Why do theists refuse to embrace adulthood?

As a child, your parents watch over you. They provide for you. They protect you and ensure your needs are met. They set you up for a successful, happy future. Eventually the time comes to leave the house. On your own, you're responsible for your own safety and provision. Nobody is going to hold your hand anymore. Psychologically normal people accept this and adapt. They recognize that their well being is their own responsibility and stop looking to others to fulfill their needs. Theists, on the other hand, convince themselves that they still have a parental figure who keeps watch over them even after they've moved out to live on their own. They tell themselves that there's still this positive force in their life keeping them safe and guiding their lives. Why can't they just accept that this isn't the case though? What's so different about them that they have to tell themselves they're still not alone despite all evidence to the contrary?
Study finds brain differences based on faith

Study finds brain differences based on faith - USATODAY.com

having a big brain doesn't matter if you never use it.

DAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!! :lmao: That was harsh. :lol:

maybe. I have a low tolerance from stupid posts from people who should know better. It's a weakness of mine.

besides he sets it up so well

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