ is good for America, but not what is best in some situations. And Right Wing media today is ONLY Profit Driven.

I go off of direct quotes and actions rather than a middle man. You are wrong and are being used.
cracks me up when people think their media isn't telling them what they want to hear and not all the truth.


ABC, NBC, and CBS were all 3 top 10 donors to Obama during the election. Some say Government is Controlling Media. The educated know the Media sometimes Controls Government.

when cnn is reading media matters talking points, verbatim, you can tell that the media and our government that is supported by the big 3 and cnn are all run by corporate globalist.

Squawking about fox, a cable network, conservative radio, that many can't get and some internet sites, vs the same plus the big 3 networks is a lark

When you see Fox News selling GOLD in every commercial, you can tell they want Ron or Rand Paul to win and then everyone who invested will be the wealthiest Americans.

The Corporations control the politicians, not the other way around. This concept is 1.0 in politics 2015
every corp should own a pol or 10.

It's how you keep the competition from coming up

Every politician should have to speek free. Only then will true and good words become news instead of this monetary basis we have today. Athletes don't spend $ to become top athletes, they get there by proving their worth.
They are all crazy. All the media liberal and everybody you mentioned has their own agenda. It could be money based, ratings based, politically motivated bottom line - Everybody has an agenda. I don't listen to any of them.

I disagree.

I believe in listening to everyone and using collective information to decipher out the bad information. Yet if you use this process and repeat information from other sources, you will be labeled as a bias (other).

Everyone certainly has an agenda. But America is based on what is best for America. $ is good for America, but not what is best in some situations. And Right Wing media today is ONLY Profit Driven.

I go off of direct quotes and actions rather than a middle man. You are wrong and are being used.

My brain uses me. No one else.

You not listening to all media and only (some) says a lot.

Again, listen to ALL media and use your brain to decifer what is real. YOu will have to use that same skill online for the rest of your life. It's not hard. Lot's of information out there, but with it, lot's of bad information.
If you listen to Fox News, then listen to Jon Stewart to balance the information. You will notice something very obvious if you do this.
They are all crazy. All the media liberal and everybody you mentioned has their own agenda. It could be money based, ratings based, politically motivated bottom line - Everybody has an agenda. I don't listen to any of them.

I disagree.

I believe in listening to everyone and using collective information to decipher out the bad information. Yet if you use this process and repeat information from other sources, you will be labeled as a bias (other).

Everyone certainly has an agenda. But America is based on what is best for America. $ is good for America, but not what is best in some situations. And Right Wing media today is ONLY Profit Driven.

I go off of direct quotes and actions rather than a middle man. You are wrong and are being used.

My brain uses me. No one else.

You not listening to all media and only (some) says a lot.

Again, listen to ALL media and use your brain to decifer what is real. YOu will have to use that same skill online for the rest of your life. It's not hard. Lot's of information out there, but with it, lot's of bad information.

Zero media. Not "some."

I'm using my full brain and not listening to others views. I'm to damn smart for that. Like I said the best way is to go off of their direct quotes and actions. You don't need a news media for that. They focus on all the bullshit and get emotion mixed in where it's not needed, and like I said have an agenda. Anybody that has an agenda I refuse to listen to unless they actually represent me. There's no better way to do it. You are like I said for the second time now being used. You are letting the media in your brain by listening to what they have to say.
I know every BIAS media sells a save haven. But the truth is bias media is the problem. Just watch the movie "Politico"

Or the movies "Anchorman" that directly make fun of Fox News and the Koch brothers.
hollywood is as anti right as the media

It's like asking twins their opinion of something

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