Why Do They Even Refer To Lindsey Graham As,"Presidential Candidate" At 0.0 Per-Cent?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:banana::poke: Has anyone in some ways said this to themselves?, Whenever we see a cable news host speak of Lindsey, or about to talk to him, they refer to him as "Presidential Candidte" or "GOP Candidate". Although he is running, he is still at 0.0% after about six months of trying to take out Donald Trump (and the rest).
After about two months at 0.0%, many of us were just laughing at him being he never gained any ground. Another term they may have used for Lindsey is "Presidential Hopeful". :laugh2:, Hopeful? Hopeful for what? Ten Per-Cent?
After about three months into his campaign, they may as well as just called him Senator Lindsey Graham.:iagree:
Or, "The Artist Formerly Known As Presidential Hopeful Lindsey Graham" :itsok:

Lindsey Graham is a total sweetie-pie and I would vote for him in a flash if he rose high enough to get the nomination. Mind you, he is quite militaristic. However, that isn't necessarily a disadvantage in this time of war over half the world.

I think you would find (but we probably won't get the chance, I agree with you there) that women really like Senator Graham, which God knows is not true of most of these awful people running for president!!

Lindsey Graham is a total sweetie-pie and I would vote for him in a flash if he rose high enough to get the nomination. Mind you, he is quite militaristic. However, that isn't necessarily a disadvantage in this time of war over half the world.

I think you would find (but we probably won't get the chance, I agree with you there) that women really like Senator Graham, which God knows is not true of most of these awful people running for president!!
oh,, i admire Lindsey for the person he his, i have always enjoyed watching him making appearences on Fox,,,i am just being sarcastic with this thread,,,but u got to admit,,it is rather peculiar that he hasnt bowed out at this point,,,,,like Bush !!!
Graham may just want a Cabinet post. He would be excellent for Defense, after all. I think a lot of these guys running stay in hoping to get a lesser post: a lot of people think Trump would pick Carson for VP ---- it would be a good ticket, IMO. Or Carson could get Health and Human Services.
Graham cracker is a joke, and I hope the bed wetter loses the senate seat too.

Graham may just want a Cabinet post. He would be excellent for Defense, after all. I think a lot of these guys running stay in hoping to get a lesser post: a lot of people think Trump would pick Carson for VP ---- it would be a good ticket, IMO. Or Carson could get Health and Human Services.
and maybe he just enjoys all of the attention. but i also want to see him in the cabinet,,,,but i think its safe that its going to be a Trump/Cruz/Carson/Rubio ticket,,,looks like the VP choice may depend on which ticket will take out the beast in a 60/40 blow-out
I thought I read that he dropped out.

[Update] - I don't see anything about him dropping out so I guess not.
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Gramnesty never had a chance. Establishment RINOS still don't get it that we aren't putting up with them anymore. He and Jebby can have a cry fest over just how unfair it is while giving each other a 69 for all I care.

The arc of history favors a CONSERVATIVE ascendancy.

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