Why does your religion condemn people?

Humans "know" by contrast. It is impossible to have a concept of "good" without "evil". This dichotomy, this dualism is created by the mind. The universe is not divided until we see it that way. Then, when we take this for real, we wander through and endless maze of illusion, disoriented and confused because we can't make life fit into our dualistic hypnotic trance.
All the unanswerable questions about 'God' are a result of erroneous, childish concepts of what 'God' would be.
Is it created by the mind? Does being virtuous not lead to naturally successful outcomes?

It is outcomes which tell us the difference between right and wrong and good and evil. It is not a human construct. It is a construct of nature.
Its very simple Taz. When you ask why God hasn't appeared to you, you are told that the garbage that fills your head and leaks out all over these pages has built a barrier between you and your God and that to see God you must purify your own mind and be refined. Clean out the stupid infantile emotional resentments that you have been nurturing like a monster hiding under your bed ever since you were 12 years old or so and then you will see God and be healed..

Its not rocket science.

Thats where you go nuts. Your next question instead of acting on that actionable information you ask me if I am jew.

Now thats just more evidence that you are either deranged, or are just getting your rocks off, which by the way is just more evidence that you are deranged.

I got something, what you say that you are looking for. Clarity of mind and the ability to see God everywhere I look.

You got nothing. everywhere you look you see nothing and then start whacking off like a lunatic on a park bench, cackling at your own pathetic aberrations.

You are not looking for God. You are playing spank the monkey on death row, so by all means,,, carry on...
Purify my mind? That's all you have to find god? It's not much, brah. And my mind is pretty clear and willing to accept a real god, so where is it?
Yeah, like I said, its not rocket science. Even the least intelligent person out there should be able to understand why doing that would be essential to understanding and perception.

As it is, your mind is about as clear as a cesspool. You are not fooling me, how do you expect to fool God?

I see the crap that comes out of your mind all over these pages. I have no interest in visiting you. Why would a holy God who can see into the depths of your soul want to do anything other than throw your funky mind in the trash?

Kangaroos, cum dribbles, gay Jesus and all...

Is it really such a mystery to you why when you look and look for God, you see nothing??
Why would I be wanting to fool god? It knows that in my heart

A good one

I have an earnest desire to meet it.

You will meet him.

Maybe it's too chicken.

Sure. That's your chance. What for heavens sake are you doing with your brain?

Is it all of Germany that has no sense of humour or just you? I have to say, you do look like a serious bunch.

How stupid are you? Every German has not any sense sens of humor. We show only our teeth but we never laugh. That's not part of our roman-jewish-celto-germanic mentality.

I know if there's one at the end of it all I'll meet it, but these clowns say that I should be able to meet it now. Except that they can't explain a proper path to meeting it.

Your "It" is perhaps a very old and extremely mighty entity living on planet Wanderer within the intergalactic space. But god is god. Whenever you look at anything god looks directly into your eyes and the hell of your life. I don't have any idea how you are able to live together with yourself. You are your own torture.

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Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?
It really isn't anyone else's business whether someone believes in God or not. If you live a good life and don't harm others, that is all that matters. Nobody on Earth has the authority to judge others who have done no harm.
Who is GOOD? Jesus asked that question and answered it! How do you know what you do doesn't affect anyone adversely? GOD is not of this planet --- HE created it perfect once... Adam and Eve decided to do what they felt was "good" in their sight! See the Genesis account!
It isn't my business to force you to believe; however, it is my business to show you where the good water is and not leave you thirsty. What you do then is entirely on your head ...
Common sense. You know if you are affecting others adversely. Minding your own business unless someone is harming another. Adam and Eve knew what they were not supposed to do, but did it anyway.
And you cannot imagine that one's behavior would not serve as a learning tool for someone listening in on a conversation or seeing someone acting a certain way? You don't imagine that commercials encourage people to buy something they really don't need --- ever? Adam and Eve did what they did because they were informed that GOD was withholding knowledge from them? They were influenced to accept a lie as fact... Today we have people saying that any form of sex is perfectly fine as long as both parties agree or ------------------ perhaps can be convinced to participate and give it a try.... Unfortunately, very often once the "victim" tries the drug, he become addicted. That doesn't mean the drug is good or beneficial in any way whatsoever!
If you conform to the divine commands you will become a "living being", a new creature, and even if you get a terrible and painful cancer you won't care because you will have already passed from death to eternal life and consequently will never know what it is to die..
So people who don't find your god don't have eternal life? What happens to them? They just disappear?
If they are seeking they shall find. If they are not seeking, they are condemned already. They must exist forever apart from GOD so that those that sought GOD and find Christ can live forever with GOD. GOD does not discriminate.
Where did you find this b------t?
In the Bible. Where did you discover YOURS?
I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?

We are not condemning people. I have no ability to control where you go after you die.

If I demanded that you go to Heaven... do I have any ability to make that happen?
If I demanded that you go to hell.... do I have any ability to make that happen?

No. I have no control over where you go.

I can only tell you what the Bible says: All people... everyone... including me... are all going to hell. We are all sinners, all evil, and all do evil things. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We say evil things and hurt people. We do wrong things, knowing it is wrong.

All of us. Every single one. We are all marching on a road to hell.

The Bible says there is a person, who is standing by the road, saying come to me and follow me, and be saved. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord.

If we follow him as Lord, and our Savior, we can be saved from the path WE have chosen to be on.

If you don't want to believe all that, that's on you. But don't act like we have any control over where you go.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?

We are not condemning people. I have no ability to control where you go after you die.

If I demanded that you go to Heaven... do I have any ability to make that happen?
If I demanded that you go to hell.... do I have any ability to make that happen?

No. I have no control over where you go.

I can only tell you what the Bible says: All people... everyone... including me... are all going to hell. We are all sinners, all evil, and all do evil things. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We say evil things and hurt people. We do wrong things, knowing it is wrong.

All of us. Every single one. We are all marching on a road to hell.

The Bible says there is a person, who is standing by the road, saying come to me and follow me, and be saved. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord.

If we follow him as Lord, and our Savior, we can be saved from the path WE have chosen to be on.

If you don't want to believe all that, that's on you. But don't act like we have any control over where you go.

In my view, humans have no control over salvation, peace, love or hate. We have no control over past, present or future things;,

We all will be with God up ahead. There is no such thing as hell; its a monster lie that monsters need to sedate people.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?

We are not condemning people. I have no ability to control where you go after you die.

If I demanded that you go to Heaven... do I have any ability to make that happen?
If I demanded that you go to hell.... do I have any ability to make that happen?

No. I have no control over where you go.

I can only tell you what the Bible says: All people... everyone... including me... are all going to hell. We are all sinners, all evil, and all do evil things. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We say evil things and hurt people. We do wrong things, knowing it is wrong.

All of us. Every single one. We are all marching on a road to hell.

The Bible says there is a person, who is standing by the road, saying come to me and follow me, and be saved. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord.

If we follow him as Lord, and our Savior, we can be saved from the path WE have chosen to be on.

If you don't want to believe all that, that's on you. But don't act like we have any control over where you go.

In my view, humans have no control over salvation, peace, love or hate. We have no control over past, present or future things;,

We all will be with God up ahead.

Our own life is not totally in our own hands - but it is also not totally out of our own hands.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

There is no such thing as hell; its a monster lie that monsters need to sedate people.

So what do you think will I have to do in the world of your ideas, if Peter should open the heavenly paradise for me and the murderers of my family will say: "Welcome asshole, you and your family members lost a lot and suffered for 3-4 generations, because we had murdered your people. But we were always happy in our life and got now even a place in paradise for free."

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Why do you have to condemn people?

because nothing is as condusive to any church or political party as a common target

oh and, add chat rooms like this

it's a feel good thing to be one of the 'pack', and tell people off all day

Nah, Its more like that Taz was invited. He even says that he's been knocking at the door of the kingdom. The problem is that Taz keeps showing up dressed in filthy rags, reeking of cheap wine and vomit so the doorman, with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, has no choice but to throw him out into the wilderness, east of eden, where he remains crying day and night about kangaroos, cum dribbles, gay Jesus and invisible sky fairies.

Without the appropriate attire it really doesn't matter if you have an invitation. You will remain outside.

I got news for ya, we all show up in filthy rags.
Not hob, he's getting his birthday suit dry cleaned! :biggrin:

Do we have a deal? Tell'em votto sent ya!
I've already asked god to reveal itself to me a million times. Hob says it's a cosmic game of hide n' seek.

Specifically, have you called on the name of Jesus?

According to the scriptures only through him can we know God.

Then through his power, and his power alone, can we overcome sin.
Yup, did the Jesus calling. Nothing.
Nah, Its more like that Taz was invited. He even says that he's been knocking at the door of the kingdom. The problem is that Taz keeps showing up dressed in filthy rags, reeking of cheap wine and vomit so the doorman, with a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction, has no choice but to throw him out into the wilderness, east of eden, where he remains crying day and night about kangaroos, cum dribbles, gay Jesus and invisible sky fairies.

Without the appropriate attire it really doesn't matter if you have an invitation. You will remain outside.

I got news for ya, we all show up in filthy rags.
Not hob, he's getting his birthday suit dry cleaned! :biggrin:

Do we have a deal? Tell'em votto sent ya!
I've already asked god to reveal itself to me a million times. Hob says it's a cosmic game of hide n' seek.

No one is going to be left out; we all make it in the end!
Then why bother?
Purify my mind? That's all you have to find god? It's not much, brah. And my mind is pretty clear and willing to accept a real god, so where is it?
Yeah, like I said, its not rocket science. Even the least intelligent person out there should be able to understand why doing that would be essential to understanding and perception.

As it is, your mind is about as clear as a cesspool. You are not fooling me, how do you expect to fool God?

I see the crap that comes out of your mind all over these pages. I have no interest in visiting you. Why would a holy God who can see into the depths of your soul want to do anything other than throw your funky mind in the trash?

Kangaroos, cum dribbles, gay Jesus and all...

Is it really such a mystery to you why when you look and look for God, you see nothing??
Why would I be wanting to fool god? It knows that in my heart

A good one

I have an earnest desire to meet it.

You will meet him.

Maybe it's too chicken.

Sure. That's your chance. What for heavens sake are you doing with your brain?

Is it all of Germany that has no sense of humour or just you? I have to say, you do look like a serious bunch.

How stupid are you? Every German has not any sense sens of humor. We show only our teeth but we never laugh. That's not part of our roman-jewish-celto-germanic mentality.

I know if there's one at the end of it all I'll meet it, but these clowns say that I should be able to meet it now. Except that they can't explain a proper path to meeting it.

Your "It" is perhaps a very old and extremely mighty entity living on planet Wanderer within the intergalactic space. But god is god. Whenever you look at anything god looks directly into your eyes and the hell of your life. I don't have any idea how you are able to live together with yourself. You are your own torture.

I guess your sense of humour goes when you lose so many wars. Badly.
So people who don't find your god don't have eternal life? What happens to them? They just disappear?
If they are seeking they shall find. If they are not seeking, they are condemned already. They must exist forever apart from GOD so that those that sought GOD and find Christ can live forever with GOD. GOD does not discriminate.
Where did you find this b------t?
In the Bible. Where did you discover YOURS?
I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.
If they are seeking they shall find. If they are not seeking, they are condemned already. They must exist forever apart from GOD so that those that sought GOD and find Christ can live forever with GOD. GOD does not discriminate.
Where did you find this b------t?
In the Bible. Where did you discover YOURS?
I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.
Don't feel so bad. You are not alone. I knew a guy who got left back in the first grade too.
Where did you find this b------t?
In the Bible. Where did you discover YOURS?
I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.
Don't feel so bad. You are not alone. I knew a guy who got left back in the first grade too.
You don't believe that those things happened either, so stfu.
In the Bible. Where did you discover YOURS?
I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.
Don't feel so bad. You are not alone. I knew a guy who got left back in the first grade too.
You don't believe that those things happened either, so stfu.

lol... You are the guy boasting about not being able to get past the book of Genesis...

I actually read the entire Bible and understand it. I am not claiming to be better than you. Just like you I would need an army of people to do all of the things that I suck at. But an army of people couldn't do, haven't done, and aren't capable of doing what I have done. Thats just the way it is.
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I'm looking for an actual god, not a load of malarkey.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.
Don't feel so bad. You are not alone. I knew a guy who got left back in the first grade too.
You don't believe that those things happened either, so stfu.

lol... You are the guy boasting about not being able to get past the book of Genesis...

I actually read the entire Bible and understand it. I am not claiming to be better than you. Just like you I would need an army of people to do all of the things that I suck at. But an army of people couldn't do, haven't done, and aren't capable of doing what I have done. Thats just the way it is.
You're not vey good at explaining how to get to your god. In fact, you totally suck at it.
Why do you have to count people out? I mean why, really. With all the great power of God and Christ to forgive, have mercy, to renew, to change a human; all the great love God has; why do you keep believing that many humans are not going to make it? Why do you keep making room for this ugly hell in your mind?

Why do you have to condemn people?

We are not condemning people. I have no ability to control where you go after you die.

If I demanded that you go to Heaven... do I have any ability to make that happen?
If I demanded that you go to hell.... do I have any ability to make that happen?

No. I have no control over where you go.

I can only tell you what the Bible says: All people... everyone... including me... are all going to hell. We are all sinners, all evil, and all do evil things. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We say evil things and hurt people. We do wrong things, knowing it is wrong.

All of us. Every single one. We are all marching on a road to hell.

The Bible says there is a person, who is standing by the road, saying come to me and follow me, and be saved. His name is Jesus Christ the Lord.

If we follow him as Lord, and our Savior, we can be saved from the path WE have chosen to be on.

If you don't want to believe all that, that's on you. But don't act like we have any control over where you go.

In my view, humans have no control over salvation, peace, love or hate. We have no control over past, present or future things;,

We all will be with God up ahead. There is no such thing as hell; its a monster lie that monsters need to sedate people.
You do realize that very little is written about hell in the Bible, right?

If we are to believe you every other sentence is about hell.
Read the Bible.
I can't get past the first chapter with creating everything in 6 days and the flood that nobody believes happened.
Don't feel so bad. You are not alone. I knew a guy who got left back in the first grade too.
You don't believe that those things happened either, so stfu.

lol... You are the guy boasting about not being able to get past the book of Genesis...

I actually read the entire Bible and understand it. I am not claiming to be better than you. Just like you I would need an army of people to do all of the things that I suck at. But an army of people couldn't do, haven't done, and aren't capable of doing what I have done. Thats just the way it is.
You're not vey good at explaining how to get to your god. In fact, you totally suck at it.
Probably because he doesn't believe God exists like you. I can't figure out why you two don't get along better.
Yeah, like I said, its not rocket science. Even the least intelligent person out there should be able to understand why doing that would be essential to understanding and perception.

As it is, your mind is about as clear as a cesspool. You are not fooling me, how do you expect to fool God?

I see the crap that comes out of your mind all over these pages. I have no interest in visiting you. Why would a holy God who can see into the depths of your soul want to do anything other than throw your funky mind in the trash?

Kangaroos, cum dribbles, gay Jesus and all...

Is it really such a mystery to you why when you look and look for God, you see nothing??
Why would I be wanting to fool god? It knows that in my heart

A good one

I have an earnest desire to meet it.

You will meet him.

Maybe it's too chicken.

Sure. That's your chance. What for heavens sake are you doing with your brain?

Is it all of Germany that has no sense of humour or just you? I have to say, you do look like a serious bunch.

How stupid are you? Every German has not any sense sens of humor. We show only our teeth but we never laugh. That's not part of our roman-jewish-celto-germanic mentality.

I know if there's one at the end of it all I'll meet it, but these clowns say that I should be able to meet it now. Except that they can't explain a proper path to meeting it.

Your "It" is perhaps a very old and extremely mighty entity living on planet Wanderer within the intergalactic space. But god is god. Whenever you look at anything god looks directly into your eyes and the hell of your life. I don't have any idea how you are able to live together with yourself. You are your own torture.

I guess your sense of humour goes when you lose so many wars. Badly.

You are not a native English speaker, isn't it? What's your nationality?

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