Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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Okay. But the ideas that underpin it are accepted by many who are neither anti-Semitic, nor terrorists. So using your fact as a muzzle or to discount discussion of the ideas is dishonest.
That there are profoundly ignorant individuals like you who refuse to see anything antisemitic about those collaborating with groups commited to genocide does not make ME the dishonest one.

If there were a group that advocated divestment from any black owned business and who worked directly with those who lynched black people you would be all over that one like shit on stink.
your comment makes no sense at all
To you, of course not. But to a rational person whose mind is not addled by religion or political fetish, supporting a boycott because that person feels that Israel is committing human rights abuses is not the basis of genocide.
That is paranoid fantasy. I can't reason with someone who easily believes such embarrassing nonsense.
it’s paranoid fantasy that HAMAS has stated it’s goal is to drive Israel out of existence?

You continue to demonstrate how tolerant liberals, even Jewish liberals, are for an antisemitic movement that partners with HAMAS.
That there are profoundly ignorant individuals like you who refuse to see anything antisemitic about those collaborating with groups commited to genocide does not make ME the dishonest one.
A non sequitur lie you made up on the spot to soothe yourself.

I don't refuse to see anti-semitism. I know it runs rampant all over the planet. I am just not so stupid and simple to accuse every person of supporting this boycott of being anti-semitic. Frankly, neither are the paid liars who make a living saying it IS always anti-semitic. They butter their bread with this false idea. With your emotional reactions and willingness to over simplify complicated ideas.
your comment makes no sense at all

A non sequitur lie you made up on the spot to soothe yourself.

I don't refuse to see anti-semitism. I know it runs rampant all over the planet. I am just not so stupid and simple to accuse every person of supporting this boycott of being anti-semitic. Frankly, neither are the paid liars who make a living saying it IS always anti-semitic. They butter their bread with this false idea. With your emotional reactions and willingness to over simplify complicated ideas.
No lies on my part, ignorant boy.
To you, of course not. But to a rational person whose mind is not addled by religion or political fetish, supporting a boycott because that person feels that Israel is committing human rights abuses is not the basis of genocide.
If your proposition were TRUE. it ain't. The "boycott" started out as a
starvation siege and so continues. Starvation sieges ARE GENOCIDE----you have
missed quite a bit of history
To you, of course not. But to a rational person whose mind is not addled by religion or political fetish, supporting a boycott because that person feels that Israel is committing human rights abuses is not the basis of genocide.
Where are all the boycotts of the Muslim and Arab countries that do so much worse? Why is the sole target the tiny little Jewish state, which would be the sole refuge of Jews should antisemitism rise to an intolerable level?

The double standards being applied - in which Jews are condemned for what others do at a much worse level, and who are not condemned - is one of the definitions of antisemitism.
Where are all the boycotts of the Muslim and Arab countries that do so much worse? Why is the sole target the tiny little Jewish state, which would be the sole refuge of Jews should antisemitism rise to an intolerable level?

The double standards being applied - in which Jews are condemned for what others do, and are who not condemned - is one of the definitions of antisemitism.
BDS doesn't bother because all it has done is provide Israel with the ability to show off their products and services for export.
BDS caused Israel to flourish financially.
Where are all the boycotts of the Muslim and Arab countries that do so much worse?
That is a valid question. Easier to get Americans to "boycott" something, when it doesn't affect them much.

But, try to "boycott China", for example, and suddenly Americans can't buy the goods they want and need. Try to 'boycott OPEC", and suddenly you are riding your bicycle everywhere.
Well, the Trump political movement also attracted some of the most vile white supremacists and neo nazies to it’s support. Does that mean it is anti Semitic and racist?

True, South Africa was the last major boycott movement I recall. However other countries have had and currently have government sanctions forbidding trade and other things (which is a basically a boycott).

I agree that Israel tends to get outsized attention compared to say, Myanmar, who’s human rights atrocities are far far worse.

But I support boycotts. They a way of non violently pressuring for change.

Those are arguments that have been rehashed ad nauseum in the IP forum.

You already have with your baiting OP. Was your intent otherwise?

Are you a Trump voter? Why are willing to March shoulder to shoulder with people yelling “Jews will not replace us”

You're still on the you're a racist, you're a racist, you're a racist campaign, huh? Fuck America, you want free shit and you're willing to lie to get it because your racism crap is unsupported by factual data, only Fake News disinformation.

The white supremacist bull shit was 90% fake news and the rest was fake news turning over every rock to find racists who vote Republican. And even then, they had to ignore the half of them that were Democrats because racism doesn't correlate with party.

That is other than the Democrat party who incorporated racism in your platform that backs are too stupid to get an ID or take the job that pays the most and government needs to care for them.

On the history of racism, huh. Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, cross burning, lynching, segregation are all ... wait for it ... Democrats. Just like today how any Democrat who makes a run for it from the Democrat plantation will be targeted for destruction and called Uncle Tom or Aung Jemima for trying.

Then there's women who get the same treatment because Democrats believe neither is able to think for themselves and decide for themselves what their own views are. And you support it all, all that racism and misogyny. Pathetic
PARTY that advocates genocide seems like a "stupid non sequitur" to you.
Nope. You stil are not quite grasping the meaning of "non sequitur".

here, let me illustrate:

So, you want to kill all the Muslims, then? Why do you want to nuke Hamas? Why do you not care about civilian deaths?

Isn't this fun?
Who is starving? Some bold claims you are making, there.
Interesting you ask------perhaps you heard of the "ARAB OWNED"
houses in East Jerusalem that are "endangered" by Israeli "apartheid"
in AL JARRAH JERUSALEM------learn some history----that neighborhood--
prior to 1948 was JEWISH OWNED BY PROPERTY PURCHASE. Your fellow
Islamo nazis decided to STARVE THE PEOPLE OUT------many died thanks
to "people" like you. Starvation siege is an islamic method of CONQUEST.
-----it's why zoroastrians fled to Bombay. It's why more than a million
Ibo Nigerian christian babies ended up dead in the dust. etc etc etc
Nope. You stil are not quite grasping the meaning of "non sequitur".

here, let me illustrate:

So, you want to kill all the Muslims, then? Why do you want to nuke Hamas? Why do you not care about civilian deaths?

Isn't this fun?
It's beyond "fun" It is an idiot's joke. From where do you get your information about "killing all muslims" and "Nuking Hamas"------your
local mosque? What are you calling "civilian deaths"? lots in my very
own family dead of islamo nazism ------children
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

I have a difficult time understanding why a bunch of Semites can't get along in a good, Semitic fashion and manner in modern times.
that neighborhood--
How about prior to 1910? I mean, you do realize the earth was not created in 1948, right?

See, that's the problem, here. As long as Israel is a jewish State (and make no mistake, it is that), and as long as too many people accept the silly mythology of the iron age, NONE of what you are saying will matter. fundamentalists on both sides will ALWAYS find a reason to justify their own aggression and hatred.

And before you go on one of your patented rants accusing me of anti-semitism: Know that I take Israel's side in these conflicts, because they are at the very least making the attempt to be a Western-style democracy and to live in peace with their neighbors.
How about prior to 1910? I mean, you do realize the earth was not created in 1948, right?

See, that's the problem, here. As long as Israel is a jewish State (and make no mistake, it is that), and as long as too many people accept the silly mythology of the iron age, NONE of what you are saying will matter. fundamentalists on both sides will ALWAYS find a reason to justify their own aggression and hatred.

And before you go on one of your patented rants accusing me of anti-semitism: Know that I take Israel's side in these conflicts, because they are at the very least making the attempt to be a Western-style democracy and to live in peace with their neighbors.

what is your issue regarding the JARRAH neighborhood prior to 1910? The land was purchased by jews in 1875. Feel free to ask questions about jewish
ownership of land in the Levant, OR jewish ownership of land in Shariah law
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