Why do right wing heroes always seem "deranged"?

he was caught red-handed arming terrists and what did he do? Made a video :rolleyes: In his defense, he was a sportscaster. Give me a break icewasel. If he had any decency & conviction of his *cough* "principles", he would've done the right thing and resigned.
That isn't what the report said, that's apparently what you wanted the report to say. How do you know he was in on it? Presidents aren't in on everything and sometimes rogue operatives protect them from not knowing. I don't think Obama was in on the IRS scandal, at least I hope not, but where's his desire to get to the bottom of it? The big difference is the left has most of the media on their side so it gets downplayed or maybe not played at all.
My right wing hero is Ronald Wilson Reagan. The most evil being that ever slithered across the face of the Earth. He couldn't be demonized or lampooned often enough. He hurt the commies for fuck's sake! And all they wanted was to share prosperity and good will to their fellow man.


Hey, thanks for that link. I'm bookmarking it. What a contrast to what we have today with Obama not taking responsibility for anything. Looks like Ronald wasn't in on the deal after all but had the backbone to man up and encourage an investigation, also very unlike today.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ronald Reagan committed Treason. And got away with it.
icetroll is prolly going on ignore soon. VERY soon. The troll rarely provides evidence for his zany pronouncements. I don't have time, or frankly the inclination, to "instruct" you fact-free types :eusa_hand:
My kind of Hero...........

Keep the change libs.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDvBmWOf8m0]"Keep The Change" - Hank Jr. - YouTube[/ame]

Mao and Stalin are considered heroes by the radical left wing of the Democratic Party.

Scholars believe that Mao in some way was involved in the death of at least 40 million people and possibly as many as 80 million, more deaths during peace time than any other leader. Most of them perished during the Great Famine in the late 1950s, which followed the Great Leap Forward. Millions more may have died in the Cultural Revolution.

Stalin killed between 30 and 40 million during the purges and famines of the 1920s and 30s.*

* others have put the numbers from a low of 20 million to a high of 60 million.

Mass murderers are heroes?
icetroll is prolly going on ignore soon. VERY soon. The troll rarely provides evidence for his zany pronouncements. I don't have time, or frankly the inclination, to "instruct" you fact-free types :eusa_hand:
Narrow minded types don't instruct anything but their own type. My challenge was simple, asshole. I said "That isn't what the report said, that's apparently what you wanted the report to say." That's me pointing out the flaw in your thinking. The link and support is right here for anyone with a functioning mind to see.
George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

None of those are right wing heroes except for maybe Duck Dynasty and some who are for Ted Nugent, not all.

How about the left wing heroes

President Wilson who locked up German American Citizens in internment camps.

President Franklin Roosevelt who locked up Japanese Americans in internment camps.

Che Guevara who was a communist and who killed millions and hated rock n roll.

Thousands of leftists today are celebrating Hitler's birthday. It's a street party in Denver.
George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

None of those are right wing heroes except for maybe Duck Dynasty and some who are for Ted Nugent, not all.

How about the left wing heroes

President Wilson who locked up German American Citizens in internment camps.

President Franklin Roosevelt who locked up Japanese Americans in internment camps.

Che Guevara who was a communist and who killed millions and hated rock n roll.

Thousands of leftists today are celebrating Hitler's birthday. It's a street party in Denver.

You mindless twit, we lefties are celebrating George Takei's birthday!!!

George Zimmerman - child killer

Bundy - welfare queen

Putin - despot

Ted Nugent - even scaring Texans

Duck Dynasty

then you go farther back and you've got David Koresh and Jerry Falwell.

Does the right claim Timothy McVeigh? I'm not even sure.

It just seems that right wing heroes are terribly flawed and come across as deranged.

Your problem, and it is one among many, is that you are the one assigning those asshats hero status to the right. I have yet to see or hear anyone on the "right" claim them as heroes.

And if any did, they would be from the lunatic fringe, so far right they are shaking hands with their "leftwing" counterparts.

Now, it's about time you got over yourself, little Deanie...

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