Why GOP culture warriors lost big in school board races: “Don’t assume that a blanket message on critical race theory or transgender issues will win"

Things would be a lot different (better) if we had an honest MSM but we don't, and I fear we never will.

That works both ways

Radical lefty culture warriors are far off base to what America is all about
Does it work both ways? Seems to me progressive culture is always ahead of politics. The things we fight for today are the things that get taken for granted tomorrow. Womens suffrage, equal rights, gay marriage.... we used to be able to add abortion to that list but you morons fucked around and are finding out so how's that working for you? You really want to keep picking these fights?
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Why are conservative college students such snowflakes?
If you bothered to even read the article, conservatives students are pretty chill about things, and willing to befriend liberals

However, liberal students turn out to be the snowflakes as they are much less inclined to befriend those on the right.
I have no idea what the controversy is. Every student I have talked to says the same thing, Leftists run schools.
"Every student I have talked to" There are lots of ways to critique a study, but your study conducted among all the students you have ever talked to might be weak in many ways. But the most obvious is some RW nutter asking students if all their professors were libs would probably make their responses more consitantly yes, of course they were. Simply to avoid a confrontation with an obvious RW nutter.
We certainly have spent a lot of resources on these issues for schools and we still have bullying going on.
At least now we're calling it bullying. When I was in school the culture saw that as kids being kids, as character building and if you were a boy complaining about being bullied you were called a fag. Now that we recognize it for what it is we can work on addressing it.
If you bothered to even read the article, conservatives students are pretty chill about things, and willing to befriend liberals

However, liberal students turn out to be the snowflakes as they are much less inclined to befriend those on the right.
I did, did you even read point #1?
Does it work both ways? Seems to me progressive culture is always ahead of politics. The things we fight for today are the things that get taken for granted tomorrow. Womens suffrage, equal rights, gay marriage.... we used to be able to add abortion to that list but you morons fucked around and are finding out so how that working for you? You really want to keep picking these fights?
Equal rights? State sanctioned marriage prevents equal rights. Why should the state give special perks to married folk that single folk don't have? Makes no sense so your premise is a lie.

And the abortion debate is about when life begins. For the Left, they seem to believe in the Birth Fiary. For you see, once the "fetus" passes out of the womb they magically turn into infants as the Birth Fiary swings her wand over them as they pass out of the birth canal.

Facts like "women can have penises" or "men can menstruate"?
Why are you guys so fixated on this? If someone has a penis they are biologically male, and cannot menstruate. If they have a penis and identify as a women, I hope you find a way to be happy. In no case is someone like you trying to fight a stupid culture point helping anything. You guys have just found a small minority of our population most of you find icky to harass and hate on to get more viewers at Fox and all he RW nut sources, but does not improve society one iota. You really need to think about the motivation of either side of this issue.
Why are you guys so fixated on this? If someone has a penis they are biologically male, and cannot menstruate. If they have a penis and identify as a women, I hope you find a way to be happy. In no case is someone like you trying to fight a stupid culture point helping anything. You guys have just found a small minority of our population most of you find icky to harass and hate on to get more viewers at Fox and all he RW nut sources, but does not improve society one iota. You really need to think about the motivation of either side of this issue.

Because it 1) counters your bullshit, and 2) shows the thought patterns of the SJW. It's the same concept as from 1984 and The Party's collective reality construct. If the groupthink believes something to be true, then it is true, unless it needs to be false for some practical reason, then for that moment it's false, but also still true in the whole. Doublethink.

So a woke doctor will give a trans woman a cervical exam knowing he doesn't have cervix, but since the trans woman thinks he does, and that goes with the collective mantra, the doctor pretends he does, while knowing he doesn't and just goes through the motions to meet the collective groupthink.
Equal rights? State sanctioned marriage prevents equal rights. Why should the state give special perks to married folk that single folk don't have? Makes no sense so your premise is a lie.
Your argument doesn't make sense. We also have a progressive tax structure. Are you saying we don't have equal rights unless we're all taxed the same? I'm talking about equality of marriage. If you want to argue equal taxes be my guest dumb dumb.
And the abortion debate is about when life begins. For the Left, they seem to believe in the Birth Fiery. For you see, once the "fetus" passes out of the womb they magically turn into infants as the Birth Fiery swings her wand over them as they pass out of the birth canal.
Can you link to anyone arguing that because to me it looks like you scribbled it in crayon, presented it to me like it was evidence of something and then expected me to treat you as something other than a child.

I believe human life begins at conception, so what? When its a clump of cells or a developing, unviable fetus I couldn't give less of a fuck about it in comparison to the desires of the woman it's gestating inside of. Why should I?
Boys whacking off their penis and girls doing same to their breasts are not based on facts but liberal brainwashing based on lies
how often does that happen with KIDS?

it is against the law in most states prior to 16, and even after that only with a parent and their doctor's permission, until 18.

16/17 is the age that most states have as an age of consent....basically, they can make the decision on their own, to have sex....

I think it's just nuts, but that decision is NOT MINE to make for them, nor should it be the govts, or yours to make Mac7....why do you think you should be making that decision for another family?
Because it 1) counters your bullshit, and 2) shows the thought patterns of the SJW. It's the same concept as from 1984 and The Party's collective reality construct. If the groupthink believes something to be true, then it is true, unless it needs to be false for some practical reason, then for that moment it's false, but also still true in the whole. Doublethink.

So a woke doctor will give a trans woman a cervical exam knowing he doesn't have cervix, but since the trans woman thinks he does, and that goes with the collective mantra, the doctor pretends he does, while knowing he doesn't and just goes through the motions to meet the collective groupthink.
Did someone try to examine your cervix? Are you speaking from personal experience? That wasn't a woke doctor, you might want to contact the authorities.... 😄
Because it 1) counters your bullshit, and 2) shows the thought patterns of the SJW. It's the same concept as from 1984 and The Party's collective reality construct. If the groupthink believes something to be true, then it is true, unless it needs to be false for some practical reason, then for that moment it's false, but also still true in the whole. Doublethink.

So a woke doctor will give a trans woman a cervical exam knowing he doesn't have cervix, but since the trans woman thinks he does, and that goes with the collective mantra, the doctor pretends he does, while knowing he doesn't and just goes through the motions to meet the collective groupthink.
What part of what I said above is BS? What is SJW and how did you bounce back to 1984? Do you have any real evidence of a Doctor charting about doing a cervical exam on a biological male? I have read thousands and thousands of charts over the years and never seen it. So how bout some real evidence real doctors routinely do cervical exams on males.
Why are you guys so fixated on this? If someone has a penis they are biologically male, and cannot menstruate. If they have a penis and identify as a women, I hope you find a way to be happy. In no case is someone like you trying to fight a stupid culture point helping anything. You guys have just found a small minority of our population most of you find icky to harass and hate on to get more viewers at Fox and all he RW nut sources, but does not improve society one iota. You really need to think about the motivation of either side of this issue.

A “woke” University of Pittsburgh anthropology professor denied there’s a difference in male and female bone structure during a discussion about gender, sparking disbelief and outrage.

“If you were to dig up a human — two humans — a hundred years from now, both a man and a woman, could you tell the difference strictly off of bones?” Riley Gaines is shown in footage asking during the lecture.

“No,” professor Gabby Yearwood replies, according to footage posted on Twitter.

The response sparked appalled laughter from students, including Gaines, who describes herself on Twitter as a former University of Kentucky swimmer who believes there are “only two sexes.”

Yearwood then insists that he’s the “expert in the room,”

“Have any of you been to anthropological sites? Have any of you studied biological anthropology? I’m just saying, I’ve got over 150 years of data, I’m just curious as to why I’m being laughed at,” he said before later declaring, “I have a PhD

But his “woke” and “unscientific” claim drew heated skepticism on social media Friday.

“This is how far removed the Left is from reality that they must deny basic scientific facts,” tweeted the Independent Women’s Forum, a non-profit focused on economic policy issues.

“When the self-proclaimed “expert in the room” is offended that his assertion that males & females don’t have distinct skeletal differences is laughable, one might wonder what students studying anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh are being taught by their professors,” the group added.

Dr. Aisha El Ait Mohr tweeted, “That professor should resign immediately” — while another critic blasted, “back to school for that professor.”

Archeologists rely heavily on pelvis shape to determine the sex of a skeleton along with the general assumption that larger traits are male, including skulls and sizable areas where muscles attach to bone.

But archeologists have admitted mistakes in overlooking intersex individuals, along with small-statured men or large-statured women, according to Discover Magazine and other experts.
What part of what I said above is BS? What is SJW and how did you bounce back to 1984? Do you have any real evidence of a Doctor charting about doing a cervical exam on a biological male? I have read thousands and thousands of charts over the years and never seen it. So how bout some real evidence real doctors routinely do cervical exams on males.
Also, not seeing what that has to do with schools.
Anthropologist do not do cervical exams, at least not professionally. Present some evidence of your claims.

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