Why don’t Republicans turn the tables, kill two birds with one stone and become pro-choice advocates on abortion for Democrats only?

Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
Because there are no Republicans. Just MAGAs and ChristoMAGAs.
Nope. Your rights are important too. Conservative women should have the same freedoms as liberal ones.

Even if you are an advocate of making your women second class citizens, I am not.
Whenever on ballot abortion limits gave lost, badly.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
Good idea, fair deal. but you have to include independents and any Republicans that agree on that one issue.
Abortions still happen in the USA....likely over 1,000 of them going to be performed today.

What the kerfuffle is about is that the decision to allow the practice or not is a STATES RIGHTS issue...meaning that it is not a power our Federal Government holds. The individual states holds those rights.

It had become something of a Civil War type issue where the Federal Government had exceeded their powers to exert their desires over the will of the individual states.
The Civil War analogy is apt. Just like back then when a bunch of mutant deplorables thought owning human beings as property should be a States Rights issue, today a bunch of mutant deplorables think women having control over their own body should be a States Rights issue.
What I don't understand is the Democrats screeching over the issue by wanting to kill babies. Especially when the population statistics for the USA are flat...as in not growing...for the first time in a century.
Well that's only because the largest demographic in America (whites) are in demographic decline. Everyone else has seen population increases. As whites continue their demographic slide and become a larger and larger minority their inability to maintain their numbers will be less of an issue. Until then we can just keep importing more black and brown people to compensate.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?

I'm starting to feel the same way. I've always been pro life. But the trash thugs that's coming out of some of these mothers, is getting out of hand.
Abortions reduce the crime rate of future generations. They're actually helping.

And the number of black babies getting aborted, helps to keep the white race in the minority.
Abortion does have a negative effect on society. If the GOP does this, they will lose the base and lose even worse. Conservatives must own the social agenda.
1. Republicans losing elections has a negative effect on society.
2. The GOP base is expanding since the alternative is democrat.
3. Conservatism is DEAD. Populism wins.
1. Republicans losing elections has a negative effect on society.
2. The GOP base is expanding since the alternative is democrat.
3. Conservatism is DEAD. Populism wins.
How is it expanding? It isn't. And if the GOP doesn't have the social agenda, then they just become another branch of the Demoxrat party. Oh how we need stalwarts like Jerry Falwell, Randall Terry and the Schenck brothers today to speak up for the most innocent. The unborn child.
How is it expanding? It isn't. And if the GOP doesn't have the social agenda, then they just become another branch of the Demoxrat party. Oh how we need stalwarts like Jerry Falwell, Randall Terry and the Schenck brothers today to speak up for the most innocent. The unborn child.
1. The GOP base would expand because the GOP would get women voters back. In case you haven't noticed, every time an abortion vote comes up Republicans lose, and democrats win, duh.

2. Here is a list of "social agenda" items, excluding abortion, which is a woman's "right" not a social agenda item.
Republicans need to roll-back the progressive agenda items...
From their MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech oligarchs
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY
to the Marxists pushing for the US military to use EV vehicles

3. Do not push religions on voters, that's a guaranteed loss, religions do not belong in the political arena. Traditional family values and decency are under attack. Pick your battles. If dems win political power the battle is over.

4. Protect your own children, do not try to impose your values on others. If they want to sin, let them.
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Good idea, fair deal. but you have to include independents and any Republicans that agree on that one issue.
Those disgusting subhumans can travel to blue shitholes for their awesome abortions should they need to stoop so low…I’m good with aborting all the genetically degenerate filth we can.
1. The GOP base would expand because the GOP would get women voters back. In case you haven't noticed, every time an abortion vote comes up Republicans lose, and democrats win, duh.

2. Here is a list of "social agenda" items, excluding abortion, which is a woman's "right" not a social agenda item.
Republicans need to roll-back the progressive agenda items...
From their MSM propaganda networks and hi-tech oligarchs
to the FBI orchestrating cover ups and fake Russian disinformation claims
to their university leftist programming centers
to their CRT propaganda teachings in schools
to their "deep state" hold on the government
to their creeping attacks on family values & religious beliefs
to their lawless prosecutors
to their drug culture
to their "great replacement" operation
to their grip on school boards, calling parents “domestic terrorists”
to their tranny bullshit getting little kids butchered
to their warped views of the US military
to their vicious attacks on parental rights
to their voter fraud networks
to their hatred of religions, calling Catholics “domestic terrorists”
to their war on Christmas
to their hatred of the Founding Fathers
to their fake history and racism
to their drag shows in grade schools
to their late term abortions
To the FBI spying on Catholics
to their hatred of Patriotism, the American flag, and THE 4TH OF JULY
to the Marxists pushing for the US military to use EV vehicles

3. Do not push religions on voters, that's a guaranteed loss, religions do not belong in the political arena. Traditional family values and decency are under attack. Pick your battles. If dems win political power the battle is over.

4. Protect your own children, do not try to impose your values on others. If they want to sin, let them.
Abortion is never a right.
It's a misconception that conservative women don't have abortions. Fortunately, for everyone involved, it's a private matter.
The Civil War analogy is apt. Just like back then when a bunch of mutant deplorables thought owning human beings as property should be a States Rights issue, today a bunch of mutant deplorables think women having control over their own body should be a States Rights issue.

Well that's only because the largest demographic in America (whites) are in demographic decline. Everyone else has seen population increases. As whites continue their demographic slide and become a larger and larger minority their inability to maintain their numbers will be less of an issue. Until then we can just keep importing more black and brown people to compensate.

Women wanting abortions can always leave a state for another to have it done as they once did. The border is about an hour away for most people...2 for the rest.
This whole notion of "back alley abortions" was always a myth. A bit of propaganda to scare people.

It's not even difficult to cross state lines today...no one is at the border. Not even a state trooper. Just a sign and a restroom.

And for the border towns? Hey its difficult to know sometimes which state you are in. People used to cross state lines on a regular basis to buy lottery tickets...

The States have a right to legislate the matter to control the practice. Especially at what point abortion is not available. Partial birth abortions can be banned which is infanticide. The baby body parts can't be sold out on the scientific market. And PP was guilty of all of these things.

Abortion is something that should be legislated....not court ordered.
Women wanting abortions can always leave a state for another to have it done as they once did. The border is about an hour away for most people...2 for the rest.
This whole notion of "back alley abortions" was always a myth. A bit of propaganda to scare people.

It's not even difficult to cross state lines today...no one is at the border. Not even a state trooper. Just a sign and a restroom.

And for the border towns? Hey its difficult to know sometimes which state you are in. People used to cross state lines on a regular basis to buy lottery tickets...

The States have a right to legislate the matter to control the practice. Especially at what point abortion is not available. Partial birth abortions can be banned which is infanticide. The baby body parts can't be sold out on the scientific market. And PP was guilty of all of these things.

Abortion is something that should be legislated....not court ordered.
So keep trying to legislate it. I'm sure that won't continue to result in election losses for dipshit Republicans. 😄
So keep trying to legislate it. I'm sure that won't continue to result in election losses for dipshit Republicans. 😄
Most states that wanted a change have already done so...except they mostly just banned the practice instead of limiting it.

And I'm A-Political...I watch and know what's what but I'm definitely outside the process. Both political parties are perfect examples of hypocrisy and abuse of power. Which set of liars and snakes do you support?
Most states that wanted a change have already done so...except they mostly just banned the practice instead of limiting it.

And I'm A-Political...I watch and know what's what but I'm definitely outside the process. Both political parties are perfect examples of hypocrisy and abuse of power. Which set of liars and snakes do you support?
The ones that agree with me.
Not until we get a national ban.
Not big on reality, huh? Any pol who supports that won't be a pol very long. Good luck.

Democrats think abortion is their "magic bullet" in the 2024 election.

The democrats are mobilizing ballot initiatives on abortion in as many states as they can just to motivate women and young voters.
Not big on reality, huh? Any pol who supports that won't be a pol very long. Good luck.

Democrats think abortion is their "magic bullet" in the 2024 election.

The democrats are mobilizing ballot initiatives on abortion in as many states as they can just to motivate women and young voters.
Then you think Conservatives, especially Christians should just shut up and never ever get involved because there would be zero distinction between the parties. Fuxk that and fuck you for supporting America's concentration camps. All for skanks to be able to kill their offspring at will and just for selfish convenience.

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