Why Do Trumpers Want Martial Law So Bad??

President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
I stated facts and corrected you.

Learn the difference between facts and opinion
NOPE,, you gave me your opinion,,,

I gave you absolute facts which destroy your rather stupid assertion and proved you irrefutably wrong and ignorant
NOPE,, you gave your opinion,,
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
He is a witless worm
And your superior
Anyone Is superior to you !
You’re a cretin
Trump is not going to impose any martial law nor will he ever concede to the rigged election and he will leave in 4 weeks
He probably will leave.

No evidence exists that it was rigged however
Are you a complete buffoon !
You have thousands of affidavits of eye witnesses
You have voting rolls that have hundreds of thousands of illegal voters
You have many counties with more voters than folks registered
You have millions of votes with zero signatures
You have election machines that can easily manipulate votes
Are you an ignoramus
All debumked and proven false.

You really need to keep up with the times.

I am better informed than you

These are facts grow up suck on them and deal with it BOY

There is no evidence of any kind whatsoever to prove fraud or theft on a scale which would swing the election
You’re a giant ignoramus and you’re a Nazi
Smarter than you commmunist boy
You the dirty Commie !! You have zero intellect
I am your better in every measurable way and you are the marx licking communist who believes debunked conspiracy theories.

Son, you should know that when someone is kicking your ass, and you keep trying to get up, you're only going to get it kicked harder.

Just stay down, ok? You're making a fool out of yourself, and I hate to see anyone get the shit kicked out of them like you're getting.

President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
I stated facts and corrected you.

Learn the difference between facts and opinion
NOPE,, you gave me your opinion,,,

I gave you absolute facts which destroy your rather stupid assertion and proved you irrefutably wrong and ignorant
NOPE,, you gave your opinion,,
Wrong I gave you absolute fact and opinion and proved you wrong aqnd youi know it
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
I stated facts and corrected you.

Learn the difference between facts and opinion
NOPE,, you gave me your opinion,,,

I gave you absolute facts which destroy your rather stupid assertion and proved you irrefutably wrong and ignorant
NOPE,, you gave your opinion,,
Wrong I gave you absolute fact and opinion and proved you wrong aqnd youi know it
You gave us your low IQ opinion
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
I stated facts and corrected you.

Learn the difference between facts and opinion
NOPE,, you gave me your opinion,,,

I gave you absolute facts which destroy your rather stupid assertion and proved you irrefutably wrong and ignorant
NOPE,, you gave your opinion,,
Wrong I gave you absolute fact and opinion and proved you wrong aqnd youi know it
NOPE!!! you gave me your opinion,,,
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
I stated facts and corrected you.

Learn the difference between facts and opinion
NOPE,, you gave me your opinion,,,

I gave you absolute facts which destroy your rather stupid assertion and proved you irrefutably wrong and ignorant
NOPE,, you gave your opinion,,
Wrong I gave you absolute fact and opinion and proved you wrong aqnd youi know it
You gave us your low IQ opinion
I stated facts and proved you are a fool
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law
how do you know there isnt evidence??

and its about authority not laws,,,
Because by now everyone would know it.

You are not special and you do not have inside knowledge.

The presidents authority is strictly limited by law and no law permits martial law or gives the authority
I never made a claim there was,, I just said if there was,,,

POTUS authority comes from the constitution and that isnt what your thinking as law,,,

like I said,
if he can prove it he has a duty to declare an emergency and take what evers necessary to correct it,,,
No he does not have any such duty or authority.

The constitution is precisely what I am thinking as law and neither it nor any other law allows for martial law
if you say so,,,
I dont.

The law does not permit it
then why are you so scared???
I am correcting you

No fear
but you didnt correct me,,, you gave me your opinion,,
I stated facts and corrected you.

Learn the difference between facts and opinion
NOPE,, you gave me your opinion,,,

I gave you absolute facts which destroy your rather stupid assertion and proved you irrefutably wrong and ignorant
NOPE,, you gave your opinion,,
Wrong I gave you absolute fact and opinion and proved you wrong aqnd youi know it
NOPE!!! you gave me your opinion,,,


You are a liar and you know I stated absolute facts
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
This is about the first sane thing I have seen posted in this thread on this topic in this entire thread.

If they have proof that they have thus far been unable to reveal in a civilian court b/c of it's security clearance? This has, up to this point, been pretty much, a foolish thread.

OTH? If they DO have something? Most folks in this thread just have their partisan egos invested in shit that they don't know what they hell is going on behind the scenes.

It would probably take military tribunals, and create such chaos as we have not seen since the civil war. . . this would be something that they would have to seriously consider the economic, social, political and cultural ramifications, VERY, VERY carefully, not just for the U.S., but for the entire planet, before they took any action.

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President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law

You better do some research before making such stupid statements libtard!
President Donald Trump convened a heated meeting in the Oval Office on Friday, including lawyer Sidney Powell and her client, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, two people familiar with the matter said, describing a session that began as an impromptu gathering but devolved and eventually broke out into screaming matches at certain points as some of Trump's aides pushed back on Powell and Flynn's more outrageous suggestions about overturning the election.

Now this is truly treasonous. Russian stooge Michael Flynn was apparently the one encouraging this as well as nut job Sidney Powell, Trump’s loser lawyer.

it aI the time for all true American patriots to reject this garbage.

Either you love the constitution or hate it.

Only haters of freedom would ever support martial law.

No matter what your party, you should find any call for martial law repugnant.

Unless of course, you find autocracy preferable to democracy.
it would absolutely be treason to try and declare martial law.

However according to CNN from your link it w as Flynn who suggested it

it is not treason for a private citizen to suggest or endorse the idea
This conversation is in the Oval Office that true s into a screaming match. That does not bother you?

It's irrelevant who it bothers. It is not treason for Flynn to suggest it.

It would be treason for trump to try. He would likely fail if he did. In fact I doubt that the secret service would allow it.
depending on why he does it determines if its legal,,

and if he can prove foreign interference in the election to a degree it effected the outcome he is well within the law to call for it,,,

in fact he would have a duty to do it,,,

There is no law of any kind permitting martial law.for the reasons you describe .

It would be illegal and treasonous with NO exceptions

Also there is no evidence whatsoever of fraud cheating or foreign interference which has such an affect on the election
theres a lot we as the general public dont know about,,,

it would need to be a declaration of national emergency with a martial law to back it up,,, but there better be proof,,,
There is no evidence at all because

No such law exist permitting martial law

You better do some research before making such stupid statements libtard!
You are more liberal than me dumbass

And my statement stands as fact which you cannot challenge

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