Why do right wing heroes always seem "deranged"?

'Lest we forget, the debt increasin', tax raisin', terrist armin', amnesty lovin'..... You get the idea- Raygun!!!

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George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

I'd listen to Deany, he used to be a Republican, said so himself.

Look at Progressive Heroes:

Obama, Pathological Liar

Biden, Just plain nuts

Liz Warren, Pathological liar AND just plain nuts

I showed real right wing heroes. And they are very recent. So there is plenty to back up my claim. But you just called names with nothing to back it up. Unless you want to say Obama lied because insurance companies ended sub standard policies.
My right wing hero is Ronald Wilson Reagan. The most evil being that ever slithered across the face of the Earth. He couldn't be demonized or lampooned often enough. He hurt the commies for fuck's sake! And all they wanted was to share prosperity and good will to their fellow man.

Well, the Marines weren't too fond of the situation he put them in in Beirut. Then cut n' run.
'Lest we forget, the debt increasin', tax raisin', terrist armin', amnesty lovin'..... You get the idea- Raygun!!!

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Not a fan of any of the above but if you're going to chastise "Raygun" then you will have to chastise O-bomber for the exact same reasons (unless you live by a double standard -- that is).
Democrats won the freaking election. Barry Hussein is the freaking president. Why does the radical left worry about Ted Nugent? Talk about deranged.
George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

I'd listen to Deany, he used to be a Republican, said so himself.

Look at Progressive Heroes:

Obama, Pathological Liar

Biden, Just plain nuts

Liz Warren, Pathological liar AND just plain nuts

I showed real right wing heroes. And they are very recent. So there is plenty to back up my claim. But you just called names with nothing to back it up. Unless you want to say Obama lied because insurance companies ended sub standard policies.

Who were your heroes...I mean when you were a Republican?
My right wing hero is Ronald Wilson Reagan. The most evil being that ever slithered across the face of the Earth. He couldn't be demonized or lampooned often enough. He hurt the commies for fuck's sake! And all they wanted was to share prosperity and good will to their fellow man.

Well, the Marines weren't too fond of the situation he put them in in Beirut. Then cut n' run.

You tell 'em Zona, Hazlnut, Mad Cabbie Guano, et al
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My right wing hero is Ronald Wilson Reagan. The most evil being that ever slithered across the face of the Earth. He couldn't be demonized or lampooned often enough. He hurt the commies for fuck's sake! And all they wanted was to share prosperity and good will to their fellow man.


George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

Because the deranged Liberals are so numerous.

Because the deranged Liberals have the media in their pockets.

Because we vote the deranged Liberals into office.

Because deranged is in the eye of the beholder.

I.E. YOU are nuckin futz.
I'd listen to Deany, he used to be a Republican, said so himself.

Look at Progressive Heroes:

Obama, Pathological Liar

Biden, Just plain nuts

Liz Warren, Pathological liar AND just plain nuts

I showed real right wing heroes. And they are very recent. So there is plenty to back up my claim. But you just called names with nothing to back it up. Unless you want to say Obama lied because insurance companies ended sub standard policies.

Who were your heroes...I mean when you were a Republican?

Eisenhower. He built the interstate highway system and NASA.

The GOP leadership today are heartless, drunks, pervs, anti American, anti education. All the values opposite of what I believe are important. How do we know? They tell us. They aren't hiding. They aren't ashamed. They are just nasty.
None of those are right wing heroes except for maybe Duck Dynasty and some who are for Ted Nugent, not all.

How about the left wing heroes

President Wilson who locked up German American Citizens in internment camps.

President Franklin Roosevelt who locked up Japanese Americans in internment camps.

Che Guevara who was a communist and who killed millions and hated rock n roll.
That rock n roll part was not cool.

Bad Che!

Bad Che!
Left wing heroes:



Fidel Castro

Pol Pot

Kim il Sung


Aside from Obama..who really is a left wing hero.

Find an elected Democrat who has shown support for any of those people.

Let me give you an example.

That's like some strong Putin love.
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My right wing hero is Ronald Wilson Reagan. The most evil being that ever slithered across the face of the Earth. He couldn't be demonized or lampooned often enough. He hurt the commies for fuck's sake! And all they wanted was to share prosperity and good will to their fellow man.


Hey, thanks for that link. I'm bookmarking it. What a contrast to what we have today with Obama not taking responsibility for anything. Looks like Ronald wasn't in on the deal after all but had the backbone to man up and encourage an investigation, also very unlike today.
he was caught red-handed arming terrists and what did he do? Made a video :rolleyes: In his defense, he was a sportscaster. Give me a break icewasel. If he had any decency & conviction of his *cough* "principles", he would've done the right thing and resigned.
George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

Don't forget the tee potty politicians.


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