Why does your religion condemn people?

lol... I am not looking for any invisible alien. I never was. You are the guy asking how to find an invisible alien.

I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life..You are the guy asking what to do about the fucked up condition of your life.

Thats what I was doing. Minding my own business just looking to see if there was any truth. I found what I was looking for and then some, an entire universe teeming with spheres of higher intelligences that I was not looking for and had previously no concept of having any existence at all.

I have that miraculous almost godlike ability to believe what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears.
"I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life." So why do you lie that you're not looking for or have found an invisible alien?

I thought that you were looking for proof of God or an invisible alien or whatever..remember?

I am not looking for an invisible alien and I have not found an invisible alien. When I started studying the bible I wasn't even looking for God. I didn't feel any need to be forgiven for anything. I was perfectly happy with my heathen lifestyle. That is the truth. I wanted to find out why otherwise nice and intelligent people lost their minds once being sucked into one religious sect or another because I saw with my own eyes people becoming perverse replicants of their former selves babbling incoherently about judgment day, eternal condemnation, and panicking about Jesus coming, ANY MINUTE while carrying around the bible as if it was a blankie after some Jesus freak convinced them that they were a worthless piece of shit and needed to beg for forgiveness and worship edible mangod to be saved. Obviously, there was something very screwy going on.

So I got a bible and took a look. Somewhere along the way my mind was opened to understand the language of the prophets. The more I understood the more my mind was receptive to the otherworldly intelligences behind prophetic inspiration and then what the fairy tales were actually about and how they applied to real life became clear. In other words God, or an invisible alien if you like, made himself known to me.

Thats why when you ask what you need to do to find God I told you that you have to purify your mind and be refined and then he will make himself known to you.

If you want to find God you will do it and then he will find you. Its easy.

Thats why I know that you are full of shit. You are not a thinking person, you are not looking for proof of God.

You are just sitting in the back of the class making armpit farts because you died a very very long time ago. You act like an emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent because you didn't survive puberty.

If you want to live out the rest of your days being a jackass, be my guest.. Why stop now? Right?

If you don't want to go out like that, you know the way to better mental health. Its a do or die situation doofus and time is running out.
I have not seen any proof of god in the bible because there isn't any. Quote something that will prove god.
I've explained this to you dozens of times. There's tons of proof. Creation is proof.
It's not proof of the god of the bible. Go ahead, try to prove it. But I bet that I'll watch the dancing begin instead.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
Confirming people from the bible doesn't prove anything having to do with god or Jesus' miracles... the Flood... Everything stands on its own when checking its veracity. Just because one thing you true doesn't mean everything else is true.

And your site had no proof either.

In my view, something cannot bring itself into existence , since it must exist to bring itself into existence. The existence of a creator then is academic.

This is the Best Proof that God Exists (in My Opinion)
Then you have nothing because that hasn't been proven.

I have enough to suite me ;
The Teleological Argument and the Anthropic Principle | Reasonable Faith
It’s all supposition, no real proof there.
There is tangible proof all around you. You just don't want to see it.
There’s no tangible proof of the god of the bible.
"I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life." So why do you lie that you're not looking for or have found an invisible alien?

I thought that you were looking for proof of God or an invisible alien or whatever..remember?

I am not looking for an invisible alien and I have not found an invisible alien. When I started studying the bible I wasn't even looking for God. I didn't feel any need to be forgiven for anything. I was perfectly happy with my heathen lifestyle. That is the truth. I wanted to find out why otherwise nice and intelligent people lost their minds once being sucked into one religious sect or another because I saw with my own eyes people becoming perverse replicants of their former selves babbling incoherently about judgment day, eternal condemnation, and panicking about Jesus coming, ANY MINUTE while carrying around the bible as if it was a blankie after some Jesus freak convinced them that they were a worthless piece of shit and needed to beg for forgiveness and worship edible mangod to be saved. Obviously, there was something very screwy going on.

So I got a bible and took a look. Somewhere along the way my mind was opened to understand the language of the prophets. The more I understood the more my mind was receptive to the otherworldly intelligences behind prophetic inspiration and then what the fairy tales were actually about and how they applied to real life became clear. In other words God, or an invisible alien if you like, made himself known to me.

Thats why when you ask what you need to do to find God I told you that you have to purify your mind and be refined and then he will make himself known to you.

If you want to find God you will do it and then he will find you. Its easy.

Thats why I know that you are full of shit. You are not a thinking person, you are not looking for proof of God.

You are just sitting in the back of the class making armpit farts because you died a very very long time ago. You act like an emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent because you didn't survive puberty.

If you want to live out the rest of your days being a jackass, be my guest.. Why stop now? Right?

If you don't want to go out like that, you know the way to better mental health. Its a do or die situation doofus and time is running out.
I have not seen any proof of god in the bible because there isn't any. Quote something that will prove god.
I've explained this to you dozens of times. There's tons of proof. Creation is proof.
It's not proof of the god of the bible. Go ahead, try to prove it. But I bet that I'll watch the dancing begin instead.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
Well, what does that make you! You're telling everyone that GOD doesn't exist and that Mother nature and science is all there is. Those that accept that are in for a terrible eternity and it will be your fault! If there were babies in the Flood, I'm sure they are in heaven.
I say that god has not yet been proven, not that a god isn't possible.

And you're saying that it's morally acceptable to you and your god to drown lots of babies. :eek:
I'm saying frankly that things on this planet must have been so horrible and violent for babies that it was GOD's way of saving them. You have no way of knowing how many babies were even alive on the earth when the FLOOD began! You worry about what GOD may or may not have done to babies. What is your excuse now? What are you doing to improve social morality so children can again walk the streets and play and watch TV and listen to the radio and not hear foul language and see disgusting garbage?

Don't worry about the babies or the little children because the ones who are in for it are those who assault them.
Matthew 18:6
But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

If there is a god he judges you by how you treat animals women old people and babies not if you believe a fairytale
How do you know a god will judge you?
lol... maybe..or maybe you are... Who can say?

I say the stories in the bible are like fairy tales with hidden teaching and even produce some right in front of your eyes out of thin air. You say thats not proof of God. I agree.

You ask what you can do to find proof of God, I tell you to follow the teaching in the fairy tale. Clean out the garbage in your head that perverts your thinking and perceptions. You say thats not proof of God. I agree.

What does this show?

You are either not very bright or just being an asshole..

What then?
"I tell you to follow the teaching in the fairy tale" Like I said, you're mining fairy tales to find some hidden meaning so that you can find your invisible alien.

  1. a foolish or gullible person.
  2. a hobelim.

lol... I am not looking for any invisible alien. I never was. You are the guy asking how to find an invisible alien.

I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life..You are the guy asking what to do about the fucked up condition of your life.

Thats what I was doing. Minding my own business just looking to see if there was any truth. I found what I was looking for and then some, an entire universe teeming with spheres of higher intelligences that I was not looking for and had previously no concept of having any existence at all.

I have that miraculous almost godlike ability to believe what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears.
"I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life." So why do you lie that you're not looking for or have found an invisible alien?

I was once asked is God real? I took a swipe at it ;
Is God Real?
If God isn't real what is?
Your perceptions. In fact, it's all you have and all you can fundamentally prove exists. Everything else is guess work. Religion does not show one 'God'. Reading or hearing about 'God' is just that, hearsay evidence. This is what makes all religions the same, and some religions with their claims, blasphemy. One chooses to believe it or not.
If one experiences 'God', if 'God' is revealed to one, one may still doubt it, but it is the only way to know 'God'. Otherwise, it's just believing someone else's perceptions, at most.
If God isn't real what is?
Prove to me that god is real.

And who are you, to demand such a thing? Are there any other secrets of the universe you'd like brought to you on a platter, so that you don't have to strain yourself actually working to figure things out, or is that the only one?

Amazingly enough, YOUR lack of understanding of something means nothing whatsoever to its validity.
lol... maybe..or maybe you are... Who can say?

I say the stories in the bible are like fairy tales with hidden teaching and even produce some right in front of your eyes out of thin air. You say thats not proof of God. I agree.

You ask what you can do to find proof of God, I tell you to follow the teaching in the fairy tale. Clean out the garbage in your head that perverts your thinking and perceptions. You say thats not proof of God. I agree.

What does this show?

You are either not very bright or just being an asshole..

What then?
"I tell you to follow the teaching in the fairy tale" Like I said, you're mining fairy tales to find some hidden meaning so that you can find your invisible alien.

  1. a foolish or gullible person.
  2. a hobelim.

lol... I am not looking for any invisible alien. I never was. You are the guy asking how to find an invisible alien.

I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life..You are the guy asking what to do about the fucked up condition of your life.

Thats what I was doing. Minding my own business just looking to see if there was any truth. I found what I was looking for and then some, an entire universe teeming with spheres of higher intelligences that I was not looking for and had previously no concept of having any existence at all.

I have that miraculous almost godlike ability to believe what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears.
"I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life." So why do you lie that you're not looking for or have found an invisible alien?

I thought that you were looking for proof of God or an invisible alien or whatever..remember?

I am not looking for an invisible alien and I have not found an invisible alien. When I started studying the bible I wasn't even looking for God. I didn't feel any need to be forgiven for anything. I was perfectly happy with my heathen lifestyle. That is the truth. I wanted to find out why otherwise nice and intelligent people lost their minds once being sucked into one religious sect or another because I saw with my own eyes people becoming perverse replicants of their former selves babbling incoherently about judgment day, eternal condemnation, and panicking about Jesus coming, ANY MINUTE while carrying around the bible as if it was a blankie after some Jesus freak convinced them that they were a worthless piece of shit and needed to beg for forgiveness and worship edible mangod to be saved. Obviously, there was something very screwy going on.

So I got a bible and took a look. Somewhere along the way my mind was opened to understand the language of the prophets. The more I understood the more my mind was receptive to the otherworldly intelligences behind prophetic inspiration and then what the fairy tales were actually about and how they applied to real life became clear. In other words God, or an invisible alien if you like, made himself known to me.

Thats why when you ask what you need to do to find God I told you that you have to purify your mind and be refined and then he will make himself known to you.

If you want to find God you will do it and then he will find you. Its easy.

Thats why I know that you are full of shit. You are not a thinking person, you are not looking for proof of God.

You are just sitting in the back of the class making armpit farts because you died a very very long time ago. You act like an emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent because you didn't survive puberty.

If you want to live out the rest of your days being a jackass, be my guest.. Why stop now? Right?

If you don't want to go out like that, you know the way to better mental health. Its a do or die situation doofus and time is running out.
I have not seen any proof of god in the bible because there isn't any. Quote something that will prove god.

You believe all manner of things with no more proof. Do you really think anyone here is unaware of the fact that NOTHING would constitute proof in your eyes, because you are determined that it will not be true no matter what?

I believe in God. You believe in hating belief in God. I honestly, genuinely don't give a rat's furry ass if you believe or not; in fact, the more you denigrate and sneer at bleief in God, the more true it looks, because my basic rule of thumb is "Anything that Taz thinks is smart must be utter, drooling lunacy".

I am always amused by how your attempts to shame people away from their faith only strengthens it through their desire to distance themselves from you.
If God isn't real what is?
Prove to me that god is real.

And who are you, to demand such a thing? Are there any other secrets of the universe you'd like brought to you on a platter, so that you don't have to strain yourself actually working to figure things out, or is that the only one?

Amazingly enough, YOUR lack of understanding of something means nothing whatsoever to its validity.
He's saying god is real, I'm simply asking him to prove what he says. You seem to have a problem with that. Why?
"I tell you to follow the teaching in the fairy tale" Like I said, you're mining fairy tales to find some hidden meaning so that you can find your invisible alien.

  1. a foolish or gullible person.
  2. a hobelim.

lol... I am not looking for any invisible alien. I never was. You are the guy asking how to find an invisible alien.

I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life..You are the guy asking what to do about the fucked up condition of your life.

Thats what I was doing. Minding my own business just looking to see if there was any truth. I found what I was looking for and then some, an entire universe teeming with spheres of higher intelligences that I was not looking for and had previously no concept of having any existence at all.

I have that miraculous almost godlike ability to believe what I see and hear with my own eyes and ears.
"I am telling you to start mining the fairytales to find hidden teaching so that you can find your invisible alien if you apply that teaching in real life." So why do you lie that you're not looking for or have found an invisible alien?

I thought that you were looking for proof of God or an invisible alien or whatever..remember?

I am not looking for an invisible alien and I have not found an invisible alien. When I started studying the bible I wasn't even looking for God. I didn't feel any need to be forgiven for anything. I was perfectly happy with my heathen lifestyle. That is the truth. I wanted to find out why otherwise nice and intelligent people lost their minds once being sucked into one religious sect or another because I saw with my own eyes people becoming perverse replicants of their former selves babbling incoherently about judgment day, eternal condemnation, and panicking about Jesus coming, ANY MINUTE while carrying around the bible as if it was a blankie after some Jesus freak convinced them that they were a worthless piece of shit and needed to beg for forgiveness and worship edible mangod to be saved. Obviously, there was something very screwy going on.

So I got a bible and took a look. Somewhere along the way my mind was opened to understand the language of the prophets. The more I understood the more my mind was receptive to the otherworldly intelligences behind prophetic inspiration and then what the fairy tales were actually about and how they applied to real life became clear. In other words God, or an invisible alien if you like, made himself known to me.

Thats why when you ask what you need to do to find God I told you that you have to purify your mind and be refined and then he will make himself known to you.

If you want to find God you will do it and then he will find you. Its easy.

Thats why I know that you are full of shit. You are not a thinking person, you are not looking for proof of God.

You are just sitting in the back of the class making armpit farts because you died a very very long time ago. You act like an emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent because you didn't survive puberty.

If you want to live out the rest of your days being a jackass, be my guest.. Why stop now? Right?

If you don't want to go out like that, you know the way to better mental health. Its a do or die situation doofus and time is running out.
I have not seen any proof of god in the bible because there isn't any. Quote something that will prove god.

You believe all manner of things with no more proof. Do you really think anyone here is unaware of the fact that NOTHING would constitute proof in your eyes, because you are determined that it will not be true no matter what?

I believe in God. You believe in hating belief in God. I honestly, genuinely don't give a rat's furry ass if you believe or not; in fact, the more you denigrate and sneer at bleief in God, the more true it looks, because my basic rule of thumb is "Anything that Taz thinks is smart must be utter, drooling lunacy".

I am always amused by how your attempts to shame people away from their faith only strengthens it through their desire to distance themselves from you.
All I'm asking him is to prove the connection between a possible god and the one in the bible. Go grab a couple of Midol.
I thought that you were looking for proof of God or an invisible alien or whatever..remember?

I am not looking for an invisible alien and I have not found an invisible alien. When I started studying the bible I wasn't even looking for God. I didn't feel any need to be forgiven for anything. I was perfectly happy with my heathen lifestyle. That is the truth. I wanted to find out why otherwise nice and intelligent people lost their minds once being sucked into one religious sect or another because I saw with my own eyes people becoming perverse replicants of their former selves babbling incoherently about judgment day, eternal condemnation, and panicking about Jesus coming, ANY MINUTE while carrying around the bible as if it was a blankie after some Jesus freak convinced them that they were a worthless piece of shit and needed to beg for forgiveness and worship edible mangod to be saved. Obviously, there was something very screwy going on.

So I got a bible and took a look. Somewhere along the way my mind was opened to understand the language of the prophets. The more I understood the more my mind was receptive to the otherworldly intelligences behind prophetic inspiration and then what the fairy tales were actually about and how they applied to real life became clear. In other words God, or an invisible alien if you like, made himself known to me.

Thats why when you ask what you need to do to find God I told you that you have to purify your mind and be refined and then he will make himself known to you.

If you want to find God you will do it and then he will find you. Its easy.

Thats why I know that you are full of shit. You are not a thinking person, you are not looking for proof of God.

You are just sitting in the back of the class making armpit farts because you died a very very long time ago. You act like an emotionally disturbed juvenile delinquent because you didn't survive puberty.

If you want to live out the rest of your days being a jackass, be my guest.. Why stop now? Right?

If you don't want to go out like that, you know the way to better mental health. Its a do or die situation doofus and time is running out.
I have not seen any proof of god in the bible because there isn't any. Quote something that will prove god.
I've explained this to you dozens of times. There's tons of proof. Creation is proof.
It's not proof of the god of the bible. Go ahead, try to prove it. But I bet that I'll watch the dancing begin instead.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
A loving Creator who cares.
I have not seen any proof of god in the bible because there isn't any. Quote something that will prove god.
I've explained this to you dozens of times. There's tons of proof. Creation is proof.
It's not proof of the god of the bible. Go ahead, try to prove it. But I bet that I'll watch the dancing begin instead.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I've explained this to you dozens of times. There's tons of proof. Creation is proof.
It's not proof of the god of the bible. Go ahead, try to prove it. But I bet that I'll watch the dancing begin instead.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
It's not proof of the god of the bible. Go ahead, try to prove it. But I bet that I'll watch the dancing begin instead.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Sure it is. Physical laws, moral laws, biological laws, all point to an intelligence that wants us to exist and evolve in our conscientiousness.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
That doesn’t prove the god of the bible. Where’s the connection to the bible?
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
He hasn't killed anyone. We did it all ourselves. It's called free will.

And since you don't believe the Bible is true, you don't believe he has either. :lol:
A loving Creator who cares.
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
Now it's my turn. Why do you grind your ax against Christians? Is it because you are upset that they don't accept your lesbian lifestyle?
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
He hasn't killed anyone. We did it all ourselves. It's called free will.

And since you don't believe the Bible is true, you don't believe he has either. :lol:
I'm trying to find a connection between a creator being and the one described in the bible, because you seem to think that there is a connection. Why can't you say what you think it is? Because you know that it's laughable? Something else?
How is that a connection to the god of the bible? So you're either a complete fucking retard or you know you can't show a connection, which is it?
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
Now it's my turn. Why do you grind your ax against Christians? Is it because you are upset that they don't accept your lesbian lifestyle?
You're the only one here that thinks I'm a female, which I'm not. But you're confused on a lot of subjects, so it's understandable.

I have no ax to grind, simply asked you a simple question that stumped you.
I just did show you the connection.

Besides you are agnostic. You don't know he isn't. :lol:
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
Now it's my turn. Why do you grind your ax against Christians? Is it because you are upset that they don't accept your lesbian lifestyle?
You're the only one here that thinks I'm a female, which I'm not. But you're confused on a lot of subjects, so it's understandable.

I have no ax to grind, simply asked you a simple question that stumped you.
Taz = Mudda

Stumped me? Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
I don't know that a god isn't real, that's true, but nobody here has proven god, yet. But you can stop trying, it's obvious you have no real proof and you know it, that's why you pretend to joke around, because you have nothing else.
Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
The question was where is the connection between such an intelligence and the god from the bible who cares for us so much that it drowns babies, along with everyone else...
Now it's my turn. Why do you grind your ax against Christians? Is it because you are upset that they don't accept your lesbian lifestyle?
You're the only one here that thinks I'm a female, which I'm not. But you're confused on a lot of subjects, so it's understandable.

I have no ax to grind, simply asked you a simple question that stumped you.
Taz = Mudda

Stumped me? Don't be silly. I have physical laws, biological laws and moral laws. All of which point to an intelligence which cares about us.
There are no such moral laws, and the other laws don’t point to a being that cares what we do. And won’t even try to prove that, so you must agree with me.

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