Why don’t Republicans turn the tables, kill two birds with one stone and become pro-choice advocates on abortion for Democrats only?

A woman is defined as whatever she wants to be.

That's what freedom is.
A woman will not piss coffee no matter how she believes herself to be a Keurig.

Having mass, the solid entity should have some designation. Colleges will accept Not Men With A Bonus Front Hole.
Few do…legit women from legit home lives aren’t the problem….it’s mostly ghetto/barrio filth and purple haired woke white guilt whackos using abortion as a contreceptive….I strongly encourage them to kill as many as their unborn as possible…I think abortion is cool and glamorous as hell in ALL blue shitholes. PRO CHOICE BABY!

“Republicans talk as if abortion is something only Democrats seek and undergo. Not in my home. Not in my church. Not in my community.”

Read and learn.
A woman will not piss coffee no matter how she believes herself to be a Keurig.

Having mass, the solid entity should have some designation. Colleges will accept Not Men With A Bonus Front Hole.
Wow, you just ooze hatred, don't you.
I strongly encourage bed wetter non-men to get their filthy uterus shop vacced monthly just to ensure their genetic garbage doesn't multiply.

Democrooks should have retroactive abortions.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?

Would the government be in charge of deciding which communities are 'blue' enough? Would laws be drawn based on city or county lines? What would happen of the demographics change? Would abortions be allowed in new red communities until the next census?
I'm not comfortable leaving you poor conservatives with fewer rights than me and mine have.

I'd fight to protect you too.
/——/ Sure you’re comfortable with it. You want everyone living by your one sided standards.
Would the government be in charge of deciding which communities are 'blue' enough?
The voters decide…If they vote in Filthy Dems, they get abortion trucks and slam booths on every other corner. Simple shit.
Would laws be drawn based on city or county lines?
Based on how voters voted….vote for filth, get filth.
What would happen of the demographics change?
The same thing that already happens….Demos change and communities get dirtier, more dangerous, shittier, more criminal, less moral.
Would abortions be allowed in new red communities until the next census?
Voting cycles would determine the timelines.

I’m good with helping to pay for one of these Baby Killing Wagons on every other corner in all blue shitholes.

That myth has been debunked so many times it's used as an example of it.
Wanna take about a 2 week trip with me to my hometown? We'll stake out just one place out of a hundred. We'll watch the rear of an apartment complex. First we'll check out the records at Social Services of each woman and compare the number of kids a woman had when she moved in and to the number she has now. Remember, every new kid is more money. Gotta keep that money hole active.

Now for the fun. Just before dark, we'll call Social Services and tell them there's a naked man trying to climb into a 2nd story balcony. The sheriff and the town police will roar into the front parking lot and from our lookout spot, we'll watch 10-15 men diving out windows, jumping off 2nd story balconies and run into the woods. I have watched this happen and a family friend who is a case worker says everybody in town knows whats going on but no one ever does anything about it except to pay more taxes every year to help feed the increasing population of bastard whelps.

BTW, Cap'n Knowledge, over 90% of these poor, destitute bitches are white so don't start screaming "racist."
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
While the typical liberal trash is irredeemable, the innocent unborn can still lead productive lives.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
So abortion is acceptable to you now?
Yeah I think it’s time.
Republicans are going to just have to find the balls to say it….Democrats / libs love their abortions, they need their abortions, they brag about their abortions….it’s time to be open about it, say it from the floor of Congress…..
”We support abortion in all blue communities, cities and states…we don’t just support them, we encourage and suggest them, we are even ready to offer cash incentives for abortions conducted on liberals in liberal shitholes.”
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
Better Yet,,,,,Abortions are costly, risky and can complicate pregnancies. BETTER TO GET STERILIZED, then they can sport fuck like men with no worries. When I see a pro-abortion booth, I ask them why not get sterilized, then you dont have to worry; many of them say, I may want to get pregnant later. I tell them that being a 403 is not conducive to being a good mother when you have a revolving door of men in your crib. Then I lay the bomb on them : WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IS TO BE ABLE TO TRAP A MAN WITH A PREGNANCY AFTER YOUR HOE PHASE. Women do not realize that , Yes, they control the sex BUT MEN CONTROL THE COMMITMENT.

Feminism has regressed us back to pre-agrarian breeding habits where the female mates with the Alpha male. Now we have 90% of the females chasing 10 % of the men. Women dont realize that the Alphas job is to breed with as many females as possible, they never settle down. Future full of Cat Ladies.
"Kill two birds"? Is that a Freudian slip? The political spectrum isn't a freaking game where you can change sides. Republicans mostly care about the sanctity of human life. You can't change that.
Yeah I think it’s time.
Republicans are going to just have to find the balls to say it….Democrats / libs love their abortions, they need their abortions, they brag about their abortions….it’s time to be open about it, say it from the floor of Congress…..
”We support abortion in all blue communities, cities and states…we don’t just support them, we encourage and suggest them, we are even ready to offer cash incentives for abortions conducted on liberals in liberal shitholes.”

As much as I hate abortion, when there's a possibility that the child will become a leftist, I'm flexible.


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