Why electric cars will take over sooner than you think

You could be right, but I doubt it will be that long. There are millions of gas and diesel vehicles on the roads, and all manufacturers aren't converting to electric. The transition will take several years, but I doubt it will be 50.

I don't have a problem with people buying what they want and the market can provide.

I do have a problem with people who want to restrict freedoms ...
Write laws that favor one industry over another, and subsidize the exclusion of alternatives already available.

Subsidies aren't necessary, all you must do is force EVERYONE to pony up for their own externalities, externalizing costs onto the rest of society infringes on everyone's liberty. Polluting the environment or requiring U.S. military force to protect an industry's line of supply are just a couple of examples of externalizing costs that the principal actors are not completely held accountable for (i.e. the total cost for externalities isn't reflected in the final price of the product), thus we're already subsidizing the production of fossil fuels as well as all the gasoline powered automobiles that burn them and have been for a very long time.

The downside is that government has never been trustworthy with respect to equitably enforcing compensation for externalities, they always want to take a slice for themselves and their special interest Pals.
bad bad news for all authoritarian gas-stations like KSA, Muscovy, Venezuela , what will happened to them once oil (so no crazy jets full of cash landing on the roof of the Putin´s dacha) becomes what is coal today ?

We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford's first production line started turning back in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine.
Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles (EVs) will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars....

Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo from 2030 and last week the British sportscar company Lotus said it would follow suit, selling only electric models from 2028.

General Motors says it will make only electric vehicles by 2035, Ford says all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2030 and VW says 70% of its sales will be electric by 2030."

You will never see anybody who is perpetuating the notion that the future is all electric who is able to tell us where that electricity would come from.
I've already made six figures in my lithium stock buys, and the best is yet to come. All you skeptics of the coming EV revolution are also people who doubt the existence of climate change. They also think the earth is flat. They'll die off, like the dinosaur, and progress, and change, will continue ever more.

They've already been left behind by the technological revolution and cannot handle another one.
Are you too cowardly to address the environmental damage cause by rare earth mineral mining? I notice all those promoting electric cars seems to be glossing over the process in their haste to pretend to be responsible stewards of the environment.

Actually, the mines I'm invested in, one of which has not even started mining yet, take their environmental stewardship and carbon footprint seriously. Furthermore, the facility under construction is going to rely on green energy for a majority of its power needs. Solar and wind are able to be utilized well in Nevada.

No mining operation will ever be considered beneficial to the environment, but lithium mining is, by far, the best there is. Increasing the use of EV's is the best way to reduce the most serious contributions to climate change.
Coal and petroleum are not going away. In fact, they will be in high demand as the demand for electricity sharply ramps up with EV's. That electricity has to come from somewhere after all, and renewables can't pick up the load yet.

Under President Biden, America rejoined the Paris Agreement with countries like China.
However ... China has published their plans to build as many as 50 new coal fired power plants between now and 2035.

These people are fucking nuts ... They know what kind of position they are putting our country in, and don't care.
Meanwhile ... Some soccer mom is going to have all kinds of fuzzy bunnies thinking about how she is saving the world ... :auiqs.jpg:

You will never see anybody who is perpetuating the notion that the future is all electric who is able to tell us where that electricity would come from.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ding ding ding ding ding ding Winner winner chicken dinner.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The more cars go electric, the more fossil fuel will be required to fuel electric power generation.
The more cars go electric, the more fossil fuel will be required to fuel electric power generation.
they don't get that the grid isn't big enough. hahahahhaahahhahaha they are totally messed up mthers. Some states perform rolling brown outs today!!!!!!! can you imagine adding more load?
Subsidies aren't necessary, all you must do is force EVERYONE to pony up for their own externalities, externalizing costs onto the rest of society infringes on everyone's liberty. Polluting the environment or requiring U.S. military force to protect an industry's line of supply are just a couple of examples of externalizing costs that the principal actors are not completely held accountable for (i.e. the total cost for externalities isn't reflected in the final price of the product), thus we're already subsidizing the production of fossil fuels as well as all the gasoline powered automobiles that burn them and have been for a very long time.

The downside is that government has never been trustworthy with respect to equitably enforcing compensation for externalities, they always want to take a slice for themselves and their special interest Pals.

Thanks for talking about subsidizing the oil industry, but I am not really a hypocrite.
I specifically posted "subsidizing the exclusion of alternatives already available".

I really don't give a damn what alternative you may want to apply there.
I don't think the Federal Government should subsidize the exclusion of green energy alternatives either ...
Compete for the market.

The more cars go electric, the more fossil fuel will be required to fuel electric power generation.
they don't get that the grid isn't big enough. hahahahhaahahhahaha they are totally messed up mthers. Some states perform rolling brown outs today!!!!!!! can you imagine adding more load?
They have some kind of notion that electric cars are greener, but we will never see any of them present a plausible "connection" between electric cars and alternative energy. They cannot even tell us where the source of fossil fuel generated electric would come from, let alone where the source of alternative energy would come from.
bad bad news for all authoritarian gas-stations like KSA, Muscovy, Venezuela , what will happened to them once oil (so no crazy jets full of cash landing on the roof of the Putin´s dacha) becomes what is coal today ?

We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford's first production line started turning back in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine.
Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles (EVs) will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars....

Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo from 2030 and last week the British sportscar company Lotus said it would follow suit, selling only electric models from 2028.

General Motors says it will make only electric vehicles by 2035, Ford says all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2030 and VW says 70% of its sales will be electric by 2030."

You will never see anybody who is perpetuating the notion that the future is all electric who is able to tell us where that electricity would come from.
That's not a difficult, the answer is: increasingly renewables (hydro, solar, wind, (hopefully) nuclear, et al..) and increasingly efficient (and cleaner) traditional sources (natural gas, cleaner coal, etc..,). it's already happening.

Getting the bulk of the transportation fleet onto cleaner, renewable power sources is the DIFFICULT part because there are A LOT more units and they require a more complex power distribution and manufacturing infrastructure than power generation plants do, not to mention all the market resistance to changing from traditional automobiles to the alternatives.
Subsidies aren't necessary, all you must do is force EVERYONE to pony up for their own externalities, externalizing costs onto the rest of society infringes on everyone's liberty. Polluting the environment or requiring U.S. military force to protect an industry's line of supply are just a couple of examples of externalizing costs that the principal actors are not completely held accountable for (i.e. the total cost for externalities isn't reflected in the final price of the product), thus we're already subsidizing the production of fossil fuels as well as all the gasoline powered automobiles that burn them and have been for a very long time.

The downside is that government has never been trustworthy with respect to equitably enforcing compensation for externalities, they always want to take a slice for themselves and their special interest Pals.

Thanks for talking about subsidizing the oil industry, but I am not really a hypocrite.
I specifically posted "subsidizing the exclusion of alternatives already available".

I really don't give a damn what alternative you may want to apply there.
I don't think the Federal Government should subsidize the exclusion of green energy alternatives either ...
Compete for the market.

I never believed, stated, or even implied that you were a hypocrite, I apologize if you thought that was the case.

Just pointing out that externalities are the source of the lion's share of indirect subsidies that are occurring and that the practice represents a burden on society, pointing that out DOESN'T mean that I'm an advocate for market distorting direct subsidies coming from Uncle Sugar.
solar, wind,)
these two unreliable.

Hydro and nuclear I'm in. Let's get them moving. Shit, even natural gas is cleaner. The grid still isn't big enough. nor will it ever be for what they are proposing. never will be. it's a wet dream.
I never believed, stated, or even implied that you were a hypocrite, I apologize if you thought that was the case.

Just pointing out that externalities are the source of the lion's share of indirect subsidies that are occurring and that the practice represents a burden on society, pointing that out DOESN'T mean that I'm an advocate for market distorting direct subsidies coming from Uncle Sugar.

It's okay ... I understood what you posted.
I just felt the need to clarify what I meant, and not necessarily just to you.

If I fail to make my point clear, that's on me.
Whatever wrong we may have done in the past, is never a reason to do the wrong thing again.

You and me ... We're Good ... :)

I never believed, stated, or even implied that you were a hypocrite, I apologize if you thought that was the case.

Just pointing out that externalities are the source of the lion's share of indirect subsidies that are occurring and that the practice represents a burden on society, pointing that out DOESN'T mean that I'm an advocate for market distorting direct subsidies coming from Uncle Sugar.

It's okay ... I understood what you posted.
I just felt the need to clarify what I meant, and not necessarily just to you.

If I fail to make my point clear, that's on me.
Whatever wrong we may have done in the past, is never a reason to do the wrong thing again.

You and me ... We're Good ... :)

and people think putting 1000 pound batteries flying at 70 miles an hour is a good thing. wow.
bad bad news for all authoritarian gas-stations like KSA, Muscovy, Venezuela , what will happened to them once oil (so no crazy jets full of cash landing on the roof of the Putin´s dacha) becomes what is coal today ?

We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford's first production line started turning back in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine.
Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles (EVs) will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars....

Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo from 2030 and last week the British sportscar company Lotus said it would follow suit, selling only electric models from 2028.

General Motors says it will make only electric vehicles by 2035, Ford says all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2030 and VW says 70% of its sales will be electric by 2030."

You will never see anybody who is perpetuating the notion that the future is all electric who is able to tell us where that electricity would come from.
That's not a difficult, the answer is: increasingly renewables (hydro, solar, wind, (hopefully) nuclear, et al..) and increasingly efficient (and cleaner) traditional sources (natural gas, cleaner coal, etc..,). it's already happening.

Getting the bulk of the transportation fleet onto cleaner, renewable power sources is the DIFFICULT part because there are A LOT more units and they require a more complex power distribution and manufacturing infrastructure than power generation plants do, not to mention all the market resistance to changing from traditional automobiles to the alternatives.
Lol, telling me that it will come from renewable energy or alternative sources isn't saying anything, other than where you hope it will come from.
How much of this renewable energy is needed for this all electric future? Tell me what the electric distribution facilities would look like.
Lol, telling me that it will come from renewable energy or alternative sources isn't saying anything, other than where you hope it will come from.
How much of this renewable energy is needed for this all electric future? Tell me what the electric distribution facilities would look like.
Right? can't make it up.

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