Why does New York have so many illegal guns...if guns in New York are illegal? Gun control fails?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes.....in this article they have an app for tracking illegal guns in your hood........and as the author points out...this simply shows how stupid New York gun laws are...

Try to get a gun in New York as a law abiding, tax paying citizen...who isn't a politician or movie star........and it takes months, a lawyer and a lot of money......Even John Stossel, a journalist with death threats couldn't get a concealed carry permit in New York...even though it is a Right affirmed by the 2nd Amenedment...

Criminals...get guns easily......of course.

New York AG Eric Schneiderman releases gun trafficking data

Of the 52,915 firearms recovered statewide, roughly half — or 25,799 — were picked up in the Big Apple.

Brooklyn earned the dubious distinction of having the largest number of recovered crime guns — by a wide margin (9,447).
Because the country is awash with handguns so illegal handguns are easily obtained. Gun control must be a national effort to be effective. You are told this time and again yet it never seems to penetrate.

No surprise I guess.
Because the country is awash with handguns so illegal handguns are easily obtained. Gun control must be a national effort to be effective. You are told this time and again yet it never seems to penetrate.

No surprise I guess.

No.....sorry.....there are 357-400 million guns in the country.....and in 2015 there were 9,616 gun murders......70-80% of the victims were other criminals, and of the other victims many of them have ties to felons and gang members.....

So...please tell us how 9,616 gun murders out of 357-400 million guns...with those shootings confined to very tiny, multi block areas in democrat controlled cities is a problem in this country.

If you are not a felon, don't live with a felon your odds of getting shot are as small or smaller than those in Europe.....

And guns in the United States...in the hands of American citizens...law abiding citizens.....are used to stop violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year, as found in a study commisioned by bill clinton, the rapist.........his Department of Justice conducted this study......it was created and executed by two anti gunners to boot....

And in 2013....obama spent 10 million dollars to have the CDC study gun violence...they found that Americans use guns 500,000-3 million times a year for self defense...to stop violent criminal attack....

So again..... 1,500,000 v. 9,6161 mostly criminal on criminal murder.....

If you understand the difference between the law abiding self defense....and criminal who cannot buy, own or carry a gun....you would understand the truth, the facts and the reality...that guns are a positive good in this country and they save lives......

If you can understand those numbers.....
As far as I know handguns are strictly controlled in these other countries. The countries are not awash with them. The US is an outlier both in numbers of handguns and firearms homicides.

Gun homicides in the Netherlands are about as common as deaths from accidental gas poisoning in the United States.


Gun homicides are a common cause of death in the United States, killing about as many people as car crashes (not counting van, truck, motorcycle or bus accidents). Some cases command our attention more than others, of course. Counting mass shootings that make headlines and the thousands of Americans murdered one or a few at a time, gunshot homicides totaled 8,124 in 2014, according to the F.B.I.

This level of violence makes the United States an extreme outlier when measured against the experience of other advanced countries.
What's really amusing though is how the indignation evinced at the thought of gun crime in the OP is modified to the extent that the gun crime becomes a minor matter in a locality in the next post. Kudos.

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