Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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By whom? their Muslim enemies? Well, no shit. That goes both ways, not just at Jews. It just happens that there aren't very many of them on the planet. So the Allied forces had to eliminate the Ottoman Empire. Jews were not, themselves, capable of such a thing. Else they certainly would have done so, if for no other reason than to get back the piece of dirt their sky daddy says is his.

Are you seeing the common theme, here? Iron age mythology, handicapping the human race.
And P.S. When you refer to G-d as the Jews’ “sky daddy,” you are mocking Jews. You are revealing negativity toward Jews, and you are also claiming BDS isn’t antiSemitic. I really don’t think someone who makes fun of Jews is in a position to judge if something is antiSemitic.
IF (the operative word being IF) you were educated, then you would
know that there was not a border between Israel and THE GLORIOUS |
ISLAMIC WORLD established in 1948-----only an "armistice line" not
recognized as such by the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC WORLD-----if you want to
know----inquire at your local mosque. -----btw what specious horseshit.
To know that which is REALITY in the "islamic world" ---talk to muslims
Once again, the Earth was not created in 1948. And I recognize the sovereignty of Israel. But you came here looking for a way to paint me as anti Semitic. And now that you hit the brick wall in that attempt, you are going to sputter and repeat yourself. Enjoy.
More like 600,000 Arab Jews.. They left in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There was no mad dash to leave no matter what lies you have been told. They would still be living in Arab lands if not for European Zionism.
Actually, it was around 850,000. And unlike the Muslims who, by and large, got paid (overpaid in fact) for their arid land, the Arabs stole the Jews’ land.

I do notice that you are unwilling to condemn the Arab countries for what they did to Jews, only turned it around to blame the Jews themselves. You are another one who is in no position to judge what is antisemitic.
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Once again, the Earth was not created in 1948. And I recognize the sovereignty of Israel. But you came here looking for a way to paint me as anti Semitic. And now that you hit the brick wall in that attempt, you are going to sputter and repeat yourself. Enjoy.
Except in a post above, you did mock Jews for their belief in a “sky daddy.” Is it just Jews you like to mock, or are you just one of those anti-religion liberals in general?
And P.S. When you fear to G-d as the Jews’ “sky daddy,” you are mocking Jews.
False. I am mocking ideas, not people. If people internalize ideas and take personal offense when they are mocked or scrutinized, that's their problem. I am not a politician seeking votes and do not have to pander to that emotional pap.
And I am explaining to you that this results from the demographics. Billions of Muslims, billions of Christians, millions of jews. Of course the outrage against the Jews is louder, and always will be.

Does anti-semitism contribute? Well of course it does. 2/3 of the Abrahamic religions have as doctrine that the Jews murdered the messiah or have stolen the holy land.

Are you seeing the common underpinning here, yet?
yes----of course "anti-semitism" contributes as well as your demand
that the JOOOS of the world bend down and LICK THE SHIT of christian
and muslim anti-semitism. You remind me of my childhood in
WASPVILLE USA--------where the notion that "negroes" should be grate-
ful for being rescued out of Africa and allowed the OPPORTUNITY to be
christians was very popular -----even on the playground
yes----of course "anti-semitism" contributes as well as your demand
that the JOOOS of the world bend down and LICK THE SHIT of christian
and muslim anti-semitism. You remind me of my childhood in
WASPVILLE USA--------where the notion that "negroes" should be grate-
ful for being rescued out of Africa and allowed the OPPORTUNITY to be
christians was very popular -----even on the playground
Okay, nice rant. But I do believe I have given a thoughtful answer to the question posed in the thread title, both about liberal jews and liberals in general. And as much as you would prefer the lazy, ignorant stance of labeling them all as anti Semitic, that just is not the case.
False. I am mocking ideas, not people. If people internalize ideas and take personal offense when they are mocked or scrutinized, that's their problem. I am not a politician seeking votes and do not have to pander to that emotional pap.
So you think it would be acceptable to stand in front of a synagogue and sneer, “going in to worship your sky daddy?” After all, you’re not mocking Jews - only Jewish beliefs.
Okay, nice rant. But I do believe I have given a thoughtful answer to the question posed in the thread title, both about liberal jews and liberals in general. And as much as you would prefer the lazy, ignorant stance of labeling them all as anti Semitic, that just is not the case.
Although you did just admit that you were mocking Jewish ideas, did you not?
More like 600,000 Arab Jews.. They left in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There was no mad dash to leave no matter what lies you have been told. They would still be living in Arab lands if not for European Zionism.
another islamo nazi meme. DA JOOOOS WERE DELIGHTED TO LIVE
UNDER ISLAMIC RULE-------so it is taught in mosques----not just in the
LEVANT but even in lands of South east asia or countries that have no jews
(anymore) (for the record-----the term "arab jew" is a baathist islamo
nazi pig construct) My poor hubby was ACCUSED of being an "arab" jew
in a cocktail party that included a slimy baathist pig friend of the glorious
islamic hero SADDAM HUSSEIN. Poor hubby felt like vomiting----his
family escaped shariah shit ------in a perilous journey that lasted from about 1935 thru 1942----rescued as an infant
So you think it would be acceptable to stand in front of a synagogue and sneer, “going in to worship your sky daddy?”
Why would I ever do that? We aren't at a synagogue. We are on a secular forum with open discussion. If they come here and read my comments and get personally offended, that's their problem.
FFI is one of the biggest bull crap artists here.
He knows absolutely nothing but tries to compensate through bluff and insult -- like here, for instance.
I am more than happy to let people read our exchange and decide for themselves as well. Difference being, I don't have to write a masturbatory post assuring myself of that and to soothe my own ego and feelings. Like you just did.
Actually, it was around 850,000. And unlike the Muslims who, by and large, got paid (overpaid in fact) for their arid land, the Arabs stole the Jews’ land.

By 1948 the Jews had purchased 7% of the land in Palestine.. The Jews left in 70 AD.. They were a tiny minority for 2000 years. I know they had suffered in Europe and were angry and damaged but they should have been smarter and kinder to the people who already lived there.

BDS isn't antiSemitic.. its about justice and human rights. Don't take it personally.. address the problem.

Did you support Aparthied South Africa?
More like 600,000 Arab Jews.. They left in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There was no mad dash to leave no matter what lies you have been told. They would still be living in Arab lands if not for European Zionism.
Despite what you were taught at the Maddrassas you attended as a child, the number is around 900,000 and the large majority were kicked out and had ther belongings confiscated.

You are simply an Islamic Supremacist motivated by your ethnic hatred of Jews.
And I am explaining to you that this results from the demographics. Billions of Muslims, billions of Christians, millions of jews. Of course the outrage against the Jews is louder, and always will be.

Does anti-semitism contribute? Well of course it does. 2/3 of the Abrahamic religions have as doctrine that the Jews murdered the messiah or have stolen the holy land.

Are you seeing the common underpinning here, yet?
So you’re explaining why people condemn Jews more, since they’re a minority. Whatever happened to the liberals‘ insistence that they protect minorities?

BECAUSE, to come back full circle, Jews are not seen as “deserrving” of protection because they are more successful than the average. It all goes back to the concept that liberals group people as either the evil oppressors or the exploited oppressed. This is why Jewish liberals are joining forces with BDS - because they are prioritizing their liberalism over their Judaism.

There is no other way to explain why they would cheer on a movement that is increasing antisemtiism worldwide.
More like 600,000 Arab Jews.. They left in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There was no mad dash to leave no matter what lies you have been told. They would still be living in Arab lands if not for European Zionism.
the MOST ardent supporters of that which islamo nazis call "EUROPEAN
ZIONISM" are those jews who managed to survive the STENCH OF SHARIAH. ZIONISM is not EUROPEAN. It is a jewish ideal since that
precedes Jesus. For the record-----it was ILLEGAL under the stench of
Shariah law for jews to LEAVE THEIR DHIMMIA (enslaved) STATUS IN
SHARIAH ADHERENT LANDS. --------think russian serfdom
Why would I ever do that? We aren't at a synagogue. We are on a secular forum with open discussion. If they come here and read my comments and get personally offended, that's their problem.
I’m not personally offended. I know there are plenty of people who mock Jewish beliefs. I am just pointing out that that comment does indeed reveal disdain for Jews, and that it explains why you are so tolerant of BDS (defensive of them, actually).
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