why havent body cameras reduced police violence

"Many police officers have interpreted public support for body cameras as public censure of the police."

I got about halfway through your novel and didnt see anything that would indicate what you're claiming.
Point out the paragraph that you claim does.
Let’s say for a hypotherical moment that you are a cop. And let’s say that you are on the scene at the very moment a guy hits another guy over the head with a club.

You order the club wielding first guy to drop the club and to het down on the ground. He ignores both orders and runs. You pursue him. He runs into a dead end and now turns on you. He raises the club.

You warn him again to drop the club and to get on the ground. But he rushes toward you.

In that instant, you contemplate that if you shoot him, you could get into serious legal trouble (even if you shouldn’t). But also, if you don’t shoot him he could clobber you and seriously injure you or kill you. (Plus, he could then escape and maybe menace other people, too).

Personally, I believe I’d fire my gun at him. As trained, I imagine I’d be aiming for “center mass.” That bullet is likely to kill him.

Is the threat of legal action against me something I should be worrying about in that split second? Is the delay that might result from even momentary hesitation worthwhile for society?
Depends on how close you are to the guy with the club and whether he is a threat
If he goes after you with the club, you are justified to shoot
What?? Are we now going to learn the reason why the police beat him to death?

What else could it be if it wasn't pure insane evil by the police officers.

And fwiw, can anybody say that the damning evidence was taken from a body camera. It appears that another street camera provided the damning evidence against the police and that forced the police department to release the body cam evidence.

Almost assuredly, police departments have been very busy hiding or destroying body camera evidence on police murder of black men.
they were black thugs . black treat each other that way regularly

its mostly the criminals not complying. and most of the time its criminals fault. when people learn to comply cops or how about not do a crime a all then maybe you wont get killed by one. Nichols case was isolated black on black thing. was not really A cop thing at all. you hire black thug fellon's from the street and don't train them, that is what you get. and you notice no other races are coming forward saying these black cops did anything to them. because a black whoop ass thing period.
Because there was very little to start with and the body cams have proven that fact.
Let’s say for a hypotherical moment that you are a cop. And let’s say that you are on the scene at the very moment a guy hits another guy over the head with a club.

You order the club wielding first guy to drop the club and to het down on the ground. He ignores both orders and runs. You pursue him. He runs into a dead end and now turns on you. He raises the club.

You warn him again to drop the club and to get on the ground. But he rushes toward you.

In that instant, you contemplate that if you shoot him, you could get into serious legal trouble (even if you shouldn’t). But also, if you don’t shoot him he could clobber you and seriously injure you or kill you. (Plus, he could then escape and maybe menace other people, too).

Personally, I believe I’d fire my gun at him. As trained, I imagine I’d be aiming for “center mass.” That bullet is likely to kill him.

Is the threat of legal action against me something I should be worrying about in that split second? Is the delay that might result from even momentary hesitation worthwhile for society?
I wouldn't think about it until after I shot the thug and he was on the ground. Then I'd thank God that I had a body cam proving what happened.
Almost assuredly, police departments have been very busy hiding or destroying body camera evidence on police murder of black men.
That's a vile allegation.

Please support your allegation with reliable sources and working links.

its mostly the criminals not complying. and most of the time its criminals fault. when people learn to comply cops or how about not do a crime a all then maybe you wont get killed by one. Nichols case was isolated black on black thing. was not really A cop thing at all. you hire black thug fellon's from the street and don't train them, that is what you get. and you notice no other races are coming forward saying these black cops did anything to them. because a black whoop ass thing period.
Why stop when historically you are not held legally responsible?
I didn't say all the time now, did I?

MarcATL seen here back peddling because his allegation made no sense.
Yes! It's obvious from this incident that the police upper staff have been hiding or destroying body cam evidence of murders by police!

But will America even have the courage to make the case by exposing the truth?
No, it is not "obvious". Your allegation is vile and unless you can show anything supporting that allegation, it is merely your OPINION!

My educated guess is that any police force utilizing dash and body cams has severe penalties for not using their cams.
We've moved on Christian. It seems that evidence is just now surfacing on there being sexual relations between the victim and one of the cops' ex-wife, wife, or girlfriend.

If so than it's a big mystery solved!
We’ve “moved on” because you changed the subject. In fact, it’s not clear you’re even in the right thread or responding to the correct post.

Then, you fuckin’ commie Canuck fucks have never been very clear.

its mostly the criminals not complying. and most of the time its criminals fault. when people learn to comply cops or how about not do a crime a all then maybe you wont get killed by one. Nichols case was isolated black on black thing. was not really A cop thing at all. you hire black thug fellon's from the street and don't train them, that is what you get. and you notice no other races are coming forward saying these black cops did anything to them. because a black whoop ass thing period.

The answer isn’t what you think it is. The answer to your question is accountability. Most of the time, a vast majority, nothing happens to the cop who misbehaves. Let’s take a real world example. One of the favorites of a Cop who supposedly got screwed Chauvin.

Chauvin had a history of doing the very thing that led to the death of Floyd. A history his superiors had more than ample evidence of. But nobody took it serious. It was a violation of policy. They had witness statements, and even video, and again, nothing happened to the bad cop.

In the book Starship Troopers, the scenario of Juvenile Crime is discussed. Where kids who misbehave and commit crimes are forgiven because they are just kids, and then when they continue the misbehavior past the age of 18, are locked up for life or sentenced to death for essentially the same crimes they had been committing all their lives. This is insane according to the characters.

That same insane scenario was played out in the case of Chauvin. They had many examples of his misbehavior for years. For years they did nothing to change his behavior. For years, they may slap his wrist, while patting him on the back for being a “good cop”.

Then that fateful day, and now the same thing he has done more than a dozen times, and gotten away with, sees him locked up for the rest of his life. It was that insane scenario.

Accountability. They never held him accountable for his misbehavior. They never seriously made any effort to change his behavior, to show they were serious when he did it time and time again.

The same is true of your cops who aren’t doing anything wrong. They are doing exactly what they have done many times. And then suddenly something comes to light, and the public gets involved, and the cop is thrown to the wolves. You argue it is unfair, and you are right, but not in the way you think you are.

It is unfair, and it would probably never happen if the cop in question was disciplined when the behavior first began. If you assume he is a good guy, then a minor corrective action early would help avoid the horrible situation which ends up with the cop headed to jail. If the minor corrective action doesn’t work, then a more serious corrective action is tried. If the behavior persists, then getting rid of the cop is the answer.

Just as you would do for any employee, should you be the supervisor, or owner.

If you had a fleet of delivery trucks. You have them tracked and recorded. One driver consistently speeds and runs recklessly. But he delivers on time, and never calls with excuses about how he couldn’t make it because of traffic or whatever. You know he is driving in a dangerous manner, but he’s a good driver, and calls to complain about him are filed and ignored. At most the boss says hey, just be careful.

Than the nightmare. The driver slams into a van load of Nun’s and Orphans. His luck ran out. Suddenly you are facing a lawsuit that will see your company destroyed. Your lack of action is viewed as irresponsible. You knew he was a dangerous driver, and you left him on the road in your trucks driving for your company. You knew what could happen, and didn’t do anything to prevent it.

The same is true of nearly every single case where a cop is thrown to the wolves. They have a history of misbehavior, and they got away with it. The most they faced was a minor slap on the wrist with no real effort to curb the behavior.

The man was a Sergeant. There is no way it was the first time he had done something like that. There is simply no way. But he always got away with it. He was probably told he was a great cop, doing a good job. He is going to be tried, and convicted, and will never understand it was a failure of the department to hold him accountable for his earlier actions, that are going to see him in prison. He was a supervisor, and I bet he never held his subordinates accountable for similar misbehavior either.
Yes! It's obvious from this incident that the police upper staff have been hiding or destroying body cam evidence of murders by police!

But will America even have the courage to make the case by exposing the truth?
No, it is obvious that without that pole cam footage, this would have been swept under the rug like HISTORY HAS PROVEN TIME AND TIME AND TIME AND TIME AGAIN...not conspiracy, not rumor, proven history....

It amazes me how you morons can believe the FBI is biased and corrupt against white conservatives -- without a SHRED of proof and historical precedent -- but when it comes to police brutality and corruption -- to folks like you, that is possible...because you have always seen the purpose of police as keeping their boots on the necks of the folks you hate.....shut yo bootlicking ass up

its mostly the criminals not complying. and most of the time its criminals fault. when people learn to comply cops or how about not do a crime a all then maybe you wont get killed by one. Nichols case was isolated black on black thing. was not really A cop thing at all. you hire black thug fellon's from the street and don't train them, that is what you get. and you notice no other races are coming forward saying these black cops did anything to them. because a black whoop ass thing period.
It has.

It hasn't eliminated it.

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