Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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The Arabs were offered it on more than one occasion, and the Jews were willing. The sticking point was that the Arabs had to acknowledge, as part of a two-state solution, that Israel had a right to exist (naturally, since they would be one of the two states). The Arab leaders refused.

That is a lie.
Arabs have always been willing to accept a 2 state solution with a right for Israel to exist.
However, I do not.
Israel is not valid, real, or anything but a mythical fairly tale used to commit mass murder of the native Arabs.
Before the 1930s, there was an insignificant Jewish population in Palestine, and they were entirely in the Old Quarter of Jerusalem.

Never have the government of Israel ever kept any promises, and daily they are still murdering and illegally confiscating additional Arab homes.
Except that our own government has acknowledged it is antisemitic. Even the German government says it is antisemitic.

It is ironic that liberals, who claim every little thing is racist against blacks (math is racist! Gifted programs are racist!) work so hard to defend a movement that yells “Get out Jews!” and sees antiSemitic attacks on campuses with BDS advancing its Jew-hate. The tolerance for antisemitism on the left is chilling, especially when juxtaposed against theor purported intolerance of prejudice and bigotry.

Where is the outrage for the way Muslims have treated Jews, expelling nearly 1 million from their homes in Arab lands? Why is the claim of “ethnic cleansing” not levied against the Arabs? (And in the case of Arab lands, it’s true - thriving Jewish communities in the Middle East are now Judenfree.)

The double standards are blinding.

Just complete and total lies.

Not only have Jews NEVER been expelled by any Arab nation, they instead did the exact opposite, and made laws preventing Jews from leaving and emigrating to Israel.
Instead, the Jews illegal snuck out at night.

And the truth is there are still triving Jews in all Arab countries.
In fact, the 3rd largest Jewish population is Iran, with 30,000 Jews living in Tehran alone.
Just complete and total lies.

Not only have Jews NEVER been expelled by any Arab nation, they instead did the exact opposite, and made laws preventing Jews from leaving and emigrating to Israel.
Instead, the Jews illegal snuck out at night.

And the truth is there are still triving Jews in all Arab countries.
In fact, the 3rd largest Jewish population is Iran, with 30,000 Jews living in Tehran alone.
You are too ignorant and antisemitic to argue with.
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.
Sadly some people are misguided. Very sad.

For a Jew to betray Israel is unethical. All Humans have sins.
Because one group, the Muslims, are taught to seek out every Jew hiding behind every bush, and kill him. Do you know that Mohammed called Jews the offspring of apes and rats? Are you aware that the so-called Palestinians chose as their leaders an Islamic terrorist group sworn to the destruction of Israel?
It is very unfortunate that there is a conflict between Jews and Muslims. The conflict is over Jewish territory.

Judaism does not oppose Islam. Rambam viewed Muslims as mostly Righteous Noahides.
Thanks once more. I am wary that a moderator joined in to negate that BDS is antisemitic. He defended them by saying it was only under Trump that they were identified as antiSemitic, but what would one expect? That the anti-Israel Democrats, who elected the antiSemitic Omar and Tlaib, would do anything to quash an antSemitic, Israel-hating movement? It’s the leftists cheering it on!
I think you misunderstand some things here. We moderators are allowed to post as members and you are free to agree, disagree, or flame away (within the rules) on anything we say. You just can’t discuss actual moderation issues on the board.
It is very unfortunate that there is a conflict between Jews and Muslims. The conflict is over Jewish territory.

Judaism does not oppose Islam. Rambam viewed Muslims as mostly Righteous Noahides.
It is a legacy of colonial which created artificial borders and pit ethnic groups against each other. I disagree that it is “Jewish Land”, hasn’t been for thousands of years, empires come and go. I think issue is it is land claimed by two different rightful groups, and nobody can work out a just way to share it. That religion enters into makes it messier since each then views as a god given claim.
Judaism does not oppose Islam.
Right. Judaism simply does not accept Mohammed as the perfect human. Or the hadiths as a guide to anything.

Unlike Islam, Judaism does not demand that followers of other religions submit to the primacy and holy laws of Judaism, in order to continue to draw breath.

Judaism makes no claim of being a guide to EVERYTHING. Of every aspect of life. Of every behavior and of every thought.
I think issue is it is land claimed by two different rightful groups, and nobody can work out a just way to share it.
Well that isn't reality. To the victor go the spoils of war. And the allied forces had to kill as many Ottomans as possible and as necessary to convince them to stop trying to take over the world by murdering people and stealing their stuff. And now the land belongs to Israel. Nobody else has any rightful claim to Israeli land by anything but their fantasies.

Not trying to be contrarian. But we have to stay grounded in reality, even if we don't like the reality of the issue.
I think you misunderstand some things here. We moderators are allowed to post as members and you are free to agree, disagree, or flame away (within the rules) on anything we say. You just can’t discuss actual moderation issues on the board.
Thank you for clarifying.
It is a legacy of colonial which created artificial borders and pit ethnic groups against each other. I disagree that it is “Jewish Land”, hasn’t been for thousands of years, empires come and go. I think issue is it is land claimed by two different rightful groups, and nobody can work out a just way to share it.
Like about 88% of Americans, as a Jew I believe Old Testament, (Tanakh). I am 100% on side of Israel.

I am not Islamophobic -- most Muslims are righteous Noahides. Most American people not so much.
No, not comparable. One is an inconsequential little movement of a Jew-haters, and the other is a massive movement to harm the one and only ”Jew State.”

I kind of disagree here. One is not so inconsequential in terms of the movements attracted to it and the subsequent rise in anti-Semitic attacks (as well as hate attacks against other minority groups) in the US.

I agree in principle, with using boycotts to pressure Israel to work towards a just solution, but don’t think BDS doing it the right way or that there is right way in this particular issue. It doesn’t look good that BDS refuses to condemn violence for one, and rather than boycotting Israel however they should boycott West Bank products…but then that actually harms the Palestinians who make many of those products. In the end, BDS has had little to no economic impact on Israel. I think there are legitimate criticisms but that doesn’t make it anti Semitic. It seems every criticism of Israel gets labeled anti semitism.

The other thing is Jews are NOT supporting the little neo-Nazi fringe group. But they ARE actively supporting the major BDS movement.

(As an aside, I see you are a moderator. Is there a punishment for arguing with a moderator? If there is, I’ll stop now.)
Like about 88% of Americans, as a Jew I believe Old Testament, (Tanakh). I am 100% on side of Israel.

I am not Islamophobic -- most Muslims are righteous Noahides. Most American people not so much.
I can never be 100% on the side of any state. States are manmade constructs and are as good, bad, or fallible as the rulers in charge make them at any given time or on any given issue. To just 100% support a state means even when it is wrong on something you will still support it’s actions, that seems rather dangerous.
Yes. Perhaps I need to make a distinction between traditional liberals and the dictatorial leftists who have hijacked the Democratic Party.
There is no such thing as Palestinian. After WWII there was no such thing as share, it was all or nothing and the Palestinians chose nothing. There are Palestinians living in Israel and I hear none of them complaining or bitching they are second class citizens. The same thing over and over again Syria or Iran send them worthless rockets they can't wait to fire at Israel. Then when Israel has had enough and reacts the UN and the rest of the Communist condemn Israel.

Look at the protest signs they carry showing someone hanging from a noose. None believe in God. If they did they would know the Jews are God's chosen people. A couple million surrounded by a few billion practicing the gutter religion of hate, child rape, and murder. These people heads are not screwed on right.

A perfect example of the godlessness of these worthless liberals
I can never be 100% on the side of any state. States are manmade constructs and are as good, bad, or fallible as the rulers in charge make them at any given time or on any given issue. To just 100% support a state means even when it is wrong on something you will still support it’s actions, that seems rather dangerous.
With that kind of thinking America has got to be bat shit stupid.
I can never be 100% on the side of any state. States are manmade constructs and are as good, bad, or fallible as the rulers in charge make them at any given time or on any given issue. To just 100% support a state means even when it is wrong on something you will still support it’s actions, that seems rather dangerous.
Like 88% of Americans I believe that Tanakh (Old Testament) is 100% right. Of course some Israeli leaders violate Laws of Tanakh.

I am not 100% observant -- I keep Sabbaths, Holidays, some prayers. No Orthodox Jew would use most Social Media.
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