Why extend the Bush tax cuts?

If you weren't such a slacker you'd remember I wasn't for the stimulus or the yatch club bailout. I'll go to economist if I'm looking for a forecast not some dumb ass like you who doesn't know the difference between a recovery and his stinky house coat.
Whether you were for or against the bailout isn't the question here....Your lack of recognition that phony gubmint spending programs are largely responsible for GDP "growth" is.

But that's to be expected from lower-middle management poseurs, who mouth off as though they're J Paul Getty. :lol:
Because it is a GOP idea?

How about because increasing taxes during a recession is a really really stupid idea?

The recession ended last year, don't make up your own facts to fit fox talking points.

Unemployment still remains over 9+% and economists are stating not to look for full employment which we consider 4.6% until 2016.

There is no economic recovery nor has there been-- even though government has borrowed and spent trillions to "save" all those government jobs--:lol::lol:

"No one can borrow and spend their way to properity." To raise anyone's taxes during a horrible recession is a receipe for disaster.
If you weren't such a slacker you'd remember I wasn't for the stimulus or the yatch club bailout. I'll go to economist if I'm looking for a forecast not some dumb ass like you who doesn't know the difference between a recovery and his stinky house coat.
Whether you were for or against the bailout isn't the question here....Your lack of recognition that phony gubmint spending programs are largely responsible for GDP "growth" is.

But that's to be expected from lower-middle management poseurs, who mouth off as though they're J Paul Getty. :lol:

I'm getting richer in the real recovery, your a fucking clown sitting around waiting on real estate that's a long way away. Yeah the bowling alley eats that shit up. The country club and investor class not so much slacker. :cuckoo:
Plainly put, I don't believe you.

I know scores of seriously wealthy people, and not a one of them shoots off their alligator mouth about how much they make or how much they're worth like you do.

But hey, at least you're finally posting here tonight without stealing from your employer, for a change. :lol::lol::lol:
Slacker, I'm rich but it took a long time. I was poor or lower middle class. You blasted on me first unprovoked. On being blasted back you whine, no surprise. I treat people here with the class they show me. The only class i've seen from the dude is low. Especially low is the dude cracking back on pot. What a fucking poser.
The wealthy prefer highly secure, low risk, non-job creating investments. It's only when their feet are held to the fire that they will accept higher risk and create jobs.

High taxation, in and of itself, will do more to force the wealthy into creating jobs then all the tax cuts in the world.


If the tax cut debate has done anything, it has exposed the seriously lacking logic of liberal philosophy.

Your 1st statement: that basically outlines being responsible. "Secure, low risk". Aka, being wise with your money. We shouldn't punish people for doing that.

How does high taxation force the wealthy into creating jobs? PLEASE explain to me how taking more of a persons money will force them into hiring and paying more people?

I'm trying to figure out liberal math 101:

Rich person A has 10% more of his money taken by higher taxes.

Rich person A, in result, is able to hire and pay more employees. :eusa_eh:

[Then why did the republicans design this thing to end when its going to?

I love this crap, I swear. It is a proven fact that those cuts cost us a ton of money, yet repulicans want to continue with them....the top 2%, its time to pay back. LOLOLOLOLOL

Well, because a "Tax Cut for the Rich that will NEVER end" would've been headlined by MSNBC for 27 years if it had no end date. PLUS, it was a trap for you dumbass libs. You spent 8 years crying about "Tax cuts for the rich", and now, you must either make an unwise economic choice, or lose your talking point. They designed it so that if a Republican won in 2008, they'd just extend them and keep going. If a Dem won, it was a trap to make them raise taxes or lose their precious talking point.

Face it. Right wingers are just far better politicians than you dumb f*cks on the left.
Slacker, I'm rich ...
No, you're not.....You're a lower-middle management wannabe.

You don't even have the balls to come out from behind the corporate skirt, to chart an entrepreneurial business plan of your own.

Quit being such a poseur...Nobody's buying it.
Why extend the Bush tax cuts?
Because the money belongs to those who have earned it.

So does the debt. It's an inescapable fact that the American people through their elected representatives chose to take on the debt we now have.

The debt belongs to the gubmint, not to the productive American people who have no control over what those dickweed politicians do.
Why extend the Bush tax cuts?
Because the money belongs to those who have earned it.

So does the debt. It's an inescapable fact that the American people through their elected representatives chose to take on the debt we now have.

So..............we should let taxes go back up, only to put more $$ in the hands of the very representatives who skyrocketed our debt?

That makes no sense. Washington created this huge mess. Why would we funnel even more $$ to them? Stop feeding the cancer. Starve it.
Because the money belongs to those who have earned it.

So does the debt. It's an inescapable fact that the American people through their elected representatives chose to take on the debt we now have.

The debt belongs to the gubmint, not to the productive American people who have no control over what those dickweed politicians do.

But you must consider liberal logic:

"We created a massive mess and debt, thus, we're gonna need you to give us even more of your $$ in order for us to fix it:cool:"

To THEM, thats a good idea.

But always remember. The dynamics of the relationship a liberal has to the rest of society. Liberals are basically like our teenage children with a credit card at the mall. They whine about everything, spend like it's not their money, cuz it's not, then bitch and moan about whats owed to them and why you are angry about having to pay the bill.
So does the debt. It's an inescapable fact that the American people through their elected representatives chose to take on the debt we now have.

The debt belongs to the gubmint, not to the productive American people who have no control over what those dickweed politicians do.

But you must consider liberal logic:

"We created a massive mess and debt, thus, we're gonna need you to give us even more of your $$ in order for us to fix it:cool:"

To THEM, thats a good idea.

But always remember. The dynamics of the relationship a liberal has to the rest of society. Liberals are basically like our teenage children with a credit card at the mall. They whine about everything, spend like it's not their money, cuz it's not, then bitch and moan about whats owed to them and why you are angry about having to pay the bill.

Explain to me how liberals are to blame for the massive debt. As I remember it, we had a surplus under Clinton, and Bush ran us into a deficit.
Explain to me how liberals are to blame for the massive debt. As I remember it, we had a surplus under Clinton, and Bush ran us into a deficit.
The "balanced budget" and "surplus" never existed in actual reality...They were projected out to 2002...You can look it up.

Next specious premise, anyone?
Because it is a GOP idea?

How about because increasing taxes during a recession is a really really stupid idea?

The chart shows that for every dollar spent giving the Bush tax cuts it only stimulates the economy 30 cents worth. Why not shift the tax cut dollars into something more effective, like the payroll tax?
Because socialist scrweballs will never ever call for a FICA tax cut....That would cut into their spending scam.
Why extend the Bush tax cuts?
Because the money belongs to those who have earned it.

Better question: Why spend money that people who haven't even been born have yet to earn?

Sure, you dumb fuck. The people whose greed created this economic debacle really earned their hundreds of millions, now didn't they?

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