Why Does Nancy Pelosi Go Out Of Her Way To Be A Hateful, Evil, Partisan Bee-Ahtch?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Read Names of 13 Service Members Who Lost Their Lives


I have requested to read the names and hold a moment of silence for the 13 fallen service members when Congress convenes tomorrow morning. I hope Speaker Pelosi recognizes my request and that the People’s House will honor these heroes as soon as possible.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader)
August 31, 2021

The speaker did not even acknowledge their request

Rep. Brian Mast (R), a wounded combat veteran from Afghanistan, tells The Floridian that during a Republican-only “moment of silence,” Speaker Pelosi refused to recognize them to” read names or bring up bills or anything.”

“We gaveled in, had a prayer, said the Pledge of Allegiance, took a moment of silence with pretty much all Republican veterans, then asked to be recognized to read names and bring up Afghanistan legislation. They did not acknowledge us, and just closed the House down,” said Rep. Mast.

It's a simple gesture of respect for 13 US service members whose lives were taken while attempting to evacuate people in Afghanistan. It would have taken only a few short minutes to read the 13 names and to have a moment of silence to honor them.

So WHAT THE HELL? Does she not know that the American people would learn of this despicable act of disrespect, of a lack of patriotism, of lack of concern for the American people?

Instead of creating division in every single thing she does, would it have killed her to allowed the names of these 13 heroes to be read aloud followed by a moment of silence?

To a democrat, politics and perception is everything. Even such a small thing as reading the names of the fallen 13 in the HoR to honor them is a reminder of the fucked up fiasco that Biden engineered. Which of course the democrats would like to bury the story as quickly as possible. Do they care what most of us are thinking and feeling? NO.
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Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Read Names of 13 Service Members Who Lost Their Lives


I have requested to read the names and hold a moment of silence for the 13 fallen service members when Congress convenes tomorrow morning. I hope Speaker Pelosi recognizes my request and that the People’s House will honor these heroes as soon as possible.
— Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader)
August 31, 2021

The speaker did not even acknowledge their request

Rep. Brian Mast (R), a wounded combat veteran from Afghanistan, tells The Floridian that during a Republican-only “moment of silence,” Speaker Pelosi refused to recognize them to” read names or bring up bills or anything.”

“We gaveled in, had a prayer, said the Pledge of Allegiance, took a moment of silence with pretty much all Republican veterans, then asked to be recognized to read names and bring up Afghanistan legislation. They did not acknowledge us, and just closed the House down,” said Rep. Mast.

It's a simple gesture of respect for 13 US service members whose lives were taken while attempting to evacuate people in Afghanistan. It would have taken only a few short minutes to read the 13 names and to have a moment of silence to honor them.

So WHAT THE HELL? Does she not know that the American people would learn of this despicable act of disrespect, of a lack of patriotism, of lack of concern for the American people?

Instead of creating division in every single thing she does, would it have killed her to allowed the names of these 13 heroes to be read aloud followed by a moment of silence?

She's the perfect avatar for what the Murican left has become...Let her keep going.....The really bad news here is that she makes greasy little douchebags like McTurtle, Lady Lindsey, and Mittens look like a bargain.

All I can say is to embrace the suck.

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