Why do so many liberal Jews support the antisemitic BDS movement?

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Pretty funny, the idea that because Pompeo says something it is so.
It IS noteworthy that a Republican Administration is willing to call out an antisemitic group while the leftists cheer it on.

But it’s not only the Republicans. Even Germany, well-versed as to what hate toward Jews is, has called BDS antisemitic:

There is that old line from Orwell "In the land of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act". Being a revolutionary certainly sets up a person for much abuse and targeting, but I am not willing to submit.

One of the biggest obstacles to telling the truth has to do with people's inability to understand the nature of the argumentum ad populum. The opinion they hear the most is the one they believe and when you add in the conformist nature of people as they settle upon their tribal identity, it becomes nigh on impossible to get through. The left has degenerated to the point where any opinion OTHER than wanting Israel destroyed generates such condemnation and derision from the left that defending the targeting of a tiny number of jewish people against the massive might of the Islamic and antisemitic western has all but disappeared from leftist discourse.

There are 16 million Jews in the world, but well over a billion Muslims and who knows how many billions who simply hate Jews. It is a numbers game here, and the haters use their numerical advantage to persecute the tiny mminority. They do so as true believers feeling they are absolutely RIGHTEOUS in this persecution, and no amount of reason will ever disuade them from their antsemitic mission.
Oh my gosh…..you are so on target. It is true that, sadly, it seems that any comment in support of Israel, even in synagogues (other than Orthodox) will have other Jews attacking you! The only acceptable comment is one that derides Israel.

And you see that among the left, in general. The only comment that is allowed is one that supports the liberal narrative. Even a slight deviation has one dodging the verbal hate bombs.
Please Note: I want to keep this discussion going, but I have to leave for much of the day. I will be back in the afternoon and will pick up again.
I have read As an Arab Sees the Jews. Do you understand what he's saying? There population doubled with European refugees in a period of 5 years.

They had Palestinian stamps, currency and Newspapers. The Turkish census of 1870 indicated the numbers of Arabs who lived in Palestine by Muslims, Christians and Jews. They didn't even try to count the Negev Bedouin.
I have read it and it includes the laundry list of complaints we still hear today.

What it DOESN'T mention is how Arabs were given 78% of the Palestinian mandate or that 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab land. Of course, it couldn't have contained the latter information as that occurred subsequently, but you antsemites are simply unwilling to tell anything even remotely close to the truth.

The truth of the matter is that the Mandate of Palestine was governed by the British after being ceded to them by the Ottomans, that Arabs were subsequently given 78 % of this mandate as theirs while jews were given a much smaller portion, and during the time of this division, 700,000 Arabs left the reason and 900,000 Jews were kicked out of Arab land. Instead of seeing this as a winnowing of the populations and one actually favorable to the Arabs, you and the other antisemites want Arabs to have it ALL. That is why you advance your dishonest antisemitic propaganda as you do.
Well, it is good thing the Israelis are not doing that.

Of course, with Jews having been completely clensed from Gaza and Hamas vowing to "kill Jews until they hide behind rocks and trees", that is sure something YOU support
Such is the take from Likud and their press agents at the Jerusalem Post. Haaretz and other sources provide a more encompassing view.
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

Same reason a Jewish person collected 30 pieces of silver. Same reason why many danced around a golden calf. Jews in name only, but are enemies to TRUTH.

They betray the Land of Canaan like they always have.

That's why.
Such is the take from Likud and their press agents at the Jerusalem Post. Haaretz and other sources provide a more encompassing view.
Here -- learn a little something, antisemite. There were Jewish settlements in Gaza from before the time a warlord invented Islam and dozens of centuries before the time an artificial people called "Palestinian" were invented. Nowadays, there are exactly 0 Jews left in Gaza. I have to give credit where credit is due, though. If there is one thing that Arabs have really perfected it is of this ethnic clensing of which you falsely accuse Jews.

They were always called Palestinians .. and that included Christians, Muslims and Jews. ..not European Zionists. That lie is an Israeli construct.

"Palestinians", both Christians and Muslims, lived in my town in 1950.
wrong again-----"PALESTINIAN" meant JEW living in what the romans
called PALESTINA ---- a moniker adopted world wide, for almost the past 2000 years. ISLAMO NAZI PIGS lie
about this fact in support of islamo nazi revisionist history. My hubby is a
"PALESTINIAN" being born a jew whose parents escaped a shariah shit
hole circa 1942. Go go to any LARGE library and check out microfilms of
USA AND EUROPEAN JOURNALS from the 19th century. For the record---hubby was never an "arab" despite the fact that his community of jews lived in erstwhile "arabia" for longer than is the existence of islam, ie since more than 1000 years
before the rapist of mecca was born. Islamo nazis play with semantics-----see
JOSEF GOEBBELS ("people believe any lie repeated often enough") Anyone out there know what a "DUALIE" is?
wrong again-----"PALESTINIAN" meant JEW living in what the romans
called PALESTINA ---- a moniker adopted world wide, for almost the past 2000 years. ISLAMO NAZI PIGS lie
about this fact in support of islamo nazi revisionist history. My hubby is a
"PALESTINIAN" being born a jew whose parents escaped a shariah shit
hole circa 1942. Go go to any LARGE library and check out microfilms of
USA AND EUROPEAN JOURNALS from the 19th century. For the record---hubby was never an "arab" despite the fact that his community of jews lived in erstwhile "arabia" for longer than is the existence of islam, ie since more than 1000 years
before the rapist of mecca was born. Islamo nazis play with semantics-----see
JOSEF GOEBBELS ("people believe any lie repeated often enough") Anyone out there know what a "DUALIE" is?

Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine for 2000 years.. .. and it was called Syria-Palestine from 500 BC by Herodotus.. Palestine was a province of Syria like Kuwait was a province of Iraq.
Jews were a tiny minority in Palestine for 2000 years.. .. and it was called Syria-Palestine from 500 BC by Herodotus.. Palestine was a province of Syria like Kuwait was a province of Iraq.
SO?----there were very few jews left in Poland in 1945. How many IBOS were left in Northern Nigeria in 1975. How many hindus survive in what today, (gawd
help us) is called "BANGLA DESH"?. "kill the fathers and enslave the children"
is the very first rule of "THE GLORY OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST"
SO?----there were very few jews left in Poland in 1945. How many IBOS were left in Northern Nigeria in 1975. How many hindus survive in what today, (gawd
help us) is called "BANGLA DESH"?. "kill the fathers and enslave the children"
is the very first rule of "THE GLORY OF ISLAMIC CONQUEST"

That's your justification for the European Zionists? Are they as backwards and impoverished as Nigeria and Bangladesh?

Did you support Aparthied in South Africa?

Of course Israel gets a lot more foreign aid from the US.
That's your justification for the European Zionists? Are they as backwards and impoverished as Nigeria and Bangladesh?

Did you support Aparthied in South Africa?

Of course Israel gets a lot more foreign aid from the US.
LOL-----I read the islamo nazi propaganda WAY back in the 1950s. My very own
family was EUROPEAN------some of them starved to death---(to wit my great
grandfather) Nigerians murdered more than a million christian Ibo children
because they the Nigerians were "impoverished"-----my great grandparents
never murdered anyone. The genocide of Ibo christians was ISLAM DRIVEN,
That's your justification for the European Zionists? Are they as backwards and impoverished as Nigeria and Bangladesh?

Did you support Aparthied in South Africa?

Of course Israel gets a lot more foreign aid from the US.
do you still dance on the dead bodies of gassed babies?
Many people and groups have identified BDS for what is is - a movement driven by and simultaneously advancing antisemitism.
While others regard it as an anti apartheid movement.
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First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

Why are people forced to like Israel and forced to do business with them?
While others regard it as an anti apartheid movement.
how is it "antiapartheid"? Jews are very vulnerable to ANYTHING
reason. The situation for jews in christian and muslim societies stank
like shit for more than 1500 years. My grandmother was born in 1899---
a CHRONIC UNIONIST from the sweatshops of the lower east side of
Manhattan-------she was bordering on communist
First, before liberals rush in to claim that BDS is not anti-Jew but merely anti-Israel, know that BDS has indeed been recognized as an antisemitic movement. (Links below.)

Now, given that BDS provides an outlet for antisemites to express their Jew-hatred as well as actively promoting it, the question is: Why do liberal Jews support a major antisemitic movement?

My theory is they, like all liberals, divide people (as groups) into “oppressed” and “oppressors.” That is why you see liberals race in to defend blacks, gays, illegal aliens (and also go soft on criminals), all of whom they see oppressed. And so too with the Palestinians (who elected the terrorist Islamic group HAMAS to lead them). Then, on the other side, liberals oppose those they see as “oppressors” - successful business owners, white males, and Christians. Into this group they out Israelis - an advanced and successful group.

Therein lies the dilemma. Do liberals Jews march against their own people, advancing and supporting antisemitism, because a group of them are viewed - mostly by libersls - as oppressors? The answer is YES: their liberalism trumps their Judaism.

BDS is neither anti-Jew nor anti-Israel.

Your premise is ludicrously flawed.
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