Why do so many, clearly racist, white people like to say: "I don't have a racist bone in my body?"

It's a guaranteed fact that the moment you find yourself having to utter the words "I don't have a racist bone in my body." You are a certified racist.

Why do people feel the need to do that?

Why not just own up, apologize and learn?

The latest perp to utter this tired trope, has been proven to be more than a racist, but a homophobe and and misogynist...

Bigots tend to run the gamut w/racism to misogyny.

Interesting phenomenon.
Racists protest too much.
Why do so many, clearly racist, white people like to say: "I don't have a racist bone in my body?"

Because we are weak. Such words alone suffice to break us. We know who we are but can't take being confronted with it. We want others to acknowledge our imaginary forms of suffering, and we want to be treated as the genuine victims here, or worthy competitors at the very least.

In short, we just want "others" to shut up and take it. Is that asking too much or what? Jesus, I swear y'all should be grateful. So many days now I wake up and mumble to myself, "Damn, I could sure use a slave or two around here!"
View attachment 550764

Why do so many, clearly racist, brown and black people insist on having this discussion other than to increase racial tensions?



Clearly racist brown and black people? :auiqs.jpg: Why would this increase racial tension? Are we just supposed to let you be a racist and take it?
Clearly racist brown and black people? :auiqs.jpg: Why would this increase racial tension? Are we just supposed to let you be a racist and take it?


I see. So you admit they're racist and only want to drive a deeper wedge into the racial divide.


View attachment 550863

I see. So you admit they're racist and only want to drive a deeper wedge into the racial divide.



Wrong. You are the racist who thinks that blacks exposing racism keeps the races divided instead of the continuing racist behavior of part of the white community in America.
It's a guaranteed fact that the moment you find yourself having to utter the words "I don't have a racist bone in my body." You are a certified racist.

Why do people feel the need to do that?

Why not just own up, apologize and learn?

The latest perp to utter this tired trope, has been proven to be more than a racist, but a homophobe and and misogynist...

Bigots tend to run the gamut w/racism to misogyny.

Interesting phenomenon.

Because you believe it. For example, you think this guy isn't a racist, because he told you he's not:

It's a guaranteed fact that the moment you find yourself having to utter the words "I don't have a racist bone in my body." You are a certified racist.

Why do people feel the need to do that?

Why not just own up, apologize and learn?

The latest perp to utter this tired trope, has been proven to be more than a racist, but a homophobe and and misogynist...

Bigots tend to run the gamut w/racism to misogyny.

Interesting phenomenon.
So-called "liberals" often brag about being color blind and call everyone else a "racist," but they usually live in "safe" neighborhoods, send their kids to "safe" schools, and would never think of riding public transportation on a regular basis.

They talk the talk, but seldom walk the walk.
It's a guaranteed fact that the moment you find yourself having to utter the words "I don't have a racist bone in my body." You are a certified racist.

Why do people feel the need to do that?

Why not just own up, apologize and learn?

The latest perp to utter this tired trope, has been proven to be more than a racist, but a homophobe and and misogynist...

Bigots tend to run the gamut w/racism to misogyny.

Interesting phenomenon.

Interesting position. I have been fortunate in my lifetime. There are many black people in my life that I not only trust but cherish. Their friendship warms and enriches me, but I just cannot say I love all black people.. I don't even like or trust most white people.
Live black for 5 years and you will learn why.
Maybe if you didn't walk around with a chip on your shoulder the size of a pine log and a scowl on your face for every White person you meet has something to do with your personal experience. I have Black friends (I even meet them for dinner sometimes!) and they do not share your hatred for White people.

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