Why Gun Grabber 'Outrage' Over School Shootings is Horse Crap

Why do idiots try to water down a debate on one item since the march and outrage is about one issue not ten.??.
Water is a killer!
anything can be including marriage..Yet living is the biggest killer, next to God...
None of us are getting out of this world alive. Reduce deaths buy one cause, deaths by another cause will go up.
Doesn't mean people can't talk about it..
1. Far more people die from many other causes.
  • Heart disease: 633,842
    • Cancer: 595,930
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
    • Diabetes: 79,535
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
2. Children die mostly from Swimming pools, automobile accidents and suffocation. Until libtards start working on a ban on swimming pools, autos and pillows, I really cannot take them seriously about their objections with guns.

They just want to steal our guns, and it has nothing to do with child safety.
How many kids have you lost to gun violence?

Update...from WISQARS the CDC data site...

violent death of kids 1-14...

Broker Version 9.4

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC

Murder with guns...kids, 238

Other means........
Why do idiots try to water down a debate on one item since the march and outrage is about one issue not ten.??.

Because you are lying......and you do not use facts, the truth or reality to call for the ending of a Constitutional Right...
By his argument this poster ^^^... wait, sorry, he doesn't have a fucking argument, does he....?
Ha ha... Deny you and the Democrats want all guns confiscated so I can laugh at your lying ass.

Look, the UK has 4% of people owning guns, and a much lower rate of gun crime. I'm fine with that.

I'm not against guns per se.

My biggest problem is with the political system.

Then within the gun control issue there's a problem with the easy availability of guns for people who shouldn't be getting their hands on guns in the first place.

The problem here is that you want to fit people into tight little boxes so then you are comfortable arguing with them. But then some people have a little more about them than being a partisan hack.

You can laugh all you like, it doesn't make you right.
Why do idiots try to water down a debate on one item since the march and outrage is about one issue not ten.??.
Water is a killer!
anything can be including marriage..Yet living is the biggest killer, next to God...
None of us are getting out of this world alive. Reduce deaths buy one cause, deaths by another cause will go up.

But is it better at the age of 16 or the age of 99?
1. Far more people die from many other causes.
  • Heart disease: 633,842
    • Cancer: 595,930
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
    • Diabetes: 79,535
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
2. Children die mostly from Swimming pools, automobile accidents and suffocation. Until libtards start working on a ban on swimming pools, autos and pillows, I really cannot take them seriously about their objections with guns.

They just want to steal our guns, and it has nothing to do with child safety.

Ah, you don't get it.

When a 90 year old dies, people are often like, oh no, but they lived their life.

When a 10 year old dies, it's a tragedy.

It's pretty clear why, I hope.

Cancer is something that cannot always be prevented. We're getting better and better at it. However INDIVIDUAL life style choice has an impact, genes have an impact.

Respiratory diseases can often be about life style choices, ie, smoking. Others suffer from work place things, things Trump is RELAXING while the left tightens health and safety things.

Accidents are accidents. Some can be prevented and I think the US can do a lot more to make this happen, in Europe these accidents are often lower. The road deaths rate in the UK is like 1/4 the US rate for a reason.

Strokes are often about life style choices. Not enough exercise and bad eating. Individual choice.

Alzheimers is something we can't prevent.

Diabetes is either life style or bad luck, genes etc.

So, shootings are preventable, and killing young people. The others are often individual choices, things that can't be prevented or other stuff like that.
. By his argument this poster ^^^ advocates the Democrat Party's position to confiscate all guns.
By all Leftist/Democrat accounts? WE the PEOPLE are too stupid to live our lives on our own accord, too stupid to DEFEND ourselves without their help, NEVERMIND that WE send them into OFFICE to *SPEAK FOR US*...is this speaking for us? THEY speak for themselves and their FEAR that the Second Amendment RULES the DAY. Without the Second, ALL other Amendments cease to exist, and THEY KNOW IT.
By his argument this poster ^^^... wait, sorry, he doesn't have a fucking argument, does he....?
Ha ha... Deny you and the Democrats want all guns confiscated so I can laugh at your lying ass.

Look, the UK has 4% of people owning guns, and a much lower rate of gun crime. I'm fine with that.

I'm not against guns per se.

My biggest problem is with the political system.

Then within the gun control issue there's a problem with the easy availability of guns for people who shouldn't be getting their hands on guns in the first place.

The problem here is that you want to fit people into tight little boxes so then you are comfortable arguing with them. But then some people have a little more about them than being a partisan hack.

You can laugh all you like, it doesn't make you right.
HOW do you feel that the UK has SURPASSED NYC in murders, and the primary weapon are KNIVES? It's IN the News...thoughts?
1. Far more people die from many other causes.
  • Heart disease: 633,842
    • Cancer: 595,930
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
    • Diabetes: 79,535
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
2. Children die mostly from Swimming pools, automobile accidents and suffocation. Until libtards start working on a ban on swimming pools, autos and pillows, I really cannot take them seriously about their objections with guns.

They just want to steal our guns, and it has nothing to do with child safety.

Ah, you don't get it.

When a 90 year old dies, people are often like, oh no, but they lived their life.

When a 10 year old dies, it's a tragedy..

The second group of stats are all related to childhood deaths.

Stopping the leading causes of death of children makes far more sense than going on a prepaid gun grabbing obsession that will lead to civil war if it ever does get enacted.

Well, accidents on the roads are preventable. The UK has a much lower rate of deaths on the road.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

The UK has 2.9, only 4 countries have lower, two in Europe and two islands that probably don't have too much traffic, (one had 2 fatalities and the other 3).

You basically have a list of western European countries with Israel, Singapore, Japan etc.

Then at 10.6 you have the US, surrounded by Lithuania, the Philippines, Montenegro, Serbia, Eastern European countries, UAE, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Jamaica.

Countries the US should be way ahead of. There's no a single first world country after the US, South Korea is the closest at 9.3.

So, I'd say the US can do better with gun murders, it can do better with road deaths too.

Your attitude seems to be you can do only one. But I see that the US should be doing all of them.

But doesn't do any, why? Because the political system is broken and corrupt.
By his argument this poster ^^^... wait, sorry, he doesn't have a fucking argument, does he....?
Ha ha... Deny you and the Democrats want all guns confiscated so I can laugh at your lying ass.

Look, the UK has 4% of people owning guns, and a much lower rate of gun crime. I'm fine with that.

I'm not against guns per se.

My biggest problem is with the political system.

Then within the gun control issue there's a problem with the easy availability of guns for people who shouldn't be getting their hands on guns in the first place.

The problem here is that you want to fit people into tight little boxes so then you are comfortable arguing with them. But then some people have a little more about them than being a partisan hack.

You can laugh all you like, it doesn't make you right.
HOW do you feel that the UK has SURPASSED NYC in murders, and the primary weapon are KNIVES? It's IN the News...thoughts?

My thoughts are this.

London is going through a very difficult period of time, the worst murder outbreak for a long time.

Then people are comparing London with the best cities they can find in the US. Not the worst, no, the best.

Of the cities over 1 million people, New York has the 3rd best crime rate and murder rate. New York is the only city in the US compatible with London in size (technically) at 8 million people.

New York's murder rate is below the US average which means when London has a really bad crime rate, like the worst, and limiting it's time to two months only, you're looking at it having potentially a LOWER murder rate than the US average.

St Louis has a murder rate of 59.8, London's at its worst is 4.

That's what I think.

In the US murder is NORMAL, in London it is much less so. So in London a murder rate of 4 is shocking, in the US it's something people say is great it's so low.
Every issue the bed wetters piss and moan about is horse shit.

Every "solution" they have is worse than the supposed problem.
When a 10 year old dies, it's a tragedy.

Many more ten-year-olds die in swimming pools or from household poisons than from firearms. Your outrage is selective based on dogma.

No, it's not.

One is an accident and the person who dies is potentially culpable, or the parents are culpable.

The other usually involves other people committing a crime.

We make kids swim so they can be safer, you can't take away all the risk from water. Some kids will swim where they shouldn't swim, in rivers, in ponds etc where there's more risk and no supervision. That's up to parents to teach their kids well and warn them off doing certain things.

Parents send their kids to school thinking they'll be safe, not shot.
1. Far more people die from many other causes.
  • Heart disease: 633,842
    • Cancer: 595,930
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
    • Diabetes: 79,535
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
2. Children die mostly from Swimming pools, automobile accidents and suffocation. Until libtards start working on a ban on swimming pools, autos and pillows, I really cannot take them seriously about their objections with guns.

They just want to steal our guns, and it has nothing to do with child safety.

Ah, you don't get it.

When a 90 year old dies, people are often like, oh no, but they lived their life.

When a 10 year old dies, it's a tragedy..

The second group of stats are all related to childhood deaths.

Stopping the leading causes of death of children makes far more sense than going on a prepaid gun grabbing obsession that will lead to civil war if it ever does get enacted.

Well, accidents on the roads are preventable. The UK has a much lower rate of deaths on the road.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

The UK has 2.9, only 4 countries have lower, two in Europe and two islands that probably don't have too much traffic, (one had 2 fatalities and the other 3).

You basically have a list of western European countries with Israel, Singapore, Japan etc.

Then at 10.6 you have the US, surrounded by Lithuania, the Philippines, Montenegro, Serbia, Eastern European countries, UAE, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Jamaica.

Countries the US should be way ahead of. There's no a single first world country after the US, South Korea is the closest at 9.3.

So, I'd say the US can do better with gun murders, it can do better with road deaths too.

Your attitude seems to be you can do only one. But I see that the US should be doing all of them.

But doesn't do any, why? Because the political system is broken and corrupt.
There are "no go" areas in the UK because they are infested with the vermin flooding in from shitholes like Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim Middle East. That wouldn't be true if British men and women had a firearm to protect themselves.
By his argument this poster ^^^... wait, sorry, he doesn't have a fucking argument, does he....?
Ha ha... Deny you and the Democrats want all guns confiscated so I can laugh at your lying ass.

Look, the UK has 4% of people owning guns, and a much lower rate of gun crime. I'm fine with that.

I'm not against guns per se.

My biggest problem is with the political system.

Then within the gun control issue there's a problem with the easy availability of guns for people who shouldn't be getting their hands on guns in the first place.

The problem here is that you want to fit people into tight little boxes so then you are comfortable arguing with them. But then some people have a little more about them than being a partisan hack.

You can laugh all you like, it doesn't make you right.
What part of "Shall NOT BE INFRINGED" do YOU NOT understand?
1. Far more people die from many other causes.
  • Heart disease: 633,842
    • Cancer: 595,930
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
    • Diabetes: 79,535
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
2. Children die mostly from Swimming pools, automobile accidents and suffocation. Until libtards start working on a ban on swimming pools, autos and pillows, I really cannot take them seriously about their objections with guns.

They just want to steal our guns, and it has nothing to do with child safety.

Ah, you don't get it.

When a 90 year old dies, people are often like, oh no, but they lived their life.

When a 10 year old dies, it's a tragedy..

The second group of stats are all related to childhood deaths.

Stopping the leading causes of death of children makes far more sense than going on a prepaid gun grabbing obsession that will lead to civil war if it ever does get enacted.

Well, accidents on the roads are preventable. The UK has a much lower rate of deaths on the road.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

The UK has 2.9, only 4 countries have lower, two in Europe and two islands that probably don't have too much traffic, (one had 2 fatalities and the other 3).

You basically have a list of western European countries with Israel, Singapore, Japan etc.

Then at 10.6 you have the US, surrounded by Lithuania, the Philippines, Montenegro, Serbia, Eastern European countries, UAE, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Jamaica.

Countries the US should be way ahead of. There's no a single first world country after the US, South Korea is the closest at 9.3.

So, I'd say the US can do better with gun murders, it can do better with road deaths too.

Your attitude seems to be you can do only one. But I see that the US should be doing all of them.

But doesn't do any, why? Because the political system is broken and corrupt.
There are "no go" areas in the UK because they are infested with the vermin flooding in from shitholes like Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim Middle East. That wouldn't be true if British men and women had a firearm to protect themselves.

There are no go areas in the US too. I've found far more areas in the US where I would not want to go than the UK.

You can go a few blocks from the White House and you're into areas where people will not be welcome.

And yet there are guns.

The UK is safer than the US, London is still safer than most US cities.

List of United States cities by crime rate - Wikipedia

Look at the list of cities with a murder rate above 4. They're more dangerous than London at London's worst period is ages.
By his argument this poster ^^^... wait, sorry, he doesn't have a fucking argument, does he....?
Ha ha... Deny you and the Democrats want all guns confiscated so I can laugh at your lying ass.

Look, the UK has 4% of people owning guns, and a much lower rate of gun crime. I'm fine with that.

I'm not against guns per se.

My biggest problem is with the political system.

Then within the gun control issue there's a problem with the easy availability of guns for people who shouldn't be getting their hands on guns in the first place.

The problem here is that you want to fit people into tight little boxes so then you are comfortable arguing with them. But then some people have a little more about them than being a partisan hack.

You can laugh all you like, it doesn't make you right.
What part of "Shall NOT BE INFRINGED" do YOU NOT understand?

The part where criminals can have their guns infringed, the part where the insane can have their guns infringed, the part where criminals can't have guns in prisons and don't get them back afterwards, the part where nuclear weapons are banned, the part where SAMs are banned, the part where tanks are banned..... and so on.

So, what do you think "shall not be infringed" means?
1. Far more people die from many other causes.
  • Heart disease: 633,842
    • Cancer: 595,930
    • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 155,041
    • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 146,571
    • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,323
    • Alzheimer’s disease: 110,561
    • Diabetes: 79,535
    • Influenza and pneumonia: 57,062
    • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 49,959
    • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 44,193
2. Children die mostly from Swimming pools, automobile accidents and suffocation. Until libtards start working on a ban on swimming pools, autos and pillows, I really cannot take them seriously about their objections with guns.

They just want to steal our guns, and it has nothing to do with child safety.

Ah, you don't get it.

When a 90 year old dies, people are often like, oh no, but they lived their life.

When a 10 year old dies, it's a tragedy..

The second group of stats are all related to childhood deaths.

Stopping the leading causes of death of children makes far more sense than going on a prepaid gun grabbing obsession that will lead to civil war if it ever does get enacted.

Well, accidents on the roads are preventable. The UK has a much lower rate of deaths on the road.

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia

The UK has 2.9, only 4 countries have lower, two in Europe and two islands that probably don't have too much traffic, (one had 2 fatalities and the other 3).

You basically have a list of western European countries with Israel, Singapore, Japan etc.

Then at 10.6 you have the US, surrounded by Lithuania, the Philippines, Montenegro, Serbia, Eastern European countries, UAE, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Jamaica.

Countries the US should be way ahead of. There's no a single first world country after the US, South Korea is the closest at 9.3.

So, I'd say the US can do better with gun murders, it can do better with road deaths too.

Your attitude seems to be you can do only one. But I see that the US should be doing all of them.

But doesn't do any, why? Because the political system is broken and corrupt.
There are "no go" areas in the UK because they are infested with the vermin flooding in from shitholes like Pakistan and the rest of the Muslim Middle East. That wouldn't be true if British men and women had a firearm to protect themselves.

There are no go areas in the US too. I've found far more areas in the US where I would not want to go than the UK.

You can go a few blocks from the White House and you're into areas where people will not be welcome.

And yet there are guns.

The UK is safer than the US, London is still safer than most US cities.

List of United States cities by crime rate - Wikipedia

Look at the list of cities with a murder rate above 4. They're more dangerous than London at London's worst period is ages.
Of all the crime in the US, none has been the result of of an NRA member or the average consealed carrier.
By his argument this poster ^^^... wait, sorry, he doesn't have a fucking argument, does he....?
Ha ha... Deny you and the Democrats want all guns confiscated so I can laugh at your lying ass.

Look, the UK has 4% of people owning guns, and a much lower rate of gun crime. I'm fine with that.

I'm not against guns per se.

My biggest problem is with the political system.

Then within the gun control issue there's a problem with the easy availability of guns for people who shouldn't be getting their hands on guns in the first place.

The problem here is that you want to fit people into tight little boxes so then you are comfortable arguing with them. But then some people have a little more about them than being a partisan hack.

You can laugh all you like, it doesn't make you right.
HOW do you feel that the UK has SURPASSED NYC in murders, and the primary weapon are KNIVES? It's IN the News...thoughts?
“There never was a good knife made of bad steel.”
-Ben Franklin

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