Why do retired people constantly gloat?

I live in Virginia, and commuted for 40 years,
You could have stopped right there!

I know people that still are making that 60-mile commute from my AO into NOtVA/DC every-single-day while well into their 60s and I wonder how they do it.

That said they are mostly the ones that made poor decisions in life (multiple marriages w/kids and such) and have to make that trip.
When I went onsite during construction the contractors were bringing in 20 1000 kva GE 13.2/480 transformers filled with PCB just under the EPA grandfather ruling (at night and covered with tarps). Then they installed about 50 of the old federal pacific 600 v air circuit breakers, and mcc's, and you probably know how bad they were. 20 year headache. I don't miss any of that. I do miss some of the people.
When I went onsite during construction the contractors were bringing in 20 1000 kva GE 13.2/480 transformers filled with PCB just under the EPA grandfather ruling (at night and covered with tarps). Then they installed about 50 of the old federal pacific 600 v air circuit breakers, and mcc's, and you probably know how bad they were. 20 year headache. I don't miss any of that. I do miss some of the people.
You know.....

It requires 5 electricians to change a lightbulb....and hopefully one is an apprentice.

The apprentice climbs the ladder and changes the lamp while the other four stand around and discuss how they did it on the last job they were on.

If an apprentice makes a mistake and the JW is killed by accident the apprentice will eventually get another JW.
If a JW does something similar and kills his apprentice....they don't EVER let that JW have another apprentice.
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You know.....

It requires 5 electricians to change a lightbulb....and hopefully one is an apprentice.

The apprentice climbs the ladder and changes the lamp while the other four stand around and discuss how they did it on the last job they were on.

I thought it was:
  • 1 - The apprentice to climb the ladder
  • 1 - To hold the ladder
  • 1 - Turn off the light switch
  • 1 - Red tag the circuiit breaker
  • 1 - QA the install

I thought it was:
  • 1 - The apprentice to climb the ladder
  • 1 - To hold the ladder
  • 1 - Turn off the light switch
  • 1 - Red tag the circuiit breaker
  • 1 - QA the install

We ain't talking about reality here. LOTO is too close to reality for this thread.

We got the foreman who we get an assignment from and we spend an hour arguing and asking dumb questions just so we ain't gotta do anything.....
Then comes the pre task planning....this can take a bit.
Then we go on the tool hunt and gather the tools and equipment we need.
Then it's time to gather the materials.
But by this time it's "pre-break" because we don't want to be caught in the middle of something when it's break time. So we just hang out straightening this pile of materials and equipment.

So after break (we have taken 30-45minutes to take a 15 minute break)

We get back to material hunt.

Then, once everything is assembled.....more pre-task planning along safety lines. LOTO is discussed and we figure out if we need to....if "yes" then permissions and authorizations are needed along with signatures. (This can take an hour or more)
Safety harnesses and D rings and lanyards are acquired at this point. And more discussions about yellow or red tape and cones. A floor man to direct traffic is assigned. (Nothing is really accomplished yet)

But now it's lunch pre-break again.
Gotta get that 45-60minutes in for our 30mn lunch break.

So then we finally all assemble and get orange cones and appropriate tape (red or yellow).and then go about locking out and tagging out whatever.....
Then someone gets to climb up and gets to work. Others are on the ground directing traffic and answering all the whining as to why the power is out.

But then it's 15 minutes to time to go home....meaning cleanup. Meaning....we got about 30 minutes of work in and the power? Maybe we leave it off or maybe we make things safe enough and turn it back on.

And we go home to come back tomorrow to do it all over again.
Safety harnesses and D rings and lanyards are acquired at this point.
Don't forget the safety meetings , where everyone sits around telling dirty jokes, and then signs off John..... ;) .~S~
SS is such a ripoff. They took a chunk of my wages for 50 years and gave back a pittance.
You've probably received a letter stating your total contribution to SS, about a decade or so ago.

The chunk that they took back when I was making $1.55/hr (minimum wage at the time) really wasn't that much.
You've probably received a letter stating your total contribution to SS, about a decade or so ago.

The chunk that they took back when I was making $1.55/hr (minimum wage at the time) really wasn't that much.
Yes but, if you invested that in secure investments, you'd have a lot more. SS wastes our money.
Secure investments are for gamblers, of which I am not one.
There are very secure investments. Also, you don't put all your money in one bucket. SS is a ripoff.
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