Why GOP culture warriors lost big in school board races: “Don’t assume that a blanket message on critical race theory or transgender issues will win"

So if a family can find a willing doctor a kid who wants stumps instead of hands should be allowed to go through with it because the parents support it?
Seriously marty, you have gone off your rocker....with your strawman....

Would a doctor do that? Is it an approved procedure?
Again, not seeing how this relates to schools. Evidently voters don't either.
Seriously marty, you have gone off your rocker....with your strawman....

Would a doctor do that? Is it an approved procedure?
I think I read that example in one of the RW nut forums I hang out on, worked as an analogy there.
Just whacky rhetoric to show how the loony left control education, hell, they even do cervical exams on males.
Seriously marty, you have gone off your rocker....with your strawman....

Would a doctor do that? Is it an approved procedure?

It's the same ballpark as pumping as kid full of hormones or puberty blockers.

Not a strawman, a thought exercise.

You want to "leave it to the parents" but ignore the fact that the parents could be enabling mushes.

And currently finding a doctor that has the hots for drugging and mutilating kids doesn't seem to be that hard.

The thought exercise is removing sex and sexuality from the equation, which for some reason when part of the equation makes normally rational people act like prissy idiots.
I dunno, it seems to me like far more rightist are fixated on it then leftys. I mean, look around this forum and count who starts the threads.

The threads are started to show the complete insanity of leftism. What part of this don’t you understand?
I would destroy every talking point you’ve been groomed to believe about evolution.
Those churches where snakes are handled don`t believe in Evolution either. Here`s a tip for you kiddo, Adam and Eve and Noah`s Ark are children`s stories. I went to a Catholic school and they never tried to sell us that nonsense.
Your and the other rightys fixation on this topic. Perhaps it is not the left that is insane?

Your side pushes this shit, then says we "fixate" on it when we fight back against it....

There is honesty, dishonesty, and SJW dishonesty.
Ok genius, what are the odds? I’ll wait on your informed response.
Its not a sports bet my guy. It isn't really as simple as what are the odds the Heat make it out of the first round. We know life exists. That's like knowing who already won the game. Why would we need odds for an outcome we already have? Discovering the origins of life means looking at the evidence for life we do see and working our way back. There are several plausible theories that are consistent with life here on Earth such as thermal vents having all the necessary precursors to life that were theorized before they were actually discovered. There is nothing at all plausible about religious origin theories that don't try to explain anything with any argument other than "God did it".

I keep telling my fellow conservative this is Defund the Police, but for the Right. They are not listening.

It is just ridiculous to believe that the woman down the pew from you every Sunday in Nebraska or Alabama, who teaches 2nd grade, turns into some gender-rainbow Leftist on Monday morning.

Americans reject this when it comes to their own community. They don't want their children's teachers hounded out of the classroom by conservatives who think every teacher is exactly like the teachers in Berkeley CA.
Do you know any of the teachers in Berkeley, CA?

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