Why hasn't the U.S. had a female leader yet in its history?

Democrats and their minions in the media did all they could do to destroy Sarah Palin. On the other hand there was a full court press in the media to elect Hillary and she didn't make it.. Is it possible that the media hates republican women while they keep promoting faulty female candidates that Americans instinctively don't trust?
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.
You forgot England, Margaret Thatcher.

Well I was listing countries that have female leaders, either president or prime minister, right now and not just in their nation's past.
Run. If the majority agree with you you'll win.

Unfortunately the women who run are kooks. They'll win in their local look districts but their message wont carry a majority of the states

So far, I'd vote for Candice Owen's in 2024, but I bet you wouldnt.
I would have voted for CO as well... But... Gabbard... She would have had a strong running for my vote. Too bad democrats don't really run their party. I don't know who does... But... Wow... Fuck'n Biden..
I could see Nikki Haley as a candidate. I'd probably vote against her based on policy but she is a respectable candidate.

Owens, Gabbard,Palin...are not
Nikki is also a good one. Palin is fuck'n braindead. McCain was an idiot.

I still like Gabbard.
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.
You forgot England, Margaret Thatcher.

Well I was listing countries that have female leaders, either president or prime minister, right now and not just in their nation's past.
Run. If the majority agree with you you'll win.

Unfortunately the women who run are kooks. They'll win in their local look districts but their message wont carry a majority of the states

So far, I'd vote for Candice Owen's in 2024, but I bet you wouldnt.
I would have voted for CO as well... But... Gabbard... She would have had a strong running for my vote. Too bad democrats don't really run their party. I don't know who does... But... Wow... Fuck'n Biden..
I could see Nikki Haley as a candidate. I'd probably vote against her based on policy but she is a respectable candidate.

Owens, Gabbard,Palin...are not
Nikki is also a good one. Palin is fuck'n braindead. McCain was an idiot.

I still like Gabbard.
So, you're a Socialist
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.

Why hasn't the U.S. had a female leader yet in its history?
It’s the good old if it ain’t broke don’t fix it principle.

We built the greatest most dominant nation on earth in a very short amount of time by doing it OUR WAY, the way our great framers wanted it done...Contrary to Dem belief OUR WAY works...Leave it alone.

It could be argued that our system is broken in a lot of ways though in my opinion.
It's definitely broken....it's broken because we have deviated from our founders intent.
Consider every major problem in this nation, a brief examination reveals a separation from our funding principles and values.
Now is not the time to drift further from what made us all that we are....it's time to reel our principles and values back in.
You might note that the Founders did NOT even give women the right to vote

Gee, I wonder why?
It FEELZ so good inside knowing they can vote...but boy have they fucked this nation up by voting.
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.

Gee why didnt you vote for McCain Palin if its so important

I wasn't old enough to vote yet in the 2008 election so that would be the main reason, but please don't confuse my question with me wanting to elect someone solely because they are female.
I knew alrdy you only wanted lib hags

I'd be open to a female candidate that is center right but she would just need to be supportive of some key issues that I have interests in too. I wouldn't vote for her just because she is a female though.
needs to have big boobs or I’m out
So, you're a Socialist
No... I'm not a republican or democrat. The people I said I would consider voting for aren't socialists either. You would know that if you were paying attention.

Edit: Which one do you think is a socialist that I said I would support?
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Gabbard’s platforms include “responsible, common sense gun safety reform” — liberal code for curbs on the Second Amendment; “Medicare for All” — liberal code for universal health care, as a natural-born right; and the Barack Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. She’s also done a 180 on her previously stated opposition to abortion and on her LGBTQ views. In the early 2000s, Gabbard supported traditional marriage; since, she’s apologized to the LGBTQ community,

Gabbard for president is like Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president, is like Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, is like Mayor Pete Buttigieg for president, is like Sen. Kamala Harris for president. They’re all progressives masked as Democrats. They’re all cut from the same socialist-styled cloth that makes them unsuited to lead the democratic-republic of America. The anti-Hillary Gabbard included
Climate change: Mandate an end to the use of fossil fuels for electricity by 2050. Ban fracking

Education: Tuition-free community college for all and tuition-free public university for most families

Guns: Ban assault weapons and require universal background checks

Social Issues: Protect abortion rights. Ban discrimination based on sexual preference, identity
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.
Because this country was founded on racism and sexism. Women were treated like watches or hats
Gabbard’s platforms include “responsible, common sense gun safety reform” — liberal code for curbs on the Second Amendment; “Medicare for All” — liberal code for universal health care, as a natural-born right; and the Barack Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. She’s also done a 180 on her previously stated opposition to abortion and on her LGBTQ views. In the early 2000s, Gabbard supported traditional marriage; since, she’s apologized to the LGBTQ community,

Gabbard for president is like Sen. Elizabeth Warren for president, is like Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, is like Mayor Pete Buttigieg for president, is like Sen. Kamala Harris for president. They’re all progressives masked as Democrats. They’re all cut from the same socialist-styled cloth that makes them unsuited to lead the democratic-republic of America. The anti-Hillary Gabbard included
So... You have a different form of TDS. Ok.

Not all democrats are the same. The sane ones get no traction in their party at the moment. It's why I've been telling the few that seem to have a brain to take back their party.

You are free to believe whatever you want. I'll still be voting for Trump this election, because I don't have a better option. That won't change. Nor will my opinions on the RNC and DNC respectively because you want to call me names. I call it like I see it, feel free to disagree... I don't mind.
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.
Because this country was founded on racism and sexism. Women were treated like watches or hats

Racism / slavery provided opportunity and saved blacks from dying terrible deaths in Africa....it's why none have relocated back to their homelands.
Ask any black of today if he/she would push the magic button that would turn back time and allow them to be born in the jungles of Africa

"Sexism" derives from Biblical scripture...this nation was founded on Christianity.
Women were always treated like the gift from God that they are.
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.

Nancy Pelosi has held the title Speaker of the House twice and believe it or not that title is more important to me than being President or VP.

Funny how many never realize the power the Speaker of the House truly holds but simple minded people believe the President is the most powerful person in the U.S. when in reality he and one day she is a puppet being pulled by the House and Senate...
It's interesting and confusing to me that in this country's 243 years it still has not elected a female leader or even a female vice president for that matter. Right now there are 20+ nations around the world with female leaders (either prime minister or president). Nations such as Norway, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, New Zealand, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Slovakia, Georgia, Serbia, and more. Many of these countries along with others have not only elected a female prime minister or president one time but numerous times, and a good percentage of them are a younger age, 30's and 40's, in comparison to our elected politicians which seem to average in age in the 60's and 70's. Most of these countries have been independent sovereign nations for less time than the U.S. has as well. I guess my question is bluntly, why haven't we elected a female president yet? It's not like we don't have talent here in my opinion.
We already have had a female president Her name is Barry.

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