Why GOP is against raising the min. wage...you'd be surprised!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
No, its not because they sleep with Big Corporate America, FOLKS IN A NUT SHELL, MOST ARE NOTHING BUT GOVERNMENT sucking machines THAT SUCK OFF OF TAX PAYERS. Either through gov. subsidies programs or social entitlement programs.

Which is mainly GOP big wigs, unless the working class GOP-igs are too stupid to vote otherwise.
They're against the minimum wage simply because they want most of this country to work for pennies like the sweat shops in the third world. This is what Donald the dick trump said yesterday.

It is fuckin retarded to lower our standards like this.
They're against the minimum wage simply because they want most of this country to work for pennies like the sweat shops in the third world. This is what Donald the dick trump said yesterday.

It is fuckin retarded to lower our standards like this.

We are against the minimum wage because we like liberty...and we like teenagers to be able to get a first job to learn how to get along in a work environment.....
The rich got richer with the obama crony capitalism and this retard thinks the ebil GOP did it.
If I was emperor of this country I would raise the tariff's so friggin' high on goods manufactured overseas that if anyone wanted to sell to Americans, they'd do well to make their stuff in America. Then, jobs would be so plentiful that competition for good workers would take care of the minimum wage problem. If you suck as a worker, you make minimum wage. If you excel, your boss pays you more so you stick around.

That's how it used to be before "Made in China" and NAFTA reared their ugly heads...oh...and robots replacing people.
I have to agree. There was a tariff on imports in this country from it's inception, to build up it's manufacturing base.
Trump is the only one supporting tariffs. It's the only way to really bring back jobs from China.

The GOP doesn't want to raise minimum wage because they want to create more unemployment. Progressives want more unemployed, they want more people dependent on government.
They're against the minimum wage simply because they want most of this country to work for pennies like the sweat shops in the third world.

That's what I want.
I love the trickle down effect. When minimum wage goes up to 15 dollars an hour, my wage will go up to around 2200 a week, of coarse the cost of food will increase, as will the electric bill, water bill, and satellite bill, but my house payment stays the same, so it's a plus for me, when I can bring home almost twice as much as I do now.

And yes, everytime the minimum wage has gone up, those of us with good jobs, that require skill, get a raise as well, plus, we usually get a yearly raise with no increase in minimum wage. HMMM. Perhaps those folks should be looking for a job that doesn't require flipping burgers or sitting around playing on your phone for 8 hours at a time.

If you have a crappy job, then put down your pot, take a shower, shave, put on clean clothes, turn your computer off, put your phone on vibrate, and go get a better job.

It is that damn easy, if you really want to better yourself. But most people just want someone to come up to them and give them more money for doing next to nothing.

Yeah, you have all kinds of excuses for not having a good job, but they are just excuses, and if anyone, in good health, above the age of 25 works for minimum wage, it's their own damn fault.
Trump is the only one supporting tariffs. It's the only way to really bring back jobs from China.

The GOP doesn't want to raise minimum wage because they want to create more unemployment. Progressives want more unemployed, they want more people dependent on government.
Why would progressives want more unemployed dumbass? Did you get that from some drug addled lard butt talk show host? That`s incredibly stupid.
Trump is the only one supporting tariffs. It's the only way to really bring back jobs from China.

The GOP doesn't want to raise minimum wage because they want to create more unemployment. Progressives want more unemployed, they want more people dependent on government.
Why would progressives want more unemployed dumbass? Did you get that from some drug addled lard butt talk show host? That`s incredibly stupid.

It's the oldest trick in the Marxist playbook. Keep the people desperate, poor, and disgruntled, and they will be more willing to give the government more power in order to "fix" the situation. Progressives don't want to fix any social or economic issues, they want to use them to get more power.
Trump is the only one supporting tariffs. It's the only way to really bring back jobs from China.

The GOP doesn't want to raise minimum wage because they want to create more unemployment. Progressives want more unemployed, they want more people dependent on government.
Yes, of course the Hawk...that's why when Democrats take office they always bring down the HIGH unemployment rates the Republicans created and left them with.... :rolleyes:
Trump is the only one supporting tariffs. It's the only way to really bring back jobs from China.

The GOP doesn't want to raise minimum wage because they want to create more unemployment. Progressives want more unemployed, they want more people dependent on government.
Yes, of course the Hawk...that's why when Democrats take office they always bring down the HIGH unemployment rates the Republicans created and left them with.... :rolleyes:

Yes, like the Hussein's record high unemployment his whole reign, which has only gone "down" thanks to the millions of people that stopped looking for work. See record low workforce participation rates, and no it's not because baby boomers are retiring, there are a shit-ton of young people out of work.
Trump is the only one supporting tariffs. It's the only way to really bring back jobs from China.

The GOP doesn't want to raise minimum wage because they want to create more unemployment. Progressives want more unemployed, they want more people dependent on government.
Yes, of course the Hawk...that's why when Democrats take office they always bring down the HIGH unemployment rates the Republicans created and left them with.... :rolleyes:

Yes, like the Hussein's record high unemployment his whole reign, which has only gone "down" thanks to the millions of people that stopped looking for work. See record low workforce participation rates, and no it's not because baby boomers are retiring, there are a shit-ton of young people out of work.
actually, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month under President Bush right before Pres Obama took office, and this trend continued until president Obama was able to get some of his stimulus that passed out there in to the economy....about 8 months or so out from when he took office.... the unemployment rate has dropped little by little ever since.... so once again, the democratic presidents are the ones that always lower the unemployment trends when they take office....so your silly conjecture that Dems need to raise unemployment because they want more people dependent on the govt is simply ludicrous....it has no legs in reality and only in partisan's imaginary worlds.

btw, there are MORE workers today than when Obama took office.

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