Why does the LEFT keep bombarding us with HATE HOAXES???


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
In the 1990s, there were a few hate hoaxes, Ol' Miss being the most memorable.

Today, its literally one a week, a clear pattern of left wing activists trying to fraudulently imply Americans are not as "tolerant" as the PC Left wants.

Hate Crimes Hoaxes Strike Again, Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats Edition

Yet Another Hate Crime Turns Out To Be A Hoax

Oh, look, another campus hate hoax, this time in Minnesota - Hot Air

HATE HOAX: USC security busts black man hanging 'No Black People Allowed' sign on campus

Indeed, Ferguson/Michael Brown was a total hate HOAX as we were initially told Mr. Brown was on his knees and the cop shot him in the back... until the autopsy revealed all gunshots were to the front.
What is hateful, wasteful, dishonest, incite racism, violence, chaos & contrary thought & propaganda.
It's not a hoax, they genuinely believe that simply uttering anything they don't agree with is a crime. In reality, the only ones hating are them, and they are hating the truth, which is free of their ideology.
Most of their rubes never see the after reports confirming them as a hoax...thats why.......thus their lie is truth to their zombies
I love the post hate hoax interviews on campus.

What do you think of the hate hoax?

A: it raises awareness of the cause

Is racism that big of a problem?

A) sure is

Have you ever been a victim of racism?

A) ummmm, no
In the 1990s, there were a few hate hoaxes, Ol' Miss being the most memorable.

Today, its literally one a week, a clear pattern of left wing activists trying to fraudulently imply Americans are not as "tolerant" as the PC Left wants.

Hate Crimes Hoaxes Strike Again, Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats Edition

Yet Another Hate Crime Turns Out To Be A Hoax

Oh, look, another campus hate hoax, this time in Minnesota - Hot Air

HATE HOAX: USC security busts black man hanging 'No Black People Allowed' sign on campus

Indeed, Ferguson/Michael Brown was a total hate HOAX as we were initially told Mr. Brown was on his knees and the cop shot him in the back... until the autopsy revealed all gunshots were to the front.

It is all the left has, a bunch of innuendo, hoaxes, bullshit. They push one, and when it is proven wrong, they jump to another. (think global cooling, then warming, now climate change)

This is also why they need the media. They require someone(s) with supposed credibility, to spread their bullshit with a straight face. Doubt me? Think of the gentle giant, that stellar young man of the people. Now then..........how much press was given to the lefts narrative that he was gunned down, with his hands up? This narrative theoretically allowed BLM and the rest of the racist black groups, to light Ferguson afire with impunity. Burned down and looted business, after business, and the police were told to allow it.

Now then, when the truth came out, how much air time did that get? And what about those people, who were on tape, breaking the law for a phony narrative; a narrative created by those charming, and delightful, leftists! A narrative that was 100% bassackwards, and ruined a police officers career because of it, even though he did nothing wrong.

No offense, but to many people are silent on these issues. Your country is being controlled by a bunch of unelected officials who create false narratives so as they can govern as they wish. If they can't win at the ballot box, they create a narrative that is false, then demand action which is how their agenda goes forward, even as they lose election, after election. They use PRESSURE to force people to do their bidding while they hold no office, and when they do hold office, just run you over.

How dumb, are we? If you lose when you lose at the ballot box, and lose when you win at the ballot box, then why worry about being PC in hoping you keep winning by saying things that are not contentious? If you actually believe what you run on, you are allowing yourself to be manipulated; manipulated by the MINORITY of America. How stupid a position is that?!?!?! And in all reality........you are being manipulated not only by the minority, but also a smaller minority than you think, since at least 1/3 of them are ILLEGAL!

Republicans/conservatives on here, and out there, need to grow some gonads, honestly. Why do ANY OF US debate a false narrative in a thread? Explain that! Someone might read it?

Is it not better to create your own thread of truth, then answer a bald face lie in public? Instead of answering their nonsense, shouldn't you be laughing at them!

You know how when the left comes up with something, absolutely outrageous, and even a 5 year old knows they are lying like hell to create a narrative! And then, some Republican addresses their nonsense, and all you get on here is links, so and so addresses Trump may be from Mars, lol. Correct?

That is exactly why, you need to LAMBAST them, if you post in their thread. How can you argue with someone who creates facts out of thin air? Is it not better to create a rebuttal thread, as many have done, and good for them, which drives the leftists crazy, along with at least ONE MOD-)

Always remember---------> when they got Nixon, they had the goods quickly, and the Republicans drove him out themselves for the good of the country 1st, and the good of the party 2nd. They had Nixon in the Oval on tape. He was a sitting President!

Know what they got on Trump? Nothing! They just talk a lot, and the media is as phony as they are. Know what Trump had to give away to bribe them? Nothing, he wasn't in government. I mean, it wasn't like he could bribe them with a uranium mine, since Hillary already gave a bunch of that away........and to do it, he would have had to become PRESIDENT! Ummmmmmmm, what did the left tell you how much Hillary was going to win by? I remember hearing that Trump would only take 2 or 3 states total!

In closing, let me say that the left only argues on facts THEY present! EXAMPLE-------> Trump is a racist. WHY? Because this link says so, and all your links are worthless, and I am going to drive this message.

Point is--------->the left can NOT win unless their lies are accepted; which is exactly why every time you show a link that disproves their nonsense, they claim it is phony...........even as almost every site they put forth has been proven WRONG, lol.

Always realize, 90% of the time, the left has nothing but a sun narrative. Your job is to find the truth, and hammer them with it! They will run of course, then come back with their new story. Makes no difference! You win a few more times at the ballot box, and change a few RINO'S to conservatives or libertarians while in the process, the left is DONE! DOA for those of you on the left-)

Keep up monitoring their bull, and keep shoving it right back in their pie holes-)
In the 1990s, there were a few hate hoaxes, Ol' Miss being the most memorable.

Today, its literally one a week, a clear pattern of left wing activists trying to fraudulently imply Americans are not as "tolerant" as the PC Left wants.

Hate Crimes Hoaxes Strike Again, Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats Edition

Yet Another Hate Crime Turns Out To Be A Hoax

Oh, look, another campus hate hoax, this time in Minnesota - Hot Air

HATE HOAX: USC security busts black man hanging 'No Black People Allowed' sign on campus

Indeed, Ferguson/Michael Brown was a total hate HOAX as we were initially told Mr. Brown was on his knees and the cop shot him in the back... until the autopsy revealed all gunshots were to the front.

Ferguson was a hate hoax? Someone didn't read the fergeson report .
The left isn't making hate hoaxes at all. What's clearly wrong is the right idealist thinking. The right likes to jump to conclusions incredibly quick and avoid rational thinking. This is prevalent right now if you look at the chaotic movement within the White House. The only solution to this is Democratic Socialism. OHHH! SOCIALISM! A SCARY WORD! Really, it's not. I have family members living in Canada who are living incredible lives and friends in Australia who are doing just as well. We need to look to countries and Norway and move towards a brighter future.
The left isn't making hate hoaxes at all. What's clearly wrong is the right idealist thinking. The right likes to jump to conclusions incredibly quick and avoid rational thinking. This is prevalent right now if you look at the chaotic movement within the White House. The only solution to this is Democratic Socialism. OHHH! SOCIALISM! A SCARY WORD! Really, it's not. I have family members living in Canada who are living incredible lives and friends in Australia who are doing just as well. We need to look to countries and Norway and move towards a brighter future.

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See! Hillary needed to win POTUS to protect us from all these racist people that don't exist!!

With Trump in the White House, all these fake racists will kill us!!
It is a problem... even though it is fake....

Well, if it is a problem, WHY FAKE IT????
It is a problem... even though it is fake....

Well, if it is a problem, WHY FAKE IT????

Why fake it? Because I want someone to tell everyone on this board who won an election running on------->

I am going to raise your taxes.

I am going to DEMAND your children stay in failing schools.

I am going to demand you IGNORE the constitution, and allow illegal aliens total access to YOUR tax dollars, and benefits.

We are going to REGULATE YOUR job out of existence.

Can anyone show me WHO got elected on that platform? Of course they didn't, they got elected on this one----------->

Republicans hate you if you are black or brown.

Republicans will take away your birth control.

Look at the disparity of the people in jail; that shows Republicans hate you.

Republicans are homophobic.

Republicans HATE the poor, and love the rich.


The translation is this----------> Notice the left very seldom talks about policy, unless of course they are lying. Reason? Because they can NOT get elected on their policy positions, so they use STRAWMEN to divide.

Doubt me?

Look back at how the left spoke of GW, Reagan, and HW. It is the SAME NARRATIVE, the same, almost verbatim! Nazis, racists, crazy, hated the poor. There is only 2 reasons they have more vitriol for Trump than the other 3----------> Trump pushed more people to vote, which is very bad for BOTH political party's; and 2, Trump wants to dismantle the bueracracy which is where all the lazy's from BOTH party's reside. Washington elites HATE Trump, so if you actually agree that Washington is the problem, NOT the solution..........then you should ...........at least on that issue, be a staunch supporter of Trump!
The left is an ugly group when they lose, they will stop at nothing to get back into power. Right after the election the left wanted to challenge the states that could swing the electoral college their way, when that failed, they wanted to go to the Electoral College and argue why they should vote Clinton, then when that failed they went to the House to try to stop it there. Then when that failed tried to get him ruled incompetent so he would not be sworn in, now they want impeachment.

Anyone who voted for Trump is ignorant, anyone who voted for Trump is a racist, homophobic and the list is endless.
The left has lost it, they have rioted, cried, bitched and moaned and now we have more fake racism and other issues.

I wasn't thrilled with Trump but you left wing fanatics are really crazy and violent.
In the 1990s, there were a few hate hoaxes, Ol' Miss being the most memorable.

Today, its literally one a week, a clear pattern of left wing activists trying to fraudulently imply Americans are not as "tolerant" as the PC Left wants.

Hate Crimes Hoaxes Strike Again, Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats Edition

Yet Another Hate Crime Turns Out To Be A Hoax

Oh, look, another campus hate hoax, this time in Minnesota - Hot Air

HATE HOAX: USC security busts black man hanging 'No Black People Allowed' sign on campus

Indeed, Ferguson/Michael Brown was a total hate HOAX as we were initially told Mr. Brown was on his knees and the cop shot him in the back... until the autopsy revealed all gunshots were to the front.

They have to stage fake hate crimes to show us that America is a racist country...if they don't make up the hate crimes we won't know about the hate.....right?
In the 1990s, there were a few hate hoaxes, Ol' Miss being the most memorable.

Today, its literally one a week, a clear pattern of left wing activists trying to fraudulently imply Americans are not as "tolerant" as the PC Left wants.

Hate Crimes Hoaxes Strike Again, Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats Edition

Yet Another Hate Crime Turns Out To Be A Hoax

Oh, look, another campus hate hoax, this time in Minnesota - Hot Air

HATE HOAX: USC security busts black man hanging 'No Black People Allowed' sign on campus

Indeed, Ferguson/Michael Brown was a total hate HOAX as we were initially told Mr. Brown was on his knees and the cop shot him in the back... until the autopsy revealed all gunshots were to the front.

Ferguson was a hate hoax? Someone didn't read the fergeson report .

Yeah....the thug attacked the officer and didn't say hands up don't shoot...
The left isn't making hate hoaxes at all. What's clearly wrong is the right idealist thinking. The right likes to jump to conclusions incredibly quick and avoid rational thinking. This is prevalent right now if you look at the chaotic movement within the White House. The only solution to this is Democratic Socialism. OHHH! SOCIALISM! A SCARY WORD! Really, it's not. I have family members living in Canada who are living incredible lives and friends in Australia who are doing just as well. We need to look to countries and Norway and move towards a brighter future.

Well, go move there then! Bye bye!
The left isn't making hate hoaxes at all. What's clearly wrong is the right idealist thinking. The right likes to jump to conclusions incredibly quick and avoid rational thinking. This is prevalent right now if you look at the chaotic movement within the White House. The only solution to this is Democratic Socialism. OHHH! SOCIALISM! A SCARY WORD! Really, it's not. I have family members living in Canada who are living incredible lives and friends in Australia who are doing just as well. We need to look to countries and Norway and move towards a brighter future.

So . . . you are saying that the ONLY "solution" to the right jumping to conclusion is to impose socialism? You can't be serious, or if you are, then you are just stupid.

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