Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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A couple million surrounded by a few billion practicing the gutter religion of hate, child rape, and murder. These people heads are not screwed on right.
I disagree with Islamophobia. The vast majority of Muslims are Righteous Noahides. The vast majority of Americans are not.
Well that isn't reality. To the victor go the spoils of war. And the allied forces had to kill as many Ottomans as possible and as necessary to convince them to stop trying to take over the world by murdering people and stealing their stuff. And now the land belongs to Israel. Nobody else has any rightful claim to Israeli land by anything but their fantasies.

Not trying to be contrarian. But we have to stay grounded in reality, even if we don't like the reality of the issue.
Well that isn't reality. To the victor go the spoils of war. And the allied forces had to kill as many Ottomans as possible and as necessary to convince them to stop trying to take over the world by murdering people and stealing their stuff. And now the land belongs to Israel. Nobody else has any rightful claim to Israeli land by anything but their fantasies.

Not trying to be contrarian. But we have to stay grounded in reality, even if we don't like the reality of the issue.
True, it belongs to Israel by right of force. But it also belongs to the people who live there and come with the land and Israel has to find a way to come to a settlement with that in a way that is in line with their democratic aspiration. It isn’t feasible to maintain indefinitely a multi-tiered system of rights.
Like 88% of Americans I believe that Tanakh (Old Testament) is 100% right. Of course some Israeli leaders violate Laws of Tanakh.

I am not 100% observant -- I keep Sabbaths, Holidays, some prayers. No Orthodox Jew would use most Social Media.
Where do you get that 88% from?
True, it belongs to Israel by right of force. But it also belongs to the people who live there and come with the land and Israel has to find a way to come to a settlement with that in a way that is in line with their democratic aspiration. It isn’t feasible to maintain indefinitely a multi-tiered system of rights.
We are giving that a try here. You seem to have no problem with it.
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

I'm always fascinated how people of your mindset can't resist portraying themselves as poor widdle white victims of the bad old liberals, blacks, gays, illegal aliens, some women and "liberal" Jews.

Newsflash for ya: there's a vibrant sect of Hasidic Jews in New York who claim that the current state of Israel is an affront to the Old Testament because it does NOT follow the edicts for the recreation of the Jewish state. And believe you me, these folks are anything BUT "liberal". :oops8:
Are you a liberal, also? BDS has among its biggest supporters the most virulent Jew-haters, including the Great Wizard (or whateves it’s called) of the KKK.

What’s interesting is that you don’t see any other people on a massive boycott against other countries that are far worse to Muslims. No, the venom and anger is directed solely to Israel - and it is that double-standard that is indicative of antisemitism.

It’s like the U.N. They have issued substantially more resolutions condemning Israel than they have for Iran and Syria COMBINED. That targeted condemnation is driven by their hostility to Jews.

Anyway, I don’t want this to turn into a thread in which the liberals come out with more Israel hate (apartheid! Ethnic cleansing!) since we know where they stand. I want to focus on why Jews are willing to march shoulder to shoulder with Antisemites yelling “get out, Jews.”
Because liberal Jews place their allegiance to leftist idiocy far above their allegiance to their religion,
True, it belongs to Israel by right of force. But it also belongs to the people who live there and come with the land and Israel has to find a way to come to a settlement with that in a way that is in line with their democratic aspiration. It isn’t feasible to maintain indefinitely a multi-tiered system of rights.
True. However, the enemies of Israel aren't going to hold up their end of that arrangement. They have made this crystal clear. Israel didn't wall off the West Bank because they wanted a pure society of Jews. The did it to keep out people who absolutely will, with 100% certainty, kill Israeli citizens. They still say that is what they will do.

If you and your family lived 5 miles from these people who want to murder you... how would you feel?
True. However, the enemies of Israel aren't going to hold up their end of that arrangement. They have made this crystal clear. Israel didn't wall off the West Bank because they wanted a pure society of Jews. The did it to keep out people who absolutely will, with 100% certainty, kill Israeli citizens. They still say that is what they will do.

If you and your family lived 5 miles from these people who want to murder you... how would you feel?
I don’t disagree with that or with Israel’s right to defend it’s citizens from rockets. But Israel IS keeping a population under occupation, with limited rights for what seems to indefinitely while they expand settlements into those areas. That isn’t sustainable.
I don’t disagree with that or with Israel’s right to defend it’s citizens from rockets. But Israel IS keeping a population under occupation, with limited rights for what seems to indefinitely while they expand settlements into those areas. That isn’t sustainable.
I agree, it isn't. And I think we agree on solid humanitarian ground, which, I have to say, pleases me to see. But I cannot accept the idea that, if they stopped the new settlements and took down the walls, the people who want to wipe Israel off the map will suddenly play nice.

As long as they maintain this stance toward Israel, the only viable "solution" is to line up the tanks and just push the Palestinians right into the Mediterranean Sea.

In the meantime, I would like to see Israel officially become a secular state and do whatever they can to assist the children of Palestinians. And some of the adults, also. Maybe, all of them. Sure, they might give some food to a terrorist. It's not as if, should they not give a terrorist a sandwich, there won't be terrorists.

Part of being a western style democracy is to protect the weak. Even if the weak hate you.
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Sadly some people are misguided. Very sad.

For a Jew to betray Israel is unethical. All Humans have sins.

Totally backwards.
According to Judaism, after the loss to Rome in the 2 revolts, 50 and 160 AD, Jews were told to atone for the sins of arrogance and pride.
No Jews are supposed to go to the Levant.
Any Jew who does go to Palestine or Israel then is a traitor, desecrating thousands of years of atonement by real Jews.
It is very unfortunate that there is a conflict between Jews and Muslims. The conflict is over Jewish territory.

Judaism does not oppose Islam. Rambam viewed Muslims as mostly Righteous Noahides.

There was not conflict between Jews and Moslems for thousands of years.
The Zionists created the conflict by illegally immigrating into Palestine by the millions, murdering and stealing.
There is very little Jewish territory in Israel or Palestine.
It has always been Arab.
I don’t disagree with that or with Israel’s right to defend it’s citizens from rockets. But Israel IS keeping a population under occupation, with limited rights for what seems to indefinitely while they expand settlements into those areas. That isn’t sustainable.
To expound... consider this:

The foreign interests that provide financial and material support to Palestinians and foreigners on Palestinian land who commit acts of aggression against Israel...

...where is their humanitarian aid to Palestinians? I know some exists. And I know the effective Israeli embargo is cited as a reason for shortage of aid, as well as shelling from Israel in response to attacks. But that is an overblown excuse. They can send aid to Palestinians, and they do send some, all above board and allowed by Israel. But clearly it is not enough, to make the understatement of the century. International groups have even stepped in, and still it is not even close to enough. Have you seen what living conditions are like in the Gaza Strip, since Hamas took over? Heartbreaking.

The Palestinians are being used as a human shields for foreign interests who happily "Harass Israel!" from their ivory towers, which means: watching the Palestinian and Hamas fodder pop off ineffective attacks that make the news, and then watching them get turned into paste by Israel.

So I say to the BDS movement:

Let's figure out which of you actually care about what you say you care about. Let's hear you blame the main sources of misery for Palestinians: Iran. Qatar. Turkey.

Yes, Turkey, our NATO ally. They prop up Hamas.

Let's see which of you are just in it for the anti-semitism, and which of you are not. This goes especially for any liberal out there reading this.
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I think you misunderstand some things here. We moderators are allowed to post as members and you are free to agree, disagree, or flame away (within the rules) on anything we say. You just can’t discuss actual moderation issues on the board.

But moderators are not supposed to let people post incredibly deceptive propaganda intent on excusing and expanding criminal genocide.

There can be absolutely no doubt that Israel is entirely criminal, in violation of Jewish culture and beliefs, in order to murder Palestinians and steal their land.
Being Jewish, I know the history of Judaism and the Levant very well, and Israel is entirely based on lies and crimes.
That should be obvious to anyone, because otherwise they would not have had to blow up the King David Hotel and kill the British peacekeepers who were preventing the Zionists from murdering the unarmed Palestinian natives.
The Zionist criminals even gunned down the UN moderator, Flokke Bernadotte.
For that alone, all Zionists should be captured and executed.

And we are not discussing a minor political squabble.
This is pure genocide.
Just look at a 1945 map of Palestine and compare it with a 1950 map of Israel.
There are hundreds of Arab villages missing.
It is not just that they changed names.
They no longer exist at all, with all the bodies and home burned.
But moderators are not supposed to let people post incredibly deceptive propaganda intent on excusing and expanding criminal genocide.

There can be absolutely no doubt that Israel is entirely criminal, in violation of Jewish culture and beliefs, in order to murder Palestinians and steal their land.
Being Jewish, I know the history of Judaism and the Levant very well, and Israel is entirely based on lies and crimes.
That should be obvious to anyone, because otherwise they would not have had to blow up the King David Hotel and kill the British peacekeepers who were preventing the Zionists from murdering the unarmed Palestinian natives.
The Zionist criminals even gunned down the UN moderator, Flokke Bernadotte.
For that alone, all Zionists should be captured and executed.

And we are not discussing a minor political squabble.
This is pure genocide.
Just look at a 1945 map of Palestine and compare it with a 1950 map of Israel.
There are hundreds of Arab villages missing.
It is not just that they changed names.
They no longer exist at all, with all the bodies and home burned.
When it comes to Jewish history, you know dog shit.
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