Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?

The Bible doesn't have a Golden rule

Did you skip sunday school?

Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34
Matthew 7:12
it is also the theme of the OT
For jews who study the talmud, Talmud; Shabbat 31a

Every monotheist or anyone that has read the bible should know that.
The rule in some form has be taught around the world in most major cultures or philosophies

Wrong use of the word "philosophy". Philosophy comes from the ancient greek culture and is the mother of all modern science. And "sunday school" sounds in the ears of the most Christians of the world strange. We learn normally our religion in completly normal schools. And what someone has to know or not, who believes in god, is nothing what members of foreign religions - like atheists for example - have to decide. And in Leviticus 19:18 is nothing written about the golden rule but written not to become angry against the own people but to love the own people. So you should love US-Americans for example and you should not be angry if they believe in god only because you don't believe in god. Same with Leviticus 19:[33-]34 - nothing written about the golden rule but about strangers, who live in your country. When the Reds came from India to the USA in the 18-19th century and became Red Indians there "you" (=the USA) was not very nice to them for example. Thanks god you gave them now the allowness to be native Americans. But finally be happy: In Matthew 7:12[,13-14] is written the golden rule:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophet.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
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Because she's mean...??

Women are blamed for everything.

How un-manly of us so called men.

Have you noted that the Vatican also show Satan as a woman?

No. Thought Englishmen prefer such selfproduced pictures.



Makes it sense to ask you for a source?

Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.

The Bible doesn't have a Golden rule

Did you skip sunday school?

Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34
Matthew 7:12
it is also the theme of the OT
For jews who study the talmud, Talmud; Shabbat 31a

Every monotheist or anyone that has read the bible should know that.
The rule in some form has be taught around the world in most major cultures or philosophies

Wrong use of the word "philosophy". Philosophy comes from the ancient greek culture and is the mother of all modern science. And "sunday school" sounds in the ears of the most Christians of the world strange. We learn normally our religion in completly normal schools. And what someone has to know or not, who believes in god, is nothing what members of foreign religions - like atheists for example - have to decide. And in Leviticus 19:18 is nothing written about the golden rule but written not to become angry against the own people but to love the own people. So you should love US-Americans for example and you should not be angry if they believe in god only because you don't believe in god. Same with Leviticus 19:[33-]34 - nothing written about the golden rule but about strangers, who live in your country. When the Reds came from India to the USA in the 18-19th century and became Red Indians there "you" (=the USA) was not very nice to them for example. Thanks god you gave them now the allowness to be native Americans. But finally be happy: In Matthew 7:12[,13-14] is written the golden rule:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophet.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

What do you think the golden rule is
Treat other the same as you should be treated. Love other as you would like to be love, be kind to other because they are like you. Do what you what but harm none. It is all the same thing no matter how it is worded.
You can find the same thing around the world. You can phrase it a thousand ways. It can be found among people that have many god or that believe in animal spirits. It is the basis for our laws, and yes even our sciences. If you harm, you will be punished. For every action there is an equal and opposite/reciprocal reaction. One goes up the other down, back/forth.
We are each unique just like everyone else. But we all share most of the same DNA, or if you want we were all created by the same god or god particle. Everyone else is like a mirror of yourself.

Because she's mean...??

Women are blamed for everything.

How un-manly of us so called men.

Have you noted that the Vatican also show Satan as a woman?

No. Thought Englishmen prefer such selfproduced pictures.



Makes it sense to ask you for a source?

Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

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The Bible doesn't have a Golden rule

Did you skip sunday school?

Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34
Matthew 7:12
it is also the theme of the OT
For jews who study the talmud, Talmud; Shabbat 31a

Every monotheist or anyone that has read the bible should know that.
The rule in some form has be taught around the world in most major cultures or philosophies

Wrong use of the word "philosophy". Philosophy comes from the ancient greek culture and is the mother of all modern science. And "sunday school" sounds in the ears of the most Christians of the world strange. We learn normally our religion in completly normal schools. And what someone has to know or not, who believes in god, is nothing what members of foreign religions - like atheists for example - have to decide. And in Leviticus 19:18 is nothing written about the golden rule but written not to become angry against the own people but to love the own people. So you should love US-Americans for example and you should not be angry if they believe in god only because you don't believe in god. Same with Leviticus 19:[33-]34 - nothing written about the golden rule but about strangers, who live in your country. When the Reds came from India to the USA in the 18-19th century and became Red Indians there "you" (=the USA) was not very nice to them for example. Thanks god you gave them now the allowness to be native Americans. But finally be happy: In Matthew 7:12[,13-14] is written the golden rule:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophet.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

What do you think the golden rule is

The golden rule says for example "Read what others write if you like that others read what you write." My feeling: The english dissense cultures help people to write and to express themselve - but it helps not very much to read or to be impressed.

Treat other the same as you should be treated. Love other as you would like to be love,

Hopefully no one hates others as he would like to be hated. It's also good to know when not to follow a rule any longer.

be kind to other because they are like you.

Should I trust in people who are like me? Do I like kindness? Maybe I prefer authenticity.

Do what you what but harm none.

"Hastalavista, baby"

It is all the same thing no matter how it is worded.
You can find the same thing around the world. You can phrase it a thousand ways. It can be found among people that have many god or that believe in animal spirits. It is the basis for our laws, and yes even our sciences. If you harm, you will be punished. For every action there is an equal and opposite/reciprocal reaction. One goes up the other down, back/forth.
We are each unique just like everyone else. But we all share most of the same DNA,

DNA? DNA produces proteins not golden rules.

or if you want we were all created by the same god or god particle. Everyone else is like a mirror of yourself.

You don't have any idea why and how I am what normally thinking, because I'm not a member of the native english speaking world. I'm a German. I'm a stranger. Also another German is not my mirror because in most cases he has not only a light idea why I'm what and how really thinking. He is not able to mirror me but only able to ask me and to transform "my" Information into his psychological structure if he likes to understand "me".


Strange idea. Genetics helps to build a body - but this means not identity. Not even twins are dublicates.

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The Bible doesn't have a Golden rule

Did you skip sunday school?

Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34
Matthew 7:12
it is also the theme of the OT
For jews who study the talmud, Talmud; Shabbat 31a

Every monotheist or anyone that has read the bible should know that.
The rule in some form has be taught around the world in most major cultures or philosophies

Wrong use of the word "philosophy". Philosophy comes from the ancient greek culture and is the mother of all modern science. And "sunday school" sounds in the ears of the most Christians of the world strange. We learn normally our religion in completly normal schools. And what someone has to know or not, who believes in god, is nothing what members of foreign religions - like atheists for example - have to decide. And in Leviticus 19:18 is nothing written about the golden rule but written not to become angry against the own people but to love the own people. So you should love US-Americans for example and you should not be angry if they believe in god only because you don't believe in god. Same with Leviticus 19:[33-]34 - nothing written about the golden rule but about strangers, who live in your country. When the Reds came from India to the USA in the 18-19th century and became Red Indians there "you" (=the USA) was not very nice to them for example. Thanks god you gave them now the allowness to be native Americans. But finally be happy: In Matthew 7:12[,13-14] is written the golden rule:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophet.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

What do you think the golden rule is

The golden rule says for example "Read what others write if you like that others read what you write." My feeling: The english dissense cultures help people to write and to express themselve - but it helps not very much to read or to be impressed.

Treat other the same as you should be treated. Love other as you would like to be love,

Hopfefuly no one hates others as he would like to be hated. It's also good to know when not to follow a rule any longer.

be kind to other because they are like you.

Should I trust in people who are like me? Do I like kindness? Maybe I prefer authenticity.

Do what you what but harm none.

"Hastalavista, baby"

It is all the same thing no matter how it is worded.
You can find the same thing around the world. You can phrase it a thousand ways. It can be found among people that have many god or that believe in animal spirits. It is the basis for our laws, and yes even our sciences. If you harm, you will be punished. For every action there is an equal and opposite/reciprocal reaction. One goes up the other down, back/forth.
We are each unique just like everyone else. But we all share most of the same DNA,

DNA? DNA produces proteins not golden rules.

or if you want we were all created by the same god or god particle. Everyone else is like a mirror of yourself.

You don't have any idea why and how I am what normally thinking, because I'm not a member of the native english speaking world. I'm a German. I'm a stranger. Also another German is not my mirror because in most cases he has not only a light idea why I'm what and how really thinking. He is not able to mirror me but only able to ask me and to transform "my" Information into his psychological structure if he likes to understand.


Strange idea. Genetics helps to build a body - but this means not identity. Not even twins are dublicates.

it is a simple idea of seeing yourself in others. Love others as you love you self. We are all more alike that different.

We now find DNA in mice and pig similar enough to grow organs through them that we can use. We have found moneys and dolphins have emotions like our. Even vegetation should be cared for because it is necessary for us. If we want to breath we need to care for our trees and our planet. If we care about ourselves then we should learn to care for others, we need each other.

Cooperation. Brotherhood. Family. Friendship.

We are all the same and we can still be unique. We learned to hunt, gather food and care for each other from the time we were early apes. We bonded together or protection and to raise young. We still need to work together in a job, military, family, nation, globally.

This is basically what the golden rule is. If we want to live we need others. In needing other we have to treat them well for them to work with us.

Nations and religions have evolved from this simple logic of life. From insects to dinosaurs nature tells us we are not alone and we need others alive not hurt, angry or death so that we can evolve and procreate, if we are to survive as an individual or a species. Even the way we treat pets with kindness and they return with love and companionship.

We use it in our every day with commerce. We need something and we trade with them either with money, some other item they want or with work helping them in some way. We see it as an even exchange. Reciprocity.

Think of it like a circle of life. Everything works together for the betterment of all, even if it is not a direct one for one, it is all part of a whole.

How is this not obvious?
Because she's mean...??

Women are blamed for everything.

How un-manly of us so called men.

Have you noted that the Vatican also show Satan as a woman?

No. Thought Englishmen prefer such selfproduced pictures.



Makes it sense to ask you for a source?

Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.


Because she's mean...??

Women are blamed for everything.

How un-manly of us so called men.

Have you noted that the Vatican also show Satan as a woman?

No. Thought Englishmen prefer such selfproduced pictures.



Makes it sense to ask you for a source?

Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

The Bible doesn't have a Golden rule

Did you skip sunday school?

Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34
Matthew 7:12
it is also the theme of the OT
For jews who study the talmud, Talmud; Shabbat 31a

Every monotheist or anyone that has read the bible should know that.
The rule in some form has be taught around the world in most major cultures or philosophies

Wrong use of the word "philosophy". Philosophy comes from the ancient greek culture and is the mother of all modern science. And "sunday school" sounds in the ears of the most Christians of the world strange. We learn normally our religion in completly normal schools. And what someone has to know or not, who believes in god, is nothing what members of foreign religions - like atheists for example - have to decide. And in Leviticus 19:18 is nothing written about the golden rule but written not to become angry against the own people but to love the own people. So you should love US-Americans for example and you should not be angry if they believe in god only because you don't believe in god. Same with Leviticus 19:[33-]34 - nothing written about the golden rule but about strangers, who live in your country. When the Reds came from India to the USA in the 18-19th century and became Red Indians there "you" (=the USA) was not very nice to them for example. Thanks god you gave them now the allowness to be native Americans. But finally be happy: In Matthew 7:12[,13-14] is written the golden rule:

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophet.

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

What do you think the golden rule is

The golden rule says for example "Read what others write if you like that others read what you write." My feeling: The english dissense cultures help people to write and to express themselve - but it helps not very much to read or to be impressed.

Treat other the same as you should be treated. Love other as you would like to be love,

Hopfefuly no one hates others as he would like to be hated. It's also good to know when not to follow a rule any longer.

be kind to other because they are like you.

Should I trust in people who are like me? Do I like kindness? Maybe I prefer authenticity.

Do what you what but harm none.

"Hastalavista, baby"

It is all the same thing no matter how it is worded.
You can find the same thing around the world. You can phrase it a thousand ways. It can be found among people that have many god or that believe in animal spirits. It is the basis for our laws, and yes even our sciences. If you harm, you will be punished. For every action there is an equal and opposite/reciprocal reaction. One goes up the other down, back/forth.
We are each unique just like everyone else. But we all share most of the same DNA,

DNA? DNA produces proteins not golden rules.

or if you want we were all created by the same god or god particle. Everyone else is like a mirror of yourself.

You don't have any idea why and how I am what normally thinking, because I'm not a member of the native english speaking world. I'm a German. I'm a stranger. Also another German is not my mirror because in most cases he has not only a light idea why I'm what and how really thinking. He is not able to mirror me but only able to ask me and to transform "my" Information into his psychological structure if he likes to understand.


Strange idea. Genetics helps to build a body - but this means not identity. Not even twins are dublicates.

it is a simple idea of seeing yourself in others.

I fear everyone who was like I was murdered. Maybe I'm the last.

Love others as you love you self. We are all more alike that different.

We now find DNA in mice and pig similar enough to grow organs through them that we can use.

I hope such things happen only under strict control in as less cases as possible.

We have found moneys and dolphins have emotions like our.

Monkeys. But you are right: We see in animals money today. That's why crazy people are playing like children with the fire they don't understand. To try to make money before to understand something is maybe the greatest threat for the surival of all mankind. Besides that not many people feel responsible for the damages we are causing in the living sphere of our planet.

Even vegetation should be cared for because it is necessary for us.

To save god's creation needs no reasons like "necessary for us". It's a value on its own what needs to be defended.

If we want to breath we need to care for our trees and our planet.

Human beings don't have any problem to waste now the resources of this panet. In most cases they are using darwinistic reasons for such a behavior.

If we care about ourselves then we should learn to care for others, we need each other.

And who cares? China? Brasil? The USA? ...

Cooperation. Brotherhood. Family. Friendship.

What for heavens sake are NSA-mericans speaking about? What you say has nothing to do with the reality in the USA or other parts of the world.

We are all the same

Some are some millions more same than others.

and we can still be unique. We learned to hunt,

Billions of years ago when "we" were protozoons

gather food and care for each other from the time we were early apes.

We are early apes.

We bonded together or protection and to raise young. We still need to work together in a job, military, family, nation, globally.

Yea. A lot of pressure worldwide.

This is basically what the golden rule is. If we want to live we need others. In needing other we have to treat them well for them to work with us.

Aren't slaves cheaper?

Nations and religions have evolved from this simple logic of life.

Germans were forced to build a nation - with all negative consequences. This had always a lot to do with the logic of death.

From insects to dinosaurs nature tells us we are not alone and we need others alive

From insects do dinsoaurs the theory of evolution tells us: Everyone has a common ancestor with everyone. Ask Saint Francis. We are all sisters and brothers.

not hurt, angry or death so that we can evolve and procreate, if we are to survive as an individual or a species. Even the way we treat pets with kindness and they return with love and companionship.

We use it in our every day with commerce. We need something and we trade with them either with money, some other item they want or with work helping them in some way. We see it as an even exchange. Reciprocity.

Think of it like a circle of life. Everything works together for the betterment of all, even if it is not a direct one for one, it is all part of a whole.

How is this not obvious?

What a wonderful world. What happens in your political theory full of pathos with the people who don't like to be blue ants or poor mercantilists?

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Women are blamed for everything.

How un-manly of us so called men.

Have you noted that the Vatican also show Satan as a woman?

No. Thought Englishmen prefer such selfproduced pictures.



Makes it sense to ask you for a source?

Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

You miss-understand me.

I am a man and support feminists and that is why I resent the Vatican showing Satan as a woman.

I suggest that the Vatican does so as a part of their normal misogyny.

Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?


I have a hard time seeing God as --- doing unto others as he would want done to himself --- in the clip above. I cannot see God wanting someone to do what he did to the women who owned those wombs to him. He is therefore certainly not walking his talk or fallowing his own good advice.

It seems that people are more responsible than God as we are trying to get everyone on board the Golden Rule that God ignores.


Do as I say, not as I do, parental BS...
Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?


I have a hard time seeing God as --- doing unto others as he would want done to himself --- in the clip above. I cannot see God wanting someone to do what he did to the women who owned those wombs to him. He is therefore certainly not walking his talk or fallowing his own good advice.

It seems that people are more responsible than God as we are trying to get everyone on board the Golden Rule that God ignores.


Do as I say, not as I do, parental BS...

Yes, and quite immoral for both parents and God, yet God uses that saying often by his actions.

No. Thought Englishmen prefer such selfproduced pictures.


Makes it sense to ask you for a source?

Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

You miss-understand me.

I am a man and support feminists and that is why I resent the Vatican showing Satan as a woman.

I suggest that the Vatican does so as a part of their normal misogyny.


So you are a male feminist repeating what you know less than not. Be happy if a catholic woman lets not kill you with an wink of an eye. To send mothers without any need to do so as soldiers into war and to force women directly or indirectly to agree to let be killed their babies in them is not humanity and is not a reasonable progress.

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Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?


I have a hard time seeing God as --- doing unto others as he would want done to himself --- in the clip above. I cannot see God wanting someone to do what he did to the women who owned those wombs to him. He is therefore certainly not walking his talk or fallowing his own good advice.

It seems that people are more responsible than God as we are trying to get everyone on board the Golden Rule that God ignores.


Do as I say, not as I do, parental BS...

Yes, and quite immoral for both parents and God, yet God uses that saying often by his actions.


Except where they were toddlers, I taught my children by respecting them trying ti be a good example fr them. When they would go near something dangers, a smack on the hand or diapered tush was enough to catch their attention. Much the same way you catch a dog's attention by giving a quick jab to the ribs. It make them pause and listen.

A god should not have to demand obedience but lead his children on the right path. Love and forgiveness should be unconditional. I don't believe a child or early human should be burdened with a concept of original sin. Does a mother blame an infant for labor pains? Does a parent say they will love on the children who eat brussel spouts and reject the others, or only those with long eyelashes and curly hair?

Man kind has used religion to put fear in the masses so they can be controlled. It was a form of slavery. We are individuals with active minds and an unceasing curiosity, that we were born with, not because of some apple or snake. Innocent babies that die are not condemned to hell fire because water was not splashed on them.

All species fight to live, but nature takes some so others can live. We become worm food so those farther down the food chain can eat and be eaten. We become dust.

How we act toward are family and our community today is what matters. If we die and are judged, that is what we will be judged on, not how we suffer or pray chanting god's name. Gold crosses in churches are not going to please a god, caring for others in some way will. Cursing or threatening others is not the way, but forgiving them and guiding them might do us more benefit, in heart and soul.

There are times when people are like rabid dog that they might have to be put down for their own sake as well as others. Otherwise we should try to be considerate and respectful of others.

If there is a god or not these basic ideas will help us more than fear of some fiery pit and monsters.

Find some way to nice to others, that is all there is to it.
Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

You miss-understand me.

I am a man and support feminists and that is why I resent the Vatican showing Satan as a woman.

I suggest that the Vatican does so as a part of their normal misogyny.


So you are a male feminist repeating what you know less than not. Be happy if a catholic woman lets not kill you with an wink of an eye. To send mothers without any need to do so as soldiers into war and to force women directly or indirectly to agree to let be killed their babies in them is not humanity and is not a reasonable progress.

Women and their doctors are the ones to decide if a women should carry a child to term, not you.

Are you originally Fang? Is modern religion something new to you? Whoever taught you missed some important lessons and repressed your ability to reason, a gift from god we should exercise constantly.
Michelangelo and the Vatican art collection.


So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

You miss-understand me.

I am a man and support feminists and that is why I resent the Vatican showing Satan as a woman.

I suggest that the Vatican does so as a part of their normal misogyny.


So you are a male feminist repeating what you know less than not. Be happy if a catholic woman lets not kill you with an wink of an eye. To send mothers without any need to do so as soldiers into war and to force women directly or indirectly to agree to let be killed their babies in them is not humanity and is not a reasonable progress.

You are talking of controlling women and denying them equality.

Sounds like you would vote for that Afghan rape law.

That was great progress. Right?

Why does God not follow the Golden Rule? His best rule?


I have a hard time seeing God as --- doing unto others as he would want done to himself --- in the clip above. I cannot see God wanting someone to do what he did to the women who owned those wombs to him. He is therefore certainly not walking his talk or fallowing his own good advice.

It seems that people are more responsible than God as we are trying to get everyone on board the Golden Rule that God ignores.


Do as I say, not as I do, parental BS...

Yes, and quite immoral for both parents and God, yet God uses that saying often by his actions.


Except where they were toddlers, I taught my children by respecting them trying ti be a good example fr them. When they would go near something dangers, a smack on the hand or diapered tush was enough to catch their attention. Much the same way you catch a dog's attention by giving a quick jab to the ribs. It make them pause and listen.

A god should not have to demand obedience but lead his children on the right path. Love and forgiveness should be unconditional. I don't believe a child or early human should be burdened with a concept of original sin. Does a mother blame an infant for labor pains? Does a parent say they will love on the children who eat brussel spouts and reject the others, or only those with long eyelashes and curly hair?

Man kind has used religion to put fear in the masses so they can be controlled. It was a form of slavery. We are individuals with active minds and an unceasing curiosity, that we were born with, not because of some apple or snake. Innocent babies that die are not condemned to hell fire because water was not splashed on them.

All species fight to live, but nature takes some so others can live. We become worm food so those farther down the food chain can eat and be eaten. We become dust.

How we act toward are family and our community today is what matters. If we die and are judged, that is what we will be judged on, not how we suffer or pray chanting god's name. Gold crosses in churches are not going to please a god, caring for others in some way will. Cursing or threatening others is not the way, but forgiving them and guiding them might do us more benefit, in heart and soul.

There are times when people are like rabid dog that they might have to be put down for their own sake as well as others. Otherwise we should try to be considerate and respectful of others.

If there is a god or not these basic ideas will help us more than fear of some fiery pit and monsters.

Find some way to nice to others, that is all there is to it.

Well put.

So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

You miss-understand me.

I am a man and support feminists and that is why I resent the Vatican showing Satan as a woman.

I suggest that the Vatican does so as a part of their normal misogyny.


So you are a male feminist repeating what you know less than not. Be happy if a catholic woman lets not kill you with an wink of an eye. To send mothers without any need to do so as soldiers into war and to force women directly or indirectly to agree to let be killed their babies in them is not humanity and is not a reasonable progress.

You are talking of controlling women and denying them equality.

Sounds like you would vote for that Afghan rape law.

That was great progress. Right?


I don't have any problem if you shoot someone down who is hurting in such extremly violent ways the rights of women and/or their children. But on the other side shows to me your stupid racism against Afghans that you are not living in harmony with the spirit of god, with your nature and with the human race. Never a man is a man who rapes a woman.

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So give me now the source please. What said/showed Michelangelo (*1475, +1564)? Is this information somewhere else than only in your brain - for example here: Vatican Museums - Official web site ?

I gave you the location and artist.

Go find a painting of Satan as a man in the Vatican that is as prominent as Michelangelo and we can chat.



You say here nothing with a lots of words. I don't start now to read tons of books or to take a look in millions of pictures. You are my book and picture now. You are the USA for me. So let me try to understand: You think we Catholics are a might of the Satan and Satan is female for us. So women are evil. And indeed we are - besides some other things - the knight on the white horse fighting for the right of women to make their own choice whom to love and to marry. If you not was the choice then you not was it. This gives you not any right to hate any woman.

You miss-understand me.

I am a man and support feminists and that is why I resent the Vatican showing Satan as a woman.

I suggest that the Vatican does so as a part of their normal misogyny.


So you are a male feminist repeating what you know less than not. Be happy if a catholic woman lets not kill you with an wink of an eye. To send mothers without any need to do so as soldiers into war and to force women directly or indirectly to agree to let be killed their babies in them is not humanity and is not a reasonable progress.

Women and their doctors are the ones to decide if a women should carry a child to term, not you.

No one has any right to kill human beings. No one. Not you - Not I. Not a doctor and not a mother. And only because men like to fuck women and to force women afterwards to be ready to let kill their own children because they are lost in this cruel world and they don't have any hope for themselves and their children is nothing what I'm able to respect only a little. There are sometimes indeed reasons for abortions in a concrete stituation - I know this. But this cases are seldom. What the world is doing meanwhile is the most gigantic mass-murder history ever had seen. Millions of completelly innocent and absolutelly helpless human beings are killed year by year, decade by decade. Without real reason! Mad world!

Are you originally Fang? Is modern religion something new to you? Whoever taught you missed some important lessons and repressed your ability to reason, a gift from god we should exercise constantly.

Don't try to tell me something about how worthful your religion is, if you are not ready to respect all and every life. Without knowing anything about your religion I'm able to say: something is wrong either with your religion or with your interpretation. Freedom needs life. So life is the higher priority. Only who lives has a choice.

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God doesn't have a golden rule, just Ten Commandments, unfortunately a minority of people can live by them as witnessed by the decline in the society of man.

The sad thing is that it is easy to obey the Ten Commandments and still have a full, rich and rewarding life.

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