Why EV dominance a LONG ways away!!

I imagine taxes will increase exponentially on ICE vehicles to force people to either convert to an EV or walk.
Sure, but from reading your posts, you imagine a lot of crazy shit that just never happens.
Hey btw....have y'all seen the explosion of FB posts related to that blizzard in the mid-Atlantic states the other day leaving motorists stranded on I95?

The caption with photo of billions of cars stuck for miles, "IMAGINE IF YOU WERE IN AN EV?"


Talk about a PR train wreck!
You’d be screwed big time stuck in an EV in that blizzard on I95. I won’t own one for this reason and several others.

Eric Peters spells it out here The Lessons of I-95 - EPautos - Libertarian Car Talk
I actually agree :disbelief:p
You agree!!!!!!!!! With solar for california

the extreme cost don't matter?

The extremely low output don't matter?

The need for water to wash the panels don't matter

The fact that you will never run industry does not matter

You disappoint me more than any other user.

You were great, now...
My buddy can't get his battery F150 now for a few more months than they told him. Then they said, "oh and the price went up".

Bullshit. They should have to honor the price.

I think I read very recently that Ford is cracking down on dealerships that pull that bullshit with electric F-150 orders.

It's also been an issue with the Ford Bronco. Like the new F-150 Lightning, there are a lot more of us who want to buy Broncos, than there are Broncos to sell us. There seems to be little rational pattern to the amount of time it takes from ordering one to actually receiving it. I ordered mine in October 2021, and at the time, my dealer estimated I would get it around June 2022. There are some who have received them within a month or two of ordering; and there are some who have been waiting more than a year and a half for theirs.

And the big ugly thing that has been popping up is that those who ordered them, and waited a long time for them, sometimes get told when it finally arrives that now the dealer is marking it up $5,000, $10,000, $20,00, or more, above the price that the customer thought he was going to pay for it at the time he placed the order.

So far, I think the known record for an attempted markup on a custom-ordered Bronco is $56,000. A customer ordered a First Edition (the top-of-the-line, limited edition version of the Bronco), understanding that he'd pay MSRP for it, about $62,000; and after waiting about a year and a half, he finally got the news that his Bronco had arrived, but now the dealer wanted him to pay $118,000 for it—nearly double the originally-agreed price. Ford ended up intervening in this one, and ultimately, this customer did get his Bronco at the originally-agreed price. Many other similar stories have not ended as well.

When I ordered mine, I travelled to a specific dealership in the Bay Area, about two hours away from me, specifically because this dealership has a carefully-built reputation for not pulling this sort of shit.

I get supply and demand. There are a lot of us who want Broncos, and not nearly enough to sell to all of us in a timely manner. I have no problem with dealers marking up their stock units to whatever they will sell for. Even on custom orders, if they disclosed upfront, when the order is placed, that they were going to mark it up above MSRP, then I couldn't really condemn that. In these scenarios, the customer is always free to go to another dealership, and see if he can get a better deal there.

But to take an order on a scarce vehicle, to let the customer believe that he's going to get it for a certain price, to make the customer wait for months, even a year or more, and then, at the last minute, to hit the customer with a previously undisclosed price increase, that is just rotten. At that point, for the customer to go to another dealer looking for a better deal means getting back in line, waiting another many months, perhaps another year or more, and then risking having the same thing happen again. Meanwhile, the dealer gets the vehicle that was custom built for that customer, and is now free to sell it just as one of its stock units, for whatever it can get someone else to pay for it.

I imagine the situation with the F150 Lighting is similar to that with the Bronco.
Driving a muscle car enhances the feeling of manliness. That's the real reason the ruling class sponsors eco-buggies. Macho scares them silly.

I wonder if this ties in to their support for homosexuality and transsexualism. Sub-masculine boys somehow having achieved positions of power, are insecure that they are much less manly than mainstream men, and they seek to achieve some sort of “equality”, not by doing anything to improve themselves but by trying to drag others down to their own level. I suspect that much of the destructive policies of the left wrong have their root in some form of this logic. Electric cars fit right in with this.
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I think I read very recently that Ford is cracking down on dealerships that pull that bullshit with electric F-150 orders.

It's also been an issue with the Ford Bronco. Like the new F-150 Lightning, there are a lot more of us who want to buy Broncos, than there are Broncos to sell us. There seems to be little rational pattern to the amount of time it takes from ordering one to actually receiving it. I ordered mine in October 2021, and at the time, my dealer estimated I would get it around June 2022. There are some who have received them within a month or two of ordering; and there are some who have been waiting more than a year and a half for theirs.

And the big ugly thing that has been popping up is that those who ordered them, and waited a long time for them, sometimes get told when it finally arrives that now the dealer is marking it up $5,000, $10,000, $20,00, or more, above the price that the customer thought he was going to pay for it at the time he placed the order.

So far, I think the known record for an attempted markup on a custom-ordered Bronco is $56,000. A customer ordered a First Edition (the top-of-the-line, limited edition version of the Bronco), understanding that he'd pay MSRP for it, about $62,000; and after waiting about a year and a half, he finally got the news that his Bronco had arrived, but now the dealer wanted him to pay $118,000 for it—nearly double the originally-agreed price. Ford ended up intervening in this one, and ultimately, this customer did get his Bronco at the originally-agreed price. Many other similar stories have not ended as well.

When I ordered mine, I travelled to a specific dealership in the Bay Area, about two hours away from me, specifically because this dealership has a carefully-built reputation for not pulling this sort of shit.

I get supply and demand. There are a lot of us who want Broncos, and not nearly enough to sell to all of us in a timely manner. I have no problem with dealers marking up their stock units to whatever they will sell for. Even on custom orders, if they disclosed upfront, when the order is placed, that they were going to mark it up above MSRP, then I couldn't really condemn that. In these scenarios, the customer is always free to go to another dealership, and see if he can get a better deal there.

But to take an order on a scarce vehicle, to let the customer believe that he's going to get it for a certain price, to make the customer wait for months, even a year or more, and then, at the last minute, to hit the customer with a previously undisclosed price increase, that is just rotten. At that point, for the customer to go to another dealer looking for a better deal means getting back in line, waiting another many months, perhaps another year or more, and then risking having the same thing happen again. Meanwhile, the dealer gets the vehicle that was custom built for that customer, and is now free to sell it just as one of its stock units, for whatever it can get someone else to pay for it.

I imagine the situation with the F150 Lighting is similar to that with the Bronco.
I leased my f150 before this all happened. So my price to buy it in 1.5 years will be too good to pass up. I’m saving so hopefully I can pay cash.

My girlfriend bought her lease. She could sell it today and make $5k.
I wonder if this ties in to their support for homosexuality and transsexualism. Sub-masculine boys somehow having achieved positions of power, are insecure that they are much less manly than mainstream men, and they seek to achieve some sort of “equality”, not by doing anything to improve themselves but by trying to drag others down to their own level. I suspect that much of the destructive policies of the left wrong have their root in some form of this logic. Electric cars fit right in with this.
Sounds more like the traditional mentality of gun nuts, and their ballistic penis extensions, but you are free to believe whatever you choose.
In the early 1960s Decca officials told the Beatles they had no future as guitar groups were on the way out. The OP is just as wrong.

Great Article on how Tesla is beating the bigger ICE manufacturers in the EV game and how these manufacturers are scrambling to keep up with EV demand.

EVs, and other alternative energy vehicles, are the future. ICE vehicles are on the way out and headed to the junk yard. The sooner the better.
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Like prices of EV's coming down?
Hard to say, but for EVs to become widespread, they will be priced competitively with gasoline powered vehicles. Cars have always gone up in price, but technology usually becomes cheaper. Remember what the first digital TVs cost? Now you can get a 55 inch TV, at least as good as the one in the video for $679.99 at Amazon.
In the early 1960s Decca officials told the Beatles they had no future as guitar groups were on the way out. The OP is just as wrong.

Great Article on how Tesla is beating the bigger ICE manufacturers in the EV game and how these manufacturers are scrambling to keep up with EV demand.

EVs are the future. ICE vehicles are on the way out and headed to the junk yard. The sooner the better.
Doesn't matter. Those Decca officials hurt nobody but themselves with their drastically wrong opinion, and the OP will be shown to be no more accurate than them.
Sounds more like the traditional mentality of gun nuts, and their ballistic penis extensions, but you are free to believe whatever you choose.

It's funny how those who are opposed to the Second Amendment have an obsession with some perceived relation between arms and genitalia; which they always feel a need to project on those who support the Second Amendment.

Freud did not actually ever say the quote that is often attribute to him, about a fear of weapons being a sign of retarded sexual maturity,. but there is certainly no shortage of examples, such as yourself, who prove all the time that whoever did say it had it right.

And surely, this behavior ties back in to my earlier point about your kind, seeking to achieve some sort of “equality”, not by doing anything to try to improve yourselves, but by trying to drag those who are superior to you down to your own level.

You probably have no clue at all just how pathetic your kind appear, to most normal people.
It's funny how those who are opposed to the Second Amendment have an obsession with some perceived relation between arms and genitalia; which they always feel a need to project on those who support the Second Amendment.

Freud did not actually ever say the quote that is often attribute to him, about a fear of weapons being a sign of retarded sexual maturity,. but there is certainly no shortage of examples, such as yourself, who prove all the time that whoever did say it had it right.

And surely, this behavior ties back in to my earlier point about your kind, seeking to achieve some sort of “equality”, not by doing anything to try to improve yourselves, but by trying to drag those who are superior to you down to your own level.

You probably have no clue at all just how pathetic your kind appear, to most normal people.
Sorry buddy, but I don't consider gun nuts to be superior to me.
Hard to say, but for EVs to become widespread, they will be priced competitively with gasoline powered vehicles.

They need more than just for their cost to be competitive with conventional cars. That's just one thing holding them back, and in the long run, probably the easiest to overcome. Once they get up to comparable economies of scale, electric cars should actually be cheaper than comparable ICE vehicles, if you don't count the battery.

What they need in order to compete with ICE vehicles is to have comparable range, and to be fully rechargeable in about the same amount of time that it takes to refuel a gasoline-powered car. And for the infrastructure to be there so that high-speed chargers are about as common as gasoline pumps.

And the batteries need to last much longer and be much, much, much, much much cheaper to replace when they do wear out.

And we are a very, very, very long way from that. I am sure we will get there, eventually, but at my age, I have very little confidence that I will live to see it.
Sorry buddy, but I don't consider gun nuts to be superior to me.

Anyone who doesn't have the weird sexual fetish that you have about weapons, and which you feel compelled to project on others, is superior to you.

And I'm not your buddy. I have standards as with whom I will associate at such a level, and you do not meet those standards. Not even close.
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