Why Do RWers Swear That The Media Is All Liberal?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up.

How long did it take for them to cover the Madison protests? Ed Schultz was on it from day one pushing it, it took the rest of the media an entire 2.5 to 3 weeks after to cover it, then it was tepid, then a week in it picked up.

How does that square away as the Mainstream Media being Liberal in the RWers brains?

Do explain.
Several studies by whom?

News and journalism by nature should be liberal or at least not allied with govt, political parties or corporations. But I am not sure the independence and liberalilsm are the same thing in that case.
Let's start with the networks...

NY Times
LA Times
NY Daily News
Mother Jones
The Nation

There are probably hundreds of newspapers and quite a few magazines that are left leaning...
And you know this to be true.
How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up.

How long did it take for them to cover the Madison protests? Ed Schultz was on it from day one pushing it, it took the rest of the media an entire 2.5 to 3 weeks after to cover it, then it was tepid, then a week in it picked up.

How does that square away as the Mainstream Media being Liberal in the RWers brains?

Do explain.
what is a Right Winger Marc?......there are different meanings.....Your Buddy Dean will say ANYTHING to his Right.....some will say Republicans/Conservatives.....some will say just the FAR Right crowd......you started this thread....what is it to you?....
Mass media sells generic advertising to young, gullible, innumerate rubes.

Business and trade media sells big ticket items to those who can afford them. This is the media usually termed rightwing.

So, no not all media is left wing just the dumbass media.
How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up....

Do explain.
How does anyone reconcile the lie you put forth?

They were covered as early as 2007, long before they became a national movement.

The media swarms when they gather in small numbers to illustrate how small the numbers are at that time and place. When they gather in the thousands please link where the media ignored them. Instead the media be-littled them, called the racists, mocked their message and told you there was only a coupla dozen for every thousand.
Why do you have to lie Marc? Seriously, the new media isn't all liberal. But the Establishment media clearly is.

No one is claiming that all media is liberal.
Because most media has to have at least some credibility.

Right wingers believe in the most bizarre things and journalists are very competitive. They have to tell the truth and prove it or that could be the end of their career. Except on Fox of course. Fox is owned by Arabs and Australians. They don't need standards.

For instance, many papers have a "science" section, but not a conspiracy section. One thing Conservatives love and one thing they don't believe in. We all know which is which.
How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up.

How long did it take for them to cover the Madison protests? Ed Schultz was on it from day one pushing it, it took the rest of the media an entire 2.5 to 3 weeks after to cover it, then it was tepid, then a week in it picked up.

How does that square away as the Mainstream Media being Liberal in the RWers brains?

Do explain.
what is a Right Winger Marc?......there are different meanings.....Your Buddy Dean will say ANYTHING to his Right.....some will say Republicans/Conservatives.....some will say just the FAR Right crowd......you started this thread....what is it to you?....

Why don't YOU start by answering the OP question?

Then we'll cover that stuff.

How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up.

How long did it take for them to cover the Madison protests? Ed Schultz was on it from day one pushing it, it took the rest of the media an entire 2.5 to 3 weeks after to cover it, then it was tepid, then a week in it picked up.

How does that square away as the Mainstream Media being Liberal in the RWers brains?

Do explain.
what is a Right Winger Marc?......there are different meanings.....Your Buddy Dean will say ANYTHING to his Right.....some will say Republicans/Conservatives.....some will say just the FAR Right crowd......you started this thread....what is it to you?....

Why don't YOU start by answering the OP question?

Then we'll cover that stuff.


i cant answer that until you tell me what the hell a right winger is.....but go ahead ....be like Dean and dance around questions....you two should go on "Dancing with the non-Stars".....as partners,you would be unbeatable....but dont let Dean lead....he will fuck you up.....
How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up.

How long did it take for them to cover the Madison protests? Ed Schultz was on it from day one pushing it, it took the rest of the media an entire 2.5 to 3 weeks after to cover it, then it was tepid, then a week in it picked up.

How does that square away as the Mainstream Media being Liberal in the RWers brains?

Do explain.
I think it's because the new Right Wing is driven by ideology rather than intellect. That makes for a very narrow template. This template is imposed on every political action, even though some actions are not political but journalistic. If the message does not absolutely conform to this template, the message is suspect and therefore open to attack.
As I recall when Bush was president the MSM seemed to take everything the administration said as gospel.

No one dared to question a war president.

I wish I had some sort of prize to give you, best post ever.

Nobody asked for a strategy in Afghanistan, nobody questioned going to war with Iraq, nobody asked any questions about all the failures on 9/11, essentially everyone who was in office after 9/11 was just anointed as a hero by the media for some unknown reason.

I'll try to respond to the OP, most the people who call the media all liberal are fox news watchers. Fox News is constantly fact checked and found to be wrong or lying all the time, so this leads to Fox News watchers not to question their fave channel, it leads them to just call every single fact checker a liberal media outlet out to get Fox.

Don't get me wrong I don't think any of our big media outlets are good, but they're the worst of the worst.
How do they reconcile that everytime 25 RWers get together and call themselves a "Tea Party" the ENTIRE media swarms upon the scene, often outnumbering the actual self-proclaimed Tea-Partiers 3-to-1 but yet, when 100s of thousands gathered protesting Bush some years ago, they were no where to be found. On top of that, when 100s of thousands gather today protesting against the system, aka RW politicos the media is reluctant to show up.

How long did it take for them to cover the Madison protests? Ed Schultz was on it from day one pushing it, it took the rest of the media an entire 2.5 to 3 weeks after to cover it, then it was tepid, then a week in it picked up.

How does that square away as the Mainstream Media being Liberal in the RWers brains?

Do explain.
I understand your anger. America elects it's first Black President and it turns out he's just a Bush clone.
Why Do RWers Swear That The Media Is All Liberal?

In their defence, it USED TO support mostly liberalism from the perspective the GOP has today.

Of course the media's concept of liberal is not even remotely leftist.

The media's previous position was mostly that of today's republican or democratic moderates.

By comparison to what todays right wingers are demanding, that does appear to be liberal, I suppose.

But it's really the GOP which has changed it tune, more than MSM.

With the exception of Hate Radio and Fox, the MSM is still singing much the same old song it always sang.
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As I recall when Bush was president the MSM seemed to take everything the administration said as gospel.

No one dared to question a war president.

You recall incorrectly.....

Never in US history have bureacrats been propped up as heros in the manner that Bush, Guiliani etc were simply for being in power after 9/11.
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