Why Do Trumpers Want Martial Law So Bad??

President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law

Insurrection Act! Kiss my ever loving ass, you douche bag!
Does not permit it you uneducated tool

Look up martial law usa in wiki and then read the fucking thing! Then you might not appear like one of my students who failed his government classes! Why are you arguing something so easily disproved? The answer is that you are a fucktard Democrat!
The insurrection act does not allow for martial law or even mention the phrase martial law you uneducated brainwashed retard

You disproved nothing but your own weak and pathetic view of yourself

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....
They long to be dominated by authoritarians. They desperately need someone to tell them what to do and say, who to hate, who to love, and generally how to live their lives.

And they already practice that, hanging on Lush Rimjob's (et al) every word so they can trot it in here pretending it's original thought --- when it's neither.
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law

Insurrection Act! Kiss my ever loving ass, you douche bag!
Does not permit it you uneducated tool
You even talk like a “gutter rat “
I made 19,500 in the market last month !! What did you make ??
Where is your evidence slow one?

You make minimum wage at a fast food joint
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
That is fake news , you fool
You morons believe anything is fake news that you find disagreeable. Grow the fuck up, boy.
You’re so easy to manipulate!! You leftist trash are the lowest form of humanity
Says the the POS who supports a coup against the newly elected government of the USA.
He was never elected ; he is an illegitimate swine - who won the most fraudulent election in world history
You are delusional and need help if you believe that.
The evidence is beyond overwhelming!! You don’t have the intellect to comprehend anything that the “sock puppets “ on CNN or MSNBC tell you
that is a bald faced lie.

There is no evidence of that lie you repeat

You cannot cite or show any evidence.
Joe Biden is the lowest form of humanity
I agree.

He still won fair and squatre and that is fact you cannot refute or challenge
Biden won by several million fraudulent votes !!
Fair and square ??
They were not fraudulent.

Once again there is no evidence of fraud or theft or cheating which would have swung the election

No evidence?

Double voting? Dead people voting? People who live on commercial properties voting? People living in casinos voting?

You really are a dumbass!
All debunked crap and prpoven crap you retard.

You cannot post or cite any evidence of fraud or cheating on a scale to swing the election

That is fact now suck on it and grow up BOY

There is countless examples of evidence of election fraud. Now go back to the bathroom and play with yourself and see if something comes out of it!
No there are not.

There is always small localized fraud in every election.

There has never been any evidence shown of fraud on a scale to steal the election

That is fact tyou little simpleton

Now run along so the adults can talk

Listen cock holster! Give me proof of your allegation. I disproved your martial law theory! Now, put up or STF up!
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
That is fake news , you fool
You morons believe anything is fake news that you find disagreeable. Grow the fuck up, boy.
You’re so easy to manipulate!! You leftist trash are the lowest form of humanity
Says the the POS who supports a coup against the newly elected government of the USA.
He was never elected ; he is an illegitimate swine - who won the most fraudulent election in world history
You are delusional and need help if you believe that.
The evidence is beyond overwhelming!! You don’t have the intellect to comprehend anything that the “sock puppets “ on CNN or MSNBC tell you
that is a bald faced lie.

There is no evidence of that lie you repeat

You cannot cite or show any evidence.
Joe Biden is the lowest form of humanity
I agree.

He still won fair and squatre and that is fact you cannot refute or challenge
Biden won by several million fraudulent votes !!
Fair and square ??
They were not fraudulent.

Once again there is no evidence of fraud or theft or cheating which would have swung the election

No evidence?

Double voting? Dead people voting? People who live on commercial properties voting? People living in casinos voting?

You really are a dumbass!
All debunked crap and prpoven crap you retard.

You cannot post or cite any evidence of fraud or cheating on a scale to swing the election

That is fact now suck on it and grow up BOY

There is countless examples of evidence of election fraud. Now go back to the bathroom and play with yourself and see if something comes out of it!
No there are not.

There is always small localized fraud in every election.

There has never been any evidence shown of fraud on a scale to steal the election

That is fact tyou little simpleton

Now run along so the adults can talk

Listen cock holster! Give me proof of your allegation. I disproved your martial law theory! Now, put up of STF up!
You did no such thing gay boy.

The insurrection act does not permit for martial law.
Soup brains is just a low IQ imbecile!! We gave him mountains of evidence and his broken brain can’t compute
LMf'nAO!! Speculation is all you've got.

Stop wasting our time with this shit, kid.
If I'm a kid, it makes you at least 75 or 80.
He's probably referring to yuor maturity which is infantile

Unable to use proper spelling an punctuation in a sentence? You may be in 7th grade at best!
WHen proven wrong and a liar revert to grammar nazi mode.

Very good you still have no evidence and you looked like a total fool with that insurrection act failure.

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....

I hope for the sake of america he DOES follow the advise of that general to declare martial law so we can have an election do over with with honest patriotic americans in charge of the election voting and the military arrests all these criminal judges including the supreme court judge who wont all wont even listen to the evidence and is not allowing it to be present and to hunt down and arrest these murdering criminals in the CIA who are threatening and and even killing whistleblowing witnesses.
That is how leftist White trash communicate
Boy ?? I would probably break every bone in your bloated body
You would run screaming like a bitch at the first sight of me boy
Further proof that adults are just babies all grown up.
This internet tough guy talk makes you look silly -- boy. :auiqs.jpg:
I bet 10 grand I would kick his azz !!
Dont forget the tin foil hat when you leave moms basement

"An 1807 law invoked only in the most violent circumstances is now a rallying cry for the MAGA-ites most committed to the fantasy that Donald Trump will never leave office. The law, the Insurrection Act, allows the president to deploy troops to suppress domestic uprisings — not to overturn elections. Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race."

For the longest time, we have heard constant fearmongering by the reactionary right about their fantasy world of black helicopters circling around to round up people and put em in FEMA camps and how Obama and operation Jade-Helm were gonna launch martial law on Texas; but in real life -- we keep seeing top people in right wing leadership (including the White House) openly calling for martial law....including just this week, from Trump's former national security advisor and Trump's present election fraud super lawyer Lin Wood....who most recently made this dumb ass Fruedian slip of a filing...
View attachment 431150

For a group of people who claims to love America -- they sure do find themselves on the same side of the most un-American causes in US history -- it isn't unironic that the side who cosplays as patriots fighting tyranny are always the ones cheerleading for tyranny, sedition, authoritarianism and all out secession...all because of their hurt feels over a lost election.....but since they have no sense of shame -- they project all of their bullshit onto the other side and claim they are the ones who are in favor of all of these things.....pathetic....

I hope for the sake of america he DOES follow the advise of that general to declare martial law so we can have an election do over with with honest patriotic americans in charge of the election voting and the military arrests all these criminal judges including the supreme court judge who wont all wont even listen to the evidence and is not allowing it to be present and to hunt down and arrest these murdering criminals in the CIA who are threatening and and even killing whistleblowing witnesses.
There was no evicence to listen to fool

You cannot name one who was killed

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