Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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How are they comparable sentiments? The Unite the Right convention had legitimate causes and if they did, indeed, say, "Jews will not replace us" which is debatable, it is far different than saying, "Jews, Get Out of Israel." Unit the right was protesting something very real and legitimate which was the destruction of statues here in the US and Europe and unfettered replacement-level migration which Jews have admittingly taken a leading role in. Some of the Anti-Israel protests have supported the persecution of Israel because they view the country as illegitimate, and some have even supported the notion of genocide and the complete incineration of the Jewish homeland. Quite different protests. Not comparable.
I agree with you that the following two things are not comparable (but for different reasons):

1) A Jew voting for Trump, due to his policies on taxation, illegal immigration, business regulations, energy independence, and support of Israel when there is also a small group of fringe and inconsequential idiots yelling “Jews will not replace us” who MAY also have voted for Trump.

2) A Jew marching alongside and cheering on the massive BDS movement, whose goal is to weaken and delegitimize the one and Jewish country on the planet, who partners with HAMAS terrorisrs whose stated goal is to destroy Israel and wipe her and her Jewish people out to sea.

The first action is a Jew voting for policies that strengthen America and support Israel, and where a small fringe group yells antisemitic things and who MAY have voted for Trump also.

The second is a Jew joining forces and actively marching with an organization supported by known Jew-haters, including David Duke, and which partners with an Islamic terrorist organization intent on destroying Israel and her Jews.
I agree with you that the following two things are not comparable (but for different reasons):

1) A Jew voting for Trump, due to his policies on taxation, illegal immigration, business regulations, energy independence, and support of Israel when there is also a small group of fringe and inconsequential idiots yelling “Jews will not replace us” who MAY also have voted for Trump.

2) A Jew marching alongside and cheering on the massive BDS movement, whose goal is to weaken and delegitimize the one and Jewish country on the planet, who partners with HAMAS terrorisrs whose stated goal is to destroy Israel and wipe her and her Jewish people out to sea.

The first action is a Jew voting for policies that strengthen America and support Israel, and where a small fringe group yells antisemitic things and who MAY have voted for Trump also.

The second is a Jew joining forces and actively marching with an organization supported by known Jew-haters, including David Duke, and which partners with an Islamic terrorist organization intent on destroying Israel and her Jews.
This is such a complex sophistry that it is easier to hear the meaning in the radio interference
Probably also true of me. However, I think you and I can find common ground in admitting that the old school anti-semitism does still exist. It certainly is not as strong a force as it was in the 1930s. But maybe it could be again. Civilization is a thin veil.
YES. it could be again. Just look at the venom the antisemite is spewing on this forum. Enough people like that, and we could have another Holocaust on our hands. The Jews need ONe country of refuge should that happen, and that Jews are partnering with people who want to delegitimize (on of Sharansky’s “Ds’) Israel is beyond a pity.

Interestingly, about a year ago, the Democrat Congressperson Omar, who cheers on BDS boycotts, said she was opposed to boycotts against an Arab country for humanitarian abuses (not sure which one…..I believe Syria) because, she said, it punishes innocent citizens. Apparently, she doesn’t want to punish innocent Muslims, but she cheers on the punishment of innocent Jews.
because they want to have their people in any movement
That’s too simply stated. More specifically, liberal Jews - like liberals in general - want to join a movement which they perceive is standing up for the “oppressed,” even, as in this case, if the “oppressed” people elect leaders with a sworn goal to destroy their neighboring country and the Jews in it.
And the Jews who support trumpkin white supremacist pieces of garbage.
Oh nonsense....the race card has gotten so old and worn out. Biden is an actual racist-----and you ignore him while making up nonsense about Trump. It's pathetic.
In leftist countries, it is generally a common propaganda trick to pass off the ultra-left as the right, ascribe to them a taste for tradition, and so on. The outspoken pro-Semitic Stalin, who actually created Israel, has long been dressed up in anti-Semitic clothes, they are imagining that there was some kind of anti-Semitic case of doctors, most of whom were not Jews, and this case began with the accusation of these doctors in the murder of the writer Gorky, who greatly glorified the Jews. On Wikipedia, this case is subtitled anti-Semitic. This is intended to substantiate Stalin's anti-Semitism. At the same time, they completely ignore the open anti-Semitism of Khrushchev and Gomulka.
Oh nonsense....the race card has gotten so old and worn out. Biden is an actual racist-----and you ignore him while making up nonsense about Trump. It's pathetic.
True. Some of these leftists are expert at projection. They’re actually trying to codify racism, starting with the schools, and yet they accuse the other side of racism. It is upside down Liberal World.
In leftist countries, it is generally a common propaganda trick to pass off the ultra-left as the right, ascribe to them a taste for tradition, and so on. The outspoken pro-Semitic Stalin, who actually created Israel, has long been dressed up in anti-Semitic clothes, they are imagining that there was some kind of anti-Semitic case of doctors, most of whom were not Jews, and this case began with the accusation of these doctors in the murder of the writer Gorky, who greatly glorified the Jews. On Wikipedia, this case is subtitled anti-Semitic. This is intended to substantiate Stalin's anti-Semitism. At the same time, they completely ignore the open anti-Semitism of Khrushchev and Gomulka.
Interesting. Isn’t that what those leftists just did when they dressed up like white suoremacists and pretended to be supporters of Youngkin (Republican candidate for Governor)? The left’s entire campaign has been to paint their opponent as racist, and when it doesn’t exist, they pretend to be conservatives and dress up like racists.
Rockets are a feeble attempt at stopping war crimes.
For example, the last rockets were after the Temple Mount had been illegal assaulted by hundreds of armed Zionist renegades who were beating up Moslem worshippers.
By law, no Jews are supposed to go to the Temple Mount.
There is nothing Jewish there.
It is only for Moslems.
That is total BS. The Temple Mount is extremely Holy to both religions and really there is no reason for both to be able peacefully and respectfully worship there.

To send rockets into a civilian regardless of reason…is not ok.
That’s too simply stated. More specifically, liberal Jews - like liberals in general - want to join a movement which they perceive is standing up for the “oppressed,” even, as in this case, if the “oppressed” people elect leaders with a sworn goal to destroy their neighboring country and the Jews in it.
In general, all the leftists have always used and are using this card against the right: the protection of the "oppressed" in order to undermine the regime and take advantage of the massive discontent to overthrow the government, including using them as a military force. The Bolsheviks did the same. They promised the peasants the land taken from the landlords into property, and in the end they created slave collective farms, where there was no property. They used the forces of the same strata, which they later made slaves to their regime. This is, of course, a special political art. They can inspire oppression even in the princess that 1000 knights dream of, because the princess is not allowed to lift a barbell with a man's weight and throw the nucleus at the Olympics.
It was NEVER Jewish land.
The Hebrew tribes did not invade until around 1000 BC, and invaders who do thing like massacre all the women and children at Jericho, as Joshua was proud to do, can NEVER then be considered an owner of the land.
You can rule by being stronger, but if you murder women and children, you forfeit any rights at all.

Then also the Babylonians defeated the Jews around 750 BC and made them all leave.
The Assyrians also defeated the Jews around 625 BC and made them all leave.
The Romans brought them back around 150 BC, but then defeated them in 60 AD and 150 AD, making them leave for good.

So then no, it was never really Jewish land.

The Canaanites were different.
They were there as early as 8000 BC, and allowed dozens to settle there peacefully, like the Chaldeans, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Philistines, Urites, Amorites, Nabatians, etc.
They now all are the Palestinians, who have successfully lived together for over 10,000 years.
So clearly the land is theirs, and they earned it was well as paid for it.
The recent Zionists paid nothing and are just evil squatters and murderers.
Jews have maintained a population there for thousands of years. When other Jews immigrated in, they obtained land in multiple ways including buying it. Too just broad brush it all by saying there is no Jewish land goes against historical facts. You’re just making the mirror arguement of those claiming there is no such thing as Palestinians and they’re all squatters on Jewish land.
Interesting. Isn’t that what those leftists just did when they dressed up like white suoremacists and pretended to be supporters of Youngkin (Republican candidate for Governor)? The left’s entire campaign has been to paint their opponent as racist, and when it doesn’t exist, they pretend to be conservatives and dress up like racists.
So…is this thread about Israel/ BDS or a generic leftist bash? You seem to have lost your own topic here :rolleyes:
That is total BS. The Temple Mount is extremely Holy to both religions and really there is no reason for both to be able peacefully and respectfully worship there.

To send rockets into a civilian regardless of reason…is not ok.
Both DO respectfully worship there. It was heartwarming to be at the wall as Shabbos fell on Friday evening, and watching the Isrseli Muslims peacefully leave their mosque as their day of worship (Friday) ended.
So…is this thread about Israel/ BDS or a generic leftist bash? You seem to have lost your own topic here :rolleyes:
I just responded to what the other poster said. Why zero in on me, instead of the poster who made that interesting observation?
You are the OP.
So does that mean if someone makes a somewhat unrelated observation, in response to a leftist playing the race card against conservatives (also quite unrelated), I must ignore it?
Both DO respectfully worship there. It was heartwarming to be at the wall as Shabbos fell on Friday evening, and watching the Isrseli Muslims peacefully leave their mosque as their day of worship (Friday) ended.
I agree, there is no reason they should not be able to and imo those who harrass or worse should be evicted.
Too just broad brush it all by saying there is no Jewish land goes against historical facts.
Both points of view contradict historical facts. Don't confuse history with biblical mythology. Until 1917, several million Ashkenazim lived in the Pale of Settlement region, mainly on the territory of Belarus and eastern Poland in the Warsaw region, had a Balto-Germanic language and a Balto-Germanic culture. And that was exactly the land of the Ashkenazi. Do they have any relation to other diasporas and what kind of question is of secondary importance, because all peoples somehow relate to each other, this does not make them "one people"
So does that mean if someone makes a somewhat unrelated observation, in response to a leftist playing the race card against conservatives (also quite unrelated), I must ignore it?

I’ll PM you.
If we consider Jews as one nation only on the basis of religion and some cultural correspondences, then why then do we not consider Uzbeks as Arabs?
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