Why don’t Republicans turn the tables, kill two birds with one stone and become pro-choice advocates on abortion for Democrats only?

Few do…legit women from legit home lives aren’t the problem….it’s mostly ghetto/barrio filth and purple haired woke white guilt whackos using abortion as a contreceptive….I strongly encourage them to kill as many as their unborn as possible…I think abortion is cool and glamorous as hell in ALL blue shitholes. PRO CHOICE BABY!
So you don't need all the laws against abortion now. Sit down and shut up.
So you don't need all the laws against abortion now. Sit down and shut up.
Hahaha…easy now ole hostile one…I’m saying I concede…I’m saying you filthy lowlifes can have all the awesome abortions you want in your anything goes, no boundaries, no standards blue shitholes…why does that piss you off?
I’ve realized one can not stop a hood-rat or a brown barrio cockroach or a purple haired white guilt whacko from behaving like subhuman trash does so go for it….Kill em’ all…..PLEASE!
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?

Lol, I’ve said this on occasion myself. I think if you are a dem, abortion should be encouraged, financially incentivized even. It should be the the first option discussed when they go to their doctor.
Even if you frantically move your goal posts and abandon your own topic, i'm not willing to leave your women to be second class citizens with less rights than liberal women. They should have the same reproductive freedoms as liberal ones.

Conservative women are important too. Even if you don't think so.

But his OP didn’t say anything about denying access to abortion for anyone, he just said they should have 24/7 abortion access in blue cities/states.

I take it even further and say that, if you are a dem, abortion should be encouraged.
Hahaha…easy now ole hostile one…I’m saying I concede…I’m saying you filthy lowlifes can have all the awesome abortions you want in your anything goes, no boundaries, no standards blue shitholes…why does that piss you off?
It doesn't. I just don't believe you. Because you lie a lot.
I’ve realized one can not stop a hood-rat or a brown barrio cockroach or a purple haired white guilt whacko from behaving like subhuman trash does so go for it….Kill em’ all…..PLEASE!
That's an awesome sentence! Are you ok?
Hahaha…easy now ole hostile one…I’m saying I concede…I’m saying you filthy lowlifes can have all the awesome abortions you want in your anything goes, no boundaries, no standards blue shitholes…why does that piss you off?
I’ve realized one can not stop a hood-rat or a brown barrio cockroach or a purple haired white guilt whacko from behaving like subhuman trash does so go for it….Kill em’ all…..PLEASE!

In Indiana, a Republican politician trolled transgender people by declaring himself a woman of color.

"I'm very relieved to announce to everyone that I identify as a woman - and not just a woman, but a woman of color. I guess because I'm attracted to women, that makes me gay/lesbian in addition," Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb wrote on social media.

He can still be called Ryan and use the pronouns "he"/"his." But that "in no way diminishes my true identity as a woman of color," Webb added. "Transgender" also ironically noted that there have been no women of color or LGBT+ people on their board before, and he is "glad to be the first."

Now students at a local school are demanding his resignation, and in comments on the post, the man was accused of "disrespecting LGBT people," according to the Daily Mail.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
As much as I think murdering innocent fetuses is wrong, we do need to thin out the lefty voters.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
The GOP needs to keep alienating voters, and abrogating personal liberty is very effective in that endeavor. This particular authoritarian intrusion is especially repugnant to well-educated suburban woman
The GOP needs to keep alienating voters, and abrogating personal liberty is very effective in that endeavor. This particular authoritarian intrusion is especially repugnant to well-educated suburban woman

Well-educated women know the difference between men and women.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
So, you are not really anti-abortion after all.
Maybe it's because some people campaign on what they think is right not just on whoring votes from people.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
How about if Republicans just minded their own business.
Don't want an abortion? Don't have one.
Don't want her to have an abortion? STFU and mind your own business.
Why not give Democrats what they want?
I’ve changed directions…I think abortions are awesome for all blue communities, cities and states…I encourage them, I think ‘clinics’ should be open 24 hours a day on every other block in all blue communities.
Make sense?
Well since you people think no republican woman ever had an abortion why oppose it at all?
Well-educated women know the difference between men and women.
Yes, an American's gender identity is generally respected as well as one's reproductive freedom, but there are politicians who are hellbent upon dictating in such matters.
It isn't enough to encourage abortion among democrats. Put an abortion van on every corner in minority neighborhoods. Give women a little snip stop so they never have to worry about pregnancy again. That's still not enough. When you see a white family with children be sure and compliment that family and tell them how beautiful their children are. Encourage a big family. Hit the baby killers on both sides.
It isn't enough to encourage abortion among democrats. Put an abortion van on every corner in minority neighborhoods. Give women a little snip stop so they never have to worry about pregnancy again. That's still not enough. When you see a white family with children be sure and compliment that family and tell them how beautiful their children are. Encourage a big family. Hit the baby killers on both sides.
How about a mobile ‘we come to you‘ service?
Dems tell us dark people aren’t smart enough to get to the polls to vote so it stands to reason that many probably can’t make it to a ‘clinic’ to murder their unborn….right?
Lets make it as simple as possible for Dems to keep killing eachother.

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