Why Do Religious Republicans Stridently Defend Greed?

Why do Liberals/Progressives/NeoNazis think anyone gives a single, solitary fuck about their take on religion?

We gives a fuck because conservatives keep trying to force their religion on others. Keep your religion out of politics.

According to you, conservatives keep trying to force their religion on others. Well, according to me, liberal Democrats keep trying to force their social issues on everybody else. Just like your ire with conservatives and religion, I am a bit pissed about the liberal Democrats and their social issues so why don't we call it a draw and go drink a beer and STFU.
"Christianity has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and not tried." Gilbert K. Chesterton

Christianity is much like all complex ideologies, it includes everyone and no one. Schweitzer was a Christian, as was McVeigh, as was Mother Theresa. I'm sure the jails are full of Christians as well. If a Gawd exists being a Christian may be a unfair disadvantageous as you'd have a hard time living up to your doctrine of charity and the Jesus of the sermon on the mount.

Taming the Savage Market

"The sacredness of the other is anathema for the Christian right, which cannot acknowledge the legitimacy of other ways of being and believing. If other belief systems, including atheism, have moral validity, the infallibility of the movement’s doctrine, which constitutes its chief appeal, is shattered. There can be no alternative ways to think or to be. All alternatives must be crushed." Chris Hedges
btw I do recall realizing at the time that televangelists had adopted and were pushing a "greed is good" philosophy.

this is quite a while back. Maybe late 70's or early 80's.

Kinda coincided with the religious rights rise to political power...

Maybe a selliing point for religion, go to heaven and be rich too?
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that made even less sense than usual for you.

try again, it made perfect sense.
I wonder just how many of those who hate greed drive nice cars, live in nice neighborhoods, live in nice two story homes with a two car garage? And have plenty to eat and drink. Not to mention own iPhones, or other items that some folks can't buy.
It's so easy to rail against greed all the while living in the lap of luxury.
(no offence to you, just to the person who started this thread)

greed is not wanting a good comfortable life for oneself and family, greed is wanting all of this and more?

n. 1. A reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins); avarice; greed.
Library Grape: Why Do Religious Republicans Stridently Defend Greed?

They're robbers for Jesus who hate the poor and look down on poor people as evil people, of course ignoring the vil of rich and wealthy people.

I take it that "they" are the religious Republicans, namely (according to another post) Huckabee and Palin, that are looking down their collective noses.

May I ask you how, exactly, they do that?
Also, may I ask, why are you watching their show(s) if you don't agree with their ideology?

What are they 'shoving down your throat'? Your remote control?

Without looking, I'd be willing to bet a NegRep from the most senior member on this board, that there are far more threads, in the "Religion and Ethics" section, about how pushy Christians are compared to the number of discussions of why you should pray to Jesus for your forgiveness.
I don't argue for prayer in schools, I don't argue for gays to have the same morals as I have even though I find their behavior nasty, I don't argue for family values when my teen daughter is having sex and getting pregnant. Yu fuckers can believe in what you want to belive just stop forcing others to believe it, I don't need Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin to tell me what morality is, they can go fuck themselves.

The whole point of having a government is to enforce laws, all based on some type of common morality shared throughout society. All laws are telling you what morality is, what is acceptable and what isn't. Do you think we like tax cheats telling us to pay more taxes? You libs seem to have no qualms about forcing the rest of society to accept your beliefs on issues like abortion, so ease up on the phoney outrage.
False outrage... Where would politics be without it?

or our "news" media for that matter.
Yeah why it took them a while to slide it in.

If you ever hear a preacher mention the word "seed" more than 4 times in 1/2 hour.....
Greed is thinking that you deserve more than you are actually worth. See Wall St. bankers for that one, they're prime examples. Instead of making 4 billion betting against the stock market, don't you think it would have made more sense to sound the alarm and try to head it off before the economy took a bath?

Greed is also what makes people look down their noses at others. Why? Because they think that because of their hard work and abilities, that everyone else has the same deal.

Trouble is, most don't. I'm an example of that, because I was orphaned at 8, and in foster care from 12-16 and back with my grandparents at 16, and I joined the Navy at 18.

Even though I got good grades and had a decent amount of participation in outside activities, community college would have been all I could get, so I joined the military.

Incidentally, I've never seen more than 37,000/year in my life, never been middle class, but I'm happy with that. Why? I don't need more crap in my life than what I've got. A good quality racing bicycle, television and internet.

Even though I could make 50,000/year, I'm pretty happy living on my pension. Why? Simple, I've got more time to think about stuff because I'm not caught up in the rat race. I have enough to eat, occasionally have a few beers to drink, and a decent small house to live in.

Yes, I could have more, but it would take my focus off of what is really important........making friends, learning new things, and teaching new things to others.

Yeshua stated that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven. Wanna know why? Because in the process of having a whole bunch of material crap, you tend to take your focus off of God and place it on things.

Greed is basically another form of idolatry, because you're worshiping objects and money, not God, which is kinda why rich people tend to look down on others who are less fortunate.

They're not God centered, they're object and money centered.
I'm curios to know why followers of the religion of statism think that envy and coveting should be taken to the point of legalized theft.
try again, it made perfect sense.
I wonder just how many of those who hate greed drive nice cars, live in nice neighborhoods, live in nice two story homes with a two car garage? And have plenty to eat and drink. Not to mention own iPhones, or other items that some folks can't buy.
It's so easy to rail against greed all the while living in the lap of luxury.
(no offence to you, just to the person who started this thread)

greed is not wanting a good comfortable life for oneself and family, greed is wanting all of this and more?

n. 1. A reprehensible acquisitiveness; insatiable desire for wealth (personified as one of the deadly sins); avarice; greed.
Point made, however, it's easy to point out others greed, but some how over look their own, or our own. Not that I'm a greedy person I'm far from it. As a standard operation procedure :I never advertise my charitable activites to the world. I usually give to someone and then keep quiet about it that way what I do in secret my Heavenly Father rewards me openly (as it is written in the Bible(Jesus talked about this very topic)). And if anyone's read my profile or my posts. I'm a Conservative Republican. From what I've gathered Conservatives do give in charities, it's just that they don't make a big to do about it; not everyone does.
Library Grape: Why Do Religious Republicans Stridently Defend Greed?

They're robbers for Jesus who hate the poor and look down on poor people as evil people, of course ignoring the vil of rich and wealthy people.

Actually the reason is that they are politicians. Most politicians in all parties are greedy, and untrustworthy.

I have no idea how religion is a part of that idea, unless you are one of those liberal lefts who want to make big government , and make America a welfare state where no one has to work, and the government owes them. Most democrates feel that way.

Political greed has nothing to do with religion, and almost no politician cares about the poor.
another idiot thread. yawn

if the op was so worried about GREED, then why do they own a computer while paying for Internet?

shouldn't they be living in a cardboard box somewhere.?:lol:

that made even less sense than usual for you.

try again, it made perfect sense.

so the opposite of extreme greed is living in poverty?

one can have enough $ (or even plenty of $) without being GREEDY

there is a point at which one could say that one has way TOO MUCH MONEY....

athletes, for example, who are paid megamillions per year just to play silly little games...


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