Why does your religion condemn people?


I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Just like when I said that what I was talking about had nothing to do with being kicked by a mule in the head I am showing you how to learn the figurative language of the prophets. A means of conveying words without sound, words and subjects that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used. The same strange language that Jesus and his disciples spoke. A type of telepathy. The more you learn that the more you will recognize when God is speaking to you in your own dreams and visions, altered states the only means through which communication with God is possible.

Once, if ever, you understand that you will realize that you have had proof of God in your life for your entire life, you were just deaf dumb and blind..
Oh, so you made it up. So you don't know that for a fact. Got it.
lol... thats not what I said.

Anyway, it all, your confusion, your inability to comprehend the written word, your inability to comprehend the hidden meaning, your inability to acknowledge even the smallest truth, your inability to comprehend the teaching of bronze age fairy tales, not to mention your derision rancor and despair, all boils down to the fact that you really need to clean up the festering crap in your head before you will ever progress beyond the juvenile state that you died in a very very long time ago.

You are messed up in the head. I am not making that up. You prove it every day.
You’re just jealous of me because I’m agnostic, the thinking person’s position.

No, thats not it at all. I used to be an agnostic myself until I found what everyone is looking for.

I am jealous of your typing skills and clever use of emojis...very impressive...wait! Let me try....

You didn't find what I'm looking for, which is real proof of a real god.

Nonsense. You are not looking for any proof of God. If you were you would be asking different questions and would have acted on the responses you were already given about how one goes about finding proof of God.

Your only aim is derision. a pathetic means of venting your own frustrations and hostility about your own failures confusion and disappointments in life. As far as the truth goes you have never taken a stand on it one way or the other. You are a coward.

When you flunked out of ethics class did you blame it on everyone else but yourself?


When you step in shit the stink follows you wherever you go and will continue to follow you wherever you go until you take the time to clean your loafers.

Its as simple as that sweetness.

Yours is a very sad story, sniff, sniff, but it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person. You reap what you sow,


There's your proof of God!

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Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
Because that is what religion does. It divides, to conquer. Each one claims to be right and all others wrong.
LORD, Please be with the persons of Hob and Taz and help them resolve their issues, one to another, I ask in Your Only Begotten Son's Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank You LORD. Amen.

I wonder if Hob and or Taz are only English speaking, as in no other past heritage besides good ole fashion US red blood, which often times is very Conservative.

If not, maybe they would stop their silly gesturing ways of kangaroo drippings and such if they spoke to one another in their original mother tongue.

If cum dribbles kangaroo is spelled cum dribbles kangaroo in English, how do you spell it in, let's say, Russian?
hob! Come quick! This guy is even more delusional than you are!! :eek:

I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate

The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

zaan, what was Hitler thinking when he attacked Russia?


Up to that point, things were going pretty smoothly from the Nazis, so who the fuck thought it was a good idea to attack Russia and think they could win? :cuckoo:

No - Hitler knew, that Germany will lose against the Soviets. Why do you ask this questions? Any special reason?

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LORD, Please be with the persons of Hob and Taz and help them resolve their issues, one to another, I ask in Your Only Begotten Son's Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank You LORD. Amen.

I wonder if Hob and or Taz are only English speaking, as in no other past heritage besides good ole fashion US red blood, which often times is very Conservative.

If not, maybe they would stop their silly gesturing ways of kangaroo drippings and such if they spoke to one another in their original mother tongue.

If cum dribbles kangaroo is spelled cum dribbles kangaroo in English, how do you spell it in, let's say, Russian?
hob! Come quick! This guy is even more delusional than you are!! :eek:

I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate

The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

This song is Japanese and is so much better in quality and depth of meaning. It has stood the test of time.

:clap:Wonderful song. Wonderful singer. Wonderful message. Excellent adaptation. Brilliant whistling.

Nevertheless Trio is not bad. Totally fucked up drunken guys. I wonder how they were able to stand sometimes. Before they lost the last rest of their brain capacity they made this song and earned worldwide enough money to drink themselves to death. One of them wan: the drummer as far as I know. He may rest in love and peace and god will hopefully heal his deeply wounded soul - and the wounded souls of the people, who loved him. .

|:Es fiel ein Reif in der Frühlingsnacht.:|
Er fiel auf die zarten Blaublümelein,
die sind verwelket, verdorret.

|:Ein Knabe hatte ein Mägdlein lieb,:|
sie flohen gar heimlich von Hause fort,
es wußten's nicht Vater noch Mutter.

|:Sie sind gewandert wohl hin und her:|
sie hatten nirgends Glück noch Stern,
sie sind verdorben, gestorben.
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Our first human parents chose this system of things upon us. God created them to know only good and listen to his advice as to the best path to lasting happiness. That reality for mortals will come back with Gods kingdom rule. Gods plans have not changed for the earth or Mortals. Gods kingdom will be a cure all over the thousand year reign of Gods appointed king. Earth will be transformed into a paradise( new earth) Gods kingdom in full control forever.

The story of Adam and Eve, like the story of Noah, is a fairy tale not a historical document. They were not the fist human beings.

There has never been a time since the creation of heaven and earth when the kingdom of God was not in full force.

The Earth will never be transformed into a paradise. Life on earth is hell among people living on the wrong side of God's law. People are what will be transformed as soon as they conform to the law of God. It won't take a thousand years for there to be peace among the nations.

The transformation happens in the twinkling of an eye, as soon as you do it.

You can look and look for signs that the kingdom of God has come, but for as long as you defy the divine commands you will continue to see nothing.

So what about the people who conform to god's law but get a terrible painful cancer? Or does following god's law protect you from evil, like a cancer?

If you conform to the divine commands you will become a "living being", a new creature, and even if you get a terrible and painful cancer you won't care because you will have already passed from death to eternal life and consequently will never know what it is to die..
So people who don't find your god don't have eternal life? What happens to them? They just disappear?
If they are seeking they shall find. If they are not seeking, they are condemned already. They must exist forever apart from GOD so that those that sought GOD and find Christ can live forever with GOD. GOD does not discriminate.
Where did you find this bullshit?
Oh, so you made it up. So you don't know that for a fact. Got it.
lol... thats not what I said.

Anyway, it all, your confusion, your inability to comprehend the written word, your inability to comprehend the hidden meaning, your inability to acknowledge even the smallest truth, your inability to comprehend the teaching of bronze age fairy tales, not to mention your derision rancor and despair, all boils down to the fact that you really need to clean up the festering crap in your head before you will ever progress beyond the juvenile state that you died in a very very long time ago.

You are messed up in the head. I am not making that up. You prove it every day.
You’re just jealous of me because I’m agnostic, the thinking person’s position.

No, thats not it at all. I used to be an agnostic myself until I found what everyone is looking for.

I am jealous of your typing skills and clever use of emojis...very impressive...wait! Let me try....

You didn't find what I'm looking for, which is real proof of a real god.

Nonsense. You are not looking for any proof of God. If you were you would be asking different questions and would have acted on the responses you were already given about how one goes about finding proof of God.

Your only aim is derision. a pathetic means of venting your own frustrations and hostility about your own failures confusion and disappointments in life. As far as the truth goes you have never taken a stand on it one way or the other. You are a coward.

When you flunked out of ethics class did you blame it on everyone else but yourself?


When you step in shit the stink follows you wherever you go and will continue to follow you wherever you go until you take the time to clean your loafers.

Its as simple as that sweetness.

Yours is a very sad story, sniff, sniff, but it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person. You reap what you sow,


There's your proof of God!

Wow! You so have nothing it's incredible!!

What questions should I be asking? I'm supposed to act on what you say, or what dingbat says? Or what ... says? Maybe when you theists can all agree on something then maybe, just maybe, there might be something to go on.
hob! Come quick! This guy is even more delusional than you are!! :eek:

I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate

The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

zaan, what was Hitler thinking when he attacked Russia?


Up to that point, things were going pretty smoothly from the Nazis, so who the fuck thought it was a good idea to attack Russia and think they could win? :cuckoo:

No - Hitler knew, that Germany will lose against the Soviets. Why do you ask this questions? Any special reason?

Because I've always wondered why Hitler spread himself so thin as to lose, and since you're a former Nazi, I figured you might know.
I guess I left out a comma after cum dribbles and the guy lost it and came undone....

I wonder how you say that in russian?

Google Translate

The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

zaan, what was Hitler thinking when he attacked Russia?


Up to that point, things were going pretty smoothly from the Nazis, so who the fuck thought it was a good idea to attack Russia and think they could win? :cuckoo:

No - Hitler knew, that Germany will lose against the Soviets. Why do you ask this questions? Any special reason?

Because I've always wondered why Hitler spread himself so thin as to lose, and since you're a former Nazi, I figured you might know.

I'm tired about all your idiotic games, Nazi. I think to do suicide is the best what you are able to do for all mankind. But people like you are not doing suicide. They try to kill others. Wait ... better not do suicide. We could need you to try to find out what kind of psychological defects lead to mass-murderers in school-massacres.

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The German translation of this sentence is something which looks like to be a part of the German language - but no German is able to understand this Kauderwelsch.

zaan, what was Hitler thinking when he attacked Russia?


Up to that point, things were going pretty smoothly from the Nazis, so who the fuck thought it was a good idea to attack Russia and think they could win? :cuckoo:

No - Hitler knew, that Germany will lose against the Soviets. Why do you ask this questions? Any special reason?

Because I've always wondered why Hitler spread himself so thin as to lose, and since you're a former Nazi, I figured you might know.

I'm tired about all your idiotic games, Nazi. I think to do suicide is the best what you are able to do for all mankind. But people like you are not doing suicide. They try to kill others. Wait ... better not do suicide. We could need you to try to find out what kind of psychological defects lead to mass-murderers in school-massacres.

Just squeezing dein holden. :biggrin:

Actually, I thought you might have some insight about that.
Taz - it is not funny from me to say "You are a Nazi". You are a Nazi! You know very well that lots my Jewish family members were murdered during the shoa. What you are doing is the same as to try to call Jews "Zio-Nazis" - what many Nazis and Islamists try to do.

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Taz - it is not funny from me to say "You are a Nazi". You are a Nazi!
I wasn't even born when they were around. Stop fantasizing.

You will anyway get now problems in your life after life - I guess you should not try to get additionally gigantic problems in this life here. So let it be to be stupid.

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Taz - it is not funny from me to say "You are a Nazi". You are a Nazi!
I wasn't even born when they were around. Stop fantasizing.

You will anyway get now problems in your life after life - I guess you should not try to get additionally gigantic problems in this life here. So let it be to be stupid.

Your invisible alien god going to spank me?

Do whatever you like to do - your problem.

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lol... thats not what I said.

Anyway, it all, your confusion, your inability to comprehend the written word, your inability to comprehend the hidden meaning, your inability to acknowledge even the smallest truth, your inability to comprehend the teaching of bronze age fairy tales, not to mention your derision rancor and despair, all boils down to the fact that you really need to clean up the festering crap in your head before you will ever progress beyond the juvenile state that you died in a very very long time ago.

You are messed up in the head. I am not making that up. You prove it every day.
You’re just jealous of me because I’m agnostic, the thinking person’s position.

No, thats not it at all. I used to be an agnostic myself until I found what everyone is looking for.

I am jealous of your typing skills and clever use of emojis...very impressive...wait! Let me try....

You didn't find what I'm looking for, which is real proof of a real god.

Nonsense. You are not looking for any proof of God. If you were you would be asking different questions and would have acted on the responses you were already given about how one goes about finding proof of God.

Your only aim is derision. a pathetic means of venting your own frustrations and hostility about your own failures confusion and disappointments in life. As far as the truth goes you have never taken a stand on it one way or the other. You are a coward.

When you flunked out of ethics class did you blame it on everyone else but yourself?


When you step in shit the stink follows you wherever you go and will continue to follow you wherever you go until you take the time to clean your loafers.

Its as simple as that sweetness.

Yours is a very sad story, sniff, sniff, but it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person. You reap what you sow,


There's your proof of God!

Wow! You so have nothing it's incredible!!

What questions should I be asking? I'm supposed to act on what you say, or what dingbat says? Or what ... says? Maybe when you theists can all agree on something then maybe, just maybe, there might be something to go on.

Its very simple Taz. When you ask why God hasn't appeared to you, you are told that the garbage that fills your head and leaks out all over these pages has built a barrier between you and your God and that to see God you must purify your own mind and be refined. Clean out the stupid infantile emotional resentments that you have been nurturing like a monster hiding under your bed ever since you were 12 years old or so and then you will see God and be healed..

Its not rocket science.

Thats where you go nuts. Your next question instead of acting on that actionable information you ask me if I am jew.

Now thats just more evidence that you are either deranged, or are just getting your rocks off, which by the way is just more evidence that you are deranged.

I got something, what you say that you are looking for. Clarity of mind and the ability to see God everywhere I look.

You got nothing. everywhere you look you see nothing and then start whacking off like a lunatic on a park bench, cackling at your own pathetic aberrations.

You are not looking for God. You are playing spank the monkey on death row, so by all means,,, carry on...
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You’re just jealous of me because I’m agnostic, the thinking person’s position.

No, thats not it at all. I used to be an agnostic myself until I found what everyone is looking for.

I am jealous of your typing skills and clever use of emojis...very impressive...wait! Let me try....

You didn't find what I'm looking for, which is real proof of a real god.

Nonsense. You are not looking for any proof of God. If you were you would be asking different questions and would have acted on the responses you were already given about how one goes about finding proof of God.

Your only aim is derision. a pathetic means of venting your own frustrations and hostility about your own failures confusion and disappointments in life. As far as the truth goes you have never taken a stand on it one way or the other. You are a coward.

When you flunked out of ethics class did you blame it on everyone else but yourself?


When you step in shit the stink follows you wherever you go and will continue to follow you wherever you go until you take the time to clean your loafers.

Its as simple as that sweetness.

Yours is a very sad story, sniff, sniff, but it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person. You reap what you sow,


There's your proof of God!

Wow! You so have nothing it's incredible!!

What questions should I be asking? I'm supposed to act on what you say, or what dingbat says? Or what ... says? Maybe when you theists can all agree on something then maybe, just maybe, there might be something to go on.

Its very simple Taz. When you ask why God hasn't appeared to you, you are told that the garbage that fills your head and leaks out all over these pages has built a barrier between you and your God and that to see God you must purify your own mind and be refined. Clean out the stupid infantile emotional resentments that you have been nurturing like a monster hiding under your bed ever since you were 12 years old or so and then you will see God and be healed..

Its not rocket science.

Thats where you go nuts. Your next question instead of acting on that actionable information you ask me if I am jew.

Now thats just more evidence that you are either deranged, or are just getting your rocks off, which by the way is just more evidence that you are deranged.

I got something, what you say that you are looking for. Clarity of mind and the ability to see God everywhere I look.

You got nothing. everywhere you look you see nothing and then start whacking off like a lunatic on a park bench, cackling at your own pathetic aberrations.

You are not looking for God. You are playing spank the monkey on death row, so by all means,,, carry on...
Purify my mind? That's all you have to find god? It's not much, brah. And my mind is pretty clear and willing to accept a real god, so where is it?
No, thats not it at all. I used to be an agnostic myself until I found what everyone is looking for.

I am jealous of your typing skills and clever use of emojis...very impressive...wait! Let me try....

You didn't find what I'm looking for, which is real proof of a real god.

Nonsense. You are not looking for any proof of God. If you were you would be asking different questions and would have acted on the responses you were already given about how one goes about finding proof of God.

Your only aim is derision. a pathetic means of venting your own frustrations and hostility about your own failures confusion and disappointments in life. As far as the truth goes you have never taken a stand on it one way or the other. You are a coward.

When you flunked out of ethics class did you blame it on everyone else but yourself?


When you step in shit the stink follows you wherever you go and will continue to follow you wherever you go until you take the time to clean your loafers.

Its as simple as that sweetness.

Yours is a very sad story, sniff, sniff, but it couldn't be happening to a more deserving person. You reap what you sow,


There's your proof of God!

Wow! You so have nothing it's incredible!!

What questions should I be asking? I'm supposed to act on what you say, or what dingbat says? Or what ... says? Maybe when you theists can all agree on something then maybe, just maybe, there might be something to go on.

Its very simple Taz. When you ask why God hasn't appeared to you, you are told that the garbage that fills your head and leaks out all over these pages has built a barrier between you and your God and that to see God you must purify your own mind and be refined. Clean out the stupid infantile emotional resentments that you have been nurturing like a monster hiding under your bed ever since you were 12 years old or so and then you will see God and be healed..

Its not rocket science.

Thats where you go nuts. Your next question instead of acting on that actionable information you ask me if I am jew.

Now thats just more evidence that you are either deranged, or are just getting your rocks off, which by the way is just more evidence that you are deranged.

I got something, what you say that you are looking for. Clarity of mind and the ability to see God everywhere I look.

You got nothing. everywhere you look you see nothing and then start whacking off like a lunatic on a park bench, cackling at your own pathetic aberrations.

You are not looking for God. You are playing spank the monkey on death row, so by all means,,, carry on...
Purify my mind? That's all you have to find god? It's not much, brah. And my mind is pretty clear and willing to accept a real god, so where is it?
Yeah, like I said, its not rocket science. Even the least intelligent person out there should be able to understand why doing that would be essential to understanding and perception.

As it is, your mind is about as clear as a cesspool. You are not fooling me, how do you expect to fool God?

I see the crap that comes out of your mind all over these pages. I have no interest in visiting you. Why would a holy God who can see into the depths of your soul want to do anything other than throw your funky mind in the trash?

Kangaroos, cum dribbles, gay Jesus and all...

Is it really such a mystery to you why when you look and look for God, you see nothing??
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Forgiveness follows repentence. Without repentence there is no forgiveness.

Coming from YOU, that's flat out sick, but it has nothing at all to do with the OP.

You give me the creeps.

In any event, he asks a valid question, which you ignored.
I am so glad I give you the creeps. Now if I can only push you into being suicidal.
I am so glad I give you the creeps. Now if I can only push you into being suicidal.

too bad for you christian, repent till your purple the outcome will remain the same.

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