Why Do Trumpers Want Martial Law So Bad??

That is how leftist White trash communicate
Boy ?? I would probably break every bone in your bloated body
You would run screaming like a bitch at the first sight of me boy
Further proof that adults are just babies all grown up.
This internet tough guy talk makes you look silly -- boy. :auiqs.jpg:
this troll is a shill from langley who is just seekeing attention,the proof in that on seeking attentiion,i have had himn on ignore for over a decade and he STILL replies o me in the first person.LOL i am sure you dont address and reply to someone in the first person when they tell you they have you on ignore correct? lol that is pretty scary how he talks to himself.LOL
LMf'nAO!! Speculation is all you've got.

Stop wasting our time with this shit, kid.
If I'm a kid, it makes you at least 75 or 80.
He's probably referring to yuor maturity which is infantile

Unable to use proper spelling an punctuation in a sentence? You may be in 7th grade at best!
WHen proven wrong and a liar revert to grammar nazi mode.

Very good you still have no evidence and you looked like a total fool with that insurrection act failure.

You didn't read it fucktard, because that is THE main reference for martial law!
That is how leftist White trash communicate
Boy ?? I would probably break every bone in your bloated body
You would run screaming like a bitch at the first sight of me boy
Further proof that adults are just babies all grown up.
This internet tough guy talk makes you look silly -- boy. :auiqs.jpg:
this troll is a shill from langley who is just seekeing attention,the proof in that on seeking attentiion,i have had himn on ignore for over a decade and he STILL replies o me in the first person.LOL i am sure you dont address and reply to someone in the first person when they tell you they have you on ignore correct? lol that is pretty scary how he talks to himself.LOL
Yet you always respond

ANd like these other idiots you never back up your claims with evidence
LMf'nAO!! Speculation is all you've got.

Stop wasting our time with this shit, kid.
If I'm a kid, it makes you at least 75 or 80.
He's probably referring to yuor maturity which is infantile

Unable to use proper spelling an punctuation in a sentence? You may be in 7th grade at best!
WHen proven wrong and a liar revert to grammar nazi mode.

Very good you still have no evidence and you looked like a total fool with that insurrection act failure.

You didn't read it fucktard, because that is THE main reference for martial law!
I did and it does not permit or say anything about martial law

You stupid moron

You failed and failed in epic fashion you have been owned
In my state alone , Nevada- you had 40,000 double votes and 20,000 illegal out of state ones along with tens of thousands with zero signatures
LMf'nAO!! Speculation is all you've got.

Stop wasting our time with this shit, kid.
If I'm a kid, it makes you at least 75 or 80.
He's probably referring to yuor maturity which is infantile

Unable to use proper spelling an punctuation in a sentence? You may be in 7th grade at best!
WHen proven wrong and a liar revert to grammar nazi mode.

Very good you still have no evidence and you looked like a total fool with that insurrection act failure.

You didn't read it fucktard, because that is THE main reference for martial law!
I did and it does not permit or say anything about martial law

You stupid moron

You failed and failed in epic fashion you have been owned

Why don't you go ahead and admit that you are functionally illiterate? It is either that or mental retardation.
LMf'nAO!! Speculation is all you've got.

Stop wasting our time with this shit, kid.
If I'm a kid, it makes you at least 75 or 80.
He's probably referring to yuor maturity which is infantile

Unable to use proper spelling an punctuation in a sentence? You may be in 7th grade at best!
WHen proven wrong and a liar revert to grammar nazi mode.

Very good you still have no evidence and you looked like a total fool with that insurrection act failure.

You didn't read it fucktard, because that is THE main reference for martial law!
I did and it does not permit or say anything about martial law

You stupid moron

You failed and failed in epic fashion you have been owned

Why don't you go ahead and admit that you are functionally illiterate? It is either that or mental retardation.
Because I owned you and proved you wrong.

No actually you proved yourself wrong by citing a law which does NOT syupport your childish and stupid belief.

That is fact and you know it junior
this troll is a shill from langley who is just seekeing attention,the proof in that on seeking attentiion,i have had himn on ignore for over a decade and he STILL replies o me in the first person.LOL i am sure you dont address and reply to someone in the first person when they tell you they have you on ignore correct? lol that is pretty scary how he talks to himself.LOL
There are mostly good guys in the CIA. Mike Pompeo is one of the good ones.
The FBI and CIA corruption largely became political under Clinton...most of the rogue players the good guys are trying to weed out come from that family tree...Brennan and Comey notably ....after 9/11 it's gotten worse.

Soupy doesn't seem smart enough for Langley. My guess he's in the mailroom with a cybersecurity subcontract firm like Coalfire or Lockheed Martin.
this troll is a shill from langley who is just seekeing attention,the proof in that on seeking attentiion,i have had himn on ignore for over a decade and he STILL replies o me in the first person.LOL i am sure you dont address and reply to someone in the first person when they tell you they have you on ignore correct? lol that is pretty scary how he talks to himself.LOL
There are mostly good guys in the CIA. Mike Pompeo is one of the good ones.
The FBI and CIA corruption largely became political under Clinton...most of the rogue players the good guys are trying to weed out come from that family tree...Brennan and Comey notably ....after 9/11 it's gotten worse.

Soupy doesn't seem smart enough for Langley. My guess he's in the mailroom with a cybersecurity subcontract firm like Coalfire or Lockheed Martin.
So which is it?

A mailroom employee or robot?

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....
Because we like keeping our taxes in the US.

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