Why do some Muslims support Daesh?


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Mar 22, 2012
You have to wonder how many here in the U.S. support ISIS.

Why do some Muslims support Daesh?


Dec 12, 2015


Samar Al-Miqrin

There is no doubt that Daesh (the self-proclaimed IS) belongs to the Iranian regime and helps Bashar Al-Assad’s regime. Whoever has doubts about this should think again, especially following the speech delivered by Syria’s Mufti in which he threatened Europe and America. After that speech, Daesh carried out a terrorist operation in Paris that spread terror and fear all over Europe.

Following these threats, we expected to hear about terrorist activities in some European city. However, we did not expect to find people on social media supporting terrorist activities in Paris, people who were not members of Daesh. After reading the comments, I started to believe that there were Muslims out there who inside their hearts support Daesh.

I am aware that some will be furious with me because of these words, but this is the bitter truth. We have to understand and recognize this truth in order to pinpoint the problems in the Arab mentality that lead Arabs to destruction and strip them of their humanity. The most important events that took place following the week of the terrorist activities were countless attacks on anyone who expressed sympathy for the victims of Paris. I noticed that some Arabs, including intellectuals and laymen, attacked anyone who sympathized with France. They considered sympathizers to be colluders who do not hesitate to suck up to the West.

Continue reading at:

Why do some Muslims support Daesh? - Saudi Gazette?

The tooth fairy told me that you support them.
Them? I thought there was only 1 tooth fairy and she looks like


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