Why Do We Let Somalis In Again?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004

A Somali-born teenager attempting to detonate what he believed was a car bomb at a packed Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in downtown Portland, Ore., was arrested by the authorities on Friday night. They had spent nearly six months tracking him and setting up a sting operation, officials in Oregon said.

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A Somali-born teenager attempting to detonate what he believed was a car bomb at a packed Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in downtown Portland, Ore., was arrested by the authorities on Friday night. They had spent nearly six months tracking him and setting up a sting operation, officials in Oregon said.


Very close to home. I am impressed that as of this post, these murderer wannabes, have been thwarted. Nothing is ever perfect though and by working the number of efforts, the terrorists are bringing themselves closer to a victory. :FIREdevil:
Mr. Balizan identified the suspect as Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a naturalized United States citizen living in Corvallis, Ore. He graduated from a Portland high school, and was a sophomore engineering student at Oregon State, authorities said.

Just think, he had all the best going for him and the moron chooses to kill people instead of taking the gifts offered to him by America. Asswipe. I hope he gets an incurable fungus under his fingernails and spends his miserable asswipe life in prison.
So he was not a Somali, he was a US citizen.

No big news about US citizens comitting crimes.
Happens all the time.
So he was not a Somali, he was a US citizen.

No big news about US citizens comitting crimes.
Happens all the time.

He was a Somali and became a naturalized US citizen. I think he should loose that citizenship. Personally. He's a fucking traitor.
So he was not a Somali, he was a US citizen.

No big news about US citizens comitting crimes.
Happens all the time.

He was a Somali and became a naturalized US citizen. I think he should loose that citizenship. Personally. He's a fucking traitor.

I agree. However do we only remove the citizenship of naturalized citizens and not natural born citizens?
I imagine he'll get life. In any event, who would feel more comfy if this person was sent back to Somalia? I want this bastard in a US Supermax....don't you?

WJ asks a question I think is worth answering: why are we admitting people who are citizens of nations which are hotbeds of anti-American sentiment? Given this person's age I imagine he was brought here as a child, and mebbe there is a completely reasonable explanation for his immigration.

But I dun think it hurts to ask HTH he got in and was made a US citizen.
So he was not a Somali, he was a US citizen.

No big news about US citizens comitting crimes.
Happens all the time.

He was a Somali and became a naturalized US citizen. I think he should loose that citizenship. Personally. He's a fucking traitor.

I agree. However do we only remove the citizenship of naturalized citizens and not natural born citizens?

I never said anything even remotely like that asswipe.
Mr. Balizan identified the suspect as Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a naturalized United States citizen living in Corvallis, Ore. He graduated from a Portland high school, and was a sophomore engineering student at Oregon State, authorities said.

Just think, he had all the best going for him and the moron chooses to kill people instead of taking the gifts offered to him by America. Asswipe. I hope he gets an incurable fungus under his fingernails and spends his miserable asswipe life in prison.


This puts the lie to the notion that only "poverty-stricken", "hopeless" or "desperate" young men are the ones drawn into terrorism.

Actually, a lot of them come from good homes, good educations and have had plenty of opportunities.

Just look at the Muslim "soldier" in the U.S. Army who blew a dozen or so at Fort Hood, Texas.

THE TRUTH, dear readers, is that RACE, ETHNICITY AND RELIGION are far more powerful predictors of behavior than education level, etc. What human beings identify first with... is blood. To call this Somali anything other than a racially BLACK, religiously MUSLIM person is to make a joke of American citizenship. He was no more a U.S. citizen than Stalin, Hitler or a random Chinese farmer would be if you gave him a piece of paper saying he was. That's what the liberals, neo-cons and most conservatives don't GET about a nation. A nation is a naturally-formed people with a history, a culture, a language and YES, a race. You cannot just douse anyone with Coca-Cola and make them an American. The idea can take some bending, sure. I am not for racial purity tests. But you can go so far in the opposite direction that things get way fucking stupid. When you import this guy, you're there. You're actually importing the cause of your own death.

Letting this guy into our country is like shooting up with a syringe full of AIDS-tainted blood.

THAT is what our immigration "policy" has become.

What's Obama going to do about it?

Given that homeboy here shares his race -- and if Obama's relatives had their way, Muslim religion -- I doubt much.
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Mr. Balizan identified the suspect as Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a naturalized United States citizen living in Corvallis, Ore. He graduated from a Portland high school, and was a sophomore engineering student at Oregon State, authorities said.

Just think, he had all the best going for him and the moron chooses to kill people instead of taking the gifts offered to him by America. Asswipe. I hope he gets an incurable fungus under his fingernails and spends his miserable asswipe life in prison.


This puts the lie to the notion that only "poverty-stricken", "hopeless" or "desperate" young men are the ones drawn into terrorism.

Actually, a lot of them come from good homes, good educations and have had plenty of opportunities.

Just look at the Muslim "soldier" in the U.S. Army who blew a dozen or so at Fort Hood, Texas.

THE TRUTH, dear readers, is that RACE, ETHNICITY AND RELIGION are far more powerful predictors of behavior than education level, etc. What human beings identify first with... is blood. To call this Somali anything other than a racially BLACK, religiously MUSLIM person is to make a joke of American citizenship. He was no more a U.S. citizen than Stalin, Hitler or a random Chinese farmer would be if you gave him a piece of paper saying he was. That's what the liberals, neo-cons and most conservatives don't GET about a nation. A nation is a naturally-formed people with a history, a culture, a language and YES, a race. You cannot just douse anyone with Coca-Cola and make them an American. The idea can take some bending, sure. I am not for racial purity tests. But you can go so far in the opposite direction that things get way fucking stupid. When you import this guy, you're there. You're actually importing the cause of your own death.

Letting this guy into our country is like shooting up with a syringe full of AIDS-tainted blood.

THAT is what our immigration "policy" has become.

What's Obama going to do about it?

Given that homeboy here shares his race -- and if Obama's relatives had their way, Muslim religion -- I doubt much.

Just because you view everything through the lens of your racism does not mean anyone else must. There is no reason a nation must have an homogeneous racial identity.
Hes a lunatic muslim, thats whats wrong with him. Race has nothing to do with it....Unless you're Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson of course
There is no reason a nation must have an homogeneous racial identity.

Is there a reason a nation must have a heterogeneous one?

A "nation" is linked by common birth, as the etymology of "nation" -- "natal" -- implies. India, China, Israel, France, Germany... all these nations work (or worked) along these lines. The people evolved over a period of centuries, naturally, coming to have common DNA, language, looks, etc. That's what MADE THEM A NATION.

The lines drawn as borders and the flag design are just markers after-the-fact.

No "diverse" nation has ever truly worked well... The USSR collapsed, as did Yugoslavia. These places ended up reverting to their prior subgroups, in fact.

The United States rose to prominence in the world not because of "ideals" but because its core population was -- and is for the time being -- WHITE.
I can't believe I just read someone blame the fall of the Soviet Union on a too-diverse racial makeup. :cuckoo:

My point, WJ, was that your assertion that racial makeup, specifically homogeneous racial makeup, is what makes a nation is false. I was not proposing that the opposite is true. In fact, racial diversity has no bearing on what makes a nation.
Mr. Balizan identified the suspect as Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a naturalized United States citizen living in Corvallis, Ore. He graduated from a Portland high school, and was a sophomore engineering student at Oregon State, authorities said.

Just think, he had all the best going for him and the moron chooses to kill people instead of taking the gifts offered to him by America. Asswipe. I hope he gets an incurable fungus under his fingernails and spends his miserable asswipe life in prison.

Let's not get TOO brutal in his punishment. :lol:
Minneapolis has some kind of amnesty policy specifically for Somalia, same with Stockholm and a few other cities--post Black-hawk Down. There's a lot of them here, mostly on the north-side of downtown. And it seems like all the males are taxi drivers... ironic considering how shitty of drivers they usually are.

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