Why do some USMB Republicans say it's Democrats who don't believe in "evolution"?

One of the interesting points of what I have seen of Rdean's discussion of evolution is his rather tenuous grasp of the theory. If challenged to write 200 words on his understanding of the the topic he would be hard pressed to do so, and would probably get it fundamentally wrong, as he seems to be a believer in Lamarkian inheritance of acquired characteristics rather than the current Darwinian view of evolution by mutation and selection.

Wow, you're so smart. You know more about evolution than scientists. You must "teach". At what "Sunday School"?

way to prove his point, deanie
First, why did you post a chart from 2007, and try to imply that it reflects current opinion?

Second, where is your link to the source of that chart, so we can look at the polling data? It's not in the link you provided. I bet you didn't post one because it would show they asked less than 1,000 people, just like your stupid 6% poll.

Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution

I'm curious. Why would you think more today would believe in the science of evolution than just a few years ago?

Drop down to the dates listed from 1982 to 2007. See how it's barely changed? Why would the last couple of years make a difference? Short answer ---> it wouldn't.


Four in 10 Americans Believe in Strict Creationism

Drop down into the article. Only 8% of Republicans believe that no "supernatural" agent was involved.

From your second link...

Survey Methods

Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Dec. 10-12, 2010, with a random sample of 1,019 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the continental U.S., selected using random-digit-dial sampling.

Damn, I missed by a whopping 19 people. :lol:

So 1,019 respondents out of a population of over 300,000,000 people forms the basis of their claims? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

So what evidence do you have the numbers would be different? :popcorn:
whoever framed the poll question knows less about evolution than deanie

First, why did you post a chart from 2007, and try to imply that it reflects current opinion?

Second, where is your link to the source of that chart, so we can look at the polling data? It's not in the link you provided. I bet you didn't post one because it would show they asked less than 1,000 people, just like your stupid 6% poll.

Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution

I'm curious. Why would you think more today would believe in the science of evolution than just a few years ago?

Drop down to the dates listed from 1982 to 2007. See how it's barely changed? Why would the last couple of years make a difference? Short answer ---> it wouldn't.


Four in 10 Americans Believe in Strict Creationism

Drop down into the article. Only 8% of Republicans believe that no "supernatural" agent was involved.

From your second link...

Survey Methods

Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Dec. 10-12, 2010, with a random sample of 1,019 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the continental U.S., selected using random-digit-dial sampling.

Damn, I missed by a whopping 19 people. :lol:

So 1,019 respondents out of a population of over 300,000,000 people forms the basis of their claims? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

In fact, look at the chart. Polls taken every year since 1982 and in every single poll not a single statistical "outlier".

Statistical Outliers | Experiment-Resources.com | A website about the Scientific Method, Research and Experiments

Curious to say the least. Wouldn't you agree?
whoever framed the poll question knows less about evolution than deanie


Wow. You're so smart. You really understand things. You can tell from your 10 word posts. So much depth. So much insight. You must "teach". :lol:
Majority of Republicans Doubt Theory of Evolution

I'm curious. Why would you think more today would believe in the science of evolution than just a few years ago?

Drop down to the dates listed from 1982 to 2007. See how it's barely changed? Why would the last couple of years make a difference? Short answer ---> it wouldn't.


Four in 10 Americans Believe in Strict Creationism

Drop down into the article. Only 8% of Republicans believe that no "supernatural" agent was involved.

From your second link...

Survey Methods

Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Dec. 10-12, 2010, with a random sample of 1,019 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the continental U.S., selected using random-digit-dial sampling.

Damn, I missed by a whopping 19 people. :lol:

So 1,019 respondents out of a population of over 300,000,000 people forms the basis of their claims? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

In fact, look at the chart. Polls taken every year since 1982 and in every single poll not a single statistical "outlier".

Statistical Outliers | Experiment-Resources.com | A website about the Scientific Method, Research and Experiments

Curious to say the least. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm curious as to how someone can make a broad brush claim about how people think about evolution based on a poll of 3.396667e-6 of the population.

Sounds like someone justifying an predetermined agenda to me.
If that's how you see it. We know for sure evolution is true. Faith is, well, "faith". Belief without evidence.
Yes. And you think faith and knowledge are mutually exclusive.


For the majority of history faith has sought to repress or deny knowledge in virtually every religion, Christianity included.

For the majority of history "faith" has been used by mankind to provide comfort about things which they don't understand. For the record, Deanie...I'm a conservative who happens to be an agnostic and has no problem with the theory of evolution. To be quite honest...with as many problems as we have at the current time...between the economy, iran trying to arm itself with a nuke, and gas prices headed towards the stratosphere...why should ANYONE give a flying fuck about whether somebody else takes a little comfort in believing in a higher power. I know I don't.

How about instead of spamming this board with your usual nonsense you start some strings up about what our energy policy should be going forward...or what we should do to try and keep what few manufacturing jobs we have from migrating out of the country? That would actually be constructive.

But you won't do that...will you? That would require "thought" and we all know that critical thinking is not your forte. If Google suddenly ceased to exist your posts would become as extinct as the Dodo bird.
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Funny, with that question I couldn't answer it at all. All are possible.

What a silly question.
From your second link...

Survey Methods

Damn, I missed by a whopping 19 people. :lol:

So 1,019 respondents out of a population of over 300,000,000 people forms the basis of their claims? :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

In fact, look at the chart. Polls taken every year since 1982 and in every single poll not a single statistical "outlier".

Statistical Outliers | Experiment-Resources.com | A website about the Scientific Method, Research and Experiments

Curious to say the least. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm curious as to how someone can make a broad brush claim about how people think about evolution based on a poll of 3.396667e-6 of the population.

Sounds like someone justifying an predetermined agenda to me.

That's the nature of statistical analysis. You don't need to ask every single person.

But you didn't answer the question. Considering that polls were taken every year since 1982, why is there no "outliers"?

In fact, you can do a search on any search engine using the phrase, "Republicans don't believe in evolution" and there are millions of search results covering decades and not a single one even suggests that the majority of Republicans accept the science of evolution. In fact, your position seems to be one of "faith". Curious.

Yes. And you think faith and knowledge are mutually exclusive.


For the majority of history faith has sought to repress or deny knowledge in virtually every religion, Christianity included.

For the majority of history "faith" has been used by mankind to provide comfort about things which they don't understand. For the record, Deanie...I'm a conservative who happens to be an agnostic and has no problem with the theory of evolution. To be quite honest...with as many problems as we have at the current time...between the economy, iran trying to arm itself with a nuke, and gas prices headed towards the stratosphere...why should ANYONE give a flying fuck about whether somebody else takes a little comfort in believing in a higher power. I know I don't.

How about instead of spamming this board with your usual nonsense you start some strings up about what our energy policy should be going forward...or what we should do to try and keep what few manufacturing jobs we have from migrating out of the country? That would actually be constructive.

I have. Many times. Here's one from a couple of years ago. It's one of my favorites. Check it out.


In fact, look at the chart. Polls taken every year since 1982 and in every single poll not a single statistical "outlier".

Statistical Outliers | Experiment-Resources.com | A website about the Scientific Method, Research and Experiments

Curious to say the least. Wouldn't you agree?

I'm curious as to how someone can make a broad brush claim about how people think about evolution based on a poll of 3.396667e-6 of the population.

Sounds like someone justifying an predetermined agenda to me.

That's the nature of statistical analysis. You don't need to ask every single person.

But you didn't answer the question. Considering that polls were taken every year since 1982, why is there no "outliers"?

In fact, you can do a search on any search engine using the phrase, "Republicans don't believe in evolution" and there are millions of search results covering decades and not a single one even suggests that the majority of Republicans accept the science of evolution. In fact, your position seems to be one of "faith". Curious.


Of course you don't ask every person. But shouldn't you ask at least 20%? or 10%? or at least 6%?

Basing a conclusion on 0.00000339667% of the population is not only wrong, it's downright ludicrous.
I'm curious as to how someone can make a broad brush claim about how people think about evolution based on a poll of 3.396667e-6 of the population.

Sounds like someone justifying an predetermined agenda to me.

That's the nature of statistical analysis. You don't need to ask every single person.

But you didn't answer the question. Considering that polls were taken every year since 1982, why is there no "outliers"?

In fact, you can do a search on any search engine using the phrase, "Republicans don't believe in evolution" and there are millions of search results covering decades and not a single one even suggests that the majority of Republicans accept the science of evolution. In fact, your position seems to be one of "faith". Curious.


Of course you don't ask every person. But shouldn't you ask at least 20%? or 10%? or at least 6%?

Basing a conclusion on 0.00000339667% of the population is not only wrong, it's downright ludicrous.

So you are saying that no matter what evidence is presented, you don't believe it? And what you do believe is a "gut feeling"? That's "faith".
If you believe in the current views of science as a religious obligation,

What does that mean exactly? That science is a "faith"?

They way you treat it is as if it is a religious duty you impose on yourself, much to the dismay of your 'church'. You seem to have no comprehension of what it means, how it works, or even the theories correct operation. You merely repeat mantras in the expectation that they will make you feel better. Much as a nun mutters
"Pater noster, qui es in caelis:
sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;
adveniat Regnum Tuum;
fiat voluntas Tua,
sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;
et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;
et ne nos inducas in tentationem;
sed libera nos a Malo."

you mutter your glories to science with less knowledge of the meaning than you have of the latin.

For those of us who don't labor in the fields of genetics or whatever belief in one theory means as much as belief in another. In America you are entitled to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster if you wish, it makes no difference.

As a matter of discussion in the market of ideas, if you want to show that you understand something, you need to show that you can do more than just shout your approval for one side or the other.

I don't care what side you support unless you can explain why you support it and why you think it is true. Supporting one side or the other in a debate just because all the cool kids like the blue team or whatever is meaningless.

You don't even seem to be able to bring the slightest bit of evidence in your ideas to the table. One can argue Evolution to be true because of similarities in various animals, or one can argue that Genesis is a crock because there are fossil seashells on the tops of mountains in various places. You lack the understanding to even argue that.

If you were to argue withe Carl Sagan or Charles Darwin in your hearing that the reason you support Evolution is because either one of them said so, both of you would probably hit you upside the head for stupidity.

The folks who go to church and the preacher man says Genesis says this and that you have to believe, has just as much authority as you when you say Carl Sagan says that, and you have to believe. You have no right to laugh at them, as your proof is equal.
That's the nature of statistical analysis. You don't need to ask every single person.

But you didn't answer the question. Considering that polls were taken every year since 1982, why is there no "outliers"?

In fact, you can do a search on any search engine using the phrase, "Republicans don't believe in evolution" and there are millions of search results covering decades and not a single one even suggests that the majority of Republicans accept the science of evolution. In fact, your position seems to be one of "faith". Curious.


Of course you don't ask every person. But shouldn't you ask at least 20%? or 10%? or at least 6%?

Basing a conclusion on 0.00000339667% of the population is not only wrong, it's downright ludicrous.

So you are saying that no matter what evidence is presented, you don't believe it? And what you do believe is a "gut feeling"? That's "faith".

No, I don't see it as a gut feeling. I see it as taking an extremely narrow slice of a population, and ascribing it to the population as a whole.

Put it this way. I just took a poll, and 0.00004% of the posters on USMB think you really don't believe what you post, but are pulling off an elaborate Poe on us.

Poe's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The polling method was that i asked only myself, on a board of just over 25,000 members.

So, based on my poll, you are a Poe. So can I make a thread that says based on my poll, ALL Chicago Democrats are Poes?
For the majority of history faith has sought to repress or deny knowledge in virtually every religion, Christianity included.

For the majority of history "faith" has been used by mankind to provide comfort about things which they don't understand. For the record, Deanie...I'm a conservative who happens to be an agnostic and has no problem with the theory of evolution. To be quite honest...with as many problems as we have at the current time...between the economy, iran trying to arm itself with a nuke, and gas prices headed towards the stratosphere...why should ANYONE give a flying fuck about whether somebody else takes a little comfort in believing in a higher power. I know I don't.

How about instead of spamming this board with your usual nonsense you start some strings up about what our energy policy should be going forward...or what we should do to try and keep what few manufacturing jobs we have from migrating out of the country? That would actually be constructive.

I have. Many times. Here's one from a couple of years ago. It's one of my favorites. Check it out.



As usual, you've cut and pasted an article from "Think Progress" an idiotic leftwing site dedicated to people like you who google things like "GOP exports jobs".

That didn't require you to think at all, Deanie...which is why you USE sites like "Think Progress". Now did you want to tell us what steps you think the Obama Administration should take to keep manufacturing jobs from leaving the country? In your own words? I'd like to see you actually THINK for a change.

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