Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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Why is the two-State solution not happenning?
The Arabs were offered it on more than one occasion, and the Jews were willing. The sticking point was that the Arabs had to acknowledge, as part of a two-state solution, that Israel had a right to exist (naturally, since they would be one of the two states). The Arab leaders refused.
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Your disdain for Jews and their beliefs is coming out loud and clear.
No, that is you trying to conflate mockery of a few magical beliefs to disdain for people. Because your points are weak and only partially formed, so you have now resorted to using the specious horseshit as a rhetorical attack. Nothing more.
It is especially prevalent in the black community, which is especially troubling since Jewish people were at the forefront marching with them in the civil rights movement of the sixties.
So true. Jews were willing to give their lives for black civil rights. And they did.
Liberal implies freedom. They that are against Israel are against freedom. Israel wants people to be free. Jesus sets people free. Liberal is not what the word implies. A negitive energy is against Israel. Muslims are against Israel. No longer be against Israel.
This is why I really wish people would stop using the word liberal to describe these loathesome, hateful people.

They are closer to Neo Nazi than they are actual liberal.
But all the work of supporting your bold claim still lies ahead of you. Pointing out that anti Semitism exists on both sides doesn't cut it. Especially when doing so employs the dishonest tactic of confating support for human rights in Palestine and opposition to Israeli policy with anti-semitism.
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No, that is you trying to conflate mockery of a few magical beliefs to disdain for people. Because your points are weak and only partially formed, so you have now resorted to using the specious horseshit as a rhetorical attack. Nothing more.
You are too stupid and ignorant to understand that Jewish identity is one of ethnicity as most Jewish people are secular.

I realize you are not here to try to understand anything and too entirely deficient in intellect to do so anyway, but Judaism as a religion and Jews as a people are not the exact same thing.
By 1948 the Jews had purchased 7% of the land in Palestine.. The Jews left in 70 AD.. They were a tiny minority for 2000 years. I know they had suffered in Europe and were angry and damaged but they should have been smarter and kinder to the people who already lived there.

BDS isn't antiSemitic.. its about justice and human rights. Don't take it personally.. address the problem.

Did you support Aparthied South Africa?
that which surada likes to deny -----is the suffering of jews under the FILTH
AND STENCH of shariah law. There was no suffering inflicted on the people
who lived in "PALESTINA" by either european jews or escapees from the filth
and stench of the results of the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST,
but Judaism as a religion and Jews as a people are not the exact same thing.
I'm interested in that. Tell me, to help me understand it a little, is Ivanka part of the Jewish people?
If so, can she stop being part of the Jewish people?
How does that work for her children?
BDS is islamic warfare since the inception of islam------STARVATION
SIEGE. Back in the day-----the late 1940s----the islamo nazis developed
their strategy against ISRAEL----to wit STARVE THEM TO DEATH---nothing
new-------does anyone out there wonder why the Persian zoroastrians managed to survive only by escaping to BOMBAY INDIA when India was hopelessly
backward itself. Anyone out there remember circa 1970 when more than
a million christian Nigerian babies lay dead in the dust of an IMPOSED
famine?. Anyone out there remember circa 1970 when East Pakistanis
stumbled out of that land desperate to reach Calcutta------lay dead in the dust
because east pakistani muslims blocked aid?. I have touched very lightly on
the history of STARVATION SIEGE ----the islamic answer to GLORIOUS ISLAMIC CONQUEST
I'm interested in that. Tell me, to help me understand it a little, is Ivanka part of the Jewish people?
If so, can she stop being part of the Jewish people?
How does that work for her children?
Yes she can. She can just rescind. Just like how she confused daddy by converting to Judaism in the first place.
Yes she can. She can just rescind. Just like how she confused daddy by converting to Judaism in the first place.
That doesn't clear my confusion in regard to her status as part of the Jewish people, whatever that may be. Nor how her children are affected as her status varies, if it does.

I suppose I may be too literal minded, but I find it hard to see how her children could be part of the Jewish people if she is not.

Also, whether being part of the people is an elective situation.
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Except that our own government has acknowledged it is antisemitic.
Irrelevant at best, horrifyingly wrong at worst.
Even the German government says it is antisemitic.
EVEN the GERMAN government??? :eek:

It is ironic that liberals, who claim every little thing is racist against blacks (math is racist! Gifted programs are racist!) work so hard to defend a movement that yells “Get out Jews!” and sees antiSemitic attacks on campuses with BDS advancing its Jew-hate.
Liberals are extraordinary hypocrites, yes.
The tolerance for antisemitism on the left is chilling, especially when juxtaposed against theor purported intolerance of prejudice and bigotry.
No more so than the tolerance for/anti-Semitism on the right.
Where is the outrage for the way Muslims have treated Jews, expelling nearly 1 million from their homes in Arab lands?
Muslims do terrible things as well - humanity.

And I see plenty of liberal outrage expressed toward Muslims, though the fact that the US has led a multi-decade campaign to destroy millions of Muslim lives AND supports Israel is something that many are aware of.
Why is the claim of “ethnic cleansing” not levied against the Arabs?
See above.
(And in the case of Arab lands, it’s true - thriving Jewish communities in the Middle East are now Judenfree.)
See above.
The double standards are blinding.
On all sides, yes.
That doesn't clear my confusion in regard to her status as part of the Jewish people, whatever that may be. Nor how her children are affected as her status varies, if it does.

I suppose I may be too literal minded, but I find it hard to see how her children could be part of the Jewish people if she is not.
I believe all who accept Judaism are invited in.
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

This is ignorant cultural appropriation.

The word "Semitic" does not mean Jewish.
The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group".
Sephardic Jews are Semitic because their native language, Hebrew is of Arab origins.
But Ashkenazi Jews speak Yiddish as their native language, which is Germanic, so they are not Semitic.

AntiSemitic is often used to mean anti-Jewish, but that is incorrect, was introduced by German racists, and is cultural appropriation of the Arab culture.
Well, the Trump political movement also attracted some of the most vile white supremacists and neo nazies to it’s support. Does that mean it is anti Semitic and racist?

True, South Africa was the last major boycott movement I recall. However other countries have had and currently have government sanctions forbidding trade and other things (which is a basically a boycott).

I agree that Israel tends to get outsized attention compared to say, Myanmar, who’s human rights atrocities are far far worse.

But I support boycotts. They a way of non violently pressuring for change.

Those are arguments that have been rehashed ad nauseum in the IP forum.

You already have with your baiting OP. Was your intent otherwise?

Are you a Trump voter? Why are willing to March shoulder to shoulder with people yelling “Jews will not replace us”

No the racism of Israel is a thousand times worse than Myanmar.
Myanmar is reaction to a growing immigration problem of Moslems economic refugees from Bangladesh.
The illegal immigrants are a cultural and economic threat to the native Buddhist culture.

With Israel, the entire country was stolen and tens of thousands of Arab natives murdered.
Remember, before the 1930s, there essentially no significant number of Jews in Palestine, and they owned almost no land.
Hardly a single Jewish home, farm, or business in Israel was paid for.
They were all stolen by murdering the rightful owner.
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