Why Don't Dems care about Trafficked Children?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

The Biden administration is letting a seemingly unlimited number of unaccompanied children into the country, and releasing them to people who ask for them with no documentation of any relationship, and no attempt to stay in contact with them. They are being put to work in factories, farms, households, and restaurants. Those are the lucky ones who don't wind up being sex trafficked.

Meanwhile the Secretary of Health and Human Services is angry that his people don't push the kids out fast enough:



This is being reported by the New York Times, not Tucker Carlson.

Democrats, who expect CPS to visit any parent who does not act quickly enough on their school child's alleged wish to be transgender, don't care that no one looks into human traffickers abusing hundreds of thousands of child slaves given them by Secretary Becerra.

Is it because the children are brown and black, and will likely not live long enough to vote? Or if those brown and black children told their sex traffickers that they want to visit a gender specialist, the administration would finally act to protect them?

Dems and Indies care as much or more than Repubs. But you know … these problems are being used by Repubs with such unrelenting demagogy that it is sometimes hard to believe Repubs really care at all.

I personally do my own tiny part… Every time I go into a pizza shop to get a slice, I check to see if there is any “hanky panky” going on in the basement.
Given the absolute infallibility of the "every Republican accusation is a confession" rule, this is a scary thread indeed.

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