Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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BDS doesn't bother because all it has done is provide Israel with the ability to show off their products and services for export.
BDS caused Israel to flourish financially.
Don’y know about that, but BDS has created a lot of anti-Jew sentiment. For example, BDS has promoted an antisemitic atmosphere on college campuses (on the campuses where BDS has a strong chapter), and the most liberal of them - like Columbia - allow the negativity to flourish. (Again, a lot of tolerance for antisemitism.)

In fact, the Jew-hate was so strong at NYU, with the administration just shrugging, that one Jewish student wrote to Trump for help. It was that case that caused Trump to issue an EO restricting federal funds from colleges that do nothing to stem the Jew-hate on their campuses. It’s telling that some Republicans wanted to make this a law, thus protecting Jews against antisemitic campuses, but the Democrats were opposed. They thought it would stifle Muslims.
what is your issue regarding the JARRAH neighborhood prior to 1910? The land was purchased by jews in 1875. Feel free to ask questions about jewish
ownership of land in the Levant, OR jewish ownership of land in Shariah law
Point being, the ownership of that land has changed hands many times and has always been determined by spoils of war. Because humanity has been handicapped by iron aged mythology for millennia. As long as one human is willing to kill another for a piece of dirt he thinks is sacred to his preferred sky daddy, there will not be peace in the region.
Don’y know about that, but BDS has created a lot of anti-Jew sentiment. For example, BDS has promoted an antisemitic atmosphere on college campuses (on the campuses where BDS has a strong chapter), and the most liberal of them - like Columbia - allow the negativity to flourish. (Again, a lot of tolerance for antisemitism.)

In fact, the Jew-hate was so strong at NYU, with the administration just shrugging, that one Jewish student wrote to Trump for help. It was that case that caused Trump to issue an EO restricting federal funds from colleges that do nothing to stem the Jew-hate on their campuses. It’s telling that some Republicans wanted to make this a law, thus protecting Jews against antisemitic campuses, but the Democrats were opposed. They thought it would stifle Muslims.
As someone who spends about 20+ hours a week listening to Torah classes, if the world didn't hate Jews, Moshe would have proven to be a false prophet.
The fact is that the UN is comprised mainly of Arab and African nations who vote against Israel and then sign business deals with Israel.
I have a difficult time understanding why a bunch of Semites can't get along in a good, Semitic fashion and manner in modern times.
Because one group, the Muslims, are taught to seek out every Jew hiding behind every bush, and kill him. Do you know that Mohammed called Jews the offspring of apes and rats? Are you aware that the so-called Palestinians chose as their leaders an Islamic terrorist group sworn to the destruction of Israel?
Point being, the ownership of that land has changed hands many times and has always been determined by spoils of war. Because humanity has been handicapped by iron aged mythology for millennia. As long as one human is willing to kill another for a piece of dirt he thinks is sacred to his preferred sky daddy, there will not be peace in the region.
Except that there’s tolerance and acceptance of the “changing hands” until it is Jews who get the land. Then, there are screams of protest.

And Jews were in Israel thousands of years before Islam was even a religion.
As someone who spends about 20+ hours a week listening to Torah classes, if the world didn't hate Jews, Moshe would have proven to be a false prophet.
The fact is that the UN is comprised mainly of Arab and African nations who vote against Israel and then sign business deals with Israel.
Don‘t get me started on the antisemitic United Nations. That’s another thread entirely!
Except that there’s tolerance and acceptance of the “changing hands” until it is Jews who get the land.
By whom? their Muslim enemies? Well, no shit. That goes both ways, not just at Jews. It just happens that there aren't very many of them on the planet. So the Allied forces had to eliminate the Ottoman Empire. Jews were not, themselves, capable of such a thing. Else they certainly would have done so, if for no other reason than to get back the piece of dirt their sky daddy says is his.

Are you seeing the common theme, here? Iron age mythology, handicapping the human race.
Because one group, the Muslims, are taught to seek out every Jew hiding behind every bush, and kill him. Do you know that Mohammed called Jews the offspring of apes and rats? Are you aware that the so-called Palestinians chose as their leaders an Islamic terrorist group sworn to the destruction of Israel?
Isn't being anti-Semitic bad enough?
Point being, the ownership of that land has changed hands many times and has always been determined by spoils of war. Because humanity has been handicapped by iron aged mythology for millennia. As long as one human is willing to kill another for a piece of dirt he thinks is sacred to his preferred sky daddy, there will not be peace in the region.
SPEAKING OF NON-SEQUITER----you have WON THE CAKE. You are claiming that land owned by DA JOOOOOS by legal purchase before 1948 is UP FOR GRABS. Do you feel the same way about land owned by
arabs in Palestine by legal purchase before 1948?? How about land upon which jews lived and owned for more than 1500 years before the birth of the
rapist pig of mecca and the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST ???
How about the land that comprised the GLORIOUS MUGHAL EMPIRE?
By whom? their Muslim enemies? Well, no shit. That goes both ways, not just at Jews. It just happens that there aren't very many of them on the planet. So the Allied forces had to eliminate the Ottoman Empire. Jews were not, themselves, capable of such a thing. Else they certainly would have done so, if for no other reason than to get back the piece of dirt their sky daddy says is his.

Are you seeing the common theme, here? Iron age mythology, handicapping the human race.
your grasp of history is ludicrous. Jews were "after the ottoman empire"?
News to me
Oh, I am sorry. I forgot that most American adults are not well educated and likely do not know what a non sequitur is.
One of us has displayed knowledge and education when it comes to the issue. One of us is simply a rude ignoramus indulging in nothing but denial and tossing out insults.

I'm sure that those who have an actual education can spot the difference.
You are claiming that land owned by DA JOOOOOS by legal purchase before 1948 is UP FOR GRABS.
I never stated or implied such a thing, which, ironically, is just another lazy minded, stupid non sequitur on your part. Israel is a sovereign country, and rule of law is rule of law. My default position is that the nations borders, as they stand today, should be respected. Unless we peacefully alter them.

So you can toss your latest display of specious horseshit right in the trash, thanks. I know you DESPERATELY want to find anti-semitism, even where there isn't any. But you are shaking the wrong tree, this time.
One of us has displayed knowledge and education when it comes to the issue. One of us is simply a rude ignoramus indulging in nothing but denial and tossing out insults.

I'm sure that those who have an actual education can spot the difference.
I am more than happy to let people read our exchange and decide for themselves as well. Difference being, I don't have to write a masturbatory post assuring myself of that and to soothe my own ego and feelings. Like you just did.
By whom? their Muslim enemies? Well, no shit. That goes both ways, not just at Jews. It just happens that there aren't very many of them on the planet. So the Allied forces had to eliminate the Ottoman Empire. Jews were not, themselves, capable of such a thing. Else they certainly would have done so, if for no other reason than to get back the piece of dirt their sky daddy says is his.

Are you seeing the common theme, here? Iron age mythology, handicapping the human race.
Nope. What I’m saying is that, over time, and as land changes hands, there is only outrage for when it ends up with the Jews. Why is it that the liberals, while condemning the Israeli Jews, have nothing to say about all the Arabs who kicked nearly 1 million Jews out of their homes? Why don’t the liberals accuse the Arab countries of ethnic cleansing?

For some reason, they condemn Jews for that which is acceptable when done by others. Not a peep for when Muslims drive 900,000 Jews out of their homes, rendering the Middle East Judenfree, and stealing their land to boot.

1) Middle East Arab lands: got rid of all the Jews
2) Israel: still allows 20% Muslim, with voting privileges and even serving in office

….and yet, Israel is the one accused of ethnic cleansing.
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One of us has displayed knowledge and education when it comes to the issue. One of us is simply a rude ignoramus indulging in nothing but denial and tossing out insults.

I'm sure that those who have an actual education can spot the difference.
I can tell!
Don’y know about that, but BDS has created a lot of anti-Jew sentiment. For example, BDS has promoted an antisemitic atmosphere on college campuses (on the campuses where BDS has a strong chapter), and the most liberal of them - like Columbia - allow the negativity to flourish. (Again, a lot of tolerance for antisemitism.)

In fact, the Jew-hate was so strong at NYU, with the administration just shrugging, that one Jewish student wrote to Trump for help. It was that case that caused Trump to issue an EO restricting federal funds from colleges that do nothing to stem the Jew-hate on their campuses. It’s telling that some Republicans wanted to make this a law, thus protecting Jews against antisemitic campuses, but the Democrats were opposed. They thought it would stifle Muslims.

Did you support Apaarthied South Africa?
SPEAKING OF NON-SEQUITER----you have WON THE CAKE. You are claiming that land owned by DA JOOOOOS by legal purchase before 1948 is UP FOR GRABS. Do you feel the same way about land owned by
arabs in Palestine by legal purchase before 1948?? How about land upon which jews lived and owned for more than 1500 years before the birth of the
rapist pig of mecca and the GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST ???
How about the land that comprised the GLORIOUS MUGHAL EMPIRE?
FFI is one of the biggest bull crap artists here.
Nope. What I’m saying is that, over time, and as land changes hands, there is only outrage for when it ends up with the Jews.
And I am explaining to you that this results from the demographics. Billions of Muslims, billions of Christians, millions of jews. Of course the outrage against the Jews is louder, and always will be.

Does anti-semitism contribute? Well of course it does. 2/3 of the Abrahamic religions have as doctrine that the Jews murdered the messiah or have stolen the holy land.

Are you seeing the common underpinning here, yet?
Nope. What I’m saying is that, over time, and as land changes hands, there is only outrage for when it ends up with the Jews. Why is it that the liberals, while condemning the Israeli Jews, have nothing to say about all the Arabs who kicked nearly 1 million Jews out of their homes? Why don’t the liberals accuse the Arab countries of ethnic cleansing?

For some reason, they condemn Jews for that which is acceptable when done by others. Not a peep for when Muslims drive 900,000 Jews out of their homes, rendering the Middle East Judenfree, and stealing their land to boot.

More like 600,000 Arab Jews.. They left in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973. There was no mad dash to leave no matter what lies you have been told. They would still be living in Arab lands if not for European Zionism.
I never stated or implied such a thing, which, ironically, is just another lazy minded, stupid non sequitur on your part. Israel is a sovereign country, and rule of law is rule of law. My default position is that the nations borders, as they stand today, should be respected. Unless we peacefully alter them.

So you can toss your latest display of specious horseshit right in the trash, thanks. I know you DESPERATELY want to find anti-semitism, even where there isn't any. But you are shaking the wrong tree, this time.
IF (the operative word being IF) you were educated, then you would
know that there was not a border between Israel and THE GLORIOUS |
ISLAMIC WORLD established in 1948-----only an "armistice line" not
recognized as such by the GLORIOUS ISLAMIC WORLD-----if you want to
know----inquire at your local mosque. -----btw what specious horseshit.
To know that which is REALITY in the "islamic world" ---talk to muslims
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